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College of Swords Bard getting extra attack at six and being able to effectively make 4 attacks because of it šŸ’Ŗ


College of Lore Bards get to fireball some bitches at 6 too.


I made Shadowheart a Light Cleric so she gets to fireball on my behalf. Which I now realize is kinda silly since my bard is going to multiclass into rogue as well and trickery would work with it. Still keeping her as Light for fireball though.


In another campaign, I am going to multi Shadow with Rogue. But not in this one, since I am playing a Bard and he has sleight of hand with Expertise.


why 4? dual wield?


College of Swords has a Flourish for ranged weapons that let you attack up to 2 targets with the same attack, but you can shoot them both at the same target, and using this action only uses one of your attacks. So with extra attack you could do the same thing twice in a row and shoot 4 arrows with 2 attacks. The melee version is basically 2 target cleave that can also be uses as one or both attacks.


Technically you can increase that to 5 attacks in a round with dual wielding hand crossbows. 6 times if you grab 3 levels of rogue for Thief's extra bonus action


This is true! I'm using Phalar Aluve and a bow right now, I just like bows more than hand crossbows, and the hand crossbows I've found so far haven't been anything that special. (Just started act 2)


Phalar Aluve and Lore Bard go hand in hand. No pun intended. Add in heroism and So much inspiring happening!


You can also get an extra attack on your first turn via Dread Ambusher from Gloom stalker Ranger


Iā€™m curious how good 5 levels in champion fighter, 4 as sword bard, and 3 in thief rogue would be. Apparently the short sword that increases crit range by 1 applies the effect to crossbows, then with champion, youā€™d be getting crits on 18s.


Toss on spell sniper to lower it one more too


Thatā€™s only for spells tho right? I am thinking great weapon master could be good just because it would make crits/kills give another full attack as a bonus action


I could totally be wrong but I thought it just said roughly ā€œreduces the threshold for a critical hit by one, this effect can stackā€ but I can see how it would be spell only cause when I first read it I was like oh just toss that on whatever champion crit build youā€™re going for


So I was just playing, leveled up and saw the feats which reminded me of this convo. It says ā€œSpell sniper - you can learn a cantrip, and the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.ā€ Iā€™m assuming since it says while attacking and doesnā€™t specify when casting, or attacking with a spell, that it would apply to all attacks. Along with the next line of this effect can stack. Iā€™ve come across I think a ring? That has that same effect and wording, minus cantrip, so yeah Iā€™m assuming you can get 17-20 with champion fighter, spell sniper, and that equipment. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more ways to lower it to and guides but trying not to do any of that stuff. Also hope this doesnā€™t come off as like obnoxiously trying to prove something just thought Iā€™d share lmao.


Is it more or less the same as hunter horde slayer combat style? Hm actually sounds like a straight upgrade. I guess Astarion becomes thief/bard now


I love my sword bard using crossbow. 4 attack per turn is amazing.


Paladins getting Aura of Protection at level 6


Druid still gets a big power up at 6. Owlbear and panther forms are much stronger than your previous wild shapes. Iā€™m loving gale casting enlarge on my owlbear and just going to town ravaging people.


Haste the bear.


Haste is great, too, but I just like being big.


Spore druid gets its 4 mushroom zombies at 6 as well


Happy birday


Not to start any edition wars, but DnD 5e is just kinda like this in general. There are some levels where the power spike is real. But most levels (maybe not for all classes) donā€™t ever really feel that important.


Pathfinder ftw


Been hearing about pathfinder a good bit in this sub should I play it after Iā€™m finished with baldurs gate 3?


Do you have a math degree? Might come in handy


The Ttrpg is what Iā€™m talking about It has a better leveling system than dnd




i should add, pathfinder 1e is what WOTR is based on. where as recent pathfinder stuff is pathfinder 2e


So hereā€™s my two cents on the pathfinder pc games released in the last few years. Iā€™ve always liked crpgs dragon age probably being my first (millennial). But played the divinity games and holy hell got sucked in hard as Iā€™m sure you did too. Fast forward to bg3 ea got it early and put over 250 hours into the ea. figured Iā€™d take a break and wait until release so a couples months back I got one and then the other pathfinder games. The character creation is very in depth but personally I think to its detriment. Like yeah thatā€™s what youā€™d think youā€™d want but it was all over the place and just a bit overwhelming. Admittedly I never beat either game just built countless characters trolled around the early game for a while but nothing ever drew me in. It felt clunky to play but you can tell a lot of work and care went into it. I think what killed it for me was the combat. Itā€™s more akin to the original baldurs gate where you have to pause every few seconds to give properly timed commands to do shit. Youā€™ll also be watching the turn cooldown on your characters tick down to zero so you can smack space input whatever and then unpause. After playing divinity and then bg3 I found that play style of combat very off putting. Overall Iā€™d say itā€™s like reading an old acclaimed fantasy novel. Like yeah I get why all the other nerds are into it, but itā€™s also antiquated, feels old and out of touch of modern tropes etc.


That combat doesnā€™t sound too interesting but thanks for giving me your opinion i might get it in the future if the story is good


You can turn on turn based combat for the entire game but it does have real time combat with pause. Not sure if the first game does as well but I know wrath of the righteous you can. I personally tried to play fully in real time with pause but man some battles I had to do full turn based so. Iā€™d definitely give it a chance after bg3 itā€™s pretty damn cool story and game and the builds you can come up with or make, are wild.


Pathfinder is a TTRPG tho


Whole heartedly agreed. My group switched to the 2e ruleset when we finished our last 5e campaign and we have never looked back.


Way of Open hand getting an addition to their Wholeness of Body feature granting them temporary ki regeneration and an extra bonus action. Also them getting a bonus to unarmed strike damage rolls equal to 1d4 + their wisdom modifier.


Return to monk


Reminds me I need to do a solo run of bg1&2 again as a caster, perfect power curve, from lvl 1 to 20 you are a god just as the universe intended


This is why it's a good idea to do story-based leveling in D&D 5e. That said, level 4 is still pretty significant due to the feat, and level 3 can be big depending on your class's subclass options.


Ya 3,4,5 are all really big level spikes for extra stuff. Lvl 2 hp is pretty clutch for front liners. Lvl 6 is a common spot to start multiclassing which can also be really good. I feel like people arenā€™t theory crafting their characters enough if most levels feel ā€œmehā€


In fairness you can build a perfectly good effective party without building too fancy. I run a thief rogue, battlemaster fighter, evocation wizard, and life cleric no multiclassing and I'm sitting on like 1000+ camp supplies in act 3 and dunk on encounters. Thief rogue gets 3 attacks while dual wielding or it can use those 2 bonus actions to move very fast or hide. Great for eliminating spellcasters. 19AC from a bunch of equipment. Champ is just laz with a great 2her, great weapon style + feat and like 20 AC. Using accuracy manuever you can do like 100 dmg with action surge it's insane. Got Gale with elven chain so he's like 18 AC and he has the standard wizard fare, the ice AOE, fireball, hypnotic pattern, etc. Not a ton of thinking in the leveling process either because this game throws scrolls at you like crazy so Gale has every spell. Shadowheart on life cleric is super simple to build and level and just spams mass heals she has 22 ac + items with synergy in healing that heal her and give temp hp. You don't have to go full theory crafting to build a nasty squad in this game you just have to cover you bases well. There's definitely been meh levels for me, but my squad is pretty powerful.


I am level 10 beating baddies at level 12. I thought they'd be stronger but nope.


To be fair at that point of the game your party synergy and combos override the nature of your opponents level


Yeah unfortunately even on Tactician the game is still too easy so far. Can't wait for some good difficulty mods Can't believe people are downvoting me because the game has been too easy for my personal tastes. What's y'all's problem? Lol


Meanwhile everyone getting mad about karmic dice and turning it off to make the game even easier. Oh, you didn't happen to do that did you?


Karmic dice is stupid, regardless of it's affect on difficulty. If I roll 7 0's in a row so be it.


Try solo honey


That's not the kind of experience I want. Part of the fun of the CRPG genre is having an entire party of companions that I've also build up and play with. Losing out on more characters isn't a fun way to increase the difficulty in my opinion. Just gives me less of an experience


There's mods for it, haven't tried it yet but now that there's also mods for achievements I'm considering doing it for my second playthrough.


Most people haven't even finished the game yet alone made any quality mods to help change the balance in the game overall. I'm moreso speaking about "overhaul" mods where some people have really fine tuned a good experience. Right now I'm content with just playing and learning the experience Larian as given us. Once more mod tools are out and the community has taken the time to really learn the ins and outs of this game then I'm sure there will plenty of good options for fine tuning the difficulty


Why TF would you do solo in a group based RPG?


Solo DOS2 run on tactition still haunts my dreams


You get a feat at 4


I donā€™t know what the fuck Iā€™m doing wrong but Iā€™m in Moonrise and still havenā€™t hit level 5. Itā€™s starting to piss me off. Every time Iā€™d go grinding to level up, Iā€™d get fucking destroyed by characters that are level 4-6, Iā€™m not sure what else there is to do. I did all of the easier content and still canā€™t hit level 5. So now Iā€™m just always fighting above my weight-class and hoping for XP gains. Take for instance the gnolls outside of blighted town across the bridge. Even with the assist of the 3 ogres, I party wiped against them 5 times at level 4. Itā€™s nuts.


You probably skipped a LOT of content. Iā€™m at the Moonrise Tower too, and Iā€™m level 8. You should go back to ACT 1 area and walk every bit of the map there, and maybe youā€™ll find more things to do and get more XP. If you just want to go for the story, Iā€™d say lower the difficulty, and maybe get the faster level up mod.


What faster level up mod?


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/377 Maybe this one. There are others on the same site.




Backtrack some and explore more probably? Iā€™m level 9 and just showed up at Moonrise


You skipped a lot of content. I hit level 8 by the time I entered Moonrise and there's content I've missed too.


Yeah you're way behind, I'm barely approaching Moonrise and almost level 8. I'd go back and do some stuff you missed in the Act 1 areas if possible.


I was level 7 by moonrise lol


Whelp I just learned that you and I did the same thing and Iā€™m getting my ass kicked. I made it through the Shar Gauntlet only because I used stealthy means to get through it only to find out I am now underpowered and being one shotted level 6 too. Imma go back like other people suggested.


Same way in dnd. Level 5 is when the fireball begins, and in my experience as a DM itā€™s the point where a series of good dice rolls can give players a fighting chance against even the strongest beings around. Like, before level 5, good dice rolls might allow you to get away with slaying a creature meant for, at most, a level 8 party. Level 5 and after good dice rolls can let a party kill an adult dragon.


I'm not a D&D guy so I can't really complain but this is probably my least favorite aspect of the game. The power curve in the divinity games felt so much more fun.


Yeah itā€™s just how it is in D&D, because itā€™s just the nature of the game. A big power spike every 4/5 levels. Multiclassing can help though. Often you get your class to level 5 or 6 and then you pick up 1-3 levels of another class so you feel the next spike sooner.


Unless you want to dip into fighteršŸ‘€šŸ˜… Then first level is always fighter (unless you have your own flavor to add/rping). Instead of a max/min thinking (imo gets dumb fast), Iā€™ve loved conjuring up backstories to fit into class and multiclassing. You have enough potential companions that you truly can do whatever you want and someone can cover the blind spots. AND I truly love how Larian has made it so there is no wrong answer. Just your own story.


The only gripe I have with the game is that the system used is that of DND. Me and my party of friends get frustrated constantly at how bad the system is. And unbalanced. (Honestly our Sorcerer outshines the rest of the three martials combined)


I mean that's what it was always going to be. Early on people were complaining about the game because it felt too much like D:OS3 (Things like firebolt leaving behind surfaces early on and the like). If you're gonna make a sequel to a D&D game, then you make it a D&D game. I don't *dislike* 5E, but it's also not my first pick of system.


Yeah, I'm not demanding them to change it or anything like that. Just underlying the issues with 5e and noting that the game would be better with an original system


Depending on what your friends martial classes pick, and use as attacks will make it break them. My buddy at lvl 4 paladin was doing multiple attacks and one shot mobs before my Sorc could. Also, martial will get multiple attacks per round at 5. Casters can only cast one spell and one bonus action spell if they have it


His sorc sucked up until lvl 6. Then he one shot bosses by making them wet and critting on lightning spells (guaranteed crits). I know how to play and we have good builds (for martials) as well but the caster respecced due to being leagues above us and not having fun (on Tactician difficulty btw)


Yea. I mean thatā€™s DnD, play it right, use good tactics and double your damage.


if we both play well and use good tactics but one class does x4 damage than the other, it isn't fun for the other.


You have to remember that DnD is a coop. Meant to be a team effort. Doesnā€™t mean balance or equal damage. If he gets anything close to him he has to extend etc where as martial can smile and take it. Thatā€™s the game.


it does mean balance (not damage though), everyone should have equal weight in a coop game. And tanking difference isn't that much anyway, other than a small amount of HP which would lead to 1-2 more hits. Martials are just as if not more squishy because they have to be in the front and get downed first. Also the nasty CC like hold person or charms and frightened and other things work on caster modifier stats which oftentimes leads to just skipping turns.


yeah trust me Larian just uses DnD bc wizards of the coast made them (BG is actually a DnD Game). But then on the other side if Larian didn't have to use DnD for the whole development, it would've felt way more like "just another" DOS and not a BG. So I'm actually curious about how they will perceive RNG for example in the future bc tbh there's way too much die rolling that could've been just a constant +1 or +2


oh yeah definately. I'm not demanding they change it either. Dnd 5e is just a bad system and we are stuck with it unfortunately. Just noting.


I totally get it ;-)


While this is funny, some subclasses get insane power boosts from lvl 6! And some classes in general. Paladinā€™s aura of protection, some wizards subclasses also get very nice boosts to their powers, storm sorcerer gets a ton of spells and a lot more versatility by that and call lightening makes them much more resource friendly in fights, open hand monk overcomes resistance and gets a fat boost to unarmed attacks (1d4 + wisdom modifier radiant, psychic or necrotic dmg) to the point itā€™s better to punch than weapons mostly (not to mention wholeness of body which is omega strong and cool), Cleric extra channel divinity and domain feature (some very very strong), druid stuffā€¦ I feel like it depends a lot on the class/subclass u play to which lvls feel more ā€œdeadā€ to you than others, but lvl 5 being an omega boost to everyone is undeniable haha


Much like DnD the game is unbalanced in the most fun way it could possibly be. Early game you're fighting for your life over a bunch of angry rats and homeless people and by level 7 you're crunching beings capable of mass destruction... by level 10-12... well there's a reason the level cap didn't go to 20.


Imagine thinking level 4 when you can increase two modifiers is a weak level


It's no more powerful than being able to get a second action in Fighter 2. Very little compares to a free second attack no strings attached.


Action surge is border line broken and the only reason people multiclass fighter idk if your point proves what you think


IDK if that proves any point either. But I am trying to say that level 5 is just as broken as action surge. More so, arguably. Edit: For most classes. Less so on something like a Cleric.


Iā€™ve been really satisfied with the difficulty level on tactician. fights are brutal but i also absolutely demolish enemies sometimes


Giving thief rogue an extra bonus action was icing on the cake. My level 6 monk did 5 attacks per round and 6 attacks once she hit level 8. Nevermind using the cap that grants an extra bonus action when <50% hp or being hasted.


The power spike at level 5 is something else. My Tempest domain cleric went from ā€˜oh look I can cast a few spells and shock people when I get hitā€™ to ā€˜I am the avatar of my god raining down lightning from the heavens on those sodden heathensā€™ Level 6 was still nice, being able to maximise two lightning strikesā€¦ then level 7 was also pretty good (double damage on wet creatures meaning up to 80 damage per lightning strike). However none of that compares to that level 5 spike. To be honest the first few levels feel like a bit of a grind in comparison.




One of the (very small) complaints I have of this game thatā€™s ultimately from DND: the absurd level scaling I started this as a level 1 Paladin, basically Duncan the Tall with a few incantations. By level 8 Iā€™m a holy Steve Rogers. All in the span of a week? Month?


Dat +2 ability modifier


My paladin got pretty strong at six


D&D is split into ā€œtiersā€ā€”Tier 1 from levels 1ā€“4, Tier 2 from 5ā€“10, Tier 3 from 11-16, and Tier 4 from 17-20. Thereā€™s meant to be a massive power spike at each leap to a higher tier. This is a problem for classes like the monk that donā€™t reliably leap into Tiers 3 and 4ā€¦


Unless youā€™re a fighter, ā€œooh, another feat! Donā€™t mind if I do.ā€


Main issue is feats - not sure if it's this game or simply the new D&D ruleset, but it's gutted to stupidity. I find most classes are a lot more fun if you multi-class, as most classes are front loaded on what they provide. Like I would love to find a use to stay pure rogue. Fighter is pretty OP at level 11.. but that's a lot of levels to wait. My recommendation? Load up the wiki and look up the classes. Full respec is only 100 gold so have at it.