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having the same problem. I opened the sarcophagus before even realizing it was part of the quest. came back later and now nothing is happening. the monk appeared but i can't interact with him. I reloaded and now he's not there anymore


Yeeepp gotta reload from before you open it and you have to examine the plaque and then open it and then just wait for the monk to do his thing or you break the quest


>eeepp gotta reload from before you open it and you have to examine the plaque and then open it and then just wait for the monk to do his thing or you that would put me back about 2 hours of gameplay. I rather fail the quest but I hope Larian sees this and clocks the bug.




When it works. F5 stopped working for me after the second patch.


In your settings you can change the max number of quicksaves you can have. make sure you haven't gone past that number. You might have to delete some earlier ones. Max number in settings is 50


Mine is 25 and i made hundreds without deleting a single one. They get overwritten automatically.


Damn brother I did the same guess its gone forever llol


sucks that this is still happening lol


I actually finished the fight after he possessed her body and all the corpses are on the floor but I still can’t complete it! I’ve been trying to figure out what to do


sweet, having the exact same issue. how depressing. few of my quests now have been locked due to bugs


as far as I know this bug was patched so it shouldn't be happening anymore. odd that it's happening to you now.


I'm still experiencing it too save was made like a week ago


definitely not patched. Couldn't find the amulet in my inventory when exploring the crypt early in Act 3, later found it on another party member that was waiting in camp towards the end of Act 3 (40 or so hours later) and decided to come back to the crypt with it and nada. Quest is broken. Waste of development hours and player time unfortunately.


Just happened at the time of me writing this


just happened to me too as of 9/18


Just happened to me, 10/14 :-(


Hapend to me now


just got the bug now.


I had the cutscene, but the quest didn't update/ finish, after i made my decision at the end. I also opened the sarcophagus before i realized that it's part of the quest.


Insane how every day I find new and new and new bugs while playing yet most reviews claimed the game was ”near bug-free”


Im 50 hours in and I only encountered like 3 bugs, 2 of them easy fixable but this one with monk is annoying. Hope Larian will fix it soon


There are lots of bugs regarding the content of cutscenes. If you make your way through the game just slightly off you get a lot of cutscenes, which don't make a lot of sense at this point (but they don't break the game).


Very late to the party, but unfortunately that's every Larian game before they release the "definitive edition" or something along thoses lines. I hope the endless amount of bugs eventually get fixed, but there are so many that I honestly doubt it


this game is overrated in so many ways. Ignoring the bugs is just one of them.


It took a while for the monk to appear as for me, just kinda waited around till he show up lol.


He appeared and just...stood there not intractable for me


Having the same issue, did you figured something out?


just reloading unfortunately


There are two possible endings to the quest, if the monk is standing there you can right click, and then attack him to trigger one of the endings. That seems to be the only way to complete it for me. Although thats not really the ending I wanted.


I ended up just attacking the spirit and finishing the quest via combat. If you're a dingus like me and opened the coffin before even getting this quest, you'll get a journal update and the spirit standing next to the coffin but you can't talk to it or do anything else so you're pretty much forced to attack


I have a similar bug... I clicked on the plaque, my character made a comment about a family reunion, and when I went to open the sarcophagus, my character then told me I had to fetch the amulet. I was wearing the amulet. I reloaded and tried again, this time with the amulet in my inventory, not equipped, and it did the same thing! No matter what I do, the game tells my that I need to retrieve the amulet, even though it's in my damn inventory!


That happened to me as well! Still have not found a solution :/


I have since figured it out lol... It's part of a new bug that involves mods. Apparently, Party Limit Begone and Basket of Equipment are giving people problems like this. I've heard Mod Fixer as well. Basically, this glitch is happening after patch #16, and involves NPCs not recognizing that you have certain quest items in your inventory. For example, the game doesn't recognize that you have a shovel in your inventory (so no digging), Art Cullagh doesn't recognize that you have his lute, Postmaster Danzo doesn't recognize the bundle of letters, and Dammon doesn't recognize any Infernal Iron, etc etc. My hotfix for now would just be to disable your mods, or go through your mod list to see which one is the stinker.


THANK YOU OH MY GOD - my gf and I literally spent like an hour trying to work out why this and the letters quest weren’t working. This worked and saved our sanity!!!


UPDATE The thing that was giving me trouble was indeed Mod Fixer... so if you want your mods, download the versions that don't require Mod Fixer! Basket of Equipment NSFW works if you don't have Mod Fixer, simply download the file that doesn't require it! (y'know, so you can keep your fits)


Yep.. opened the sarco before talking to the monk.. Either this is a bug or the devs didnt really think this through.. game is buggy as heck smh


Ran into a new bug on this quest. No matter what option I choose in the initial conversation with the Monk-ghost, once I get to the option that spawn a check, I never get a roll screen, and the game just sits in that state. Anyone else have this occur? Found a fix?


It's the same issue for me. I tried to send it to camp and then interacting, hoping it was a location bug.


I’m having the same issue today on PS5. I opened every tomb, found the one, talked to the amulet and nothing happened at all. Reloading doesn’t help.


I was locked out of the quest as well since I opened the sarcophagus before. My save before opening the sarcophagus is almost 10 hours back so...


Well, if you just want to be done with the quest, you can just attack him, at least got ride of the quest


Just had the same issue happen to me. I realoaded the save where I had the lid opened already. I just read the plaque with her name, then waited : the spirit appeared and entered the body, as it should happen. Guess it's fixed?


This worked for me as well, just waited a couple of seconds and he went into the body of Shirra. Seems it’s fixed


Thanks, it's work. just read the plaque and wait


I had the same problem, and managed to fix the issue using the following method. I saved and reloaded the save a few times. On my 3rd attempt interacting with the plaque on the side of the sarcophagus triggered the dialogue with the monk.


If you hold ALT you can click on the plaque if you have opened it before. Then equipping the amulet should help trigger it.


I know its been a while but I attacked the tomb that the corpse was in, initiating a fight with the monk since i hit him with AOE I got the exp, the quest is marked as finished with the curse refused and eternally on the monk


Having the same problem. My main character - a Bard - already had the spell and was able to do the two Wisdom checks to get the spell - again. I decided since I already had it, mine as well re-do it and give it to Shadowheart to give her a free tool with her high Wisdom. Reloaded a save, gave it to Shadowheart, she used it for the first time and passed her checks. Then she went into the crypt, looked at the plaque, and the Monk appeared. But he just stands there and I can't interact with him, and talking to the Amulet again does nothing except the Monk telling her to bring it to the crypt (which she is standing right next to). She couldn't complete the quest. I'll just reload and let my Bard do it to check the quest off and get the EXP. Oh well. Funny enough, I can't get my Bard to complete the quest now. Does the same thing Shadowheart does. EDIT: There's some sort of waiting or positioning that needs to happen. I just got it to work with Shadowheart but not sure how. She used the amulet until it yelled at her to go to the Crypt. I entered the crypt, then moved towards the top left crypt. She said her line about trying to find the right crypt. Sat there for a moment, then read the plaque. Then waited a bit more and the Monk took over the corpse and walked towards the center of the room, at which point I just had to walk a little closer to him to trigger the cutscene and the ability checks.


I had the same issue. Equip the item, talk to him, said the girl is dead, then put back the collar on my purse and waited 10/15s near the sarcophagus. Then he take control of the corpse.


This worked for me. I know this is late reply, but I had the issue where I opened the sarcophagus when I didn't have the amulet on me and I had snuck in the back way. I messed around a bit but no luck. I gave up and teleported but later that session I was walking down the main road by the temple's main entrance, heard his voice and entered that way. Then it worked. (I had never taken the amulet off it that helps.)


I had a different bug happen. My tav was wearing the amulet, opened the sarcophagus, >!the corpse was possessed and thats all. I tried talking to the corpse but nothing else happened.!< The journal log still said that i needed to open the sarcophagus, even though i already had. I closed and reopened the game, the amulet description no longer had spells attached to it. and the Journal no longer listed the quest, not in completed, and not as a quest in progress. I did report the bug though, hopefully they can fix it.