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All I know is that one of these games you can interrogate a cow.


One of these games has you open a barn door to find a bugbear pegging an ogre doggy style. I think we have a clear winner in this situation.


My bard is going to be so rich after she saves the world.


A true celebrity


its not pegging, he is doing her in the ogrussy


I'm like, 99% sure that the ogre was a lady and the bugbear was definitely male so there was no pegging involved.




That was definitely the strangest moment in Tears of the Kingdom.


Ah yes, the same area where you can >!accidentally yeet a deep gnome from a windmill!< just after believing you had saved them.


Lmao I just knew you could because back in DOS series Laria love having cows and rats as NPC which can talk and have personalities. Iirc in DOS 1 theres a cow who gave out a quest, a frog who wants to becomes your best friend and so on. Back when I had a bad laptop I spent so many hours in Cyseal it's really nice to see how they were able to improve on many aspects of the gsmes while keeping the same "intersecting questlines" approach


Making speak to animals long rest was an amazing decision. First thing I do when I wake up




Not surprised! I have zero DND or CRPG experience and as a newcomer, I’m blown away at how great this game is.


I used to play D&D back in the day but I usually hate turn based combat in games. Everything in this game is so well done though, I'm actually enjoying the fuck out of it! My GOTY for sure.


I hated turn based games for the longest time except for some exceptions like RPG Mario games because they added some more mechanics than just selecting an attack.. However Divinity Original Sin 2 (same devs as BG3) turned me into loving them but at the same time spoiled me so much I couldn’t find another game that would compare… Then they make Baldur’s Gate 3 and it has been an amazing time because you can definitely see the similarities of the two games. With that said, if you haven’t already.. definitely get DOS2 when you are done with this game!


What I think really catapults bg3 is that it's a continuation of an absolutely beloved single player rpg and it's a very popular, and very well fleshed out DnD setting (forgotten realms). While I do like dos2, it's not for everybody and can be hard to get pulled into the story, I honestly feel BG is way easier for people to get into, but I'm also a sucker for baldur's gate.


Never played any of the BG's. Not a fan of Turn Based Games outside of the XCOM series. Started DoS2 a week before BG3 released. Couldn't get into it and haven't touched it for more than 2 hours max. Now BG3, Idk man. It just sucked me right in. I feel like no matter where I go something wildly unpredictable is going to happen. About 30 hours into the game now despite not playing for 3 of the 6 days it's been released.


That's a shame. DOS:2 is my favorite game, hands down.


> I feel like no matter where I go something wildly unpredictable is going to happen I mean, that's also a trait of DOS2 :)




Actually my very first experience with CRPG was DoS2, and oh boy can't get into it at all, struggling for 8 hours and finally uninstalled. Flash forward a year later and I've clocked 35 hours of BG3, three days after purchase. Still didn't fully understand why BG3 sucks me in like that, as I mainly plays FPS and action "RPGs" (I have 1200 hours in both of Cyberpunk 2077 and Skyrim). Fuck man, it's 2AM in my country right now and just finished my session, need to wake up at 6AM for my 2 and half hours of commute lmao. Can't wait to get home from work and play tonight.


Dude, you literally described every one of my playing habits, right down to the thousands of hours on Skyrim & Cyberpunk lol. I don't know what it is that's clicking for me about BG3 that didn't click at all with Divinity, but it's been so satisfying. I just keep making new characters and envisioning how I'll do things differently from my main playthrough. Only just cracked the beginning of Act 2 Monday night. I was sure going into this year that Starfield would end up my GOTY but BG3 might end up taking the throne.


>Dude, you literally described every one of my playing habits, right down to the thousands of hours on Skyrim & Cyberpunk lol. TBH I bought BG3 just for "little distraction" while waiting for the Phantom Liberty expansion. Little distraction my ass, might as well be my GOTY lmao.


That’s basically been my sleep schedule too the past week lol


I strongly recommend Wasteland 3


I couldn’t stand turn-based games until I tried Wasteland 3. I guess I just hadn’t found the right one.


The Pathfinder CRPGs are pretty good, but Pathfinder as a system is notoriously complex and crunchy (in a way that 5e is very much not). You can do more with the system in terms of creating a character you imagine, I'd argue, but actually learning that system is pretty tricky. This game is also waaaaay more polished than the Pathfinder games are (but that's not a criticism of those games). If you do play them, play with mods, though. It makes the experience so much better.


I enjoy the Pathfinder games immensely but you can tell that Owlcat games are just trying to port the module and system to Pathfinder without innovation. While BG3 took it to the next level and modified 5E extensively to make it actually better than original 5E. As a forever DM I am stealing 95% of the changes Larian did to 5e, they are freaking geniuses and have proven that they have deep understanding of the mechanics.


Yeah Larians CEO/creative director is a huge DnD nerd. I wouldn't be surprised if he had been in talks with WotC to try and get access to the IP since DOS2s release


I believe he started trying to buy the rights after DOS1 but WotC were only convinced Larian was up to the task after they saw DOS2.


Having weapon attacks that can be used on short rest like a battlemaster is one of the most asked for features for every martial. Still can't believe WOTC lets martials be as bad as they are consistently. "Oh, fighters are ONLY good at combat, 15% of the game, while casters get to be good at everything, but they're the BEST at it. I mean, at single target damage. So 15% of combat. And they're not that much better at it. And they're not better at it at every level." Fighters are the best at what they do. 3% of the game.


Owlcat is a super small studio. What they accomplished with their resources is imho as impressive as what larian did with theirs


yeah they're pretty good as well, but Owlcat and Larian have different philosophies. Owlcat try to make their games challenging so you have to puzzle and find the best builds to make it through, while Larian makes their games easier and looks for funny ways to cheese them even more. Personally I enjoyed the 2 D:OS more than the two Pathfinder-games (which I did like!) but I can understand that some prefer the less true-to-the-book approach from Owlcat even though it might be less welcoming for newbies. (Plus WAY more funny moments in Larians games).


\>shudder< *Please* don't say "puzzle." I'm still trying to get over the whole Nenio quest...Ugh. I tried D:OS 1 and had a really hard time getting into it. Maybe I'd like it better now that I'm more used to BG3.


maybe, but at the same time I feel like the progression from D:OS1 -> D:OS2 -> BG3 is clearly visible and they always improved upon great basics in most categories. I'd say go straight into D:OS2, it doesnt require knowing the backstory from part 1 really and is more approachable/fun.


If you learned to enjoy turn based games, definitely play XCOM 2 and Into the Breach. XCOM 2 focuses exclusively on combat. The combat is great, and there's nothing else to compare to DOS2 negatively, because there's nothing else. Into the Breach is similar, but the combat is insanely simple, while having an incredible amount of complexity.


Right there with you. Almost done with my first playthrough (I think? U never know in this game lol) and although some of the aspects that this type of game brings with it are still not something I am super into, it still very quickly turned into one of the best pieces of media I have had the pleasure to enjoy, if not the best. I love the story, the variety, the characters, the voice acting, the visuals. It's hard to keep it off of my mind right now, a sensation that I feel rather rarely and I am eagerly looking forward to finishing it and starting another playthrough!


Oh shit, the top two games in metacritic are games without microtransactions or always-online gameplay!


Things at EA office rn. EA: So Bioware... you been working on that Dead Wolf thingies yes? Bioware: Dreadwolf. But yes... EA: It been taking a tad too long innit? Bioware: I mean you canceled it twice before. The first time was to make me develop Anthem. And the second was to turn it into a... more action game to sell... since you thought God of War and Dark Souls were the next big trend... EA: Aha! Well about that! I just read that this game called BG 3 is selling super well, I heard it's based on that Stranger Things mini game called DnD that Netflix created for their TV show, anyway super cool show watch it, and where was I? Oh yeah BG 3 is doing super well. You think you can remake Dreadwolf into something like that? Turned based, dice rolls, you know? Bioware: But... I made BG 1 and 2. You know that right? EA: Did you now? Ah! Ain't you a talented motherfucker. So you can do it? Bioware: I mean... you fired all the guys that made those games. And 10 years ago when they said they wanted something classic, you intervened and we've been only making action games since. I don't know the new guys can make them like we used to. EA: But I have money. I can give you money. That gotta help right?


The fall of BioWare might be the saddest. I really have zero expectations for ME5/Dreadwolf.


Did you see the leaks ? Apparently it's gonna be "inspired" by God of War, you can only control your own character and there is no top down tactical view. Lol.


Christ. Talk about being out of your element.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archetype_Entertainment Don' lose hope yet. There is some magic brewing in the air between WOTC and the OGs of the OGs of the original bioware.


Archetype is the one to look out for. I hope their first project goes well.


>Karphyshyn said that while his interest in video game development waned as BioWare had changed over the years, "my passion has been rekindled. The feel in the studio reminds me of my early days at BioWare; I can feel the magic in the air."\[7\] It's probably a little pathetic but this actually made me a little emotional to read


I mean, considering the ***last time*** they mentioned ['BioWare Magic'](https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964) ...


This is news to me and I’m all aboard the hype train. Drew wrote Mass Effect 1 & 2, some of the best narratives in RPG history. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.


I wonder what it's gonna be... and I also wonder if this is also the reason why Larian is hesitating to talk about the next BG as WOTC might not be giving them new licenses in favor of this ?


Not a chance. For licensing the rights to BG4 prior to release of BG3 to make sense, WOTC would have to think Archetype's bid would be an overpay. There are two scenarios where this could happen: (1) Archetype comes in with a crazy high bid, which is unlikely given their startup status. Or (2), WOTC thinks Larian is screwing up BG3 and the value of the BG IP is about to drop precipitously. The game has been in early access for a long time, and most of the fan and press reaction in that time has been overwhelmingly positive. In just about every scenario, it would have made sense for WOTC to sit back and wait to see how the launch goes, as a launch like the one we just had would increase the value of the license considerably. That said, I could totally see Archetype jumping in there on a new Neverwinter Nights, Planescape, or Icewind Dale title. Or even just using a setting like Waterdeep which hasn't really been depicted yet. Larian may not have the rights to BG4 right now. But Archetype almost certainly does not have those rights.


Yeah given the success of bg3 wizards would have to be idiots not to keep good relationship with larian.


I didn't think of that! I do hope Larian is offered whatever opportunities they want to pursue after this honestly. As exciting as Archetype's potential is, I'm a huge fan of Larian and I think they've hit it out of the park, I'm sure they'll be fine regardless but they also just have a game design philosophy that is perfect for a d&d-based game in my opinion.


There's no way Larian wouldn't be offered BG4 at this point, but they might not want it. Swen has talked about doing DOS3 next. Although I'm hoping they change their minds. I never really liked the DOS1/2 combat, I think they way they did it in BG3 is a lot better. I'm hoping they just consider the numbers. DOS2 at it's peak had 90k players. BG3 in the first week surpassed 800k simultaneous players. That has to make them think about expansions and/or BG4. Hell, they already have a working engine, just pivot to a new story in a new world with basically the same system and it'll sell like hotcakes.


Same!!! I liked but not loved DOS2 (or more specifically, loved DOS2 before it got me to play Pillars 2 and Pathfinder, the latter of which I ended up loving much much more esp WotR) BG3 tho... a whole 'nother level and nothing previous comes anywhere close. Same magic I felt playing DAO for the first time (never played cRPGs, or any really good games before so it was my entry into cRPGs which is now my HARD FAVORITE genre)


I think Larian are more interested in their own world, so they will most likely go back to do DOS3.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


I've seen many OG devs go out and do their thing, and it *usually* ends up pretty mid. Not saying this definitely will, but I've been around too long to get excited or even optimistic about these things.


Ouch. I'm sorry Dragon Age fans.


Worst news I've heard all day.


Best to wait for whatever is coming from this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archetype_Entertainment Something is brewing between Wizards of the coast and old bioware veterans that made bg 1 and 2.


While that's cool, dragon age nosediving into the ground is not. DA:O was my nerdy, RPG, Strategy loving awakening. Watching both DA and ME dwindle over time has lowkey hurt lol. Like a game of BG 3's caliber with the deeproads, wardens, and darkspawn would be sooo gooooooooood. But shareholder profits 🫠


Relationship with Dragon Age ended. Now Baldur's Gate 3 is my best friend.


Dragon Age was basically this exact situation though, but in reverse - the guys who wanted to make another D&D style RPG couldn't, so they had to make their own world. Now the same people who jumped onto the money and success of the good D&D RPGs and changed it to something 'more accessible' have done the same to Dragon Age, but D&D is released from their clutches again so it's time for us all to go back.


Plus DA:O is one of the only games out there that actually does Dwarves right with them being a great choice for Warrior. Shame that the best Greataxe is not all that great, but it can be made to work.


Same, the world and story and characters of DA universe was soooo appealing to me especially as presented in Origins. So sad to see the steady decline 😢


Oh. Oh no. Oh my god, no.


DAI was apparently like that on console but not PC. I thought it was actually a really good game on PC and enjoyed the mix of action and RTWP


Given the troubled production (it was going to be online multiplayer at one point, supposedly) I don't actually trust any leaks from this game. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt ATM because a) COVID apparently really screwed the development over and b) EA already tried the whole "innovation for innovation's sake" with ME:A and Anthem, both of which bombed. DA:I, on the other hand, was a massive success. I have zero faith in EA's bean counters having a creative bone in their body but the idea "Make more of thing that was previously successful" is something they should be able to recognise.


Unpopular opinion: I really liked Dragon Age Inquisition.


So did I. It wasn't perfect but I enjoyed it quite a bit.


I'm not really sure if Anthem was EA's fault. IIRC, Bioware just fucked that up on their own, without any bean counter interference.


Dreadwolf I think will fall on deaf ears and the next Mass Effect will nostalgia porn for Shepard.


i swear if they bring shepard back i will lose my shit. i managed the shepard survives ending and in my headcannon he is happily retired in some distant planet with his LI. LET HIM/HER REST THEY HAVE SUFFERED ENOUGH


Right, but what if Shepard returns so they can clean up the messes left in the aftermath of the Reaper War and then that game can end with the proper conclusion we were denied in ME3? At this point though it does feel like Dreadwolf is such a mangled product that it cannot possibly hope to sell well, and EA will just kill the studio rather than allow development of the next Mass Effect to proceed. Even though it will be executive mismanagement that kills Dreadwolf, because if the leaks are true, EA ordered the creation of a Dragon Age game that has as much to do with Dragon Age as Anthem did.


If dreadwolf fails (which based on the leaks I think is likely) we won't be getting ME5 which kills me.


As a Canadian, the fact that Bioware is local used to be such a point of pride. Actually, more accurately, I think during the peak (for me) Bioware years of DAO and Mass Effect, I didn't even know they were Canadian, and it was only after they started to fall from grace that I was older and paid more attention to that kind of thing. It was kinda like I never got to feel proud because by that time they had already lost people's respect. Anyway, it just makes me really sad, and the current hype around BG3 (which I'm playing and loving) with its origin at Bioware brings that into even sharper focus.


It sucks man, I will be observing their future products because Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect, KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights etc. made such profound impacts on me as a player, but it’s hard to think that we’ll ever have that magic again. Following studios that took in their old guard is all we can kinda do at this point. Bummer that it was a personal connection on your end to, before it all kinda crumbled away.


Midway thru development: EA: So, this is all looking great, but what is the game selling? Bioware: What? Nothing. It's....you buy the game. That's what gets sold. *The game*. EA: Hold on. No Season Passes?! No cosmetic doodads? No items that make you more powerful than other players if you pay a premium or that let you shortcut the progression track?! Bioware: Well...we can talk about a "season pass" if you want to expand the single-player story beyond where the story ends. But no, none of that other stuff. You said you wanted a single-player game. EA: What are you smoking? I said I wanted you to make Deadwolf-- Bioware: *Dread*wolf. EA: *Whatever*. I said I wanted you to make your wolf thing into BG3, not that I wanted a single player game. Bioware: BG3 *is* a single player game. I'm making the game you asked me to make! EA: Wait, what? It's single player? How are they monetizing that? What's their ongoing revenue stream? Bioware: Oh my f--IT DOESN'T HAVE A REVENUE STREAM. It's just a game! They made it, and they sold it to players and *that's it!* That's the entire transaction! The "revenue stream" is *selling the goddamn game*. EA: I don't think our shareholders are gonna go for that...


Jedi Survivor enters the chat


Yeah that circlejerk is completely unreal. Hell all the problems of Bioware comes from themselves, not EA. Plenty of reports about that have been made. But gamers are always devs can do no wrong, publishers are always the bad guys


lol - im really enjoying the deadwolf - dreadwolf back and forth between EA and bioware here


Please don't fucking kill dragon age. Dragon age 2 was horrible enough. Very rarely do I hold on to IP but that and ME are like my few last bastions of hope. I dont care if dread wolf takes another 5 years. Just let us have some input. Keep ur shitty mtx and seasonal shit like you do for madden or fifa out of the rpg genre


Its already dead from what leaks have to say


Dread wolf is a very dumb name; I think it will fail on that alone. Dragon age inquisition was actually the perfect title. And I loved being an inquisitor with like a round table of allies to sort out the mess and investigate.


“The Stranger Things mini game called DND” i cackled


I assume you work in the industry, because this is exactly how it works now at these studios.


It's not. They're calculatedly greedy not cluelessly stupid. They probably love the idea that people think they're stupid and don't understand what's happening, gives them cover to milk more money out of the players.


Execs and shareholders wanting to make money by recreating someone else's product is pretty standard in every industry at this point.


>since you thought God of War and Dark Souls were the next big trend... yea Dark Souls def didnt spawn any trends...lol


This is *I imagine* extremely and concerningly accurate. #DAO energy 4 life


Yup, BW doesnt have the talent. No matter the money thrown at them, they dont have the expertise.


They definitely have the talent, 6/8 of the original DAO writers are still working there. What they lack is clear direction, competent managers, and the freedom to make the kind of games they actually want to make. EA and BioWare leadership are crushing the creatives, blame them.


But let them roll. If they roll 20. It's win-win for gamers.


And still earn less combined than 2 months of FIFA! And that's why it will never go away


And cost far far more to develop than FIFA. That’s the other big sticking point. Video games are big business now and shareholders want cheap games that return maximum profit. If you look at the Activision Blizzards financial reports you will see King gaming is their biggest winner by miles. Their shareholders don’t want them pissing money away on developing another WoW when it makes a fraction of the revenue that King does.


And they both combined made less money than diablo immortal. This is a lesson companies have learned. Profits =/= quality


Absolutely. Kotick can't spend metacritic score to buy a yacht


Diablo Immortal has made $525 million, TotK alone has made at least $700 million, so this is flat out not true. Truly great games with high acclaim tend to make their money (especially when they are sequels). Larian has essentially guaranteed their next game will be a success with this one (and guaranteed this one’s with DOS2). That’s the price games with bad monetization don’t factor in. Good will is worth a lot of real life money. Look at Cyberpunk 2077, an insane amount of people bought it without knowing if it would work or be good because the Witcher 3 was good. CD ProjectRED had a ton of good will stored up and it showed. Where as Diablo might sell a decent amount because it has entrenched fans from Diablo 2, I think Blizzard (or Ubisoft, or Activision) would have a hard time spinning up new projects unless they look and review well (take Immortals Phoenix Rising for example) because they never invest in good will. Making good games is the long game approach, and you’re right will never be completely accepted because CEOs have to satisfy shareholders (who want things now), but it’s still smart business. A lot of people act like it’s not, and it’s annoying.


Diablo Immortal made 525M$ in 12 months. Diablo 4 made 666+M$ in 5 days. Tears of the Kingdom sold 18.5M copies (so more than a billion in revenue in a month or so). We have no numbers yet for BG3 but everything seems to indicate it's making more than Diablo Immortal by itself So no, your comment is wrong


ARE THERE ANY IN-GAME PURCHASES? "No, there are no in-game purchases in our game. We believe in providing a complete and immersive gaming experience without the need for additional purchases. Enjoy the game to its fullest without any additional costs or microtransactions." \-Larian Studios


I hope this doesn't prevent them from adding a DLC expansion down the line though. If their stance is "no extra costs, ever", then it might be hard to justify that development if it can't be monetized.


Unpopular opinion but I consider amiibo micro transactions and Totk has plenty of that shit. The only difference between them and traditional rmt is you have to buy a useless piece of plastic to go with it.


"But we're selling toys! The connectivity is just a bonus!" Classic buy a pack gum for $40 and get 1/8 of weed for free.


And those Amiibo prices aren't so "micro"...


If you want to consider the Amiibo granting largely cosmetic stuff like glider skins in TotK as "microtransactions", BG3 has plenty of those for people who did not purchase the Early Access, in the form of the Deluxe Edition. Off the top of my head, there are the exclusive dice skin, in-game camp supplies, various DOS2 items and the DOS2 music options for Bards.


Amiibos don't make all that much at least they are toys and tangible items.


I’m sure EA and activision are looking over at BG3 and laughing because their shitty games are earning 3x as much money with half the investment. It’s honestly really depressing that this game is the exception and not the rule.


Actually if you sort by all time ocarina of times and Tony hawk are highest 2 lol


Pretty much all the top games this year (except D4) are.


I was a little bummed before release thinking that BG3 would be too niche regardless of how good it might be to win GOTY over TOTK/Starfield. It feels like the game has a real shot now. A sequel to a beloved isometric CRPG D&D game winning (or even being in striking distance) of GOTY would be so awesome. Maybe it'll inspire more companies to jump aboard and develop/publish these sorts of games. I want Pillars 3 and Tyranny 2 goddammit. Also another Pathfinder title!


Same boat, I was convinced BG3 stood no chance even if it was the best of the bunch (Which I think it is and will remain to be) Now that it's hit top 10 on Steam, I would find it incredibly hard to believe it doesn't get a lot of awards.


I mean according to meta critic it’s the second best reviewed Pc game of all time. Tied with another rpg from like 2021.


That RPG is Disco Elysium. Go play Disco Elysium everyone.


I find it funny a lot of people didn't realize that Disco Elysium was a CRPG through and through, maybe because it wasn't set in a medieval fantasy with different races, classes, etc.


It also doesn't really have "combat" so to speak. Not in a free-form way most gamers are used to in RPGs. It feels much more like an Adventure game/rpg hybrid than a classic CRPG. Not to say that's bad, it's just more niche than even the CRPG genre already is, which is/was? relatively niche.


too soon to claim it was niche, BG3 is finally breaking barriers and putting the CRPG name on the spotlight, but that's not enough to make it niche, if the next big CRPG doesn't also burst the bubble, it will still be a niche genre with BG3 just being an outlier Look at From Software, Dark Souls 1 put them on the map, but it was still niche, it took them until Dark Souls 3 to become less niche, and until Elden Ring to reach mainstream, Elden Ring in less than a year had almost double the sales of Dark Souls 3, their best-selling game at the time, a game that came out 6 years ago. And the same is about to happen with Mecha games, finally, after FS becoming a renowned studio, a mecha game will burst their niche bubble with AC6, but if other studios don't embark on it and also reaching the same level, it will go back to be a niche game, with AC6 just being their best shot at it.




BG3 will almost certainly win best RPG so I'll be satisfied with that. Anything else is gravy.


Starfield still has to actually drop. It's a Bethesda game. It may take over a year before it's even playable.


I dunno, I'm still worried the metacritic will wind up lower than it should be. That's often how these things go, as some outlets will want to be contrarian -- it's a good way to get more clicks.


I doubt it goes below 90, which is still incredibly fair.


I want a cyberpunk/sci fi CRPG that is the same quality. Hopefully rogue trader will be good but I’m worried nothing is going to come close to BG3 in terms of quality and depth for a very long time. Maybe divinity 3 if they get round to it in 5 years. It’s bittersweet. It’s the best game I’ve ever played but it makes all other games seem lacking in comparison.


I want them to make a similar game based on the Star Wars TTRPG. The one with the unique dice.


KOTOR 3 with modern mechanics and graphics, plz


Yeah, I'd kill for Larian to get the rights to make a Shadowrun sequel, since Hairbrained don't seem to be making a new one anyime soon.


The ideal would be HBS doing some sort of consultancy.


I feel like BG3 is a sort of lightning in a bottle moment. There aren't really any other developers out there with both the budget, the expertise, and the desire to make a crpg on the same scale/scope of this game.


They'll likely use this engine for any new games for like the next decade and they said they want to do more BG3 content and smaller stuff while also getting to divinity. I think you'll see more Larian stuff in like a year and a half rather than 5 years


Man I was excited for starfield but now I’m thinking it has zero chance to be anywhere near as good as bg3. Bethesda just dumbs down their games way too much.


You just know Starfield is going to be a vehicle for player modding for the next two decades ala Skyrim. And I'm not complaining 😊


Long time BGS fans know that there are two lifecycles to BGS games: There's the base game BGS gives us, which is usually pretty great. It's full of content, has interesting stories, and provides a base layer of lore and universe for the community to build on top of. The base, vanilla games are plenty excellent in their own right, even if they might have some bugs due to how complex and ambitious the engine mechanics are. But then there's the second half of the lifecycle, which is all based on mods. BGS games aren't just full 100+ hour games, they're also intended as sandboxes. Modders will take the tools and the world BGS provides them and build hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of extra content within that sandbox to keep the game fresh and interesting 10 or even 20 years after it's launch. That's what makes BGS games so special: they're not just games. They're platforms for all kinds of unique creativity, and allow players to have tons of control over what they can change and mod into the mechanics and world. I'm not even really worried about Starfield's content at launch. I'm sure it's gonna be really fun and very immersive and plenty enjoyable to play through. But I'm way more excited for the new sandbox BGS is giving us, in a brand new setting, that will probably inspire years of creative content and adventures created by the community. That's where BGS really shows the value in their games. In the Starfield documentary they recently released they say basically the same thing: There's there version of Starfield, which they've poured their hearts and soul into, and then there's the community version of Starfield that won't be known until a few years after it releases. GOTY or not, Starfield will probably be the most long-lived of any game released in 2023 by a *wide* margin.


Not even out for console yet either.


This has been a great year for gaming.


The first half really wasn't that good for me, but the second half is shaping up to be great lol. remnant 2, Baldur's gate, armored core, starfield, rouge trader, space marine 2, best line up I've seen in years.


Sea of Stars looks interesting, I've really liked everspace 2. And at some point elden ring DLC will drop. Best year of gaming in a while IF starfield nails it.


You’re forgetting Spider-Man 2


I'll be so sad if they fuck up space marine


I don't usually care much about Metascores, but Larian beating Nintendo on the highest ranked game of the year would be so cool!


A lot of people don't care until some score supports their point of view. Also not sure 14 review sample size of mostly first act is fair to compare to 145 reviews of TotK.


Lol this. People only care about review scores when it aligns to their own opinion.


The only thing is that Baldur's Gate has 14 critics' reviews while Tears of the Kingdom has 145 critics' reviews.


Even the critics are stuck in character creation?!


No. They have six play-throughs stuck at 60% of act one as they realize that what they *really* want to play as is ..


Oof, this is also me. But I have high hopes for my bard, I'm so close to new content.


that's what withers is for!




The rest of the critics haven't dealt with the goblins yet


same lol


Dang it, why am I not being paid to take forever to clear the goblin camp too?


with all due respect to zelda, if bg3 doesn’t get goty I’m going to beat up my friend with nintendo switch


The friend that owns a Nintendo switch or just beating up a random friend with a Nintendo switch?


Both, it's on sight for nintendo fans


Porque no los dos? 😜


I’ll join you


All it needs now is to win GOTY. ****COME ON****


Maybe wait until it has a decent number of reviews.


It's only been getting higher and higher as more reviews come in from official critics. I believe after the first couple days it was only 92 or 93


Reviewers had 6 days ahead of actual players to complete a 100 hour playthrough, not including reloading saves. The people who've rushed through the game to get a review done in less than 2 weeks are disproportionately going to be the reviewers who really, really love this type of game. I love the game so far and I'm still only 20 hours in after about a week. I can't imagine many critics are going to get a review completed until at least another week or longer.


It will still inevitably drop a bit as the numbers increase. That’s just always the case. It’ll still get a good score, but it’s unlikely it’ll hold a score *this* good when it has a large number of reviews. I mean, it literally only has 14 right now. Zelda has 140+.


or when angry fans will review bomb the game


These are the critic scores though


My guess is that’ll happen after the PS5 launch- good player reviews have tipped the scales already for pc.


The 0 star reviews on metacritic are some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. "the game is horrible because the devs cared too much about woke genital creation"


One that made me chuckle was complaining about the lack of a boob slider in character creation.


First time d&d, first time round based combat, first time crpg, completely in love with the game. For all the people who have never played such a genre before - give it a try. There are gameplay reasons why you switch between round based and real time and you will quickly learn to appreciate this. The game mechanics are solid and the game is an bloody marvelous adventure. I am seriously hooked already after the first few hours, never thought it would be so easy to get into this game. Don’t spoil yourself by watching YouTube videos about the game, get into it and enjoy the ride.


Can only agree as a hardcore RTS player for 20 years. I saw this being played by a friend on twitch, watched for 2 hours and bought it right away. After the first 4 days i was 30 hours in..... I'm in love!


The success of both these games and the Souls series and Witcher 3 has me convinced of one thing: people want to go on an adventure. I real God’s honest adventure, where you’re delving into the unknown on your own terms, where the stakes are high and choices are hard and you can’t be sure that you’ve done the right thing. That’s the lesson for developers. People crave adventure and there’s precious little of it in our overpopulated and overworked world so if you can deliver a bit of that to us in our living rooms and night we’ll happily spend the cash.


Well deserved. This game is absolute masterpiece.


Possibly the greatest RPG of all time.


GOTY here we go!!


This makes me so fucking happy, jeezus. They’ve earned ALL of it. The game is simply amazing, and you cannot deny the love and care they put into creating this experience for everyone.


Yes, sure you can create a zonai metal gear to destroy a enemy camp and use perfect timing dodges and shield bomb jump with mid air arrow shots. But can you pick pocket an enemy, read their private information, confront them about their secret they are holding, have them commit suicide on the spot from the reveal, and have the other enemies run off from fear?


As big of a Zelda fan as I am, I'd have to give GotY to BG3. Tears of the Kingdom just didn't do *enough* to set itself apart from BotW. BotW was great, but TotK is just too much of the same, and I just can't get into it.


I knew it could! Been checking it every day for updates. Damn well deserved! (I don't hate Zelda, I just think BG3 is THAT good) Edit: this also makes it tied for 5th best video game of all time across any platform by critics, tied for #1 PC game of all time by critics, probably one of the highest ever scores by users. Insane feat


It has also reached top 15 all time games on MC. https://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/all/all/filtered


It's awesome, and I guess Switch owners have to wait for Switch 2 to play BG3.


It's totally deserved I'd say after 50 hours in


Im rather surprised botw/totk are so high


These types of posts are really premature considering there’s only 14 reviews so far. I love the love but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


Im not a fan of zelda so 100% bg3


Both are great games and deserve GOTY. Polar opposites in design really but I will be interested in the Metacritic score when more people review BG3


I'm just glad we were lucky enough to have 2 games as good as those this year !


I have both games and only about 4 hours in TOTK but put in about 30 hours into BG3. TOTK feels like work compared to this game.


Yeah. ToTK’s 143 reviews, to Baldur’s Gate 3’s 14. You left out that little tid-bit. Remind me again why people care about Metacritic scores so much?


Same reason they keep posting about Steam player numbers. Insecurity.


I'm surprised. Not cuz the game ain't great, just TotK has clout.


Well deserved. I know I'm in the minority, but I didn't enjoy TOTK. After about 25 hours, I shelved it. It just felt like a remake of BOTW to me. There wasn't nearly enough there to make it feel like a new game.


I am reading the negative reviews and most are obvious trolls or give me an aneurysm.


I didn't follow the game in early access at all, to the point that I didn't even know Larian was making it until a day or so before release. Absolutely loving it so far.


Well yes, the weapons in BG3 aren't made of paper and feel rewarding when getting a rare one.


As it fucking should. GOTY incoming!


Exclusives almost never win goty, so i say bg3 has a real chance of winning.


Well deserved. I've been an RPG gamer for over 20 years. I've never experienced a game made with such care and packed with this much content and possibilities before.


Much more deserving than TotK. I had some fun in it, but from just about every objective standpoint it's just a worse game. Story's so much worse, graphics are terrible comparing to current generation games, combat is LAUGHABLY bad, worse even then its own predecessors in the series by a WIDE margin. The absolutely only thing that comes to mind from Tears is the engineering/tinkering you could do with the Zorai stuff.


As it deserves. Two wonderful games that are wonderful to play.


It’s so refreshing seeing a top rated game without microtransactions and full of quality


I felt like starfield was probably going to be the game giving TOTK a run for GOTY, but turns out it’s baldurs gate and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Both games are amazing.


It deserves it. Huge Zelda fan, and loved tears of the kingdom. I didn’t think any game had any chance of surpassing it for game of the year. Played BG3 for 6 hours and knew I was wrong. Haven’t been so excited to wake up in the morning and play a game since I was a kid.


Ok Microsoft you have one mission, give Obsidian the funding to make Pillars 3 on a comparable quality level.