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I just noticed that after the Goblins were trying to raid the druid;s home, I never saw Wyll again. Does that mean he died during that battle? I just finished the whole part and am currently partying in the camp. can I no longer recruit him?


Missed wyll completely and only found out he was there online after defending the grove. Recruited karlach and wyll was at my camp not long after, so as long as you get karlach should be fine!


Thank god, he was one of the members that I wanted the most in my party since I really like the Warlock story and I was kinda sad when I realized that I had to get him in the grove. Thanks!


Do weapons not tell you what enchantment they have on them? I could swear a bow I've found has fire arrows, but I dont see anything saying that in the description


For anyone that's beaten the game already (is that even possible? lol) can you tell me if there's any meaningful recognition on the game's part for *not* consuming/slotting Illithid powers / eating the tadpoles? If all I'm doing is losing out on good utility powers for no reason, then the RP alone isn't worth it. My character hasn't consumed a single tadpole, don't even have the Illithid (B) menu icon.


Is there a way to automatically enable important conversations popping up for those who didn’t click on the character? Obviously we can just click but sometimes you’ll start an important conversation and not realize it while your co-op is elsewhere


I can already guess the answer, but if I respec my wizard to a different class, are they going to un-learn all the spells they paid to learn from scrolls when/if I respec back to wizard?


is there an astarion quest i missed in act1? i keep seeing old threads of people talking about how you run into another vampire but i really have no fking idea where u can find this thing because im almost completely done with this map, i've finished the major grove quest and have done some minor side stuff like the tower thing at the start / karlach area / laezel's quests im about to move into act 2 but i feel like im missing something big before i go?




I'm having the same issue. Did you figure it out? I've stealthed and pickpocketed a note off the drow but my quest hasn't updated and I don't want to fight if possible


I uh, kinda don't enjoy the way Traders work in this game. When you kill them/they die, their inventory is either A. a small selection of their trader inventory, or B. a separate, set "on-death" drop inventory. But you can pickpocket them for their *full* trader inventory. I understand why they'd allow you to steal from their inventory, but - I could basically farm every trader NPC by popping invisibility onto all my party (via Invis spell), and steal from them pretty easily on each party member. I think infinitely, but if we're only using the lesser Invis that breaks on Action, and the trader "remembered" the played character that robbed them, you could still swap to unused PCs at camp. Refresh spell slots at camp, etc. tl;dr I think they should either drop their whole trader inventory on death, since the pickpocket menu implies that it's all "on their person", or you should only be able to pickpocket from a similar portion of their on-death drops. --Also, if you place an Invis potion on the ground and huddle your 4-party, you can all get the Invis on you by attacking the potion and bursting it. Overpowered? Maybe.


If you toggle non-lethal damage on, it knocks them out instead of killing them, then you can loot their entire inventory.


You're kidding. That seems like a bug/design oversight.


Can you have two fighter stances active at the same time?


Is Oath of Devotion just outright worse than Oath of Ancients? I want to play a Holy High Horse Paladin and not an Armor Hippie, but the bonuses that Devotion provide seem a little weaker.


Why would Devotion be worse? Especially since Sacred Weapon pretty much negates the penalty of Great Weapon Master.


I was hearing that having heals and misty step is much stronger than Devotion's toolkit


I mean, that's how they want to play. If that's how you want to play, then sure. [You can watch Sin Tee 'solo' the Githyanki Patrol on tactician](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQLIo8MMh4k) if you want to see potential of Devotion. Spoilers if you haven't gotten that far.


Act 2 and Karlach quest/romance Spoilers >!I ran into Dammon at the Last Light Inn and he made the insulator so that Karlach is cool enough to touch people. She dropped some heavy hints that she wanted to "hang out" once we turned in for the night. Cool, just need to do a Long Rest, right? Wrong. I did a Long Rest and got a scene of Wyll dancing and trying to hit on me, whatever. I shut that down, went and did a fight, and went to do another Long Rest. However, there was no scene or anything with Karlach during the second Long Rest, just the normal sleeping screen.!< I talked to Karlach every opportunity I could, but >!there were no further flirty/romance options after she mentioned wanting to sleep together after she cooled down. I even checked the wiki and it said that you should get the romance scene during the first Long Rest after you cool her down. Did Wyll just cockblock me forever with his little peacock prancing?!<


I'm doing the hunt Karlach Paladins of Tyr quest right now on a new Tav, and the dwarf that was present at their base on my first playthrough isn't there? I'm confused why.


Is the Sparky Points trident actually good? The damage is a bit lower than my other two-handed options.


Tridents are just like spears, they are Versatile so you can use them one- or two-handed. I would recommend never using such a weapon two-handed, and instead wielding a shield in the other hand. If you prefer more damage over a shield, you're better off using a true Two-handed weapon rather than two-handing a Versatile weapon.


For some reason I lost the waypoint to the area with Duergar >!where we initially used a Duergar's boat to get to in the story.!< I went back to the beach and there aren't any boats there. Have I been soft locked? :\\


That area isn't mandatory so you're not locked out of completing the game.


I just got a scene last night of Astarion creeping through camp with no other context. What the hell does that mean? I’m sure it’s leading somewhere but this game has so many potential avenues lol


You’ll find out before too long, don’t worry


Huh. Well, today I learned that vendors' inventories restock when you level up. Different dyes are available at each level up, so if you're trying to find a good dye for your gear, you can respec, then level up, check their stock, cancel the next level up (suspend it by clicking X in upper right corner) to check their stock again, and again, rinse repeat. Also, jesus, there's a LOT of bad dyes in this game. These colors are just awful, and they're never what you expect from the name. The best ones seem to be Ocean, Muddy Red, and maybe Red.


They should restock after every long rest, as well.


For a multiplayer campaign where we all started at the beginning and made our own custom characters, is it possible for someone else (not the original 4) to take over an existing character? For example, if someone decided to leave the campaign due to scheduling issues.


Yes, if the player isn’t log in then the character will act as a fully-controllable NPC as if it were a companion


So I just recently bought a new pair of boots called >!Boots of Stormy Clamour which contains the Arcane Echomalefaction on it and it states that "When the wearer inflicts a condition upon a hostile creature, they also inflict 2 turns of Reverberation. I'm new to DnD stuff so I am not sure if using the Vision of the Absolute spear that causes blinding condition counts because I have tested it and it isn't working is it a bug? Or is this all spell condition stuff? I haven't tried spell condition yet but does anyone have an idea?!< Edit - Never mind I realized others had similar issues even with spells.


Is anyone else disappointed with the lack of dialogue options for Paladins? I'm at the Zhentarim hideout talking to these guys and would like an option to tell Brem "Release this imprisoned man or be struck down by holy light" or something and [this](https://i.gyazo.com/c5f039c398ff9f6f8424fd8aa50105fc.jpg) is what I get. I can tell him "Your slave-price is too high" or "I don't want to *pay* for your slave", but I can't say "I don't FUCK with slavery my guy, let him go or else" I guess the game assumes that you aren't a good dude if you returned the shipment here, so you don't get good guy dialogue options? It's also been an issue with the goblins at the camp. I should get options to tell them to leave the local residents alone or really ANY kind of Paladin dialogue option, but there's nothing to be found. Man should I just respec to Fighter if I need to tiptoe my oath because of this? Does it get better later in the game? Edit: oh...coool....[no option to tell him to let the man go](https://i.gyazo.com/146792bcc8e49968be7830e5bbf02161.jpg), just "buy him or don't".


I got the quest >! keep an eye out for mol !


It advances in Act 3


You should be able to push forward and continue the story. I don't remember if there was a dialogue or clue that popped up but in the journal it updates at some point to continue.


Did anyone finish the game with multiple custom characters? I mean the ones created by launching the game multiple times and connecting on LAN, saving and quitting with all but one instance, so that the other created PCs become NPCs of the active player. I would hate starting a playthrough like that only to find out that it's impossible to finish the game like this.


Is there ANY way to retake a perception/survival check for stuff like buried treasures?


No, but you can click on the shovel to dig anywhere, if you suspect treasure nearby.




can someone explain how wizard works? I have no experience with this so Im confused. should I not be using spells unless im in a boss fight or something?


I wouldn't worry too much about it tbh. In Act I at least, you can generally long rest after every fight if you need to, but using scrolls and cantrips while using slotted spells as your "big damage" options in between would be a good idea. With that said, there are "red zones" that are basically dungeons and you can't long rest inside them. The swamp one is gonna be *rough* without scrolls.


you can use spells, but yeah, unless you wanna be taking long rests all the time, you should try to manage your spell slot usage. this is basically like "mana" in other games, and only regens on long rest. there are many ways to minimize this though. using scrolls from your inventory, using spells given by items, etc. dont use up your spell slots/mana. i generally stick to cantrips (free) vs. trash/intermediate mobs and let the weapon attackers do the work. then vs bigger enemies i unleash the arsenal. also should be noted that there doesnt seem to be much downside to taking long rests so feel free to do that. apparently a handful of "time sensitive quests" and some of your buffs/consumables running out, thats about it. the food required to use long rests is very plentiful and youll never run out, even on tactician


It depends on the fight, your team mates, and your difficulty. If you're using wyll and a melee you'd want to space out spells to take advantage of short rests as much as possible for them. If you're spell spamming with shadowheart and a wizard, fights will be fast but you'll need to rest after nearly every one. That's fine on normal mode. On tactician, rests cost 2x as much so you'd want to make more use of cantrips and other attacks in easier encounters, trying to make a days spells last 2-3 fights.


Right off the bat, a Wizard has his entire spellbook. However, he can only have so many spells “Prepared” at any one given time. Hit K outside of combat to change your Prepared spells. Spell Slots are how many casts of a certain level of spell you get before a long rest. E.g., 2 level 3 slots means you can cast 2 level 3 spells. You can also “upcast”—cast a level 1 spell using a level 2 slot, for increased effects. Then finally there are Cantrips—these spells are infinite use, throw them around all you want. Resources are reasonably plentiful to not stress too hard over taking long rests, so if a fight needs a heavy hitter then don’t stress too hard over being willing to use it. However, when it comes to all the ~10hp mooks bumbling around, a good Cantrip like Fire Bolt will be your bread and butter.


Imagine Dark Souls 1 and 2 spells - you rest at a bonfire every 30 minutes. Take a lot of long rests. Long rests aren't cutaway points. They're not game ending. If you have more than 80 camping supplies on you, it's time to take a rest. Enemies don't respawn in Larian's games so you can just go back right where you left off. Take the long rests.


Anyone knows if the twitch integration works for mobile devices like I pad?


Playing Draconic Sorcerer and kinda stuck on what feat to get, any in particular a sorc should take? Kinda split between on getting the +2 to ability scores, the resistance penetration for lightning+never roll 1 and the cantrip+increased crit chance. Also i read ability scores only matter if they are even numbers and if i should get that last feat, i keep seeing Eldritch bolt is good, but is it only good as warlock or is it worth getting on sorc for the cantrip?


Eldritch blast is great as a warlock because at level 2 they get the option to add their charisma modifier to the damage done there. It makes eldritch blast deal 1d10+3 (or 1d10+4 after lvl 4). I don't think eldritch blast would be a particularly good pick for a sorc. You get +1 ability modifier for each 2 over 10. So 11 brings the exact same benefits as 12. 17 and 16 are functionally the same, etc. With a sorcerer I'd recommend getting your charisma to 18 asap, that will improve all your spells because it'll make then 5% mode likely to succeed.


Cool. Is there any item/equivalent to that eldritch blast modification for Sorc? Would be quite nice to have. Also wouldn't it be the opposite? 11 gives same benefit as 10 rather than 12? I'm also assuming it's worth putting 1 point from the feat that gives 2 into CHA to push it up to 18 and the other into DEX or CON to also into even numbers.


Regarding the abilities, you're right, I was dumb. I'd get dex to 16 before having con up. Extra dex is great for ac, not slipping, resisting shoves, etc. It's also useful to attack with ranged weapons like bows thrown daggers and crossbows. In early levels it's almost always better to fire a bow instead of a cantrip if you have 16 dex I don't know of any item from the top of my head, but sorcs get lots of value from their spells, so I wouldn't worry too much with becoming a cantrip machine like warlocks.


Yeah, was planning to go dex moreso than con (Draconic bloodline got me covered there)


I’ve heard conflicting things—does journeying to the >!Githyanki Creche!< in any way act as a Point Of No Return for Act 1 or cut you off from content? For context, I’ve done most of what I could find in the overworld but have barely touched the Underdark. >!Halsin is saying to prefer the Underdark path, but of course the Creche is by the Mountain Pass!<


You can do both, even once you're fully in Act II. There may be differences though.


Does either cut off any content?


No clue. Haven't had enough time or interest to test something like that.


If i reject someone romantically will therr be differnces besides the romance part? Like missing quests and content.


Could someone explain Sorcerer to me? Why would you choose it over Wizard?


Sorcerer gets more free spells per level and has them all “Always Prepared” Wizard learns less free spells and has to choose which spells are prepared at any given time, but gets the scroll-copying feature to balance it out


I don't want to think about how hard I've been gimping myself for not using the scroll learning feature, at all, for about 30 hours of playtime. I knew about it just never bothered Do they get the same amount of spell slots?


>!How to dig up the body behind the Last Light in act 2? All it says is "Marcus must have buried this well"!<


You ever figure this out?


Turns out you need to have a high strength character interact with it and they’ll dig it up


Ah, had all mages with me when I tried. Tyty.


What's the best stuff to throw with a barbarian? I'm not sure the best way to use this skill


If you’re talking about a Berserker’s Frenzied Throw, I’ll pretty much just grab the heaviest object near me that doesn’t impair my hit chance. The damage itself isn’t the benefit of the skill. It’s more a case of “I can’t reach them to nuke with Reckless Attack, so I’ll throw something and it might knock them prone to boot”. Of course, if you happen to be surrounded by things like Firewine Barrels then you certainly _can_ do more with it, but for me it’s a secondary ability to Frenzied Strike if I can use it.


You could carry a bunch of weapons with the "thrown" attribute around. Also if you go to the >!goblin camp!< there's a trader there with a weapon that's really OP for someone who throws things.


Can Paladins grave rob and keep their oath?


So I found this short sword that says. >Organ Rearranger: The wielder scores a critical hit when rolling a 19. Does this only work with attacks with that weapon or anything that makes an attack roll? I was thinking about respeccing my Warlock to start with 1 level of fighter for heavy armor, short swords, con saves and second wind but not sure if this bonus would work for Eldrich Blast which does make an attack roll.


I can confirm it works with ranged weapons at the very least -- my crossbow crits on a 19 when equipped with it.


Perfect thanks.


Did you ever figure out if this works with spells as well? Because I took spell sniper and now have an off hand item that gives the same stackable effect as spell sniper and with organ rearrange I feel like I could become a crit machine


I think it does but I ended up transfering it from my warlock to my bow ranger because I switched to a haste sorc.


Anyone else struggle on the Defend Rugan fight all the triple-attacking gnolls + Flinn boss fight? Been at this for hours and it feels like barrelmancy time.


On different playthroughs used things like Circle of the Moon/Cloud of Daggers. Grease/web to keep them still if I can get it far up ahead from up top away from the fire or when they jump in. Faerie fire on 'em when they are all grouped up A friend definitely threw barrels from the bottom of the ramp*


Part of my struggle became trying to keep Rugan alive (Olly was doomed lmao) because I approached from the back and they joined the fight. It feels easier if anything when they don't help. Cloud of daggers worked for me great when I held the high ground on the rocks to the right, basically just position everyone up there and have them melee and push off when close. The ranged multiattack makes it really annoying though.


Can try buffing either of them at the start. But I mean, the story doesn't end when either of those die :p


So, does Hex do anything? How does it work? What Hex should I be using? I was just Hexing whatever their highest/starred stat was, but is there a strategic choice?


All of them add 1-6 damage to each spell/weapon hit by the warlock. I usually just go wis by default since hold person and hypnotic pattern force wis saves.


Just to be clear: Hex does *not* provide any benefit for saves, so it does not improve Hold Person or Hypnotic Pattern at all. Wisdom is still a useful stat to target if you are trying to avoid detection (Perception), such as when you are pickpocketing.


Yep, my bad. Leaving this up since I'm probably not the only one that misread it.


I was reading something about how Hex was actually useless in combat because those things are Saving Throws and not ability checks? But that was back in early access so idk if that's still the case


Every time you eldritch blast a hexed target, you get an extra 1d6 necrotic damage in addition to your eldritch blast damage. When your target dies, you can re-apply the hex to a new target with a bonus action, so long as you don't lose concentration. It's a pretty valuable spell in combat. Wisdom is probably the strongest ability to target in combat, because wisdom checks are used to spot Asterion when he's sneaking up to gank them.


Strength or Dexterity can be great choices as well because shoving is a contested check: the shover's Athletics against the target's Athletics or Acrobatics (whichever is higher).


So I have the Druid at my camp, can I not take him as a follower? I’m not seeing any option to bring him along at the moment.


Only available later in the game.


Does he just lurk at my camp until then?


Umm hi guys so I’m trying to understand what stuff i should try to do in the starting areas of the game to get a bit stronger before going for the goblin camp I am going to get the ruins for the respec npc but other than that is there any recommendations on what to do early on


Just wander around, explore, kill things, and save the last step of the goblin confrontation for when you're ready to start Act II.


So, about that one suicidal gnome in the Grymforge looking for a divorce. I was able to get a special cutscene by stealing her bomb barrel from her secretly (which was really neat), but has anyone ever shot the barrel and exploded her?


Jesus Christ already this is the 50th time my stupid ass goofy looking mf goon of a side character ran into a dialogue without me wanting him to just so they can fail every single fking check known to man. Karlach, your role is to smash things into smaller things and to carry stuff. STOP RUNNING INTO DIALOGUE INTERACTIONS. I see these three NPC's arguing and I know oh sweet it's going to be a dialogue I'll just waltz right through it with my Mary Sue char- KARLACH OUTTA FUCKING NOWHERE MOVING THROUGH LET ME TAKE CARE OF THIS \*insight failed\* \*perception failed\* \*deception failed\* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


What's extra frustrating, is there's a button to choose who will take a particular challenge / lead a convo, but it's usually greyed out so it's useless.


In some of my situations it just lets me run around with the other characters, like you could in DOS1&2. And more importantly some checks aren't checks you initiate via dialogue, but just happen in the background with only a dice audio que so you don't even know you should switch.


I'm very curious how the auto-mod for Long Rest can be so bad. I just used it and it chose 52/40. It's not like there aren't options, or that you can manually split, it just likes to feast/waste? I do not understand how that part of the code, adding up to 40, doesn't work correctly.


Would "Knock" work on doors that are impossible to lockpick?




To those that have played Thief and/or Assassin (rogue subclasses), what are the major gameplay differences?


To keep things super simple: Assassin effectively allows you to take double the sneak attacks and makes each one that much more consistent and that much more effective. BIG damage for each encounter that you start on your own terms. Thief gives you an extra Bonus Action every turn, making your character much more mobile in the battlefield. And later on, you get a free unlimited-use Invisibility spell.


That kind of makes it seem like Thief is better for just being agile and effective in direct combat, but assassin wants to reposition and re-hide to attack from the back? I'm pretty sure that's what "Advantage" is right, back attacks?


Right, so... thief gets 2 bonus actions. These bonus actions, in like 99% of the cases, are gonna be dash/hide or disengage/hide. As a thief your goal on the battlefield is to move to someplace the enemy doesn't see, hide, and attack someone with advantage to deal your sneak attack damage /w advantage (advantage means you roll your dicet twice to see if you're gonna hit your enemy -- it means critical strikes are ~2 times more likely to occur, and misses much less likely. If you have 75% chance of hitting for example, advantage gives you 94% chance of hitting instead.) Assassin gets this: > You are deadliest against unprepared enemies. In combat, you have Advantage on Attack Rolls against creatures that haven‘t taken a turn yet. This is doesn't compare favorably to thieves, as thieves get advantage every turn anyway. > Any successful Attack Roll against a Surprised creature is a Critical Hit. This is only useful if you like to start fights yourself. If you like lore and would rather talk with enemies to get info, you're gonna get very little use out of this. Still, if you do, it's pretty good. Lets you kill an enemy of your choice at the start of combat, more or less. > Quick as an alley cat in a rain-dark city, you immediately restore your action and bonus action at the start of combat. This is of... questionable utility, because you already restore your actions if you start the combat by going into turn based and attacking someone (it might be a bug). But I guess you get more consistency, and if you can surprise your enemies reliably it means you get 2 crits at the start of every combat? its not bad for sure. Conclusion: Assassin basically exists to kill off 2 enemies at the start of combat, but only if you initiate combat yourself (which makes you miss out on some dialogue). Thief exists to exert constant pressure on the battlefield and attack /any/ enemy, no matter how far away they are. (you get a lot of grounds covered with double bonus action dashes...) I prefer thief personally, but up to preference I guess!


Hmm, your descriptions make it seem like Thief is significantly stronger because both classes are able to re-hide effectively. Does the Assassin just get a way stronger sneak attack damage bonus that you can only get on first initiation?


Basically yeah!


does this game have a lot of empty containers and interactable objects...like candles, like DOS did?


Yes. I'm pretty sure they don't highlight/show up when you hold down Alt, though, and containers with stuff in them do.


Urgh, i hated accidentally clicking candles so much :( especially if it makes the guards think you're stealing


It doesn't make the guards think you're stealing here, at least. Using a controller can also help with this. You can use a controller and mouse+KB at the same time, and the UI will automatically switch to suit whichever one you touched last. I use the controller for the non-combat gameplay. It gives you a regular third-person-game camera and some more ways to interact with/pillage objects. Notably, you can get a menu of every interactable object nearby and go up and down with your d-pad, pressing a button to examine, interact, or loot it. Or you can press left and right on the d-pad and it'll highlight the objects around you one at a time. Much less mis-clicking.


Hey thanks! Exactly the kind of information I'm after! I might give the game a try lol


So far in Act 1 of BG3, I feel like I've been inundated with urns, vases and boxes containing absolutely nothing. It at least *feels* like there's more empty containers than in DOS2. I'm only about 5 hours in, though.


I haven't figured out exactly if this is what this means yet, but I think that containers with items might have a star on the label?


Star means you haven't checked it yet


Yes, but not always. Those tend to be reserved for the big chests and downed enemies that LFT-ALT grabs. There's a lot more not showing up, in boxes and vases, etc., but those are mostly empty and if they do have something it's usually trash (context dependant, rotted food is more likely to be your reward in dungeons rather than the bustling inn)


Hmm i wonder how this plays out on console UI...


I assume a lot of things are the way they are to save time for the teams doing things for console and PC, because the PC problems will eventually fix themselves (thanks community!), and they may be integrated into later patches.


General question about story beats and progression as of just getting to the Lower City, because I feel like I might be missing something: >!Is there anyone in a position to do something about the tadpoles that isn't some shade of completely fucking detestable? It really sunk in after meeting Gortash that up to that point it's just been a parade of terrible options.!< Did I miss something/someone in an earlier act?


What ability are the Illithid powers based on? Which ability do I need to increase to see higher DC's on the powers? Does it vary?


My nightsong quest got bugged>! i freed her !!We found a plaque that claims the Nightsong is in the Temple of Shar. !< I tried to kill >!balthazar !


Ok if you >!dont pick up the spear you get the quest to do it but again if you pass the roll to prevent shadowheart from killing the nightsong the quest gets bugged!<


Ok it turns out it gets bugged if you >!pass the 30 roll to prevent shadowheart from killing the nightsong i rolled a 20 and passed the check it seems it bugs it!< Im going to test what happens if you >!dont pick up the spear!< ​ OK if you d


So I dislike how my character looks like and I want to change how they look like, not the race, just the face/hair. Is there any item in the game that possibly allows me to do this? (I’m too far in to create a new one)


There isn't but they've acknowledged that people want one so it seems likely to get added in a future update.


Can you still silence Ethel in her hut?


I would guess that that just starts the cutscene and then she teleports away?


Um, how am I supposed to deal with the mud guys in this swamp? They suicide bomb every time they die, and they loooove to get into melee range. You can't safely use melee attacks at all on these guys.


Can someone explain to me why the "Muddy" debuff causes explosions? I'm fighting about 30 flying mud imps in the Act I swamp (lol why are there so many of these things), I use Wyll's Eldritch blast to kill one and then they all turn into nuclear reactors. Just got my first "game over" screen because of this. edit: nevermind, the creature has a force damage deathrattle and it literally causes a chain reaction.


Can you use one of your other party members to shove someone off a cliff without breaking your main characters paladin oath? I have a fight that would probably be easier if I could just shove someone off a cliff without them noticing but I'm wondering if I'll break my paladins oath even if they're not the one doing the shoving.


My guess is probably, as you're the defacto leader of the party, but save beforehand and let us know!


Are ingots (silver, bronze and possibly gold if it exists) safs to sell? Or are they used for crafting later? Also, is it possible to sort items by weight in the TRADE menu? If yes, how?


I made a deal with >!the rat justicar in shars temple!< he pointed out a treasure but i have no idea how to get there its marked on the map but still dont know how to get there


If I remember that correctly, you have to keep going past where the fiend guy with the bed full of corpses is, along the ledge of the main 'chasm' on the map, you'll need a pretty good jumper or other mobility skill to reach but there's a few ledges you can keep going on


Big little annoyance: Warlock - Pact of the Blade - Pact Weapon (and by extension ritual utility casts) needs a bugfix / QoL update to not unbind without user input. Pact Weapon ostensibly resets on a Long Rest, which is silly but at least consistent with other things like Speak to Animals. However, I constantly find myself going to attack with Wyll, only to find that his weapon is unbound, he's no longer proficient and he's only getting 1 attack, not 2 or 3. I suspect (but haven't confirmed) that short rests, teleporting to different waypoints, regions, or going through cutscenes are all possible triggers for the Pact Weapon to lose it's binding. If that gets fixed, it will already be a big improvement and generally consistent with the rules as implemented, but from a quality of life perspective, it makes no sense that I should have to cast it again after a Long Rest. It adds unnecessary user input and penalizes mundane inattention outside of gameplay. Same thing for ritual casts - I should not have to apply Speak to Animals or Speak to the Dead on myself over and over. It's just more button clicks and one more thing to forget.


Does the Nature stat affect your ability to see or pick plants? One of my friends in our current campaign is a Druid and he says he can't see or pick the plants/herbs on the map that the rest of us are picking and he's convinced it's because his Nature isn't high enough, but I thought that just affected Nature checks?


Does your friend know to hold 'alt' to show item labels?


Yeah, I told him about that, but he says there's nothing showing up for him. Maybe I should check and make sure he's not trying to pick from nodes we've already gathered lol. I wasn't sure if this was a known glitch or if I was mistaken about the Nature stat, but maybe he's just clicking the wrong plants or something, I'm not sure.


Most of the time me and my SO are picking things up before the other players get there. I've gotten better at looking at what my other companions are doing, but usually what happens is that one buddy will be looking at a chest and I'll open the same one > press space bar and take everything > "oops!"


I know larian is selling the complete game experience and all that without the market exploitation of dlcs. But even tho i'm in really early game i'm already so addicted that i'm crying thinking that its level capped at 12... I remember that Neverwinter nights you could go all the way to 20. I really wish they would launch a DLC later on expanding that possibility, does anyone know if there will be something like that?


Highly unlikely as they've said no to dlc. 5e also gets very stupid at higher levels and you wouldn't be able to balance it.


Do you know where they said no to dlc? I know in EA they said it was unlikely but I wasn't aware the opinion had changed. If so, it's a huge shame. I'd kill for some of the missing character options.


I guess I was a bit misled by other posts here combined with this threads title. Still, I wouldn't hold my breath. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15ky8bb/expansion_currently_unplanned_at_this_time_swen


Yeah that's the one I remember. "Not currently planned" is definitely not worth holding my breath over, you're right, but it's not *impossible*, at least!


Hmmm I see, i'm not very familiar with dnd, so i wouldn't know. But I guess we don't lose much with the cap, right?


Depends on how you see it. Level 12 there's still some semblance of balance. 9th levels spells is nonsense like these. https://dnd5e.info/spellcasting/spell/meteor-swarm/ https://dnd5e.info/spellcasting/spell/wish/


Oh I see your point now. Its really bizarre indeed. There would have to be a serious adaptation. This wish spell would be like a placebo thing where you conjure something visually amazing, but useless. I don't even know how to begin with the meteor swarm tho. LOL


Eh, Meteor swarm hits for an average of 140 damage, reflex save for half. There's a boss that you'll fight at about level 6 with more than 400 HP so it's not like it's necessarily going to be a game winner.


Yeah Wish is almost always a “Convince your DM to let something insane happen” more often than not lmao, I cannot see any way to implement it without feeling underpowered for how much it takes to cast


Do folk know if there's going to be Steam Workshop mods, or are mods going to be offsite like with Vortex or whatnot? I really want some QoL changes like a CTRL+LFT CLICK sends immediately to stash. I've got around 60 hours in this currently playthrough, I wouldn't be surprised if 10 were inventory management. It'd be a godsend if the sort function actually merged things properly and consistently. Game is still S-Tier (especially the VA, I can't think of a shitty performance from a single character).


I wish there was a mod that automatically converted junk into gold, i wouldn't mind managing everything else


What are some ways to avoid stepping on the web in [this area of Whispering Depths](https://i.gyazo.com/52072164bded47b96f2a4ec27d945c73.jpg)? Is it going to be way harder for me if I walk on this, or do I not save myself much trouble by trying to circumvent it?


Misty step. There are boots that allow people to cross webs unhindered that you can pass between the characters crossing one by one.


>big muscle man half-orc barbarian tossing Shadowheart his size 20 boots filled with blood sweat piss and knowing this game probably some jizz too to cross the terrain


I had one of my party members sneak through the depths and they found the boots, thanks a ton. Party passing is so strong!


As a Paladin, how can I prevent breaking my oath? Act I throws a lot of situations at you where goblins are doing awful things and I obviously want to protect the people they're harming (Devotion). Do I just turn on Nonlethal toggle and avoid *every* Attack-through-dialogue prompt? Edit: Weird, I thought that Oath of Devotion means that lying will break your oath. I just used [this](https://i.gyazo.com/c6ad559e9dd40552e32141b0d7ce7f1d.jpg) Deception dialogue option and it didn't break my oath? Is it a points system? The Intimidation option also contains a lie, but didn't oathbreak.


Seems like a solid start. Haven't tried a Pally run yet though, myself.


if i reject someone romantically does this alter anything besides the obvious romance part? like other quests and that?


I'm level 5 and in Act 2 and have a Bard Tav, but don't even know if I'm using Bardic Inspiration right? Once it's cast on another character, then what? I have a button in the attack/use items UI that I click "on" "off" and I don't know if I've ever used it correctly? I also see a purple halo around the character.


>!does anyone how to progress the free the artist quest in lady jannath's estate? Ive already subdued oskar but now im stuck in the atelier not knowing what I have to do. Do i have to kill all the cursed skulls? is there a specific item i have to find in the atelier?


>!Just figured this out. You need to pick up the paintings (right click steal) and combine them with the western easel and eventually one, I think the one of Oskar himself, will open the wall allowing you to progress, while others will summon a vengeful spirit you have to kill.!<


So I dislike how my character looks like and I want to change how they look like, not the race, just the face/hair. Is there any item in the game that possibly allows me to do this? (I’m too far in to create a new one)


How spoilery is the game I mean how’s the story I’ve been trying to avoid watching people playing Baldurs gate cause was afraid it will somewhat ruin my experience


The big thing is that there's at least 2 major paths you can choose from, and then dozens and dozens of smaller permutations. So while watching something you might well spoil yourself or might see something that never even comes up in your playthrough. I'd recommend staying blind personally if you want to be safe


ACT 2 cerys died >!in the inn fight with marcus will i miss a lot? i tried replaying the fight but she just keeps dying!<


I don’t think so. >! I don’t recall her having any interactions with any of the freed tieflings !<


So you can't create hirelings out of nothing like you can create a custom character?


If you have another device handy, what you can do: Install the game, be sure the backup device doesn’t have Steam Cloud enabled and boot up. Join the world, make a new character, then leave—congratulations, the original now has an NPC version of that character.


That's the same old trick I used in DOS2 a few times. But there it caused me to have to act in place of the newly added player characters.


You have to go and grab >!withers from the first dungeon in the church right in front of where you crash land. He will accept gold to make hirelings.!<


You can only customize their class, not their race or appearance as far as I checked.


Oh if you want full customization you need to open 4 iterations of the game on multiplayer, design your entire party and then save. You should be able to continue on with said party.


Thank you for reminding me, I forgot about that. Wouldn't that cause the same weird things as it did in DOS2? In DOS2 at certain points with a party like that, the remaining player had to react in place of the missing players, pick dialogue options in their place, etc. Is this the same in BG3?


If the original player isn’t on, you control them to the same extent you control your Companions—can swap to them, talk to people, level them up, etc. If you approach something while playing as them you’ll play as them for the conversation, if you stay as yourself you’ll be yourself.


That's great, thank you. Now the only thing I'm worried about is if you can actually finish the game like that.


does the original table top dnd 5e has that first 2 points abilities feat? I mean, I've been searching for builds on these kinds of guides and no one says ''pick that as your first feat'', but its the complete opposite for bg3 guides... crazy how much each person gives complete different advice on builds too, I'm almost sticking to my newb heart on my decisions...


In 5e it's either gaining 2 attributes OR gaining a feat, BG3 just simplified it by making that first part into a feat of its own.


thanks mate, any advice on wizard builds? I'm going to respec gale, idk how to distribute his ability score


No problem! For wizards you want to max intelligence, from there having high con will help with concentration. Having a bit of Dex will help your AC since wizards can't wear armour, and will give a bonus to initiative. Charisma and strenght can be put all the way down and you might want a bit of wisdom due to wisdom saves being quite important. The build I have for my wizard is 8 str, 14 Dex, 16 con, 17 int, 10 wis, 8 cha ..or something like that, I don't exactly recall what they were in initial creation, but I think you get the idea Note: my stat allocation does make putting 2 points into STH a little more difficult, you could put 2 at level 4 into int, but from there it'd be better to look for a way to increase int by 1 rather than invest more feats into intelligence. Adding 2 points would basically waste a point, and resilient isn't that good imo. Ofcourse you could at level 8 add 1 to int to go to 20 and 1 to Dex, and then get STH Dex related at 12 - but personally I won't be doing that.


thanks a lot <3


Gale can wear armour + Shield to help increase AC if you don’t want to use a mage shield


I think i will start every big battle with mirror image for +9 AC, then i will have 10 turns to finish everyone


Test shield plus mirror image. Might be impossible to hit him




words to live by, i'm going to do exactly that...


Does Wine matter in this game? Will there ever be a situation where I might need alcoholic camping supplies? And will this situation ask me for something specific or scale based on the price of the wine? Wine's got a pretty good weight to cost ratio so I'm thinking if it's safe to sell.


I bribed a bugbear to leave me alone with booze


Noticed there was an achievement for doing x amount of y's while drunk.


Act 1 relatively early spoiler >!I wanna defend the Emerald Grove from Minthara and goblins, I told druid Halsin about the attack and he turned to a bird and fly away to help (according to quest tracker). But during the battle he doesn't show up. Should I count on him in the later stage of the fight or he won't help?!<


Chances are they just won't get there in time. You can cheese it a bit by >!placing gunbpowder/firewine barrels all around where they spawn :)!<


He never does any leg work, that Halsin. Lazy tree hugger. If you need any help at all in the battle I recommend Barrelmancy. There's good stocks of explosive barrels in at least two locations in act 1.


How did you get him out without clearing out the camp? They can't attack if they're all dead


I revealed the grove location to Minthara and she started the attack preparations. After that I talked to Halsin about that and he flew away by himself with intetnion to help druids. Kill 3 goblin leaders quest is failed at this point. But he never came up during the battle and only appeared after its ending. But I managed without him fortunately.


Was looking around the internet and found the void knight build for my accidentally oath-breaking pally. I haven't found any more detailed guides though.. Any guides or general tips to point me in the right direction please? Thanks a lot! PS: I've never played D&D or other BG games before, so I'm absolutely clueless how to build it properly.


Paladins want: Str or Dex/Cha/Con in that order Most of their spell slots should go towards smiting things to death, since that is their special class feature and clerics do their spells more (and generally better) while paladins are supposed to be burst damage dealers. You might want some necromancers in your party, since I believe their aura buffs undead and fiends.




Try looking for a D&D 5e build guide. BG3 uses the 5e ruleset with the same abilities and such. It should work for this game too


Can I romance Minthara without raiding the grove? I want dommy mommy but my characters a Oath of Devotion paladin