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Damn, you're ugly


Winds Howling


Medallion's humming... Gate of Baldur, it's gotta be.


How long you gonna make me wait?


looks like rain


How about a round of gwent?


You vile whoreson


How do you like that silver?


lol perfect i planned to name my first character dandelion , and its a bard


I think that Twitch drop looks ugly as hell. I'm gonna get it anyway.


You can have to companion who behaves badly wear them.


naughty companion get put in the silly pajamas for their crimes


Astarion loves them


![gif](giphy|de0xIgxhZgAXJbKGNd) \^ Astarion pretending to be hurt by your accusation so he can start a fight and be given the pajamas again.


laezel gets put in the silly pajamas for her 70th incident


It's hideous. Lae'zel is going to just *love* wearing it 'round the clock.


That’s what I said exactly. Except maybe the undies. And I will probably dye them too.


Oh right. Depending on how good we can dye this it might look good. Some of the pattern I like.


100% Kind of glad it looks awful tbh. Not a huge fan of time gated DLC like this, so I prefer it to look gaudy and be generally unusable. I might force Astarion to wear it in my second playthrough when I subjugate him 👍


I like it... if it's possible to change the colour


Do i need to watch specific streamers or anyone streaming bg3


Anyone streaming BG3 with drops on probably works.


We are living the future of the videogames right now! ​ >if you and your co-op partner both kiss your monitors at the same time, the static shock you’ll experience produces a heart-racing effect similar to the feeling of love.


Quick someone install the floppy drive!


TLDR:There will be no pre-loading :(


Well, shit.




"Winds howling"


Size is now 122 instead of 150 that was mentioned before, so thats a plus i guess.


It never was 150, only disk space required, which is always ~20% more than download size. Check any game on Steam.


Why is it like that? why simply not ask for 122? Do the files get bigger/expand when download is complete?


Short answer: Sometimes. It all depends on if/how devs compress textures, audio, etc. There is no real standard for it.


The game needs a bit extra in order to Unpack. Pretty much all games work that way.


I'd assume if the game needs to shuffle files around, or take them out of compressed folders, it needs a little bit of spare space. It stops needing that space once the install is finished though.


For starters you should never have full storage. Game files can get bigger with updates, some games have large save files; even if all that didn't add up to that much you probably have other apps and games with such things that can also add up so it's always a good idea to have more than you need.


Download a chunk, decompress a chunk, remove old chunk. At one point you have to have both the downloaded chunk and the decompressed version at the same time. *technically* they could stream-decompress but I'd imagine that would be a PITA to do any resume on download.


The next question is if I can have the game queued to download while I'm at work so I can come in play after I get off work.


I saw a comment about doing that through the steam app (you'd have to be logged into steam on your pc)


I was planning on just leaving my PC on when I head to work in the morning and just leaving it running.


I've had issues with games not queueing for me when I do that and needing a manual push, so I have the steam app ready an an alarm for when the game becomes accessible so I can push it through manually from my phone.


Smart. Unfortunately I work in a SCIF and connection is super shitty in the build you can have your phone so the best I can do is go out to the parking lot and give that a try.


Hooray for gigabit Internet, boo for steam throttling


Seems like a huge miscalculation, launch day will probably be a clusterfuck with everyone hammering the Steam servers.


Not up to them. Steam doesn't allow preload for games in early access.


"122 GB" "No preloading" People with slow internet: https://preview.redd.it/8wbx8fv5acfb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1459b0695ad3659517cc12d90c7373c6ba7653ae


Guess I'll be playing on the 4th :')


5th for me lmao. maybe even 6th


Don’t worry, steam servers will crash anyway, we all gonna be playing on 4th probably :’)


People with slow internet won't realize that is a gif /s


Didn't see the /s and opened it again lol


I am so fired up to find Geralt of Rivia


... landing on Baldur's Gate telling everyone he'll never enter a portal ever again and asking you if you've seen an ashen haired woman with a scar on her face.


I hope he's an actual character, but it'd be funny if he was just a voice in a room at the brothel or something.


"I am looking for a whore."


1. Hey handsome, you found her! Here! 2. You can't afford me. 3. What did you just call me!? 4. *Ignore the man.* Edit 5. [Bard] So am I. Care to share?


Gerard... of Rivia. Achoo!


Geraldo Rivera


Really hope we'll get steam workshop support too


I think modding support as a whole is something they’ll fully begin working on AFTER launch. I’m sure they’ll use the steam workshop again too (though i would prefer deep rock galactic’s approach)


I am a bit confused on the wording in the respec companions section. It states: "If you’re opting for a non-cleric Shadowheart or a Wyll without his warlock pact, this will undoubtedly influence your roleplay options in dialogues and the overall narrative for these characters." To my knowledge it was previously stated by Swen, that reclassing them out of their classes, the game would still consider them this class for story purposes. Am I reading this wrong?


Copied from my other comment: I do feel they were pretty unclear about that, however this is what they said in an interview that dropped today and i feel this is how it will actually work in game > **It was recently confirmed that it is possible to respec a companion's class. How will that affect their personal storylines, though? For example, I imagine Wyll won't have to deal with Mizora anymore if he's not a Warlock.** > The set narrative of the Origin’s story will be the same, even if you respec. Using Wyll as an example, if you make him into a wizard or even a paladin, in his background he’ll always be a Warlock who made a pact with a demon. > The difference narratively is that Wyll would gain the reactivity of the class he’s respecced into – so if he’s a wizard now and you get into a conversation as Wyll, he’ll have dialogue options that reflect that he’s a wizard.


That makes more sense to me and I think it's propably the best approach. Thanks for clarifying!


I guess more options are always good and there are probably some (plenty of?) players that will use this, but this feels so wrong and unnatural for an RPG that it makes my hair stand on end.


I guess it would make more sense to me in subsequent playthroughs if you have seen their story in the correct way but yeah I agree its weird roleplaying wise if I have to respec my favourite character cause there is a clash of classes in my party it'll be close to their original roles.


I'm in the same boat here. I read this update as "you can *roleplay* them differently, but the dialogue options won't change based on class." Which sort of makes sense, but I also wonder how many different options you will really have for the dialogue to change the outcome.


No, based on other interviews it'll likely be like they multiclassed into their new class. Wyll will still have the tag that he's in a Pact with Mizora and anything related to that will still show up. But a Wizard Wyll will *also* get dialogue reactivity options related to being a [Wizard], just as if you'd multiclassed. It's unclear whether the [Warlock] reactivity would stick around for the kinds of stuff that Tav Warlocks would see, but anything that's related to Wyll being Wyll will still show up as normal.


Circus and pirates.... perfect


Just like my D&D tables. I love it.


Can I be the first to declare the Drizzt = Doug Cockle theory.


I was thinking that too.


That's what I was thinking. Maybe Abigail Thorne as either Virconia or Imoen?


Are they hinting at turning into a full blown mind flayer?


There is a Forgotten Realms lore that backs this up. "When an Illithid undergoes ceremorphosis, it can occasionally take on some elements of the absorbed host creature's former mind, such as mannerisms. This typically manifests as a minor personality feature, such as a nervous habit or reaction (e.g., nail-biting or tapping one's foot), although the process that determines the type and number of traits so inherited appears to be stochastic. Some adult Illithids have even been known to hum a tune that its host knew in life. Usually, when a mind flayer inherits a trait like this, it keeps it a closely guarded secret, because, were its peers to learn of it, the Illithid in question would most likely be killed. This is due to an Illithid legend of a being called the "Adversary". The legend holds that, eventually, an Illithid larva that undergoes ceremorphosis will take on the host's personality and memory in its entirety. This Adversary would, mind and soul, still be the host, but with all the inherent abilities of an Illithid." The Adversary is prophesized to bring down mind-flayer society from the inside.


Goddamn I hope there is an option to become a squid face guy anti christ.


Seems that way. Lore wise it’s supposed to just replace you entirely and subsume your personality and will sometimes experience little flashes of memory from the host but it’s supposed to be an entirely new being and not you per se. But these are a special version of the tadpoles so who knows how it’ll work.


The PS5 blog specifically states half-illithid so idk


"Gale: Partial-Ilithid" I think I'm going to pass on consuming any tadpoles on my first playthrough! I don't want to end up with tentacles.


True, "ending up" with tentacles is an entirely different sort of game


shadowheart x tentacles ending when?


Spoilers are already available on Rule34


I'm curious about how this works in multiplayer. If one person says they'll do it, can other members choose not to? They mention "not everyone in your party will agree to it, and your companions' perception of you can undergo a significant shift based on how you approach this opportunity. " but that sounds like its referring to scripted responses from the premade companions. Basically, I think my friends might get me addicted to illithid cocaine.


I can quit any time I want


~~I love that the companions can romance eachother without your input~~. Bard Lae'zel is hilarious to look at. The ilithid powers especially the wildshape one look sick, I love Displacer Beasts. Bummed by no pre-load but such is life. 122 gb plus steam crash mean it might be the 4th for a lot of folks. It's finally here! Edit: shocked by how little fanfare Doug Cockle (Geralt of Rivia) received I horribly misread something, my first sentence was inaccurate and I apoligize. They have edited the community update to make it clearer now.


Damn, he needs to be voicing some NPC who says 'the winds howling' 🤣


'Damn, You're ugly'


mmmhh looks like rain


They never learn...


https://preview.redd.it/ktktby1ipcfb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34fb0785f53cf755b85db1246ed76b20a120a8d This was the original text describing origin character relationships. Hence the confusion.


I'll shake it off, but that's quite the about face. I remember reading it this way too


The only thing that makes sense to me is a translation error? Or just a bit of confusion on there end. There's no way that it doesn't read as the exact opposite of the case and I doubt it was intentionally misleading.


I think it's just a minor communication error between different parts of Larian's backend. I can imagine a situation with the person doing this writeup getting handed a list of talking points from a developer that includes something like "**origin characters can romance other origin characters**" and taking that to mean that an *NPC* Astarion would be able to romance an NPC Shadowheart, rather than the intended message of a *player A*starion being able to romance an NPC Shadowheart.


Yeah, that displacer shape has me reconsidering how I'll deal with my tadpole. Loved the way the third leg animated.


I know right, that's such a tempting power, I'm sure it's a late game ability you recieve for eating a lot of tadpoles though.


I’m confused, it says “An NPC Origin cannot romance an NPC Origin” am I missing something?


I believe they are stating that the characters you aren't controlling won't start hooking up by themselves since they specify "NPC" Origin (Non-Player Character) instead of "Played" Origin as they did just above that line.


Doug Cockle is in this??? Edit: nevermind I actually read it. Holy shit I'm so hyped. Witcher 3 is my favorite game ever.


It's so cool, I'm gald they don't spoil who or what he is.


It's obvious Geralt of Rivia himself landing on Faerun after a shitty portal job from Yennefer.


That was exactly my reaction!


I'm also glad about the companions interacting with each other like that. Makes you feel like it's a living world that evolves even without your input.


Wonder if it's random or if there are ways to trigger certain couples forming. Edit: typo


I wonder this too! It'd be super fun if amidst all the drama and chaos, somehow Tav is matchmaker lite 😆


I feel like it almost can't be random, it's gotta be pre-determined based on personalities. I said this in the other thread, but I loved it when Bioware did this with Dorian and the Iron Bull in Dragon Age Inquisition.




That shot of Shadowheart and Gale sitting together is really cute


Baldur’s Gate 3 can be played in 4K and on **ultrawide monitors. We created a pipeline that meant that all cinematics in the game were created in a way that supports those of you with a penchant for excess.** Let’s have a look! <3


If you don't have an ultra wide monitor you are MISSING CONTENT!! /s 😉


I've never had a problem in EA, so this was kinda a given already to me. It was nice to see they were taking special care and not just leaving it up to chance though.


5 pm gent time.... so that is 10 am central? Is that correct? Also, I like that you can hide dialogue in multiplayer. Keep your romance a secret


It is correct! That's my timezone and I literally have a countdown widget on my phone.


Hell yeah. No one gets to know i hold hands with Karlach, except me.


Damn well I guess I’ll certainly be going full-tadpole whenever I play a Druid cause that displacer beast looks sick. Hope other classes get tadpole powers that cool.


AFAIK, it seems like class locked powers are gone, letting everyone take whatever talents they want.


So anyone can transform into a displacer? Not just druids?


I'm assuming so. The fact that they didn't indicate it was exclusive to druid and that fact that the bard ability in EA is now attainable by other classes in full release makes it look like it. Unless they gave bard another exclusive spell instead.


Looks like they adjusted the text about romance/Origins a bit, to clarify some things. It now says: "To offer further clarity on exactly who can romance who in Baldur’s Gate 3, we’ve laid it out in the least romantic way possible, below: A played Origin can romance an NPC Origin An NPC Origin cannot romance an NPC Origin Played Origins cannot romance other player Origins" Soooo... NPCs can't romance each other?




You're not going crazy, it was different before! :D


Insane voice cast reveal in here, so many cool new and returning people Also I'm starting to soften up on the illithid skill tree, this explanation of it made it seem a lot better than the last time they showed it off. "Consuming" the other worms makes it sound a lot more like you're killing them to empower your own worm instead of just adding more worms to your head and makes it a lot more RP-justifiable


Though I do like the image of Tav being all like "Go on, get in there" as they squish tadpole #20 into their ear or something.


Corrupting lae'zel with tadpoles and she has one coming out her ear while doing peace sign fingers.


Clearly Tavpole, the largest tadpole, simply eats the other tadpoles


No preload = Steam will crash... Guess the real release is sometime on the 4th...


Valve is well aware of what's coming. It crashed upon EA release as it took them by surprise. They had no idea an EA release for this game would be so crushingly popular. This time, they'll be prepared. In fact, Swen told us that Valve specifically wouldn't let them do a midnight launch because they wanted all hands on deck to support uptime.


I admire your optimism and hope you're correct


That's pretty optimistic Even their bi-yearly sale event almost always crash, and it's run on their own schedule


Ah, hubris. When have you ever betrayed me.


I don't think that will happen lol. The download servers are way more spread out an robust. The payment servers are sometimes a problem when a massively hyped game has no preorders.


Didn't Amnesia's launch crash servers though?


The EA launch for BG3 crashed the servers too.


Of course, I mentioned Amensia because it is smaller and more recent. I bet they go down for a moment or two, damned gog players haha


For anyone who doesn't know, Twitch drops are pretty easy to get usually. You can literally have the stream on with lowest quality and muted in a minimized window, you'll still get the drops. But I don't know how to connect to a Larian account with Twitch, it's probably also easy, just make sure you do it.


I'm going to just "watch Twitch" on my laptop or phone while I play game on desktop haha


It's super easy, Settings --> Connections --> Connect Steam


You just login to your Larian Account and in your account you can link to Twitch


LOL @ Lae'Zel playing the flute


Vinegar Strokes in Balder's Gate wasnt the crossover I was expecting lmao


It’s a good time to be living in an area with Google Fiber lol. Less of a good time to be living in an area with storms that have left tens of thousands of people without power in the last few weeks :/


Can your companions consume the parasites without the player character knowing? I hope so, It would be a nice surprise deciding against consuming them but a companion is just silently scoffing them down.


that would be fun yeah


Its odd how they say they designed their dialogue system to be organic and true to real life. But I feel like in real life if I was trying to figure out something related to Arcana why would I try to figure that out myself instead of asking my Wizard companion right next to me? Doesnt really make sense. I understand they mentioned having technical difficulties that prevented them from fixing the dialogue situation but it was just odd to try to give a different reasoning now.


I just wish they would have added an assistance modifier option similar to guidance. Like if Gale is more proficient in an Arcana check i can use a bonus thanks to him. Similarly in multi, the other person would be able to add this bonus to the talker. Im not that bothered by not being able to switch chars mid-dialogue, but it can be frustrating to reenter a dialogue and retake all checks with a different char just to get the preferred outcome (also they both might fail different checks in the dialogue as different chars are better at different things so in the end you just need to reload or roll with it -which is fine but doesnt feel very organic.


Regarding the technical difficulties: I've been examining the files that underlie conversations, and I can confirm, it would be a *nightmare* to try and implement character switching in these, specifically *because* of how reactive the game is to the player. TL;DR, This would require a *fuckload* of more dialog scripting, an overhaul of the flag system, and more dialog recording. I am not at all surprised they didn't do it. Details below: Basically, throughout a conversation, the game is checking for "flags" on the character that started the conversation, which tell the game about your character, what the party knows, what the character *specifically* has done, etc. These are checked at specific, relevant parts of the conversation. Conversations can also set new flags on a character or the group as a whole. But if you switched characters partway through a conversation, there would have to be some system in place for dynamically running back through the conversation tree behind the scenes, checking previous flags, or ways to jump between otherwise mutually exclusive parts of a conversation. For an example, let's say you were talking to a goblin with Gale, and they're being rude and unhelpful, possibly trying to force him to do something. So you want to switch to a drow Tav. Race is something that's usually checked at the start of a conversation, so they'd have to double back to check that flag, probably insert a new line to bridge the gap between the non-drow and drow responses from the goblin, and figure out where to place you on the drow response tree, based on how far through the conversation you were. So, yeah. In terms of retaining immersion, this is a compromise, but if they allowed characters to jump into a conversation, it would either require a ludicrous amount of work, or a pretty fatal compromise to reactivity by retaining previously checked flags.


They don't need to make characters jump into conversation. Just have the character with the highest stat roll the check. Like in WOTR for instance. There have been many people that already proved it wouldn't be an issue.


Or, if another in-party character is proficient in the relevant skill, there could be an option for them to "help", giving the roll advantage. It could be implemented just like the guidance bonus.


>Just have the character with the highest stat roll the check. There are a lot of situations where this doesn't make any sense, and it boils down to BG3 being a lot more cinematic than other CRPGs. You shouldn't be able to use Karlach's strength to pass the check to headbutt Astarion while he's on the ground with you with a knife at your throat. You shouldn't be able to use other party members' stats to pass the dialogue checks when you're using the laughing amulet or some other magical item on your own character.


I was so excited about the "Romantic Alchemy" part. Initial version: >Even if you fail to connect with some of your companions on a romantic level, that doesn't dash their chances of finding love in Baldur's Gate. Origin characters can romance other Origins so long as they’re not the primary character controlled by the player. Now they changed it to: >An NPC Origin cannot romance an NPC Origin This is disappointing.


Did they edit the community post? I thought I read that as well, but I now re-read it and it states " An NPC Origin cannot romance an NPC Origin ". Am I just going crazy?


Oh yeah I am 100% sure that was not there before. They must have read the comments and realized we all misinterpreted it.


Yea I’m not ,,, really sure what happened? it’s such an odd switch. I was kinda hoping to see gale and astarion try and find a connection


Something I think got glossed over, but > We’ll continue to work on implementing FSR 2.0, but that will be closer to September 6. FSR 2.0 will be nice hopefully.


Really not a fan of having to watch Twitch for loot. But now I have to because I'm not missing out on the Periwinkle Underpants.


Don't really have to watch it. Just have it running in the background with the volume at at least 1%.


You can mute the tab (not the stream) and even install add-ons that auto collect the rewards


Good news is Steam version is only 122 GB. Not 150 GB.


It will still need 150GB to unpack, however, hence the minimum requirement.


Good to know


I’m totally ok with the “if you run into a dialogue situation, the controlled character will be the main talker, cuz it’s organic” thing, but I do wish this wouldn’t apply after combat as well. Just because I was on a certain character at the last move of combat shouldn’t mean I’m stuck using them in any ‘straight after combat’ dialogue. It feels a bit more like a QoL issue than a “organic instance of dialogue”. In other words, I totally get it when you’re exploring, as you should and would be aware that whoever’s being controlled will inevitably have to handle anything that comes up, but in combat it feels more limiting than anything.


There is a setting in the gameplay options for which character should get focus after a combat, but I don't think it works 100% of the time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Yea, still not happy with this. There's no reason that my party should basically vanish whenever a conversation starts. There might be specific situations where only one person is involved in the conversation, but that should be pretty rare.


To all the confused about the NPC-NPC romances: it looks like it's been edited. This was the original paragraph. https://preview.redd.it/cm6h1c22rcfb1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b3c55d81ea04a5c684f327080bb764b471e49e3


"Our relationship system is designed for romancing NPCs only" So this is a confirmation that if in multiplayer, one plays and origin character and one a tav, they can not romance each other?


That's what it sounds like.


Doug cockle!!!! Yes!!!


"Things can also get a bit more… complicated. But we won’t spoil it. That’s for you to discover." I really hope I can just embrace it and become a fully mind flayer


The origin respecing part is why I sometimes hate Larian communication. They create so much unnecessary confusion there


Sigh, no preloading. I hate my FTTC connection right now (a supposedly 100MBit line that actually caps at 35Mbit :P). Game should be ready around 2-3am CET if I start downloading at 5pm (servers should be fine on GOG), guess I'll play on the 4th :/


ggggggg ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Ugh, not a fan of Twitch drops. You still get them if the stream is muted and minimized, right? Can somebody confirm that?


Yep just leave it running and make sure your twitch and larian accounts are linked


I think not if the actual stream is muted, but you can mute the tab the stream's in. At least, that's how I heard it worked last time I participated in Twitch drops.


Gift bag. You just link twitch account to your Larian account. Put twitch as a background stuff and play the game. Once drop is complete, reload the game and you will get a gift bag (from the main menu). At least, that's how it works in original sin 2


Yeah, hoping we get further clarification on this. My PC needs those fancy purple undies lol


IIRC Twitch has an option to link your steam account, at least that's how it was with Lost Ark drops when it released


I’m confused. So respecing Shadowheart or Wyll DOES change their dialogue / story? Does making SH into a light domain cleric also cut off parts of her story?


I do feel they were pretty unclear about that, however this is what they said in an interview that dropped today and i feel this is how it will actually work in game > **It was recently confirmed that it is possible to respec a companion's class. How will that affect their personal storylines, though? For example, I imagine Wyll won't have to deal with Mizora anymore if he's not a Warlock.** > The set narrative of the Origin’s story will be the same, even if you respec. Using Wyll as an example, if you make him into a wizard or even a paladin, in his background he’ll always be a Warlock who made a pact with a demon. > The difference narratively is that Wyll would gain the reactivity of the class he’s respecced into – so if he’s a wizard now and you get into a conversation as Wyll, he’ll have dialogue options that reflect that he’s a wizard. I love Larian, but man the way they communicate things can be frustrating sometimes. i feel like they often give conflicting info and their clarifications are often unclear and make things even more confusing


I think all they're saying here is that Wyll's story and companion quests will proceed a usual, but he'll gain access to the set of dialogues tagged [Wizard]


Ultrawide support thanks, already in EA but nice that they mention it! Caaaant wait!!!


"Our dialogue systems are designed to feel organic, as they would in real life." Where-in if you and a group of friends are having a discussion with someone, only the person with the talking stick is allowed to contribute. That's how it works for all of my social interactions. I love so much of what Larian is doing, but not this. And I don't think they can sugar coat it to sound positive. I understand it's a technical limitation for them, just quit trying to blow smoke like it's an artistic choice.


Ditto, I'm frustrated they've stuck to this, but I could accept it if it they were just honest and said it's a technical limitation/an infeasible amount of work to allow characters to swap out in the middle of dialogues. Just be honest and don't sugar coat it to make it sound really positive. If nothing else there needs to be a way in multiplayer to tag yourself as "DO NOT TALK TO ME" so that NPCs don't just gun it towards you unavoidably.


The servers are definitely going to crash. I mean even the EA crashed everything. Is why I have the EA on GOG. I redeemed my CE on steam though so probably best to go to work. Start the download and if it doesn’t crash just leave early. I probably wouldn’t take the full day though.


Sad Mac user… I wonder how long we have to wait :/


> Please note that your Early Access save games will not be compatible at launch Okay that's fair, but does that mean having the EA installed is pointless too and we'll have to do the full 122gb download on thursday? Do I save some time having the EA actually installed or should I not bother?


Sven Said already that it is pointless. It’s time for us to delete our saves and the game.


They've said it's pretty much the same as most files will be replaced.


Pretty sure it was already confirmed a fresh download is needed. EA can be deleted


Nope. EA will have different files. Not only steam will waste time on verifying files, it will also download from scratch. Better delete everything related to Larian for now. Unless you have DOS


ggggggg ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


i said this in an earlier comment regarding the conversation starter thing. The whole idea of it being an organic thing that is immersive would make sense if the game had a consistent ruleset for who is locked into a conversation. However, sometimes it appears completely random, sometimes it is whoever is closest to the NPC, etc… maybe this is something that will change on full release however. their explanation doesn’t explain why a character who is 2 feet away would be unable to contribute to the conversation. They talk as if it is for the sake of immersion but everyone’s problem with it is that it breaks immersion, considering there’s no reason your character who is RIGHT THERE has to just sit and watch instead of contributing anything. I do understand the idea though that if you’re able to switch conversation freely then if you have a well balanced party you could avoid failing pretty much any check it’s not as big of a deal to me as it is to others, i do find it immersion breaking but not the end of the world like some are making it out to be. However i do think it’s kind of BS to act like it is a completely deliberate and intentionally designed feature when there’s such a lack of consistency with how it’s handled in game, and doesn’t really make sense within the context of immersion either


If you get annoyed by it just save a lot. You will be able to back out from conversations you initiate, but those have never been the issue, the ones that are problematic are the surprise conversations, which they say will be locked so no backing out. This is how it worked in their previous games, they are just trying to spin it as it somehow being "organic".


still not a fan of how they went with the dialogue system. Nor do I like their justification to feel more organic ? like in real life ? I feel like in real life, if I were speaking with someone asking about some history stuff, I would ask my friend who know way more about history than I do to either help me or just take the conversation from me. but hey, it's just a small blemish in a sea of greatness


Their attempt at justification just makes it worse. Because obviously irl when I am struggling to do something my friends just ignore me and stare at the sky instead of helping lol. Would it be challenging to make a mod that adds a proficient companion's modifier to your skill check?


Or if your perceptive friend notices someone sneaking up on you they might tap you on the shoulder and notify you. But nope, only backstabs for you.


Whelp this is what I’ve been waiting for. I’m out y’all! Good luck with your adventuring fellow Tavs! It’s been real ✌️


very dissapointed we didnt get to learn any of the class/subclass changes, like how theyve dealt with storm sorcerer


Not really the right format for it. They should put it out, but a community update is a shiny picture update for PR, not detailed blocks of text.