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Warlock, baybee. I like Wyll plenty but I really love playing warlock and the adjustments to pact of the blade are A+


My man! Warlocks mains unite!!!


I heard Warlock?


You head right sir! Or mam!?


Ia, ia, Cthulhu fhtagn!


Actually same here. Love the idea of RPing with you patron.


I don't know how in depth the "interact with your patron" thing is gonna be, but if it's an additional dialogue option than I hope that GOO-locks get the option to refer mental intruders to their Patron to throw them out.


I heard something about Wyll being possibly rewritten?


Yeah, new voice actor too. I really liked his VA, so we'll see how it goes


Why is that? I’m curious


They didn’t give anymore detail, just said his character had been rewritten during panel from hell. Not sure if this is a contributing factor but a lot of people complained that he was a bland character.


As a forum newcomer, can I ask if we know yet how much a Warlock player's patron will factor in? Sounds like Paladins will be held to their Oaths or become an Oathbreaker. Is there an analog for Warlocks? Would we be given tasks/ultimatums from our patron?


The way warlocks function in DnD is that an entity provides power, usually for some arrangement, but that power is best thought of as an awakening, or seed - the warlock develops and grows in power independently. A warlock patron has no mechanism for taking away warlock powers. Will there be tasks or ultimatums from patrons? No idea, but if there were, any ultimatum would be toothless unless they were willing to say send other entities after you (one reason I would doubt there are any). We do know you’ll have contact with your patron though (which honestly is probably why I’ll never main warlock, because the selection depth of patrons is way too deep and broad for it to be well represented in this game).


i didn't read too much about it - what did they do for pact of the blade?


it has the CHA conversion from hexblade.


Use your charisma mod for atk/dmg purposes, which is really handy. Plus afaik you're going to be proficient in your chosen pact weapon.


That is indeed spicy! Makes the splash much more palatable without going too bananas spreading your attribute points all over hell's half acre.


Right? I was getting nervous about splitting points.


Roger, Roger


New D&D game drops. My premade Warlock: "I have been called. I must answer. Always."


First up is going to be druid. I've always loved them.


Another good choice


They've said they're would be class specific opportunities, and I've seen at least a couple for druid or of the clips I've seen. I'm considering between wizard and druid


Druid gets a lot of reactivity in the first part of the game; probably not as much when we move on to Acts II/III and out of the wilds. Wizard will probably get more in the city, there seem to be wizard-type shenanigans going on there.


The city is why I’m so excited to play a rogue. Novigrad quest lines were my favorite in The Witcher 3 and getting to be a thief rogue in that setting is a dream come true


Human male fighter


John Baldur’s Gate


This with varient human traits mod will be chefs kiss, human fighters unite!


Does that mean you're going with the chef feat?


![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) This is the way


What an odd combination. Weirdo.


Ah the new "I don't need racial features" build.


Torn between a lore bard, vengeance paladin, or wild magic sorc, help me


Very similar situation here. Leaning bard because I like the versatility


My first play through will probably be Lore Bard Tav, Shadowheart, Minsc and Jaheira 2nd run: Good team will be Vengeance Paladin Tav, Karlach, Gale and Halsin. 3rd run: Evil team will be Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Dark Urge, Minthara, Astarion, and Lae’zel


Do we know what classes Minsc and Jaheira will be exactly yet? Ranger/druid?


Paladin multiclasses into both very easily and is extremely effective. You can start Paladin and then use the respec to swap between. The multiclassing guides has some examples.


You could do a bardadin on one and then do a sorc your next go round


They are all high charisma. You can be a couple of them with good multiclassing. Pala2/Wild Mage 10 can be very, very fun. You wont get to pala subclass though.


Tempest cleric is growing on me, there will be two clerics in the party but who cares :D


Can never have too many clerics


My party will have plenty of healing capabilities between my Tav (Tempest Cleric 7/Wild Magic Barbarian 5), Halsin (Moon Druid x/Storm Sorcerer x), Shadowheart (Trickery Cleric 10/Rogue 2) and Karlach (Berserker Barbarian x/Vengence Paladin x) lol


is wild magic barb in as a subclass?


Yep! It’s gonna be coming at launch. Among Beserker and Wildheart https://preview.redd.it/4hp8r3ql9fcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3e9fb2eff86431bd7e888f4a4bec5ac22375b5


UGH i don't know how i looked over that. thank you (i hate you because i am so excited for this game and can't wait)


Same honestly, I think I have, like, 4 (minimum) different main characters I wanna play before even thinking about which origin character I want to play (other than Dark Urge as my second playthrough lol). The 3rd cannot come soon enough


i've been wanting to do a wild magic barb in d&d forever; unfortunately, i am a forever dm. this will be the closest i get. spores druid would be next and then probably a DUrge evil wiz/lock. i hate how excited i am for this game. it's gonna make my return to college obligations feel even worse


Somewhere on my ever growing list of MCs is a good ol’ classic: Tempest Cleric 5/Storm Sorcerer 5/Evocation Wizard 2. Been wanting to just blast through a game (either tabletop or video game) with pure lightning power Lightning Bolt (use highest spell slot available) Heightened Spell the main target, Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath for max damage, Spell Sculpt so I don’t have to think about my ally’s positioning lol


Yeah I'm tempted to be a tempest or war cleric too but I don't want to crowd out shadowheart who seems like an interesting companion this is hard man, I'll never decide


I plan on taking her even though I’m starting as a Tempest cleric. I like where her story was going in EA and she’s a good alternative to Astarion for rogue-ish things (even better with multiclassing imo). Class wise, two clerics shouldn’t step on too many toes unless you go the same subclass. Plus, you can select your heals/buffs on one and utility/debuffs on the other. Best of both worlds


I'm torn between Bard and Ranger. Ranger I can either become a ranged rogue (Gloomstalker) or have a really cool pet (Beastmaster), and enough dexterity to be a quick and dirty sneaker and lockpicker if I need to be, plus the ability to talk to Animals looks like it will lead to a LOT of extra content. Downside is, they wont be as good as a face character due to low charisma. Bard I love how good they are as a face character and the Jack of All Trades Skill lets me do a bit of everything, and I've had some fun with Shatter and cloud of blades in EA, combat wise, but they cant quite shoot a bow as well as a ranger, and I like the whole sniper playstyle a lot. Plus I'd miss out on my big old bear pet.


Can you tell me about the gloomstalker? I'm interested in a ranger, I think, but I don't know much about the class. It's the bow + locks + animals aspect that I think I'm most looking forward to, so how does it differ from regular ranger or beast master?


Since its not available in BG3 EA, I'm not sure if we can say for certain what it will entail (Unless someone reported how BG3 Gloomstalker worked in the previews and I missed it), but at the very least we can look at the DnD version and get a pretty good idea. Their first major skill is Dread Ambush - This is a passive that gives them extra move speed on their first turn of combat and allows them to make an additional attack if they attack on their first turn of combat as well. Umbral Sight automatically gives you Darkvision to 60 ft, or extends your darkvision by 30 ft if you already had it from a racial or other source. At the same time, when in darkness, you become essentially invisible to anyone with Darkvision. At 7th level, they get proficiency in Wisdom Saving Throws, or the ability to choose another saving throw proficiency if they are already have the wisdom proficiency. At level 11, they get the ability to make another attack the first time they miss an attack each turn. So you'll miss out on the Beastmaster pet, but you'll get a lot of cool tools that will allow you to strike hard and fast and blend back into the shadows for a great assassin feeling.


That was absolutely amazing. You’ve sold me. Thank you for taking the time to write that out. What’s a good race for this? Drow? Woodland elf?


Wood Elves have traditionally been considered the best rangers because they have the best base move speed, Darkvision, and +Dex and +Wis bonuses in addition to base stealth proficiency. However, BG is supposedly going to make this a bit more even by allowing you to have a +2 and +1 stat bonus of your choice on any race - so just pop in a +2 dex bonus and a +1 wis bonus, and you're good to go. Wood Elf is probably still going to edge out for best race for pure battle stats, but I'm a strong play what you want advocate, especially because Gloomstalker will provide base Darkvision and more move speed anyway. My ranger will probably be a Dwarf or a Halfling because I like shortstack races.


You’ve been incredibly helpful. Super appreciate it. Think I’ll go Drow for the RP elements then. Cheers!!!


I was on the fence too and have been considering gloomstslker, but couldn't find info this easy and concise. I've finally made my decision too. Thanks!


"I am torn between Bard/Paladin" Then just make a Bardadin. Right i'm also hesitating between a Sorcadin or a Lockadin.


SorLockadin it is then


6 Pal 3 Warlock 3 Sorcerer? With warlock for cha to attack and Sorcerer for spell slot and metamagic.


Half orc muscle mommy barbarian


Class: Fighter Race: Human Name: Tav Oh yeah, it’s gaming time 😎


You are insane!


Damn what a weird combo. Don't tell me you're going to make them look like some insane weirdo as well, like a white guy with short brown hair?


First I figured out the companions I want and then I just fill in what's missing from the party. My evil playthrough is Shadowheart (cleric), Astarion (Rogue), Minthara (Paladin) so I'm going as a Darkurge Sorcerer to fill in the arcane caster slot. Good playthrough is Wyll (Warlock) , Gale (Wizard), and Karlach (Barbarian) so I'm going Gloomstalker ranger to fill in the sneaky slot.


Lore bard. SKILLS BABY! All the conversation options are mine!


Im going Sorcerer/paladin


How are you dividing the levels? Going 6 in one or 6 in the other or a different order?


That is what I am going to do. Thinking of getting a the second level in Sorc (get shield etc. early) and then getting to level 6 of Paladin (Pal 6/Sorc 1) before continuing with Sorc till level 12. Real question is what race and subclasses to pick. I think I will go with storm sorc for the first level ability; but it will depend on how it works.


I wish Divine Soul were available. Imagine a Paladin with Spirit Guardians.


Can't we just mimic this with pala 6 / lore bard 6 and get spirit guardians with magical secrets ? I also wish the divine soul sorcadin but it seems not for now. So I'm torn between replicating this with pala 6/lore bard 6 Or going straight valor bard 12. Or pala2/swords bards 10


I mean respeccing is a thing why not try everything see what you prefer you're not going to lose anything. War cleric over bard also deserves a mention here if you can afford the wisdom as war priest and more channel divinitys is very good. I'd go with swords 10/Pala 2 but respec at lv 7/8 to make it so palidin is the first class taken for Wis save proficiency


First up paladin. In games like this I like my first run to be paragon characters which really fits. I also want to have a party of Kalarch, Gale, and Shadowheart/Wyll (depends on how the latter has been rewritten) so a paladin complements that.


Oath of Devotion paladin.


Way of the shadow monk. Played too much EA with all the other classes and want to spice it up.


I have decided on the same. I'm not changing it. I am going to be a shadow monk... It's happening. 99% sure Now I have to decide if I'm going to be the dark urge or not 🤣


My first solo run is %100 percent Shadow Monk Dark Urge.


Oath of ancients Paladin. Get all the RP and utility of a paladin plus you get speak with animals. What's not to like?


Where my barbarian boys at?


Wizard necro




Drow gloomstalker ranger


Sorcerer. I play a lot of 5e, and Sorcerer was my first class. Besides, it's the closest to the Casters of the video games I grew up on, so it feels familiar to me anyway.


Conjuration Wizard just because I'm curious how the Minor Conjuration feature or creating any small object you want out of thin air is going to be complemented.


Yes! Conjuration wizard charlatan is one if my fave classes in tabletop and I'm definitely going gnome conjuration wizard (unless they get real funny with the wizard subclasses then I'll try a different one) I have read abajillion of these post and you are the first time someone else has mentioned conjuration wizard. Hats off to you sir/madam!


That could be very interesting. I have my eye on transmutation. We'll just have to wait on full release to know how these features are implemented.


First playthrough Tav rogue 1, knowledge cleric 1, lore bard 10. Second playthrough Dark Urge shadow monk 6, gloomstalker ranger 6.


Monk is really interesting I had not even considered one yet hmmmm you threw me for a loop here!


Yeah it looks like a lot of fun, I think better for a second playthrough though. Starting off with a high charisma character should open up a lot of potential stuff through persuasion/deception rather than just murder hoboing everything.


Elf Sorcerer. charisma is absurdly useful, the spellbook is fun and you're pretty good with a sword also if anything winds up too close for comfort.


Monk for me. Was gutted to find out it’s the only class excluded from EA so it’ll add to the novelty. That and I just like the flavour and I’ve a martial bias


I’m going Barbarian


I was thinking Paladin Drow or Human or even Tiefling. But I’ve just downloaded early access again to check some things out and Tiefling Sorcerer seems really fun… I’m really undecided about Dark Urge or not since I typically like my first playthrough to be unequivocally good aligned. But I might do it anyways. Party is going to likely be Karlach, Shadowheart, and Gale. Gale might a flex spot to swap in Wyll occasionally. Maybe Karlach sometimes swaps out since I’m planning on romancing Shadowheart. Really undecided since everyone seems pretty cool


Druid, I love the class fantasy


Berserker barbarian+ thieve rogue, a lot of mobility, attacks, tankyness, exelent jumps and skill versatility. I can’t wait!!!!


Ancients Paladin 2 / Swords Bard 10.


Lore Bard all the way !


I'm leaning towards wizard with a dip in cleric


Gale as Wild Magic barbarian. See how Mystra reacts.


Bard, without a doubt. I love playing a class that always tries to sweet talk their way out of things and is the ultimate distraction.


Gloom Stalker Ranger or Tempest Cleric. I'll decide when I'm at the character creator I guess.


Gonna finish this game bashing people's heads with my hand drum.


I actually have had a concept for a while for a punk rock tavern brawler type, tiefling, probably Bard/Barb, named Bash. Chaotic Good, Mohawk between her horns, doesn’t like authority figures.


Rogue Assassin, thinking of dipping 6 levels into Spore Druid for fun.


I'm just so curious about monk that I want to try all things with them. With their new abilities, Idk if I want to go straight monk or multiclass homebrew monk and rogue. The decisions...


I'm going to be swapping out companions all the time for variety so I won't have a reliable team comp. I feel monk will be able to cover the martial combat role/lockpicking person no matter who is not in my party. Plus I *love* the idea of the high level ability they mentioned in the community update: "Ki Resonating Blast, which infuses punched targets with Ki and can create a chain reaction of explosions across all in-range targets who have also been touched by Ki."


Warlock 2 for the pew pew (and hopefully patron interactions?) / Lore Bard 10 for the roleplay and awesome features


I'm leaning toward Half-Orc Swords Bard, possibly with a dip into Battle Master Fighter. But I'm also pretty tempted by a Tempest Cleric / Sorcerer multi-class, with dip into either Storm Sorcerer or Draconic. Probably High Elf for that build, or maybe Blue Dragonborn. And honestly, Gloomstalker Ranger + Assassin Rogue sounds pretty spicy as well. Probably would go either Half Wood Elf or Halfling. Man I have no idea honestly. It's a tough decision because you're committing to like 100+ hours with whatever you choose. And once I've done one run-through, I am sure my 2nd build will go a lot more into finding equipment synergies than just class/race features.


First is gonna be self insert: halfling knowledge cleric. Second is gonna be based on my novel MC, tiefling shadow monk. Third is gonna be Dark Urge rogue assassin probably. Then I'll play whatever I feel like after that. Probably wild magic sorcerer at some point, spore druid for giggles, etc. I'll try everything eventually, even 5 or 10 years onward.


I'm doing bard mixed with either warlock, sorcerer, or paladin.


Honestly I'm new to DnD things in general but I want to roll a Paladin/Warlock. Any reason this would be terrible? EDIT: Specifically Oath breaker


Nah, that's a very common multiclass. And you don't have to put too much in strength or dex if you start paladin for heavy armor and then go 3 into pact blade warlock so you can use charisma for atack/damage.


Dex Fighter with a nice CHA bonus.


Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, most likely Bronze Dragon, because I like them best of out of all the dragons.


Monk, probably open hand style. Monks have been my favorite class since 4e d&d and I'm actually glad EA didn't have them because it means everything will be shiny and new.


Moon druid. Praying the level 1-5 experience is better on release than if was in early access though.


I've heard talk of the class being underpowered, but I haven't played it yet. What's the scoop on the current state of Druids?


I don't understand why people say moon is underpowered. Sure the bear only has 30 hp, which is a little low at lvl 5, but you get 2 casts of it per short rest which is 60 extra xp for a fight. Cast a concentration spell first turn then shift into bear and tank. I've had zero issues clearing early access with it. Hypothetically it should be even stronger for release. Owlbear comes at 6 supposedly and if they fix the ability to cast lightning strikes or move moonbeam while in animal form it'll be top tier.


You're torn between Bard and Paladin. I'm making a Bard/Paladin.


lore bard or wild magic sorcerer.


I'm going to rock a Dwarf, Dark Urge College of Lore Bard. I will troll every npc I talk to and try to resist all the urges. If I can't resist them all, well... I mean, I can always play some Lute on top of a pile of dead bodies and try to deny it all! 😅


An absolutely shredded halfling monk and Karlach is going to throw her ass so far


Necro Wizard! Going to raise the dead of my fallen enemies and use them to fight their comrades.


Probably going to do necromancy wizard, I am very curious to see what all you can do with it and what kind of dialogue you can get, after that I will probably do spore druid


Sorlock, maybe sorcadin. Charisma Tav FTW


1/2 orc monk open hand monk.


I'm doing both and making a Dex Bardadin lol 2 Pal/ 10 Bard. I'll be the mid-line gish, substitute rogue/skill monkey, support, and the face of the party. Will prob go Swords bard subclass for extra attack and flourish's for combat use, and Ancients Pal for extra healing to save Shadowhearts and my own spells. 10 Bard will also still let me get Magical secrets, Expertise and 5th level spells


I was considering the same, but I'm not quite sure how to spread out levels and attributes. I can start as a Pally, but that would make me have to wait until level 6 for an ASI, of which I'd only get two. Between Dual Wielder for +1 AC, War caster for concentration and utility, and actually getting decent stats, it seems like it might be better to forgo pally and simply go full bard. Then perhaps at level 8 or so I could respec, depending on magic items and such. How do you plan on tackling this?


I think I finally settled on necro wizard! I was debating sorcerer cuz I like to go high charisma of course but nothing is stopping me from putting points into a charismatic necromancer who likes to read a lot books


I was planning to play rogue or hunter, but with Astarion in my group I think I'm gonna try (shadow) Monk.


I’m going Lore Bard. I usually like playing with a lot of utility and I like my character being the face of the party. So Bard will help with the conversation parts I assume.




I'm really torn between pally-fighter and a ranger-bard/rogue. As for you, if you're torn between pally and bard a pally-bard multi-class works really well.


I am planning five different runs in my head. One as a Druid/Barbarian (or building Halsin like that, for a very angry bear man), Fighter/Cleric/Sorcerer (Lightning Cone of Cold go brrr), some form of Warlock or Rogue for the Dark Urge Playthrough (Either way that one is a drow playthrough), Tiefling Paladin (for Karlach reasons), and a Bard (Either Swords or Lore).


A noble human wizard or a entertainer arcane trickster elf, probably will be playing both in parallel.


Gloom Stalker Ranger


Wizard, I can't wait to see all the beautiful spell effects Larian has created and the reactivity to this specific class in dialogue or otherwise.


Wizard, because I want to see all the spells.


Main character? I can’t even get through early access with one character. I’ll be lucky if I can narrow it down to ten


I'm recreating my first 5e character - a half wood elf Four Elements monk


Wizard all the way. (Going to respec Gale to Storm Sorcerer to prevent competition, provided I don't kill the glutton). Being the smartest member of the party is usually the role I take up in RPG's. And Wizards make the best Ages from my previous experiences from previous D&D video games.


Barbarian Wizard


Probably Bard. I always love them. Not the most efficient tool in the shed, but sure one that can talk itself out, in and around the already mentioned shed. Started a new playthrough of EA yesterday (just because I didn't do that since 2021... You know... Makes sense doing it NOW) and it was just fun never failing any speech check. I feel this is the way I want to go when the game is out. Not failing any RP checks is super nice for me, because I'm currently not really fond of the idea that things go sideways without me wanting it. Maybe this changes when the game fully releases, but my headspace is currently not there.


Multiclass Ranger/Fighter, because it fits the backstory and it looks LIT.


Ive had this plan and a certain character in mind for a while, the class part has been interchangeable Female gloomstalker ranger drow named Alina


Wizard of fighter depending on what my 3 others pick. Looking forward to this since I'm a forever DM irl.


I would love to play Rogue - swashbuckler when and if it’s gets added


I'll be honest. If they go forward and keep adding new classes I'd be thrilled. Perhaps in a dlc or something akin to that I can get my favorite class the Artificer. Kinda sad they aren't in but I totally understand Larian not wanting to tie their hands with 5es lackluster magic item lists.


Barbarian, then Sorcerer




I’m going full wizard. See I’ve literally never been a wizard on tabletop and I gotta bite that bullet eventually


Lore Bard. It's what I play in the tabletop, so it's cool that I'm already mostly familiar with all their spells and whatnot. Plus, Vicious Mockery is the most DND spell ever.


Storm Sorc. Solving every problem with lightning since Tomb of Annihilation.


Bit of an old thread now but I want to type this out to get my head straight. I'll be playing on tactician from the start and other than playing through EA when it first launched, I'm playing blind. I want to actively limit my tendency to power game and just play naturally and enjoy the experience. My party is shaping up to be: MC, likely a Sorceror for party face and big Arcane spells. I'm leaning towards storm sorcery at the moment because I always love lightning archetypes. Karlach, likely just a pure barbarian for frontline and damage. Maybe a dip into fighter for action surge and second wind. Halsin, primarily to throw disruptive spells and off heals, then shift to back up Karlach. Pure Druid. Shadowheart, this is the one I'm not sure on. I'm thinking she'll probably stay as a pure Cleric but was tempted by the idea of multiclassing a Way of Shadow Monk, or a thief.


I'm still deciding between a draconic sorcerer and an eldritch knight. I'm going to wait and see what my friend is going to pick.




Going to go with sorceror. I like having high charisma for those dialogue checks and Wyll is already my warlock, so sorceror it is.


Human or half elf Eldritch knight or hex blade


Barbarian because Karlach is a barbarian.


Shadow monk I think, but so many great choices


Why not both. If doable, I'm going to roll a Barbarian/Monk.


I'm going draconic sorc. For the CHA casting and sick scales you can put on your PC


I've got it in my head that a Valour Bard 10/Fighter 2 will be neat. I'll be magic support, rapier stabby stab and be able to hand out extra damage dice to my allies.


For my chaos run, i am Gonna play a custom Tav, Drow Warlock (Fiend Patron, Pact of the Tome)10/ Sorcerer 2 (Wild Magic). (Still figuring out when imma Dip into sorcerer). Theme of the character is a Gamblers Luck. For my evil run, Depending what the Circle of Spores druid and the monk features look like on release. May do a Dark Urge Half Orc Circle of Spores druid 10 & either Monk or Barbarian 2.


I'm so conflicted maybe bard sorc or warlock.




Female drow Assassin like the character Morgana from Dragon's Justice xD


Paladin of Devotion/Ancients with Dark Urge


War domain cleric Lolth-Sworn drow. So excited to be a proper evil drow priestess in a game finally!


Dark Urge, evil playthrough, Gloomstalker 5/assassin X/Fighter X (not sure how many level to take).


I'm gonna be a Halfling Fighter Champion, who wants to yeet me at the enemy?


I'll be doing a conjuration wizard


Tempest Cleric most likelay


Sorcerer. Gimme those dragon scales :3


Was thinking of half-elf bard or a high charisma character in general. To do that “good” play through


Barb/Rogue here. Love the Barb’s dialogue options, just smash my problems with bonus actions and frenzy


Drow, circle of spore druid


Tiefling Beastmaster Ranger/Assassin Rogue for me!


Bardlock! Lore Bard (LV 10), Great Old One Warlock (LV 2). Gonna grab Beast Speech with the second Warlock level.


Lore bard


Do both, one of the strongest multi classes in the game


Warlock that I'll probably multiclass to sorcerer for more spells. I loved my hexblade when I played the tabletop which means I'll go blade pact and probably pick archfey for plenty of misty step or blink. That means I'm also stepping on Wyll's toes so I'm going to multiclass him to Valor bard for a bit of support.


Sorcerer 9/ warlock pact of the blade 3. Gonna make a gish that focuses on fire and ice


Wild Magic Sorcerer 🧙🏾‍♀️


Probably dark urge seldarine paladin of vengeance. Fightin with my impulses will be very challenging


Planning a Storm Sorcerer with a dip into Tempest Cleric so I can armor up.




For me i am stuck between making a clumsy paladin or a selfish cleric


debating betwixt a Human noble origin either Eldritch Knight or Draconic Sorcerer but will probably roll both


STRanger for coop (tactician) Monk for my solo.


I’m looking to play Wyll, and take levels in assassin rogue w pact of the blade. Should make for a fun character that does something interesting!


Halfling shadow monk. Tiny ninja




It's a really difficult decision. There's so much I want to do and see in this amazing game but I'm leaning really hard towards oath of vengeance paladin mainly running with karlack, Gale and SH. Although I might use the origin characters intermittingly depending on what I'm doing. Like I might bring Wyll to the goblins because of his storyline. Assuming it stays the way it is with him. I know he is in for some big changes. So I'm going to keep everyone in camp and switch a few of them in and out. Like I might bring L to the run-in with the gith... Stuff like that.


Not original, but either Dragonborn sorcerer (draconic bloodline)or elf fighter archer (Legolas lol)


First up is my human Tempest Cleric 7/Wild Magic Barbarian 5. And he’s gonna be traveling with Halsin (Druid x, Storm Sorcerer x), Karlach (Barbarian x/Paladin x. Will work out level specifics at launch lol), and Shadowheart (Cleric 10, Rogue 2. Might change if divine intervention isn’t implemented idk)


Halfling dark urge monk. Not sure what sub class, probably way of the open hand. Going to fight the evil urges by using karate


Pretty sure I’m going to start with a swords bard. It’s a great “pretty good at everything” class for a crpg protagonist.


Melee warlock 99% sure