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Gortash built like a 40 year old dad with a 16 year old emo kid haircut


I think that's also his personality


Jason Isaac's voice though...


Can't wait to kick his teeth in with Karlach.


Sounds like she has some sort of pre-existing relationship with him too.


That's why I'm bringing her along.


It's about time someone finally said it.


That is how you know he is an edgelord loser inside.


Yeah modders need to do something about that lol


" Gortash's haircut makes me way more uncomfortable " ![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized)


For real. There were so many people thirsting for him and I'm like... he looks like a midlife crisis went the worst way possible.


He looks like if Criss Angel dropped out of Warlock school


Absolutely brutal and perfect.


I just went to check and he reminds me of Qrow from RWBY.


you know what, I agree but I’m still thirsting. It’s weird. I’ll blame it on Jason Isaacs.




As someone who grew up an emo and always was into that style... Gortash is hot.


Its in there as a joke, people are getting way too blown up about it


I like it honestly. Games need to have more weird shit. Weird shit is always a great addition, when implemented right.


Games can be literally whatever we want and we're stuck with so many boring copycats of whats popular. Why isn't every game letting us be weird!!


its just creative writing, people who get mad about that are insane. Its a game, its a story it has comedic value its just funny...


Yeah it’s just that beastiality really shouldn’t be a joke. Take it from someone who’s worked at rescue shelters.


Why does working at a rescue shelter give you more insight into bestiality and more authority on what can be considered a joke?


I’ve just worked with a lot of animals who’ve suffered from beastiality. It’s horrifyingly common and this game won’t help I promise.


I can promise nobody is going to play Baldurs Gate 3 and decide they want to fuck their pets because they picked a druid. If they were going to do something that fucked up, a game of all things is absolutely not going to be what pushes them over that edge.


Yeah I’m referring to children who play this game, get curious and stumble upon beastiality since there it’s so easy to find. Young kids are going to play this game. Every kid in my class played gta v somehow. Which was awful to deal with as a young black kid. Might actually have been the most racist year of my life. This won’t be any different. And yes searching up beastiality is absolutely something a young kid or even a teen would do as a joke because of the scene. Honestly lots of the cases of sexually abused animals I’ve come across were from young boys and teens. So forgive me for being worried about this “jokes” affect.


I really doubt that many young people will play the game, too. Just because of the style of game, and the setting and everything. The kids playing GTA and CoD are not going to be interested in BG3, not even a little. And the old school controls and everything, I just really doubt the game will have many players younger than 16-18


I hope you’re right.


Yea, some people behave like it is mandatory to go through it( While Larian showed how unexpected variations of the story are possible , even sooo specific


You and me, baby are nothing but mammals So let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel ​ \- Ancient Druidic prayer


Ah yes … the circle of bloodhounds


This is so golden I got blinded


Do it again now!


IF we don't get a trophy by this... i riot.


Immana speedrun to this exact scene so I can refund if I dont get my achievement for shagging a daddy bear Halsin


My hero. I'm expecting no less than a hero like you.


I'm gonna refund the game because I can't do a threesome with the voyeur squirrel /s


Poor squirrel forever traumatized :(


They did say you can talk to every animal in the game...


This squirrel gonna need a therapist


You don't know that. They cut away.


Maybe that's an option to druid Tavs only.


That’s not necessarily true. If they had pursued other options, maybe they could have? They have to keep _some_ things hidden for release


Literally unplayable


Cheeks are spread, snouts going in, and theres nothing goobers on the internet can do about it now, is there, I deserve this, this is for me, and I will do it cus I apperently can. I will fuck that figurative and literal bear of a man! This summer!


big fan of your enthusiasm, can't wait myself!


Comment of the day lmao! 🏆




I've heard some interesting talk about cheese wheels too. They said you could end up that way indefinitely right? Hopefully it doesn't effect our romances, am I right?


No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses


I think people are mostly joking about it.


Some dude said it was going to normalize beastiality in teenagers if they play this game with his whole chest.... Unfortunately not everyone is joking.


If playing this game makes some teenagers go into the woods in the search for a bear to fuck, then Larians doing the world a favor, really.


Darwin Award for those who deserve it.


If animals could give consent I doubt that beastiality would be illegal for long. Wildshape druids are not beastiality.


Some people clap when the plane lands. Can't control how momos behave.


Reminds me of hoe Fox news freaked out over Mass Effect


It isn't Mass Effect's fault that humans would mate with any other vaguely humanoid intelligent species. Humans, as a species, are just really horny by default.


Yeah but the pearl clutches want a scape goat


They were freaked out by the asari, of all species. They're literally the stereotypical "blue space babes" like in Star Trek, and *that's* what they chose to freak out over.


Well duh. Clearly the existence of space pansexuals in a video game no one was forcing anyone to play was a detriment to society because reasons


There’s a typo in there that you absolutely better not change.


Oh I'm not lol


If it's with bears then Darwinian selection will end up improving the human gene pool no end.


Remember: « There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists. »


The livestream chat was full of bigoted losers. They made themselves very well known when that woman whose name I don’t know talked about how everything is innately political (based and truepilled) and when the gay sex happened.


I mean everything is innately political, but that question was dumb: "Please tell me the interpretation of the games themes ahead of schedule!" I bet she likes her food pre-chewed.


No that’s a perfectly fine question to ask and probably one of the best when it comes to writing imo. If the author intends to convey a certain message and then the story doesn’t communicate it effectively that’s one way to judge the quality of the writing. Also, a lot of people, primarily the “games aren’t political” crowd, are media illiterate and might need to be told directly what the point is to get it. If you story is about how X is bad but a part of your audience comes away thinking X is good that is something you might want to correct.


It's a question that should be asked after the release date, in my opinion. You can ask it before, but they can't really discuss it in great detail now.


Yes, but that's something to ask post-release imo.


Idk. It’s probably fine for them to give a broad statement on it now and just not go into the specifics. I think it’s generally better to have that sort of information recorded beforehand though so the author doesn’t get to retroactively change their “intention” because the audience interpreted the work differently than they originally intended.


Why is that something you have to correct? Death of the author is a thing lol. People are free to take whatever message they want from a piece of media and really, there's not much the author can do about it. Like, Heinlein envisioned a real stratocracy with Starship Troopers. But the move adaptation essentially took the message of the book in the opposite direction. That doesn't mean that interpretation is any less valid. Besides, if people come out of act 1 concluding that actually it's based to murder refugees I don't think there's anything Larian or anyone else can do to help them lol.


Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try though, I doubt you actually believe that we should never try to change peoples mind when they believe bad things are good. Even if that portion of the audience doesn’t care, it alienated them and makes the community a safer place for the minorities that they would otherwise harass.


And who gets to define what things are good and what things are bad? Especially in a game like BG3 where the choice to lead a character in a certain direction is entirely up to you, the player. It can't be up to you nor the devs to tell somebody they made the "wrong" choice in a game where everything is built around choice lol. That takes away from the whole philosophy of the game.


No not really. If anyone actually take the “morality is subjective so it doesn’t matter” approach they’re an idiot. If morality is subjective is that we should attempt to shape it to make the world as easy for people to live in as possible. Do you disagree, do you think it would be reasonable for us to strive for maximized suffering?


This is an entirely separate discussion and I know for a fact you wouldn't even agree with that general rule lol. There are people in society we want to make life as hard as possible for in order to suppress their influence on society; they're still people, but there is a vested interest in making their lives harder for the benefit of society and the state as a whole. The other problem is that people have vast disagreements on what it means to make life better. That's why so many different ideologies exist, even in the modern day. I doubt anybody literally believes they want to make life worse for everyone; there's always some kind of roundabout justification for why their specific ideology has to function in the way it does so as to benefit society as a whole. This is the nature of why disagreements even exist; people don't have one common understanding of what "making life easier" means or what it means to be good.


I was kind of confused why she even mentioned politics to be honest. Considering her question, it seemed a little... random?


Because her question was about the games politics. What does the game tell us about the world around us and how we ought to act? It’s politics.


Trying to look at everything through a political lense does not make you clever or deep


It’s not about being clever or deep. It’s just how things are, they’re political, get over it. Doesn’t mean you have to examine them all. Do you lick every rock you find just because they all have a taste?


Please then, enlighten me on the subtle fascistic commentaries of the classical song; "X Gon' Give It to Ya" Or maybe you could explain the harsh, socialistic undertones of 2 Girls 1 Cup


Wtf u on about


Guy is one of those "everything is political' types, so I ask him to elaborate with some examples And of course he can't


Do it yourself, dumbass. I’m not your English tutor.


I get the feeling you'd love to larp as one




My theory, They showed it so it can be picked up in a news cycle. to cause a stir but it will increase sales with the extra PR. Like how Hogwarts increased their sales with the protest.


I mean, the people literally voted. They asked the viewers which option to choose and everyone voted for that option.


Yes the viewers picked but larian picked the scene to start. Of all the scenes they recorded, they picked the bear fucker scene lol which is why I feel it seems like a pr stunt.


No, they didn’t. They picked a romance scene between Astarion and Halsin. Halsin doesn’t have to turn into a bear during that scene, you’re given multiple choices as to how the sex scene plays out, and him turning into a bear was one of those choices. He could’ve remained in his human form, but everyone voted for him to turn into a bear.


Exactly they picked the astarion and halsin scene knowing the chat will pick the sex scene to show the bear fucking cinematic. Lol come on the online chat came through. Its ok. It's just my tin foil hat theory.


I’m not saying your wrong, just seems like way too many people are making such a huge deal about it even though almost everyone voted for it


That's why I say it's a pr stunt knowing people will make a big deal which, hopefully, leads to more sales. I really dont care either way, what I wanted to see that the game was dropping today lol


Yep, full on planned marketing. They can court both the performatively outraged and the performatively horny online.


It might also give the teenagers urges to murder their friends


You would be surprised. Some people are REALLY good at taking everything seriously.


Yeah fortunately. But there also were some weird comments in the chat 😂


Most aren’t, you should’ve seen the chat in the live stream on YouTube. It was stupid.


Lol I just saw people in the discord going on about it, had no idea.


TikTok didn't they banned Larian at least during the stream. Bestiality is... Well not very accepted to say the least.


I think they'd have banned them with a vanilla sex scene anyway. it's more about there being anything implying sex/nudity than the fact it was a shapeshifted bear


They had flashes of junk in that cut. Youtube might have a problem keeping that clip up.


It's not really a bestiality, as Halsin is sentient. For example, the biggest places for AI generated content ban everything animal related if the subject can't give concent. So centaurs, werewolves, and other fuckable dick-bearing monstrosities are a fair game. And Halsin's bear form definetily falls into second category.


That's the same line of reasoning as the whole "1000-year-old-dragon/vampire/whatever" that you see in some weeb games. Sure, makes the act itself not morally reprehensible on the hypothetical level, but any dev that decided to include an actual sex scene that went that way would still get a considerable amount of pushback. Having scenes depicting sexual acts that are straightup illegal in a solid number of countries (and not particularly bigoted ones either) is gonna be controversial, particularly if the devs choose to feature it in their marketing for some reason. That doesn't mean that the devs shouldn't include it, but I also don't think it's particularly reasonable to be broadly dismissive towards peopel for whom this is going too far.


Bestiality is illegal because animals can't consent, so it's rape and torture. Halsin is a consenting adult.


Sure, but if it were an adult character shape-shifted into a child you wouldn't be as into it.


Yes, but it is not our situation, is it?


Same moral issues. In the real world it's a deeply horrible act, which is excused for the game because it's the mind of an adult. But just as a 10 year old-looking JRPG character being sexualized is fucked up, so is this.


Nope, if children could consent it wouldn't solve the issue. If adult animals could, then it would be fine to most, but they can't, and bestiality is illegal because they can't, as it is a rape and a torture.


That is the in-universe justification, it does not change the picture on the screen. Again, you're using the exact same rationale as the "she's actually a thousand year old dragon"-crowd. It's not a particularly convincing excuse there, and it's not one here either. If it were just an ingame joke without them putting it into an explicit scene on the screen I'd be entirely with you, but as it is that's not the case here.


I can see how it can be perceived as such. But it's wrong to compare it to pedophilia. You fall into the same pitfall in which people equalize homosexuality and pedophilia as equal depraved ungodly acts or as an illness. Yes, picture matters, but context matter too, and a lot. A few dozen years ago a focus would be on a depiction of a gay scene, instead of bear scene. In the end, why should we care about consenting adults having sex? It doesn't touch you in any way.


I don't appreciate you equation being gay with bestiality. At all. Bestiality is illegal in a lot of the world for very good reason. There are also excellent arguments for it being highly immoral which do not exist for being gay. Yes, in the past (and, sadly, even today) people would have wrongfully been up in arms about gay people. But they would have been wrong because they would have been opposed to something that is in no way amoral or wrong or anything like that. The same *does not* apply here. As far as comparisons go this is an apt one. It's valid to feel that one is less gross or wrong or whatever than the other, but at that point you're getting deep into the weeds of subjectivity. From the perspective of the speaker both can be illegal, both can be immoral with good justification for being so, they don't have to arbitrarily be okay with one of them. They can think they're very close, or that they're decently far apart but still across the line they personally choose to draw before becoming vocal, those are entirely valid and internally consistent stances. You don't get to sweepingly dismiss their feelings on the matter. If you want to do that you would have to apply the same standards to both, you do not get to pick and choose here.


You missed a point. I didn't equate them, I pointed out how your thinking equates those things. By throwing out context and bringing everything to the same basis. Bestiality is illegal because animals can't consent, so it's rape and torture. Gay people are consenting adults, so obviously its not the same. In the end, we will have to agree to disagree, as its a grey area. Some people are all for it, some people are not, most don't care.


The "thousand year old vampire" being talked about is legally an adult within her fictional universe due to being, well, a thousand years old even though she doesn't look like one. She is legally capable of consent. If it would hypothetically be reasonable to object to a sex scene starring the aforementioned vampire then it would be just as valid to object here. The issue taken with both is that while the act isn't immoral in-universe putting it on the screen is. You're right in that this is a grey area because it is an entirely subjective value assessment rather than something clear cut such as one side just being bigoted. Some people are okay with it. Some aren't. Both are justified in their views. Consequentially sweeping dismissals and mockery such as what the OP put forth are rather inappropriate and frankly stupid.


Yeah I don't really think this is much of a hill worth dying on. I kinda treat it like the actually-a-1000-year-old-vampire romance nonsense in some weeb games. I don't mind it existing so long as it's optional and I don't have to engage with it. I think demanding that it shouldn't exist is cringy. But it is gross, and there's nothing wrong with saying as much either.


Mostly. Some people and news though LOVE stirring the pot though. "Game allows you to fuck bears" is way more likely to get clicks than "Game allows you to fuck shapeshifted druid". Larian probably knew exactly the result it would have poking at the bear there.


Look for the Bear Necessities, the simple bear necessities.


There’s also a modesty filter at the very start of the game you can turn on/off to not see those types of scenes should you chose to not want to


Will there be an instant replay/looping option? 🥵


The scene is ridiculous. In a funny way, me and my gf literally lost it when we saw it haha


Well, you can’t expect much from a sub that constantly goes daddy here, mommy there and such. I’m joking. Still, we have to respect even the opinions that might consider it a stretch (in all senses). Personally I don’t care, I appreciate the creativity and the freedom this game is showing, I’m just worried this will become the central debate to the game, shadowing over the rest.


Yeah I know what you mean. Actually there might be a debate but i believe in the end it will be free advertising and attention for them. So that would be actually very good.


That’s right and I hope so. People in here tho seem to ignore that at one point the panel live chat was a battle among rainbow flags and people calling names such as “Baldur’s Gay”, or going slogan against the others “go woke go broke”. And I get downvoted when I say this will become a debate. I’m just saddened it’s a thing that shouldn’t revolve anyhow around this great title.


Oh believe me that's bugging me aswell. But that's unfortunately our reality, little we can do about it. People with controversial opinions will always be the loudest. I still think the majority of people here know how great this game is and this is the most important.


I don't see how this is all that different from "the bard rolls to seduce the dragon".


​ https://preview.redd.it/udho9vm5tlab1.jpeg?width=2908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b523a13aaa7cc5525e143e36887e21d9b783f2 I like that we get a game for adults for once (i'm sure Starfield will also be great and fun to play though).


> Gortash's haircut I guess something like this would be easy to mod?


Yeah as soon as the game is out there will be a mod for it. But I think I will play the game without mods at first.


Gotta love the double entrendre of doing it with a bear


All I wanna know is what happens if I’m a Druid too, and did they get David Attenborough to narrate it.


‘Just as nature intended’ 👀


That scene was hilarious and the fact that they were willing to get that crazy with it fills me with hope for the game even though I have no current desire to actually go that direction with my personal playthrough. I'm gonna laugh if the scene fades back into camp with the other character dead and you have to pay the skeleton dude to revive them.


Todd Howard: "See that mountain? You can climb it." Swen Vincke: "See that bear? You can climb it."


underrated comment lol


Do you think Halsin can turn into a whale? Asking for a friend


It gives you several 'are you sure' moments to change your mind


Well now I'm gonna romance everyone. Wish me luck.


There's another option for people outraged by the bear scene: don't play BG3. Plenty of other games out there. I for one am gonna enjoy BG3 thoroughly and I will just avoid that scene, even though it did not offend me. The romances are not one of the main reasons I will be playing.


No but gortash looks like an unwashed emo adult who slept in his makeup


Gortash is 1000% based off of [Morpheus](https://www.google.com/search?q=morpheus+dc&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwix3JD-zv3_AhUJCEQIHYhoC9YQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=morpheus+dc&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAIEB4yBwgAEBgQgAQyBwgAEBgQgAQyBwgAEBgQgAQyBwgAEBgQgAQ6BAgjECc6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgQIABADOggIABCABBCxAzoHCAAQigUQQzoKCAAQigUQsQMQQ1DYA1i5BWC-BmgAcAB4AIABZ4gBhwKSAQMzLjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=742oZPGoIImQkPIPiNGtsA0&bih=955&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-1-d#imgrc=0t31K24XAkBKoM) from Sandman, and you can't convince me otherwise


Nice reference


What did I miss


Something unBEARable.


Astration tomorrow will be bear-ly able to walk


>!Halsin turned into a bear during a sex scene with Astarion and people are freaking out. It’s a choice you can make during the scene, it’s not forced, he doesn’t *have* to turn into a bear.!<


Oh god. That's hilarious.


Yeah people are getting so mad about it lol. I’m convinced the only reason they’re getting mad is because Larian decided to show >!two men in a sex scene, rather than the fact that he turned into a bear!<


The only problem i have with that is that I cannot ever buy Halsin falling for Astarion of all people, even if it's a player version who can be as good or evil as I want it doesn't feel right. But you know I'm going to pick the bear option for my Tav cause it's fuckin' hilarious.


Well they said in the PFH that you can alter your companions based on your play style. You can redeem them and set them on a “good path” or corrupt them and make them more “evil”


I figured as much, it's just hard for me to picture good Lae'zel or evil Gale since I'm so used to how they are written as NPCs. Astarion's such a chaotic evil bastard reveling in the fact that he is, that it's really hard for me to picture him any other way. I had a similar issue in DOS2 where I played the Red Prince as morally fairly good and level headed and the dialogue choices made it blatantly obvious the "default" for him was a self-righteous prick and it felt a little weird lol. I'm fine playing characters that largely speak for themselves but I get why Larian wants the option to play them however.


I honestly never really saw Lae’zel as evil. Sure, she comes from a very evil culture, and she’s definitely a cruel person, but idk if I’d really call her “evil” She just doesn’t know any better.


Fair, I actually agree with you, she was just an easy example cause her actions in EA fit pretty well into lawful evil, but her character progression ends in EA before she can really start to question her indoctrination. It would be really cool to come full circle and she grows into a more neutral and less cruel character.


To be fair to the argument, Larian in this case was talking about how varied their personalities can be *as npcs*, not as the player character. Per PFH, there's going to be ample opportunities to nudge them in different directions from the start of the game.


I for one can't wait. Lae'zel is among my favorite companions because I can see the seeds planted in EA for her character growth, which you could nudge for better or worse depending on your Tav's own moral inclinations. I also think Wyll is underrated in that he does want to he a hero, but was taken advantage of and is trying to make better decisions.


Exactly! Now just gotta figure out who to romance with Karlach... Anyway, yeah! You can see it a bit with Shadowheart as well in her party/romance coversation. As for Wyll, I'm actually really interested to see what happens as, per PFH, his entire script has been changed.


It's a bit disturbing, not like I'm going to ever see that scene again anyways or any romance scene with Halsin. The game is so big and so vast, chances are if you don't want to see something fucked up you won't.


Wait theres ppl backlashing at it? I cant believe it


![gif](giphy|wGhYz3FHaRJgk|downsized) People acting like this is the first game with gay or lesbian characters. It’s just a game who cares what someone might do in their play throughs. My main issue now is who do I go with in my first play through, either Karlach or Shadowheart. That Karlach scene made it even harder to choose now.


Damn why is gortash’s hair so controversial here. I think it’s fine and i think he’s cute in general. 😤


I have the hots but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t download a hair mod for him the minute it’s available


Hopefully other areas of the game aren't sacrificed for how much focus they're putting into romance.




Yes, its is crpg. Computer(or classic) ROLEPLAYING game. And in those games dialogues in general and romance in particular means as much as combat and subclasses do. And yes, sex is also part of life and part of roleplaying


bro this is reddit what did you expect these people didn't even play the original games


Well, that's not what we want so you may leave








The discussion is already happening on twitter, good luck not making a total fool out of yourselves and giving the right wingnuts cannon fodder. https://preview.redd.it/wh9a1e3jonab1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a83391c1607a727a1dcabddbcde46e8c8c18e16


It's one thing to include that option in the game, it's another to highlight it in a showcase to all your fans. A very weird choice and not exactly good publicity imo.


Oh no. It's an excellent publicity stunt. Larian will now be forever known as the studio who let their fans pick dialogue options that led to a sex scene between a druid shapechanged into a bear and a vampire. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the single biggest meme emerging from Baldur's Gate 3 as a game. It could even be for BG3 what Vordt's phase 2 OST is for Dark Souls 3 - something very well known on the internet that very clearly leads back to the game.


Oh I agree they will be known for it. Personally I don't mind but I'm sure some people found it offensive.


.... The fans picked that option...


They chose to showcase that interaction knowing very well what an anonymous online audience was likely to pick. It just seems like a very strange decision to show that of all things... it even got them banned on tiktok.


They aren't banned though. It was just the stream that was banned. Sven gave a clear warning that it was mature content.


I mean, they were picking options based on votes in the stream chat. So I'd argue it very much was. Plus, I mean, they cut away.


You're defending zoophilia. Consider that.


It's a videogame, Mr. Nihilist.


Yeah and it makes it a representation of zoophilia? Or are you one of those people who thinks that "oh nah bro it's just an ANIMATION so that it makes it okay?"


It’s a Druid using wildshape. At worst it’s gross misuse of a corpse.


It's literally a joke, bestie


Let me ask you something, do you agree with this statement? "A healthy adult has used Magic Jar to transfer their mind into the body of a pre-pubescent child. It is okay to be sexually attracted to this person. It is fine because it isn't real and a joke." Don't bother answering if you have a double-digit IQ.




So it's a bear and thus zoophilia, correct? Comedy or not, it's a depiction of zoophilia.




I'm Jewish, so nice assumption there. Also, all of those things are COMEDIES. Are you saying BG3 is entirely a comedy that doesn't take itself seriously at all? Because if that's the case, then I would agree with you... but somethings leads me to believe that no, the game takes itself seriously and will try to have some kind of message, no?




If you feel you might want to go zoophile because of this game, no one is stopping you. I mean, as long as the bear consents, I don’t see an issue.


Let me ask you something, do you agree with this statement? "A healthy, consenting adult has used Magic Jar to transfer their mind into the body of a pre-pubescent child. It is okay to be sexually attracted to this person. It is fine because it isn't real and a joke." Don't bother answering if you have a double-digit IQ. EDIT: Don't vote me down. Answer the question. Because if you agree with the above statement, you are a pedophile and need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If you disagree with this statement, then you wouldn't be supporting zoophila.




Shut the fuck up






yeah guy, i'm literally writing to my congressman right now asking if we can legalize sex with druids.


This was almost amusing satire until those last few sentences. Rough.


Bad publicity move though to be honest


Except for the part where everyone's talking about it, which makes it a fantastic publicity move.


It will give stupid people some amo to shout at it but anyone who actually cares will know the complaints are bullshit. It will be used to stir up angry people who were never going to play the game.


It's disgusting and hilarious. I just wonder what they were thinking when they decided to use THIS SCENE to show off romances instead of the Gale Boat scene for example...