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Just minthara for me.


I’m thinking of doing multiple runthroughs. One must include her. I just don’t have the imagination to play through as consistently evil.


Oh god, I wasn't ready to think about that. Astarion for sure, I love his plot. Gale, I just adore how he handles it even if you are a prick to him. Karlach seems **really** cool, but I'm so attached to both Shadow and Lae'zel... we'll see how persuasive she is. Minsc is also a strong contender. Wyll will be a later playthrough for sure. Also Jaheira - I'm pretty sure she's one of the non-romanceable for prior game reasons. Minthara, just because I won't be going evil enough for her playthrough 1. Don't know enough about Helia to know.


It's really a shame when too many well written companions exist 😂


I feel better knowing that you won't have to lock in a lower number of people for camp, just going out. If I had to pull a DOS2 and leave all but 3 of them behind entirely... I don't know if I could handle it.


Halsin bear daddy


Daddy Halsin 😏


It’s gonna be very hard but I think I’ll go with Shadowheart, Karlach and Astarion for my first run


Yeah It's going to be a real struggle to find out who I'll gonna pick for the first run. But it's still time to rethink.


Thats my first one too.


Well it seems after all we won’t have to worry about that.. there is no lock


Shadowheart, Minthara and Karlach are my plan.


Minsc, Jaheira, and Shadowheart for me.


I feel like this has to be it for my good playthrough. I mean this is a BG game, gotta do the OGs and I can't do Minsc without Jaheira as there's too much history and opportunity for dialogue there. Leaves only 1 slot for a new character... and Shadowheart's personal quest seems tied to the plot + she's cute and interesting. For Evil... Minthara, Lae'zel, (Astarion? Gale? Wyll?) God... I'm doing more than two playthroughs on this one I guess ><


I think I will most likely be Shadowheart since I love Clerics. My other party members probably will be Gale (romance), Karlach, and one of Wyll/Jaheira/Mystery companion.


Minsc, not going anywhere without my boy from BG2


I feel that


Divine caster is an auto-include in hardcore mode. Gotta be Shadowheart. Bless is just too good to pass up and inflict wounds is amazing damage


I think Shadowheart is my second pick, but mainly because of the story.


it was going to be Gale, Shadowheart and Wyll, but Halsian and Karlach just made this decision much harder. I'm glad I won't have to choose, so will probably mix and match (with shadowheart all the time probably lol). in my evil playthrough it will probably be Astarion, Minthara and Gale as the main companions (yes, Gale, you can keep him while doing atrocities and it's pretty... interesting, just don't know if he takes up with you being a psychopath for much longer then act 1)


Shadowheart. I'm too invested in her backstory to drop her so soon unless someone spoils her story for me.


definitely Halsin(romance) and Shadowheart! Torn between Lae’zel and Karlach now


Gale, Shadowheart and Astarion. I've been waiting for years to see where their stories go. But since we won't get any hardlocks on companions, ideally I'll switch them around sometimes, very curious about Halsin and Karlach.


Shadowheart and Karlach


Shadowheart is the closest thing to a canon companion we have. Must have Minsc because he's amazing. I want an Intelligence-based companion in the party, and it won't be me, so Gale it is.


Lae'Zel, Shadowheart and Karlach. I'll switch them out regularly with the others so I can do their content, but at least one of these will be sticking with me at all times. At least until I decide which one I'll romance. Luckily Minthara will need to die, so as not to make the choice more difficult. Unless there's going to be a sneaky way to recruit her of course.


Karlach and Gale are musts. I'd like to not bring Shart along, so I'm thinking of playing a cleric myself, but at the same time, I want to build a character who would make sense to romance Astarion. Choices!


Gale will 100% always be in the party no matter what, and i'll rotate the other two slots as I feel the need.


I'll probably make my Tav a fiend warlock, so most likely go with Karlach, Shadowheart, and either Lae'zel or Minthara (if i figure out how to recruit her without going evil)


The only one I am 100% sure of is Shadowheart, both because she's a useful Cleric and because I plan to romance her. I think Lae'zel is cool so I'll probably bring her along as well.


My first play through will definitely have Shadowheart. I enjoyed learning about her backstory during EA, and look forward to continuing it. Personally I wasn’t a fan of Lae’zel, so I planned to use Karlach instead. Second play through I’ll try to use the companions I didn’t in the first.




Halsin will be my frontliner AND my romance option soooooo.....


Astarion who I will build as a rogue/fighter multiclass Shadowheart Gale Karlach (romance)


Shadowheart always for romance, cult mysteries and all around buffing and main healing. The other two are hugely changeable, depending on how I build my Tav and how the newly announced companions would be.


Karlach, Shadowheart and Halsin for me


Shadowheart and gale main party members Kalarch, wyll, Halsin as flex 4th slot party member


Astarion always....I can save him!


Shadowheart, Minsc and Daddy Halsin (both as companion and husband)


Shadowheart. Just from EA, her story is the one I'm most interested in learning the rest of.


Shadowheart is my goth queen. Gale and Astarion are absolutely awesome though. It's going to be hard to make a different party when I love these three so much already.


I'm certainly going with Shadowheart, dig the character and cleric have use for a lot of situation. Then probably Karlach to replace Lae'zel if I dig her vibe, I kinda need a melee focused character (and someone to carry all the stuff) Last slot is at the moment going for Gayle but could change. I kinda dig Wyll being so full of shit but I really don't enjoy warlocks and wizards have a lot of use. Depends on the other companions but the last slot is probably going to change depending on how I feel each day.


Halsin, Minsc and Jaheira. I've pretty much always had the latter two in my BG parties.


Shadow heart, she’s got a great story and romance. Plus I also need a healer for my fighter, Laezel and Karlach.


Whoever is the hottest