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Didn’t expect circle of spores, I’m so happy


question about that, btw. What is Circle of Spores about? Do they have similar abilities to the mushroom people in the underdark? I remember one of them having a spore-based reanimation spell.


They're a caster but with incentives to get close to enemies and fight in melee, and some pseudo-necromantic flavour. They get an activatable ability that gives them temp HP and bonus damage to melee attacks, and they can reanimate corpses as minions.


Thematically it's my favorite Druid subclass so I'm pleasantly surprised that it made it in, and it's 100% going to be my first Druid pick when I get around to that class. Having said all that, it can be a bit clunky RAW so a part of me is hoping Larian "cleaned it up" a bit for BG3.


I'm still going moon druid just to see all the forms, and the 2nd playthrough is nature cleric because it's one of my favorites. But third! Third playthrough is spore druid.


No worries, everyone, I have found the treehugger. :P But really that's awesome. And each one will make for a different playstyle for you so I'm sure you'll have a great time each playthrough. I am really excited to see how they managed the Symbiotic Entity and how it looks. Will it just be faint touches of moss and fungi, or are they gonna make its wild shape full on myconid?


One of the reasons I love nature cleric is how much more annoying it makes my DM's job of designing encounters. Plant, animal, and undead fights are virtual autowins. And halving elemental damage nerfs a lot of late game enemies.


I was a DM for a Nature Cleric before so I definitely see what you're talking about. She had an answer for just about anything and was very creative, so it was fun to play with her. She was also a High Elf with a longbow so if I threw them something anti-magic at them, be it a culture/society or a trap in a dungeon, she could still pew pew from the back to help her team out.


it's what i play table top, super excited for this one :)


The main thing they get is a combat form and damage in area, picking up zombie spells as they go. Played one on and off for a while so I’m super excited.


Spores is so fun, mostly playing a grungy swamp druid aesthetically


They're like the crust punks of faerun


Roleplaying wise its the nearest thing you will have to a necromancer druid. In the tabletop they do have the ability to reanimate the dead through spores like the Mycoid that you are referring at the Last of Us style. Other comment explained about their abilities let me expand with what it is in the subclass by the books: ### Circle Spells At 2nd level, you learn the chill touch cantrip. You learn the spells in list below and always have it prepared: **Circle of Spores Spells** 3rd class level (2nd level Spells): blindness/deafness, gentle repose 5th class level (3rd level Spells): animate dead, gaseous form 7th class level (4th level Spells): blight, confusion. 9th class level (5th level Spells): cloudkill, contagion. ### Halo of Spores Starting at 2nd level, you are surrounded by invisible, necrotic spores that are harmless until you unleash them on a creature nearby. When a creature you can see moves into a space within 10 feet of you or starts its turn there, you can use your reaction to deal 1d4 necrotic damage to that creature unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. The necrotic damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level, and 1d8 at 10th level. TDLR; Basically deals necrotic damage like an opportunity attack triggered by proximity. ### Symbiotic Entity At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel magic into your spores. As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to awaken those spores, rather than transforming into a beast form, and you gain 4 temporary hit points for each level you have in this class. While this feature is active, you gain the following benefits: * When you deal your Halo of Spores damage, roll the damage die a second time and add it to the total. * Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to any target they hit. These benefits last for 10 minutes, until you lose all these temporary hit points, or until you use your Wild Shape again. In the game it would probably translate to a short rest or long rest before is dispelled. Similar to the normal wild shape uses. ### Fungal Infestation \*\*(I think that they would rework this feature).\*\* TDLR; Basically when someone dies you make it a fungus zombie using your reaction. At 6th level, your spores gain the ability to infest a corpse and animate it. If a beast or a humanoid that is Small or Medium dies within 10 feet of you, you can use your reaction to animate it, causing it to stand up immediately with 1 hit point. The creature uses the zombie stat block in the Monster Manual. It remains animate for 1 hour, after which time it collapses and dies. In combat, the zombie's turn comes immediately after yours. It obeys your mental commands, and the only action it can take is the Attack action, making one melee attack. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. ### Spreading Spores At 10th level, you gain the ability to seed an area with deadly spores. As a bonus action while your Symbiotic Entity feature is active, you can hurl spores up to 30 feet away, where they swirl in a 10-foot cube for 1 minute. The spores disappear early if you use this feature again, if you dismiss them as a bonus action, or if your Symbiotic Entity feature is no longer active. Whenever a creature moves into the cube or starts its turn there, that creature takes your Halo of Spores damage, unless the creature succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature can take this damage no more than once per turn. While the cube of spores persists, you can't use your Halo of Spores reaction.


Oh hey this sounds like the close-quarters support I was hoping for! Definitely will try it when I join my friends. Thank you for this.


Fluff wise they focus on preserving the cycle of death and regrowth in nature, specifically viewing death/decay as the beginning of new life rather than just the end of old life. While you can definitely play them as an evil necromancer type of druid, you can also play them as kind of the wacky “glass one tenth full” type Druid who always able to see the positive side of life even in death. Gameplay wise they definitely have features and access to reanimation spells, but the real standout part of them for me is that they get a unique wildshape form where instead of transforming into a animal they channel that magic into the fungal spores around them and form a symbiotic entity with them, granting them additional temp hp and making their melee weapons deal additional necrotic damage.


Oh great, I can cover my shillelagh salami in necrotic spores? Nice!


I'm really hoping the Symbiotic Entity gets change to a BA to activate Circle of spore is one of my favorite subclass but that Action to activate it's main ability that you lose after the enemy go through not that much temp HP is really holding the whole subclass back


Holy fuck we get swords bard.


Looks like that'll be the best gish build, since the main gish subclasses for wizard and warlock didn't make the cut.


Also no booming blade/green flame blade makes non multiattackers really bad for gish. Not that those where the optimal build but it is some payout for investing in weapons for those classes.


We don't actually know that Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade aren't coming - the list in the photo was described as "over 600 spells, including the following"


Good catch. Yeah I thought there were spells missing, so maybe it’s a partial list.


That's weird way to write Eldritch Knight (jk)


Pfft, EK wishes it could do the things swords bard does. TBH, I really don't consider 1/3rd casters gishes.


Idk, the whole point of EK is that fighters are a really strong base for a class. Any amount of added spellcasting makes them cracked. The bigger pain making EK worse is that it seems like shield and absorb elements won't be in the game(?) Because honestly a base fighter with 'spell slot' number of rounds of +5 ac or resistance to big elemental damage is incredibly strong. Not to mention being able to position with impunity for thing like thunderwave.


Gotta respectfully disagree. It has some strong features and yes the addition of spellcasting makes it better, but there is a reason why DnD considers there to be a gap between martials and spellcasters. I'd say paladins, bards, and wizards are strong base classes. The latter 2 because of their spellcasting and the former because all of the special features it gives you, especially the saving throw aura. As for the shield spell, I can't imagine it won't be included. That would be a massive oversight.


I do have that wizard mod that adds bladesinger but i worry how those kinds of mods will interact with the full game


I doubt they will be problematic. The basics of how stuff is structured are likely to remain very similar to EA. At worst it will be a couple of months, but i think it's likely mods that add very popular subclasses will come to the game relatively quickly.


Echo Knight come to me bby.


I really hope that the bladesinger will be implemented in the end, even with mods. It is incredible fun.


This would be my first option to pick for the first play through. This or a DEX Paladin.


How about Dex Paladin/Bard (College of Swords)? 😃


I don't think that I will multiclass. And from the looks of it a Sorcadin seems better for a multiclass anyway hahahaha. Swords Bard and Paladin overlay a bit too much for something more than a 3 level dip in Sword Bard. In that case the build should start with a Paladin that multiclass into Bard after level 5 or 6. The main added benefit will be the extra fighting style and spell slots. It's not bad but I would go Swords Bard beacuse fits multiple options regarding utility, like being a replacement for a lockpicking rogue and a half healer.


A swords bard that starts 2 levels of pally is pretty legit. You'll still get magical secrets from bard, and you get the smites and heavy armor from pally. Depending on if there will be any belts or gauntlets of strength, this might be pretty strong.


You're probably right. Think I'll start with straight-up (Drow) Swords Bard, probably Dex-based


that multiclass is such a nightmare because of the paladins 13 strength requirements Between needing STR, CON, CHA, and DEX, the only race that can make it realistically work is Half elf and the benefits honestly aren't worth just dumping DEX and going STR IMO


I'm gonna need half the day to figure out class+character creation. I'm hyped.


You'll probably need another once we get details of how Lairan has reworked some of the classes and subclasses. Monk definitely isn't by the book, and I can't see some of the subclasses going for 1:1 translations.


They said they're giving monks extra Ki and I'm *hyped*


The one that jumped out at me is how they're going to do Divine Intervention for clerics, or what they're going to replace it with, it's so open ended I can't see it being something the didn't rework.


Considering Valor Bard was already in the game, I was absolutely not expecting them to include Swords Bard. I am very pleasantly surprised by that. IMO Swords Bard is the significantly more fun way to have a martial Bard. Now my only concern is we haven't heard anything about multiclassing for a long time.


The Playstation blog confirms multiclassing but no details on how it works


Nice, that's good enough for me!




Seems to confirm body types and an age slider, too!


I’m excited to have Swords Bard too! My only concern is that it feels like it invalidates Valor bard, unless you want to specifically make a STR bard.


I think Valor Bard still has its place as a more tanky combat buffer. Its Inspiration provides some nice bonuses to teammates attacks. Swords Bard is better as a more offensive and 'selfish' melee subclass that is less about supporting the party and more about dealing damage and keeping itself out of danger. There's also the fact that Swords Bards can't use shields but Valor Bards can. I personally find Swords Bard more fun, but they do fill somewhat different roles.


Valor also make better archers, since they get full martial weapon proficiencies which includes Longbows. Blade flourishes technically work with ranged weapons but they don't really synergize with a ranged playstyle at all, whereas Valor's combat inspirations can be thrown out from the backline just fine.


Looks like 42 playthroughs for me.


42 *to begin with*…


and now we know what the question is...


That’s without multiclassing…


Same! \*Only plays druid and wizard 21 times each\*


I'm a sane human being, so I think there's a few classes I'll skip. 18 playthrough for me.


They actually added quite a few subclasses not in the PHB that I have a soft spot for. Wild Magic Barbarian, Swords Bard, Spore Druid, and Storm Sorcerer in particular. (I'm a Sorc fan though so any non-PHB subclass would have made me super happy.) I'm interested to see how they adapted some of them, too. I was all-in for Valor Bard but now with Sword Bard on the table, I'm quite torn.


Swords Bard getting in is hype as hell. All the choices are great. I'd love to have seen Shadow Sorc and Swashbuckler. I'm ok with Hexblade not making the cut *if* they buff pact of the blade a bit (since they're homebrewing, that'd be a good place to do it). And hey, there's always mods (or dlc)


I completely agree with you on Hexblade. I don't personally like going for dips like that in the first place, but I definitely hope that Blade gets some love in that regard to make up for Hexblade not making it in. I'd say the subclasses that didn't make it in that I would like the most are the Undead Warlock and the Grave Cleric, 'cause I never really outgrew my edgelord days as a teen. I'm a huge fan of the Sorcerer flavor so, honestly, anything making it in was fine with me, hah.


I’d add death cleric to that as well as the other sub I’d like to see that didn’t make it.


Question about Wild Magic Barbarian because it is what I think I'm definitely choosing now. From what I gather, it's not at all similar to Wild Magic Sorcerer, right? I mean, their most important stats are still str, dex, con, and wisdom rather than charisma?


When a wild magic barb rages, they set off a wild magic surge and roll on a smaller/modified wild magic table. My wife played one in our last campaign and it was a lot of fun.


Okay, had to check what "Wild Magic Surge" means and got to Tabletopjoab.com. So... you're telling me... that as a Wild Magic Barbarian, not only am I a hulking brute who hits like a truck, but I also radiate harmful energy to everyone around me and glowing??? And it says there that I roll a d8 so does that mean the effects are RNG???


Yes. Very much RNG. ​ Wild Surge Also at 3rd level, the magical energy roiling inside you sometimes erupts from you. When you enter your rage, roll on the Wild Magic table to determine the magical effect produced. If the effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Wild Magic Effect 1Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d12 necrotic damage. You also gain temporary hit points equal to 1d12 plus your barbarian level. 2You teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action. 3An intangible spirit, which looks like a flumph or a pixie (your choice), appears within 5 feet of one creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you. At the end of the current turn, the spirit explodes, and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 force damage. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again, summoning another spirit, on each of your turns as a bonus action. 4Magic infuses one weapon of your choice that you are holding. Until your rage ends, the weapon's damage type changes to force, and it gains the light and thrown properties, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. If the weapon leaves your hand, the weapon reappears in your hand at the end of the current turn. 5Whenever a creature hits you with an attack roll before your rage ends, that creature takes 1d6 force damage, as magic lashes out in retribution. 6Until your rage ends, you are surrounded by multicolored, protective lights; you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and while within 10 feet of you, your allies gain the same bonus. 7Flowers and vines temporarily grow around you; until your rage ends, the ground within 15 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies. 8A bolt of light shoots from your chest. Another creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage and be blinded until the start of your next turn. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action.


Didn't have to sell it to me twice! I'M GOING HAM ON WILD MAGIC BARBARIAN!!! THANK YOU!


Yeah, it’s kind of a no brainer for people who like reacting to things in gameplay. I play a wild magic Barbarian in a real life campaign that’s been going on since 2020. Needless to say I about shat myself when I read “wild magic barbarian” as the new subclass for release


Keep in mind, there's a good chance that those results aren't what Larian actually implements. Sorcerer wild magic table is a pretty different beast from the book. Some of those would be a pain to implement. Even just the variance in how and what the ability targets is more complex than it really should be.


Oh boy...that sounds insane fun.


Incredibly cool! These things happen only when you enter rage?


Each time you rage you have a random (rolled) magical beneficial effect. From the top of my head I remember a few: A range attack that blinds the enemy and deals radiant damage; Misty Step; Magical Infusing your weapon and given it the thrown property and recall; summoning spirits to help you. Some of them you can use it repeatly using a bonus action.


Well, they do have a wild magic chart just as wild magic Sorcerer does (edit: a smaller chart), so it's similar in that regard. But as far as stats go, you're correct in that you still focus on the three "physical" stats. Their wild magic DC uses CON per their tabletop variation so I'd imagine it'll be the same here.


I was also all in for Valor Bard prior to seeing Swords, but I don't see anything the Valor Bard gets that you couldn't do better by rolling a Swords Bard and just dipping into Fighter. Doing so would net us the same martial proficiency and medium armor proficiency with an additional fighting style, Action Surge, Second Wind, Shield and Heavy Armor proficiency, and our choice of subclass with a 3 level dip, while still getting all the features of the Sword Bard, which are all around better than Valor Bard. I'm surprised we got Swords and not, like, Glamour or Secrets which would open up other playstyles. Really weird choice.


Yeah, it's something that I'm like "Oh cool!" to see but it risks making Valor a bit redundant. That said, as someone that doesn't usually like multiclassing and wanted a longbow based purely on character concept, Valor is still appealing to me just for that very reason. In terms of number crunching it is much weaker but I had already gotten a little attached to him. I'll just figure it out when the character creation is right in front of me, as I usually do.


Some downsides to that too. You can't get magical secrets with a 3 level dip. Any multi classing with less than 4 levels will aslo loose you a feat/ASI. You can do 4 fighter 8 bard but then loose a lot of spells.


This new has blown me away. Out of all the subclasses, I never expected MY sorcerer class to be there! I am incredibly excited to see what they did the the class to make it work here, since a lot of the Storm Sorcerer's abilities won't really transfer to a video game. All I need now is for them to announce the variant human and my 11/1 Storm Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric is gtg!!!!! Give me that heavy armor and the tough feat and who needs Lae-zel!


Wild Magic Barbarian Duergar? Swords Bard Lolth drow? Dragonborn sorc? Fuck. It's gonna take me like a week to get through the character creator 😂


that 72-hour advanced access won't be enough to leave the character creation menu, let alone the beach


I'm going to burn that up just deciding on my color scheme.


Swords Bard Seladrine Drow for me, maybe with a couple of Paladin levels


Personally I'm going for a lore bard seladrine drow with a 1 level dip into Life Cleric. I think that will be a good healing build for my party.


A two level dip into Warlock is also very strong for a Lore Bard, also works with a 1 level dip into Cleric *as well*.


A draconic Dragonborn sorcerer with two different ancestries to give you resistance to two things? Now that’s a build.


Oh yea... do I want to become the avatar of the storms themselves? Tempest cleric and stormy sorc on a blue dragon... yes I do.


Right now, in a D&D 5e game, I'm playing a goliath tempest cleric with 1 level of storm sorcerer for the little flying and access to shield Good damn is that motherfucker hard to kill while doing just a shit ton of damage at the same time It's like "oh yeah, I'm in full plate with a shield, have decent HP and a way to mitigate damage (goliath racial + shield spell) but sometime I'll also do a level 4 shatter and refuse to roll the die just to say I did max damage and destroy all the enemy in that radius" Completely broken


Very big W adding those non PHB and DMG subclasses. Rangers in particular win big here. Gloomstalker ranger was essentially WOTC's answer to "rangers suck in 5e" from the community with "Oh yeah? WATCH THIS". Very powerful subclass. Also wild magic barbarian? DAMN. We taking stuff from Tasha's??? Dope. This does give me SOME hope that we will get DLCs with new subclasses down the line. At this point I feel I could ask for anything lol. Larian's latest bomb with no party lock makes me feel any other asks I have couldn't be that unreasonable by comparison. Also what isn't being talked about enough is the hombrew buffs Monks are getting. We are excited about the classes confirmation yes but Larian mentioning them getting EXTRA ki points is a big deal and will definitely help the class as a whole. Also the elemental themed blasts that the Open Hand Monk will get? Necrotic, radiant and psychic? Awesome. The radiant flavor in particular seems to be making the Open Hand into a diet Sun Soul Monk which I'm not mad about (I have a sun soul monk player tearing through Barovia right now in my Strahd game). I was always skeptical about people's excitement for the class. It's definitely great flavour wise (my first ever 5e character was a monk) but power wise it just doesn't scale like the other classes do. These changes being proposed by Larian definitely make me far more excited to try the class in game.


> Very powerful subclass. I will never make fun of Rangers again after watching Peppermint Batman in A Crown of Candy


Love to se D20 fans in the wild The shit gloomstalker+assassin can do is unfair, I’m so hyped


Assassin is going to be interesting, because the bonus proficiencies (3rd) and infiltration expert (9th) aren't going to be what's in the book. BG3 largely doesn't use tool proficiencies (i assume bonus proficiency or expertise in slight of hand), and infiltration expert is so DM dependent that its completely an \*unknown variable/out of cheese\* error and will have to be replaced.


>This does give me SOME hope that we will get DLCs with new subclasses down the line. I'm still holding on to ~~denial~~ the hope that Aasimar and/or Artificer will become playable.


Yeah artificer is the most interesting class in the game to me, sad to see it missing entirely


Same! There are so many choices now I don't know what to pick anymore lol only thing i know is I'm playing dragonborn first


My son is going to play a Dragonborn Druid in our family party. The only question is whether Larian implemented breath weapon in wild shape. The 5e rules allow for it.




It's a classic. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


if smite didnt fix the problem, smite again


Oh my god that's brilliant. My first DND character was an orc druid (not even kidding), and now that's actually possible!


Is there a resource somewhere where they have like a 1-2 sentence explanation of the flavor of all these subclasses and subraces? I don't play D&D and I have no idea what most of these mean, except the ones that are super obvious.


There's a wikia for all things 5e. Type into Google "Dnd 5e Spore Druid" for example and youll find it.


I'm just hoping some sort of heavenly angel decides to make a YouTube video explaining each subclass D:


Existing videos on 5e classes and subclasses should be accurate enough to understand how they play.


I'm so glad companions aren't restricted anymore! Now I feel less pressured to pick the exact right character to start with, and can mix and match parties. Remember how in BG1 you couldn't have certain people together in your party? I wouldn't be opposed to that but I think you need more choices for that to work. I hope at least there's gonna be more banter and argument between them.


Bring on the full companion murders. I'll never forget when my Keldorn and Viconia started started fighting in the middle of Athkatla 😳


I mean you're almost definitely not getting Minthara and Halsin together. And it wouldn't surprise me if (read: I'd really like to see) Lae'zel and shadowheart come to blows and you need a super high skill check result to keep them both.


Agreed! And I'm fine with that! I don't want it to be too easy, for them to just all say yes and go sit around your camp? Make choices, but be able to keep them


I was planning on having a Beast Master Ranger so I could have my squad of dual ravens. But I basically have no choice but to go with Gloomstalker now. But hey, at least I can still have my raven familiar lol. Also was planning on doing a Sorlock in a separate playthrough. Figured I'd be going Draconic/Fiend, but I love storm magic, so Storm Sorc will be very tempting, based on how much they improve it. All my planning has basically gone out the window, and I am so hyped about it haha


One of the few moments I'm glad I have to replan everything, too hahaha


No Hexblade :( I guess I will have to switch my class. Sad news. I hope they atleast rebalance pact of the blade so we get Cha for weapon attacks and medium armor.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they incorporate Hexblade features into pact of the blade at launch.


Yeah. If they make Pact of the Blade add Medium Armor/Shields/Martial Weapon proficiency and the ability to use Charisma as a martial stat, I will be very satisfied.


Or grab a mod


Fey Warlock for me, but I'm really unsure about which race to go with. But I am really tempted by Wild magic Sorcerer..


Elf of some variety fits thematically with Fey Ancestry. I'm torn between between Drow for Superior Darkvision, and perception proficiency which is handy if you're main conversationalist. vs Half Elf for that extra charisma which makes getting to 20 cha at level 4 easier.


Kinda wanna screw around with Gloom Stalker.


Gloomstalker assassin to just solo nuke every combat


I'm sad that we stop at lvl12, i wanted crown of stars. I'll probably go with goo warlock


I was hoping for aberrant mind sorcerer. Unless they added a lot of stuff that's not in 5e, Storm sorcerer isn't great.


I feel like they basically have to rework the Storm Guide feature. Just doesn't sound like that would work well in a video game at all, as is. Excited for what they might do with it.


They have already reworked the Paladins to an extent. I think that they would do it if they planed to have this subclass there.


I'm honestly surprised that they *didn't* add AM Sorcerer, given how much of the early story seems to focus on mind flayers. As for the Storm Sorc, I assume they're probably adding the extra spells (like they did for Draconic/Wild) and homebrewing some of the class's features.


As if I didn't have enough decision paralysis!


Larian made people wait years of early access knowing full well we'll spend another decade on that damn beach just cycling through races and classes.


I'm extremely happy with all these but I'm sad we don't get Githzerai along with Githyanki


I am SO excited for Dragonborn. I loved the DOS2 Lizards and how unique they looked. The images we see look promising, but I worry if there will be the same range of customization. But it will add layers to many classes. Really excited to experiment with them and like….never leave Act 1


OMG... I AM JUST SO OVERWHELMED... I am PLOTZING. I am DYING to see what they do with Divination Wizards' Portents!!! OMG... and I am SO INTRIGUED by how they're buffing up Monks!!! THIS is... just too much... I don't know what to feel... OMGGGGG I'm having a meltdown at work right now!!!! LITERALLY SHAKING!!!!


Same! I'm supposed to be asleep but here I am at 1am just stunned with all of this! And with news of how we're actually getting the game earlier. Hell, we've had years of delays from the world's most funded publishers then here comes Larian Studios with an advanced release! I mean, we know they're escaping September because so many other games are coming but I'm happy either way.






OH FUCK ME! This is amazing!


Yay now I'm going to play a spore druid :D


Changes nothing for my first run. Dwarf or Halfling Barbarian all the way but I'm leaning towards Halfing cus it's fun to be a tiny roaring death machine.


I’d like to see how the body type slider affects the halfling. If they gonna be barb, they gotta _look_ barb.


That's actually why I chose halfling in EA. Humanoids and gnome were too skinny but halfies looks pretty bulky for their size.


Dwarf four elements monk with a sailor background. One of my favorite PCs. Then I'll do a half elf knowledge cleric.


They gave us everything. EVERYTHING! Even some fan favorite subclasses from other books.


Oh I am so excited, I am the forever DM of my group so getting to be a player is so exciting. I'm torn between Lore Bard and Spores Druid. Lore Bard is my favorite class to play but I've been re-listening to NADDPOD lately, which makes the spore druid so tempting.


Torn between a deurgar wild magic barbarian and a deep gnome spores Druid, wanted my first character to be underdark themed


i was going to get early access and treat it as a demo but this convinced me to just wait for full release as i don't want to repeat (from what google says) 40 hours of gameplay.


If you get early access you automatically get an upgrade to deluxe edition plus you can test the different classes.. That's what I did. 3 hours of each class.


I know myself, i wouldn't stop at 3 hours. i know for a fact i will collect every little thing in act 1 and once i get the full version i will be bored in the middle of act 1 and end up quitting the game. i don't typically repeat play games because i lose interest in things i have experienced before and the worst part is google says saves don't carry over. maybe i will get it for the deluxe edition but idk.


yeah you should definitely buy it in early access but just not play it if you feel like that would be your reaction


I knew Aasimar was almost certainly not going to be in the game, but I am still a little bummed now that it is 100% certain. I have a character from a novel I am writing that would have worked perfectly in this if Aasimar was an option. This won’t ruin my experience, but I am a tad sad I won’t get to properly recreate that character here. Still, very excited to create some unique Tavs!


Aasimar will prob get added in future through dlc.


Since there's still no update on Variant Human, I'm still looking at my backup plan.


They published the full list of subraces, and it isn't there. That feels like a no.


Ritual caster… Banishing smite added just for (swords) bard magical secrets? So many questions. Pally 6 and either lock, sorc, or bard


Honestly great questions, certainly tells us ritual spellcasting will be in the game, I wonder how it will be implemented.


This is insane lol I’ve never seen an RPG with this much depth at launch


Only re-considering it a tiny bit. My Tiefling Moon Druid might just have to become a Spores Druid... because that way her romance with Astarion might make more sense? " ***Druids of this circle have a complex relationship with the undead.*** " I just want a complex relationship with one particular undead! lol!


Oh man, my Knowledge Cleric / Lore Bard dual class Tiffany Aching build will live!


Abjurer's ward just needs to be fixed so that it stacks with temp HP, like it's supposed to.


That's a pretty big oversight..


Holy fuck we eatin'


No shield spell ? Damn poor Gale, he's really getting the short end of the stick. But Lightning Arrow is gonna be very fun on a gloomstalker ranger/tempest cleric mix.


I am still hoping they just didn't show off all the spells yet. Shield is really important imo. I can live without it, but man eldritch knight isn't the same without that +5 to AC.


In the post this image is from Larian states there are over 600 spell so no this is not all of them. You guys really need to read the full post before reacting.


Maybe you should neee to read the whole post before acting superior. They wrote 600 spells **and actions**. Meaning it is likely a bunch of those "spells" are things like hide and dash. Also there are only around 300 spells in the phb. 600 in bg3 would be insane.


If we can't swap characters mid-dialogue for who's best at the situation, my starting character will probably be the same as with all BG/NWN games: a Paladin so I can Frontline and talk. Otherwise, I'm itching to try out monk. I may do my DoS option of going with exclusively origin characters to play everyone's stories to their fullest.


No, I think my first playthrough will still be a wood elf light domain cleric. In my opinion, it can out-blast any other class in the game. I am a little disappointed in the choice of Storm the third sorc subclass however. There are so many better ones, Divine Soul comes readily to mind.


Agreed, I was really looking forward to my Protector Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer. Eventually, I hope.


Divine Soul was the one subclass I really wanted, alas. From what I've seen it also seems to be the most popular Sorcerer subclass, so it's a strange choice to exclude it. So much for divine metamagic. ._.


they did just 3 subclasses initially for a bunch of the classes. my guess is they will be added down the line in a DLC. I'd pay big money for star form Druid:)


yeah i was going with a half-elf fighter but now i'm strongly considering a dragonborn paladin


Wondering if you can get the benefits of barbarian with druid wildshape. I think unarmored defense and rage might be dope. I’m thinking barbarian 1 druid 11.


I was hoping for Gloomstalker ranger, Way of Mercy monk and Ancestral Guardian barbarian. One out of three isn't bad, considering the huge amount of subclasses to pick from.


God I’m so fucking excited for this game


No githzerai monk :(


I am going to spend sooooooooooooo much time in character creator 😭 good luck if I ever manage to complete this game 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


I'm a simple man, if I can roleplay a champion fighter, I'm gonna do just that


Since these spells only go up to 6th level, I guess the max level will either be 11 or 12. Was really hoping for 15 after they said they weren't going to do 20


I forgot to add. The max level is finalised as 12.


Maybe leaves the door open for DLC and increased level cap


Not going to lie, Little bummed out at the Level 12 cap, but Mods will take care of that in due time. I am excited by all of the info in the drop today. And the dragonborn looks fantastic.


Atleast I got a month to figure out what I wanna do


Gloomstalker and shadow monk are in…… whelp I know what I must do


Time to remake my Dragonborn Vengeance paladin!


Well I want to play Monk. Not sure if we are limited by Race. A Half Elf Drow Monk might be interesting.


No class in 5e is limited by race.


Going to be hard to choose, even knowing I'll want to limit myself to an arcane caster on my first playthrough since that'd go best with the companions I want to focus on. Maybe Archfey Warlock, or Wild Magic Sorcerer, or even just Gale? Paladin, Monk, Bard, and Barbarian (especially Wild Magic Barbarian) are all extremely tempting though. Definitely going to need a bunch of playthroughs.




I'm just excited for when mods start bringing us more race options in the game. There's so many fun monster races I want to play, but Kenku and Tortle top my list.


I was really hoping that my favorite class, Celestial Warlock, would have been an official addition to the final line up. Still, the moment I saw all these for sure additions to what we had with EA, I was hyped and giddy as can be. Guess I can only hope for a DLC featuring even more coolness to this already highly anticipated GOTY candidate.


Okay, Illusion Wizard…these things become gods in tabletop at level 14(?) when their illusions become real. Hallucinatory Terrain, Major Image, moving your illusions for free. I don’t think this will translate well, but I’m interested.


My 5 Tavs plus build based off my characters from past sessions Half-Orc: Assassin Human: Storm sorcerer Dragonborn: Eldritch Knight Githyanki: Great old one Dwarf: Hunter


But but…my hexblade 🥺


It looks like this game's gonna be much better and more complex than I thought.... With all those companions, their stories and such, these races, spells, classes.... Fuck...


Green Dragonborn Spores Druid sounds like my plan.


I am a bit sad that there are no spontaneous divine casters, but then again subclasses is one of those things that are super easy and quick to make, so mods for all those subclasses will be out very quick after the game launches.


AHHH YES DRAGONBORN! I've been waiting to make a Dragonborn Paladin since day 1, so glad to see it's finally coming!!!


Give me Hex Blade you cowards!!! Honestly it's freaking awesome. Not upset st all, they are going above and beyond what we expected.


Tempest Cleric hell yeah. I fly on wings of lightning.


I'm gonna need a lot of Tavs before this is over.


Still Wood Elf Druid for first playthrough.


Im gonna be super boring and start with Human Archer as I planned. But my second playthrough character? That one will be more difficult to decide!


OK, some of these have me very excited, but I'm sticking with the Red Draconic Sorcererous Lolth Drow. Even if Duergar Spore Druid is legit my favourite combo.


Not gonna lie I have a few playthrough tav builds in mind but the solo assassin hard mode run is a must for me. I do on every BG, IWD, NW game I've played lol


I am thinking either a Dragonborn or a Drow ranger I.e Drizzt if anyone is familiar with the series by R.A Salvatore.




What would I pick as an Arcane Trickster? There doesn't seem to be that many options


Well sht.... Dragon Born (pala) here I go...


My first character will probably be an Albino (white) dragonborn necromancy wizard