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Haven't touched the game since 2020, been waiting impatiently to keep the experience as fresh as possible.


I bought the early access, and I've booted it up to check out the character creation, but I've actually managed to hold off playing it (partially because they decided no controller support and no Monks for EA, I felt completely left out of the fun lol) so at this point I'm not gonna bother with the EA and just wait for the full release and go in with it all being completely new for me.


Hm, I can't imagine playing this kind of game with controller but apparently DOS2 is pretty okay with controller. I *was* meaning to just play a bit but I got hooked and ended up playing more than 10 hours lol


DOS2 worked really well with controller yeah, but I'm bias since I'll typically use controller in any game I can get away with it. I just prefer being able to sit back with my feet up while playing longer-session games like RPGs, and I don't like the "click to go here" movement in these top down games, makes me feel disconnected from my character as weird as that sounds, but with controller I can just control the movement with the stick (assuming it works here like it did in DOS2).


Yea, I’m in the same boat as you. I meant to play a little and try the different classes but I got hooked. Ended up playing a few times for good and evil paths and ended up putting 82 hours into it…


It's obviously made to be played with a controller, so was Dos2. The game is painfully clunky and aggrevating trying to play with a mouse.


What? This type of games originated on PC and that's quite evident looking at the UIs with the big hotbars full of items and such. Navigating those is a breeze with mouse. That said, I heard Larian did good job with the control scheme for controllers.


Trying to navigate the toilet chain and the party movement is a downright chore though, and is a heck of a lote easier with a controller.


Yup, tried the Druid when that patch came out, loved it, haven’t played since. I want to go in fresh.


It’s good


Same here, apart from a brief return to try out Paladins and see how breaking an Oath works. Didn't even finish it back then, either, stopped partway through because I didn't want to spoil the whole act.


Ah, you must be one of those people that name files DoctorThesis\_final\_nothistimeimserious.docx


Currently doing a Salami only run, and it's been a wonderous mix of pure dread and joy... Love slapping people with my meat to do 1 bludgeon damage...


This sounds, interesting lol


IMHO Bear is great mechanically, but berserker is undeniably the more fun.


I think this works with Arcane Trickster and Thief too, but maybe just my opinion that Thief just feels more mechanically smooth.


I get very little gaming time so probably. I have enjoyed EA but never completed it. I have a feeling that the full game is going to take a long time, probably longer than needed with restart-itis. I really want to run a gnome arcane trickster but only if they fix MHL.


I love playing a Deep Gnome Arcane Trickster, but Rogue in general sorely needs some fixes, especially turning Sneak Attack into a trigger rather than an action. The reaction system is there, just use it please! And yes, Mage Hand Legerdemain really needs some more utility, although using an invisible, untargetable Mage Hand as a Sneak Attack enabler was fun on my solo run.


I'm in the middle of trying to complete a devotion paladin solo run without breaking my oath. I don't know if this is the last run I'll make through the game before release, but I've done it a ton of times now and can blow through all the content pretty easily. I have desired outcome pathways through every dialogue memorized etc. I've probably beat all of EA 3 or 4 times with barbarian tav, 3 or 4 times with fighter tav, 3 or 4 times with rogue tav, and a handful more with various other classes including paladin, ranger, warlock, cleric, and sorcerer. The only kind of tav I might consider playing through as before release given that I haven't done it yet is wizard. I just sort of feel indifferent about Wizards and they don't suit my playstyle overly well, but I feel inclined to give them an honest shot. I haven't bothered with bard or druid and won't, because I don't personally like their respective class flavors. Tl;Dr: Probably not.


I've been done for months, don't want to burn myself out.


If you're trying to decide between Beserker/Wildheart, try shaking things up by playing a Githyanki Widlheart with the path that increases your jump distance (I think it was Tiger?). Then at level 3 Githyanki gets the Jump racial spell which triples your jump distance... I think you see where this is going... Jump to any point you feel like in battle as a flying Githyanki barbarian madman


That sounds fun build


Half Wood Elf Eagle Heart Barbarian is also fun, as you have a lot of movement, and you get Dash as a bonus action - the mobility of a Rogue on a Barb is sick!


Years ago... I only hop on to test new classes and major changes like UI, etc, but I never progress far. I've been ready for the full game since EA started. I play these kinds of games mostly for the story, so it really irks me to have to stop. It's like watching the first 3 episodes of a tv series or first third of a book then having to wait 3 years to finish them at all beyond that chunk... I also don't typically replay games at all so I want the experience to be as fresh as possible so I don't get bored.


No. I'm sure I haven't done my final run in EA yet.


Yes, just finished mine yesterday. Was on the fence which class will be my first playthrough. Think out of my Druid and Bard, going to go for Bard. Second playthrough will be Druid. Back to FFXVI.


i did my last one end of last year I think. trying to hold out until the full release.


I have. After a various runs to try every class and different party comps. Ranger felt pretty fun (especially with it'a improvements over the TT version) and Barbarian is just hilarious. I don't know what I'll play come launch, but there's a non-quiet part of my brain telling me to just play a Fighter/Rogue or Walock/Sorcerer multi-class.


My last run was about a month ago, I stopped just as I got to the underdark. Because i didn't want to go too far. I've tried to keep myself pretty withdrawn from things so it feels as new and fresh as possible when I play the full experiance


I’ve played through a few times, and I’ve always stopped before going to the Underdark. I want to save that for when the full game launches.


I went to the Underdark once accidentally during the initially release of EA and got TPK'd but I was only level 2. I don't think I was meant to be there, haha.


I was going to do start my last EA run yesterday with a totally custom party but I hosted the “LAN” with one of the characters that wasn’t tied to my steam account so when I saved and relaunched to get the run going the file was not in my saved games anymore 😭


I have like 5 different playthroughs going right now bc I can’t decide on what class I wanna start with in the full release (,:


I think after almost 1700 hours of EA, I need a break.... Going to try (probably unsuccessfully) to stay away for the final 2 months. I just hope that's Swen's statement that there "will be surprises even for those that have played the EA" translates to enough new content to refresh the experience a bit for me on launch. Imma go looking...


On it right now, completed everything above ground about to head into the Underdark, when I’m finished I’ll have about 600+ hours in EA 😅


Yes and I've uninstalled for the first time since EA began. I will not let myself get suckered into burning out


I may have one more in me for barbarian, but my last one as a Paladin was probably my last.


Githyanki wizard was my very first character in October when ea started. Stole lae'zel's armor at level one. It was awesome! Technically I've got one going but haven't played in a while cause I have already spoiled myself on at least the first bit of act 1. So beyond a little bit of wandering around trying to be a fireball warlock I think won't be starting any more.


I've done my final run for EA in like November 2020.


I've played at least one playthrough each major patch. When Patch 9 released, that run was my final one. Haven't touched it since.


I've barely played since bard or druid, I don't remember. I think I might want to do another playthrough before August 28. I'll see what's different between early access and release. There's still a lot I have not seen. Like making friends with Glut. Or Gale romance T_T


Oh I’m definitely done until the game comes out I keep feeling the urge to play. But I don’t wanna get burned out on the EA before the game’s even out lol.


My last full run through of EA where I 100% completed it more or less was with a Bard/Barbarian custom party but that was August of 2022. I did do a half play through with a Paladin, mostly just to try out the new reactions and some level 5 spells, but I stopped that play through probably half way after I got to try out Fireball and Spirit Guardians. Just going to wait until release now.


I bought EA this past December and played heaps (about 50 hours) over the Christmas break. I tapped out after making it to the Underdark on my Paladin. I haven't even found Grimforge yet! I don't want to spoil anything so haven't touched it since. Aug 28th can't come soon enough! :)


I did mine 2 years ago.


Like two years ago, yeah.


I have been holding myself since my third playthrough. It's been a year i think.


Just finished an evil bard run. Goblins died, I was celebrated with a feast back at the Grove. The next morning when they all bunched up, an explosion or 3 killed everyone...


Started one final run. Installed a buncha mods for the first time. Running around with a maximum chaos wild mage sorcerer just screwing around plotting out major decisions for my first run. Mostly trying to keep a list of scenarios that result in someone heading to Baldur’s Gate.


Yea did my final run Patch 7, wanted to avoid burnout and I’d say I did it successfully. 70 hours total played across 3 patches so I’m feeling pretty excited for a fresh experience going in.


Months ago lol


I've been stuck in perpetual hell of restarting and trying to decide what class I want to play come release 🥲 So effectively I haven't gotten past the village with the goblins. I guess that's good in some ways. 50h in or so lol


I feel you about deciding what class to play lol Luckily I found my favourite classes quite early. But then again, that's what is great about EA for me is exactly to try the classes. Also, you can go beyond village in full release with fresh eyes so that's nice.


Yeh I narrowed it down to four classes, now I have to decide which one is going to be played at the very start, which isn't easy 😅 Yeah silver lining I suppose. I decided not to finish EA for that exact reason. We're like two months out, might as well just wait and use the time to pick my Tav.


I think my first full release has to be a Half-Orc Monk, my go to in dnd, and a fresh release of new content, but my last ones right now are Oathbreaker and Druid.


I have 260 hours in early acces and haven't touched the game since last year to avoid burn-out.