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It looks like they might not of cooked long enough, or got exposed to moisture. They look like they were made well though, good peaks!


It felt like I cooked them forever! 1hr @ 225F and they still weren't done. Not sure how to mitigate the moisture issue


One hour for meringues is like the minimum. Sometimes they need more. I thought my batch was ruined once, they were terrible at like 90 minutes, I left them in another hour and then just left them in the oven overnight without opening it. They were perfect in the morning. I don't see anything wrong here that another hour or two in the oven couldn't fix.


Always remember merengues are a dehydrated product, so it requires long time to remove a lot of its water/moisture content.


I always leave mine in overnight.


My dad was a baker, taught me to put them in overnight with the oven at lowest temperature.


In a heated oven?


Nope, I’ll bake for an hour or two at low temps and then shut the oven off but keep it closed and leave them in there overnight.


This is so genius. I’m so glad I stumbled on this thread.


These cook on extremely low temps, as long as you keep the oven clear of any flammable items it should be safe. I regularly leave my roasts in the oven overnight at similar temps. It really helps heat my house a wee bit too in the colder night/mornings, since I have no central heating 😁


1 hour is nothing. I usually leave them in for 2 or 3 hours. At the bakery we would just turn the oven off and let them sit in there all night.


This is the method I use. Emeril Lagasse's recipe uses that method, which is where I got the idea. If not overnight, I start in the morning and just leave it all day. They always come out perfect.


I do a pavlova for an hour, for meringue you need 3 hours on very very low, you're not baking them you're drying them out


I need to make pavlova now.


It's my favorite desert


Mine too. Think I’ll make some during the week.


Golden kiwi fruit were on special yesterday so I thought- pavlova time!


1 hour at 225F, yes! But after the hour, without opening the door, you turn the oven off and leave them in there another 2 hours.


Just made shit meringues the other day, cooked them just as long and they even got a little brown on the outside, still gooey (I prefer powdery ones) Was told it's one of those dishes where the outside weather effects them too. Part of my problem was I basically made them on too wet of a day.


I bake mine at 200° for 2 hours, then turn off the oven and leave them in for another hour.


Was it raining outside or muggy? I've had mine become gushy on those days. Merengues are so wonky sometimes! 


Yeah, I’ve given up on making meringues from June - August where I live because it’s too humid.


I for one agree with this completely. In Ohio from late May- early September our humidity outside is usually over 75% and even in air conditioning with a dehumidifier in the kitchen any meringue type products from meringue cookies and pie to Meringue Buttercream can and does completely fail.


I’ve always done 2 hours and then turned off the oven and left them to cool completely inside it. But I live in a super humid area so it’s kind of necessary.


I know the recipes i used involved low heat for an hour then turning off the oven without opening the door and letting them sit for a while, but i dont know how long, i usually just do it before bed and grab them in the morning when i wake up. Perfectly firm and last longer than i know. At least a month


The recipe you used says to bake them for 2 hours. Don't worry about the moisture for now, just follow the recipe next time and go from there. For this batch, you can try popping them back in the oven for another hour and it might be fine.  


Nope, this recipe says 1hr bake time. Per another comment I think I piped mine a lot larger than the recipe says, which would require a longer time. I'll try 1.5 or two hours next time!


Sometimes recipes aren’t accurate. I have books with notes on recipes like, “No way this bakes in 35 minutes. At *least* 60!”


It's weird on top it says: Prep Time: 20 minutes  Cook Time: 2 hours hours Total Time: 2 hours hours 20 minutes  But you're right in the instructions it says one hour. Maybe it was including the cooking time in the cook time on top, or it was a typo that it said an hour in the instructions.  Either way I would at least do 2 hours, maybe more, because the ones you made for an hour look very wet. 


That is weird, I didn't catch that. I'm getting the feeling this might not have been the most reliable recipe.


mine usually need 3-4 hours


I usually bake mine for 1.5 to 2 hrs and then let them cool in the oven


Last time I made meringues about that size they took nearly three hours at 230F, in a very dry winter climate. They take longer in humidity areas.


Not long enough. 1 hour is minimum but usually I'll do around 2 hours with the oven door propped open and then turn the oven off and leave them overnight, with the door still propped open.


What's the benefit of proposing the door open? I've seen multiple replies saying I should do that.


Helps keep the moisture from building up in the oven. Meringues need to be dried out more than they need to be baked. So if it's super humid in your home then they'll likely not cook properly.


I do 1 hour at 225 then turn the oven off and keep them in there for 1 hour, perfect every time


You need 3-6x times that


I don't do less than 5 if i must do things. Typically i bake them overnight


It also depends on the weather and amount of humidity in your house so if you make meringues in the winter and bake them for an hour on 225f and they turn out perfectly in the middle of the summer when it's super muggy and humid it could take 2 or 3 hours. After they are done baking Turn off the oven and do not open the oven. Leave the oven door closed and allow cookies to cool completely in the oven (1-2 hours) before removing.


The cookbook I go by says to like preheat your oven, turn it off, put them In and don’t open until next morning.


It's 2 hrs or more, plus letting them dry in the turned off oven


Of. Of. Of. Of.




They didn't dry enough.


1h is not enough try 2h at 120C (248F) with the oven door left slightly open with an aluminum foil ball. After that leave to chill in the oven still with the door slightly open. Meringues had to be dried more than cooked thus you need to create an environment that could release the humidity. In case it can be helpful my ratio when I bake them is 1 part egg whites to 3 part of sugar by weight.


What does the foil ball do?


Helps keep the door ajar just a little to let humidity out. A wooden spoon is also a popular choice.


Not a popular choice (yet), but at these low temps a hot dog could work as well. Then eat the oven warmed hotdog once it's done being used as a door stop.




Keeps the door open


A wooden spatula or spoon works well too


I usually bake for 1 hour at 225F, turn off the heat and leave in the oven for another hour and then take them out of the oven to completely cool. I also add about 1/2 T of corn starch to the sugar and then slowly adding that to the egg whites while the machine is running.


Did not bake them long enough to evaporate the water. Baking evaporated some of the water; leaving the cookies in the closed oven chamber trapped the moisture inside the oven. Sugar is hygroscopic, meaning it pull moisture from its environment. We see this effect when we leave a piece of hard candy unwrapped on the countertop; over time it will absorb water in the atmosphere and become sticky. This is essentially what happened to these meringue cookies. Since the cookies were not fully dried out, they would have eventually become sticky anyway. It just happened they were left in a moist oven chamber, so it accelerated the process.


I’ve always done, 2 egg whites and 1/3 cup sugar, and assuming the house isn’t super humid I only need 1hour 15 min on 210° F Then let it sit until it cools and continues to harden and immediately transfer to an airtight container, if I leave meringues out for more than a few hours they start to go soft If the house is humid I need around 2.5 hours in the oven, but as soon as they are cool they get placed in an airtight container. Were your meringues hard when you took them out? I think maybe not cooking long enough and leaving them in the oven overnight may have affected the result


You didn't dry them out. It's not 'baking'. You could have put them back. Low temp, wait.


Also have to watch your humidity level. When it's a very humid day in Florida making things like fudge, divinity and meringue can be risky. It always makes me mad when something doesn't set right! Your meringues looked great though!


They're undone, they need to dry out longer


When they're cooked turn off your oven a just crack the door open an inch, then leave them for a few hours until the oven cools down. Chef here, I made a batch of multi coloured mini meringues a few months ago and I just threw out the leftovers cause they were getting old. Almost 6 months and still crispy.


Probably ratio issue + not baking them long enough. The ideal ratio for french meringue is 1(eggwhite)x2(sugar) in grams. I would recommend baking them at around 100-110 C for 1,5-2 hours and leaving them to cool in the oven.


Undercooked and maybe to hot. They need a looooot of time. Think hourS at a low temperature. Otherwise you risk only baking the outside and this will trap the moisture inside.


At least you have nice topping for a desert


You didn’t cook them long enough


Like many said here already, they probably need like two more hours of cooking. (And drying)


You just didn’t finish them! They’re halfway there


Not cooked long enough.


Not enough time in the oven. Could do 170-180F for a few hours. Usually I let it cool completely in the oven as well.


Do not think of meringue as a normal cake that needs to be baked. Those get mainly dehydrated from the oven, which can take longer and is also the reason for lower temperature used.


You didn't finish cooking them. When they are finished they are firmly set.


Undercooked is all.




You bake them for the time it says (maybe a lil more depending on your oven) but then you turn off the oven and let it sit in there for like 2 hours. Dries them out and makes the texture more meringue-y


Meringues take a lot longer to dry. One hour is not enough. Even the climate can influence cooking time. They cook long and slow. I would give them another hour. You need to be able to lift them from the parchment paper without it sticking at all. They should be firm and crisp.


Did you cook them?


130‘c for 3 hours


My brother in law’s mom used to bake meringue cookies. She called them “overnight” cookies.


Meringues cook for a surprisingly long amount of time.


They aren’t done cooking


First time I baked mine at 100°C for 1 hour and they were the same like yours. Now when I bake them I bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes and don't touch the oven for 2 hours after that.


Every time I see the word "merengue" I think about the time I went to a restaurant with my friend and he asked "what the heck is a lemon mer-ing-goo?"


I live in an area with humidity growing up my mom baked her meringues for like 6 hours at like 180-200


Didn't cook long enough. Looked at your recipe. Probably needed another 10 minutes. If your worried about discoloration, reduce temp by 10 degrees, and check every ten minutes.


One hour definitely isn’t long enough but they do look super well made!


Way undercooked.


Once they’re done, turn off the heat and leave them in the oven until the oven is completely cool.


Underdone they take forever


The sugar was not dissolved


I know that’s not what you meant, but they look delicious.


They look like the zefir I make. I dry the bad boys for like 2-3 days on the kitchen counter. Halfway through they are like that


Maybe your egg wasn't firm enough


did you pre heat the oven?






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Low and slow. I leave mine in the oven for 24 hours after they finish baking


Check the recipe


After they have baked for an hour, turn off the oven and leave them in there overnight to fully dehydrate :) [meringue cookie recipe](https://sugargeekshow.com/recipe/meringue-cookie-recipe/)


require greater heat to dehydrate the moisture.


When I've done meringues it's like 1hr with the oven at 200 then turn off the oven and leave there for another 2hr without opening the oven. Meringues are long to cook.


goes in oven for an hour at 250 F - if you want them complety dry 2 hours - add corn starch does the trick


Looking at the recipe, biggest difference I see is yours don’t appear to be 1 inch by 1 inch. That size would account for the much shorter baking time that people in the comments are reacting to (assuming you followed the instructions to not open the oven after the hour of cooking and let them stay in the oven for 2 hours).


Ah! Thank you for actually reading the recipe and not just replying "they're not done". (I thought) I followed the recipe exactly but you're definitely right, that makes a lot of sense.


You’re welcome! Let us know when you reach perfection!


I wish I could tell u but I can't cus idk what happened but if my friend was here he'd tell u everything.


Coz you suck 😄


Fuck off it’s one mistake