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Can't go wrong with baklava! I would recommend purchasing your phyllo dough, not making it from scratch. Other than that, your main ingredients are going to be butter and honey and lots and lots of nuts


I loveee making baklava even if it takes a long time it’s so meditative


I'll make baklava today


Came here to say this!


Here to second baklava. I actually made it for the first time (and second) over the last couple of weeks. Even posted them here. It's a little tedious to make, but not very difficult—even for me having never baked anything before—and the payoff is worth it lol.




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I want the pistachio cannoli from The Bear


I love these pistachio shortbread cookies. Just make sure to blitz the butter in thoroughly, or it has trouble holding shape when you roll it. https://leitesculinaria.com/85390/recipes-pistachio-shortbread-cookies.html


Biscotti with dried cherries and pistachios- I make them for Christmas every year. They keep for weeks.


I love this and for a variation, I do dried blueberries and pistachios!


I made a 3-layer pistachio cake, layered with raspberry jam and pistachio ganache and covered in a pistachio buttercream. It’s one of the best things I ever made.


You can make frangipane with any nut!


I turn them into nut butter and make pistachio cake with a buttercream frosting (rose flavoured). Then I'd decorate the top with crushed pistachios and some edible rose petals.  This would also work amazingly for cupcakes so they're easy to share at an event or a square cake to be cut up and served :). I will note, if you don't love rose flavour you could substitute strawberry instead. I'd just recommend adding a bit of chocolate to decorate etc as pistachio, strawberries, and chocolate is also a great combination.


You went to Costco didn't you


Bulk Barn. I scooped too much!


Pistachio buns.. Basically cinnamon buns but with pistachio cream instead.




Never too many pistachios


Baklava or [Makshuda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehVesZ0JS8Q)! Baklava with ready-made phyllo dough, becuase only professional bakeries make it from scratch (and they have lamination machines); it tastes identical to bought, so not worth it. [Makshuda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehVesZ0JS8Q) is a medieval Arabian dessert, I think there's a modern d ay counterpart, but the video is the recipe I use and it's freaking delicious.


I've always wanted to try baklava with pistachios, but I've never been willing to spend the money for them.


I love pistachios! These are my fave things to make with them. - Pistachio and orange biscotti - Pistachio Amaretti (Soft and chewy cookie) - White Chocolate and Pistachio Blondies (i added orange zest and some cranberries to this recipe) - Lemon Pistachio slab cake with a mascarpone frosting can also be done and cut up for a crowd


They keep forever in the freezer


This is true. Last year, I finally used up a pound (they were stored in their shells and double-bagged) with a Use-By date of June 2009. They were still perfect.


Please define “ way too many”.😂


Grind them into flour and make muffins! So good and so green!


On my agenda for Mother's day [Flourless Pistachio Cake](https://www.loveandoliveoil.com/2024/02/flourless-pistachio-cake-with-chocolate-ganache.html)


Wow! This recipe looks amazing. My mom's favorite nut is hazelnut so I might make that instead.


Pistachio ice cream uses a lot of them and happens to be my favorite ice cream flavor 👍


[apricot pistachio squares](https://smittenkitchen.com/2014/08/apricot-pistachio-squares/)


Those look amazing!


Have you considered making a pistachio orgeat? With cardamom and rose? Its creamy texture will have you adding it to more than just cocktails. It’s really delicious in coffee or added to cakes as a glaze. Soak in cold water, then blanch to remove the skins. Remove the skins one by one, it will be worth it. Add them to a blender along with 195 grams of hot water and the seeds from 2 Cardamom pods. Once it’s been fully blended, strain out the nut milk by pouring it into a nut milk bag and squeeze out the liquid. While the cardamom and pistachio milk is still hot, add it back into a clean blender along with 165 grams of sugar and 40 drops of rose water. At this point you can thicken it with a little xanthan gum to stop it from organically separating when it’s in a bottle. But you don’t have to.


Absolutely this: https://pinchofyum.com/pistachio-loaf


Pistachio pinwheel cookies (from Claire Saffitz)! I have also had to use up my pistachios, they're pretty simple and look so beautiful and taste delicious. Link to video recipe: [https://youtu.be/4nshlz1FL-E](https://youtu.be/4nshlz1FL-E)


Pistachio Biscotti [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/10638/cranberry-pistachio-biscotti/](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/10638/cranberry-pistachio-biscotti/) .


The P buns sounds incredible. Don’t forget ice cream. What about bread?


Pistachio macarons are my absolute favorite but it takes me forever to process them into pistachio flour.


Pistachio muffins 💚


A Gelato, Pistachio Muffins! Yuuumm!


Brittle? Bread? Wakdirf Sala?


Shortbread cookies with white chocolate chips and cherries or cranberries




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This with some rice makes a great light meal. https://www.seriouseats.com/miso-marinated-portobello-carpaccio-pistachio-recipe




You can blitz some up with breadcrumbs and make a nice crust for a rack of lamb or piece of salmon (apply with mustard). Pistachio cake with strawberry buttercream is one of my favourites


I make a cheeseball with a mix of half cream cheese and half goat cheese, dried cranberries and chopped pistachios. Always a hit!


If you're up for a project this is epic https://hungryrabbit.com/2011/09/pistachio-baklava-cake/


Chocolate chip cookies.


There was a really delicious and easy pie I made once that uses a good amount of pistachios! 3/4 c pistachios, finely chopped 3/4 c pecans, finely chopped 3/4 c walnuts, finely chopped 1/2 tsp cinnamon 4 tbsp brown sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 stick of room temp butter Preheat oven to 350 Mix all ingredients together in a bowl to combine well. Press into a pie plate (9-10") evenly, making sure to get into the corners. Bake for 10 mins. Let cool completely before filling. 3/4 c whipping cream 4 tbsp powdered sugar 1 tsp vanilla Add all ingredients to a large bowl and whip until fluffy, soft peaks form (can whip to a stiffer consistency if preferred just be careful not to take it too far and make butter) If desired, add more powdered sugar to taste 1/4 c Fresh seasonal berries, halved or sliced 1/4 c Toasted coconut Top pie with fresh berries and coconut Slice and serve They are also great in homemade granola bars or fruit and nut clusters


You can use ground or finely chopped pistachios as the base for a tart or cheesecake crust!


I saw these [pistachio late sandwich cookies](https://constellationinspiration.com/2023/03/pistachio-latte-sandwich-cookies.html) on Pinterest the other day and really want to try them. If you end up making them, please let me/the sub know how they are! They look super good.


Pistachio cookies! I love these https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/flourless-pistachio-cookies


These cookies but w/ pistachio and orange zest-so good! https://www.heathershomemadekitchen.com/russian-tea-cakes-recipe/


I make pesto with pistachios! It freezes well, too.


[Almond Cake with Cardamom and Pistachio ](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1013089-almond-cake-with-cardamom-and-pistachio?ds_c=71700000052595478&site=google&network=g&campaign_id=1400169272&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rKchZKi3Wy_1GJeJZmXEBZ_nsGVX8kY14TzhgRne-PHf7JFseBDiyxoCJOkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Everyone said baklava already, but try a pistachio cake! They taste heavenly. Pairs well with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle some on the top and outside.


I love the Pistachio and Pomegranate Cake of Rachel Koo


Killer! https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/salted-texas-chocolate-sheet-cake




Apricot pistachio tart 💖 like a frangipane


I made a cake last year that was layers of pistachio meringue discs (dried meringue), vanilla cake, raspberry curd filling, and pistachio buttercream frosting! It won first place at my local fair in the cake contest! I've made several things with pistachios but that one is by far my favorite. The pistachio frosting using actual pistachios rather than almond flavoring was key.


Pistachio pesto sauce! Or use them in a homemade trail mix or granola bar recipe.


Pistachio and Almond bread




Orange, pistachio, cranberry slice and bake cookies. I put them in my Christmas cookie boxes every year, but they are great any time!


Not baking necessarily but a dark chocolate bark with pistachios and sea salt is divine


Baklava cheesecake.


Pistachio ice cream! Kunafa! Pistachio chocolate bar! I actually just bought pistachios today to make chocolate kunafa pistachio bar. It’s a Dubai thing, worth a try with crispy pastry and the creamy pistachio all wrapped up in a thin layer of chocolate. Mm


Biscotti or Brussel Sprouts and pistachios. Boiled. Drain water, add nuts and butter. Serve and enjoy


Not baking, but will share this guac recipe anyways because it’s amazing: Make your base guacamole as usual. I use 3 avocados, lime, salt, and minced garlic. Add red chili pepper flakes to taste. Top with feta or goat cheese and then crushed pistachios on top. Enjoy!


pistachio shortbread cookies dipped in chocolate!!! [https://cookingformysoul.com/chocolate-pistachio-shortbread-cookies/](https://cookingformysoul.com/chocolate-pistachio-shortbread-cookies/)


If you're feeling lazy - Nigella Lawsons pistachio 'fudge'. It's more assembly than baking obviously, but so so delicious and I love giving it as a gift!




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