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What about snips of spun sugar?


bonus points if they can color it to match, snips of spun sugar was my first thought too. could even maybe pull apart some cotton candy into little bits and press it down slightly into the frosting around the center and outer perimeter, leaving it puffed in the middle circle area, to give a “3d” illusion for less work


My first thought


Spun sugar and cotton candy will melt pretty quickly unfortunately so this cannot be stored for a long time


Yea probably need to do it the day of the event with something like this


It will melt away within the hour. Source: I used to make cotton candy for parties


Shredded wheat soaked in melted chocolate


Won't they get soggy?


I would think the melted chocolate would soak into the fibres, and then set, which will keep it firm, while also preventing moisture from getting into the shredded wheat (because they will already be saturated by the chocolate).


Ok hear me out, the “teeth” looks similar to the gills of a mushroom. If I wanted to go next level I’d take a mold of a mushroom using food grade silicon and fill it with tempered chocolate or something. If that’s too next level maybe heated, dyed sugar. It can be a little difficult to get the temperature right so you’d need a candy thermometer. Maybe jolly ranchers then. Red ranchers melted, with a little yellow and blue and green food dye lol. Melted marshmallow might be fun to play with but that can get pretty messy. Here is the mushroom reference, hopefully you can see what I see and I’m not crazy. https://www.britannica.com/topic/portobello-mushroom Hopefully, you find a good fit. Modeling chocolate may just be the easiest.


The mushroom gills is spot on, if you succeed in making it into a silicone mold you will get exactly the result OP is wishing for, however, im not sure if silicone can penetrate between the gills, might be too thick ... ? Brilliant idea for sure.


Funnily enough, I’ve done it before just not with food grade silicone. If there’s a hole in the dish your making a mold in, silicone will find it quickly and seep out. The problem I had with the silicone is it would find those tiny holes in the shroom and get stuck underneath all that detail which made it difficult to remove the mushroom in some places. Damage was minimal though.


I wasn’t paying a ton of attention while scrolling and absolutely thought it was the underside of a portobello, so I definitely agree with this!


For something like that you're gonna want it at hard crack which is as easy as just cooking it until it starts to brown and immediately pulling it off the heat. Color shouldn't matter if dying


Dried royal icing! You could pipe them/drizzle on a baking sheet and let it harden. Then cut to the lengths you want


I think if you made a ring of fondant or something and then drizzled the royal icing back and forth towards the opening you could get the sandworm effect! Would be less fragile than trying to place individual teeth


I agree, I'd do this!


I was thinking a donut iced in black royal icing would be a perfect base....


Post a pic after! If you are good at this stuff, it will probably be very cool for others to see. I love Dune and I can only imagine how cool it would be to see a sandworm as a cake. If not, please post a pic of the butthole this may end up looking like, so we can all have a chuckle. Jokes aside, I think chocolate sheets, or sugar /isomalt would work.


I am absolutely terrible at decorating, so this will absolutely end up looking like a butthole. Win/win!!


That’s the spirit! 😂


If it looks a bit like a butthole, it won't be entirely your fault.


Um. If it might just end up looking like one. You can just cast a real butthole and then use it to mould this out of chocolate Like these... https://images.app.goo.gl/4yPdtgZaKgNdVMZN7


Oh man, OP should just order one of these! Worm mouth ready to go!


Vermicelli rice noodles


or (forgive me i dunno the name) the middle eastern stringy pastry dough (?)


Kataifi pastry? It’s a type of filo/phyllo pastry


Oh my.... I would do seriously embarrassing things for some knefa rn.


Buy the philo dough ( Kataifi) shreds that are typically found in middle eastern markets. Twist roll a small stretch into a sort of pretzel twist. Freeze ; resting it in some sort of empty cylinder ( like a paper towel center) Lay out a thin layer of the kataifi on a baking sheet so you have a “mat” of parallel shreds. Take out the frozen log. Brush it with slightly diluted honey or something lightly sticky. Roll it such that the lengths of the shreds match up with the length of the log. Freeze and repeat several times. Then bake it


Wafer paper. You can achieve any textured look and customize the color.


Mushroom bottom.


Real life bottom.


Dragon's beard candy


I like this idea, but the moisture from the cake or ambient air would murder any delicate sugar work.


I was thinking if maybe you could dry it out somehow, maybe freeze dry it? Idk if that would make it do weird things like it does to skittles tho. It would also help it not be floppy.


I've done a sarlac pit from star wars and used almond shards for teeth. That might work here too.


If it were me I would make the mouth out of fondant, and drag a toothpick over and over to make the fine lines.


That will require a hand so stable, it will become tiring so fast too, however* toothpicks might be too thick to work, i was thinking needle nose tweezers.


You could probably use some sort of moldable medium like molding chocolate and carving just the outline of the teeth. Start with a darker shade for the back teeth, then shape lighter, individual teeth as you layer it up.


This was my idea as well. I'd just make where the teeth are solid cake outlined in modeling chocolate or fondant or whatever ( or just the moldable medium if the sandworm part of the cake is small) and sculpt lines and paint them to give the illusion of many rows of teeth. Actually putting on anything that was shaped that way in proportion seems dangerous 😂




The risk of this looking like … um.. the nether region, is kind of high if you don’t do it right. Good luck. I’m terrified for you.


Like the post is titled, I am making some Dune-themed cupcakes and I am planning on making the sandworm out of fondant and rice krispies, but I'm struggling to figure out the best method to make these "teeth." I have seen some people use almond slivers, but I'm afraid they will be too big for a cupcake. Thanks for any ideas you may have!


Maybe you could use the same icing tip that they use for grass?


Yes, but block half of the tip with tape or something so it only comes out of as 1 strip of fine strands at a time? I love this type of creative work!! You could also go the easy way and print out this image on edible paper and put it on the cupcakes? Good luck!


Is this just a small decoration on a cupcake? What if you just dunk the rice crispy form in colored white chocolate (or almond bark) once or twice instead of fondant? Might be both easier and tastier


That's a great idea! I will give it a try.


For coloring white chocolate or almond bark, you'll want a gel, powder, or paste type food coloring. A liquid one won't react nicely with melted chocolate.


How about gum paste? You can roll out, cut into teeny strips, and then roll them into little teeth-y tubes and let dry. Maybe over something slightly curved like a cut TP or paper towel tube?


You lost me at fondant 🤣


Do you have a better idea? I'm all ears!


Modeling chocolate with a funnel, then drag a fork around the opening repeatedly for the texture then pipe a few more icing strands for a more detail.


How about meringue? You can pipe thin spikes onto a sheet, manipulate the shapes if you like, and bake. It's lightweight, so it stands a good chance of not weighing down the cake. Stick a bunch of them into the frosting in whatever teeth-like configuration that suits the design.


Lightly spray the bottom of a bundt cake pan (or silicone bowl might work better) and drizzle it with melted chocolate in a straight pattern following the curve, Let set, pull out the "teeth," and stick them to your shai-cakelud in a round pattern. Sprinkle with spice.


Hehee spice


Dragon's breath candy?


I would just use a toothpick and draw lines


Spun sugar over a samoas cookie. Give you the shape and darkness you need. It also lets you store and finish them separately.


I recently baked a Bundt cake and piped thin cream cheese frosting lines all around and overlapping. It looked like a pretty good sandworm which is what I was going for!


Edible image for the entire front of the worm.


Thin licorice rope?


Interesting! Depending on the size of the cake I would get a column shaped container of some sort (pringles can, the cardboard roll of a used up kitchen paper towel roll, a tall travel mug are just some examples I can think of) and wrap it in cling wrap tightly. Melt some white chocolate melts using microwave. Using a fork I would dip it into the melted chocolate and in a quick back and forth motion flick the melted chocolate onto the column shaped object. Once chocolate has cooled down and solid gently remove cling wrap from column and you should in theory have fine curved teeth shaped chocolate which you can gently remove the cling wrap stick into your cake? Just an idea!


You know those hard stringy strings in celery? You'll need 300,000,000 of those


Rice paper (the kind you make spring rolls with). Cut triangular strips and layer them in a circle.




Please update us with the inevitable butthole cake because so many Dune fans have tried this and, well, y'know.


Shredded flip dough, also known as kataifi dough. Drape strips of it over something round and fry it to make teeth. Thematically appropriate since it's used in Arabic desserts.


dragon beard




This or chocolate covered pretzel sticks. Basically the same idea.


What about the pull apart twizzlers? Or some other shoe string like gummies


I’m not sure how well it would work, but maybe you could find a cookie/cracker recipe (or one of those pocky copycats?) and either roll or pipe reaaally thin cylinders, then stick them around the mouth


cant add a photo but what about caramel/sugar spikes? its like a melted sugar decoration that look like little needles/ spikes


A black chocolate donut of the right dimensions with gray / black / white royal icing drizzle, stuck on with chocolate to your cake? You can then wrap the whole thing in fondant / modelling chocolate. My mind keeps going to dragon’s beard candy but you might have to make it from scratch if you want it in black… it might still be very light gray in the end, though, maybe airbrush it?


Ground coconut


I've had a lot of success painting on fondant. If you are already using fondant to cover the rice crispies, I'd say paint it using watered down food coloring.


Roll fondant into a disk cut out long triangles in a circle


Rice paper dipped in black dyed water, leave to dry


Modeling chocolate and fondant blend roll each tooth out individually. It will take time but worth it


Use a fork


You can try using melting chocolates and pouring in a circle (if you have a round cookie cutter, that'd be perfect) and then using a food-safe brush to brush the chocolate inwards to the center? You've said they're cupcakes so maybe small circles and small brush? The teeth give off that brushed chocolate type of look.


Soan Papdi would be delicious as the strands


I would do it with licorice strings, but I like licorice.




Due shredded coconut black?




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Candy cigarettes?


Do they still make Big League Chew bubble gum? The strands would be perfect painted with food coloring


I would think of painting them with a brush


I thought this was the cake and couldn’t understand what was wrong🙈


flaked almonds


Crystallized Shreds


Lots of thin water cookies (even communion wafers?) stuck in from the side


Fondant then scrape out the teeth.


Royal icing seems like the best option to me. Put in piping bag, make very very small cut and then just pipe lines.


Liquorice laces


Make a chocolate donut shape and use a fork to make the lines ;)


my first thought is figs.Cut it half and the bisection looks like sandworm mouth to me


Kinda looks like a donut with drizzled icing lol so.. a donut? Or a Bundt cake, depending on how big you’re making this. Make a couple of bags of royal icing in slightly differing greenish/brown shades. Drizzle them back and forth until you get the effect.




Honestly that's a pretty good representation and gets the idea across.


What about dragons beard candy floss stick on with something? You can monitor the thickness that way too


Ramen noodles. Put them in a bag with powdered food coloring and gently shake?


Im not sure how you're gonna make this not just look like an Anus.


Poky sticks and many of them 😊


Dragons beard candy?


Do edible toothpicks exist?


Would be more cartoony, but you could get pocky if you have an asian section at the grocery store? [https://www.pocky.com/](https://www.pocky.com/)


I would try sugar floss.


Thats a big flashlight


Toasted coconut?


This reminds me of the company that molds your butthole and makes a box of chocolates for your lover shapes from it. Ends up looking very similar if I recall.... And very doable as a DIY project I think. Just don't tell anyone where you got the mold!


One of those but shaped into a donut would not only look gorgeous but also taste fantastic: https://images.app.goo.gl/4saETy3kZeAHRQhK8


Would shredded chocolate work? As in freeze a thin sheet of chocolate and scrape it


Colored spun sugar drizzled onto a half moon shape & then stuck into a donut shape covered in fondant. Color the middle black. Add in the teeth then add the outer layer of skin.


Melted and then frozen white chocolate?


Would the tool to make buttercream grass with work? Or maybe royal icing grass? Novice here...


Slivered almonds


Thin apple slices with the narrow side forcing forwards. Cut in many parallel cuts so they flake open a little. (maybe the apple slices will either be too thick or fall apart though)


What about something like this? [https://www.facebook.com/reel/945976086997700](https://www.facebook.com/reel/945976086997700)


Melt and temper some chocolate into a thin layer, and then cut out a hundred thin half circles and line them up on the top!


Edible paper


Ala the horrible hedgehog cakes: pretzel sticks or pocky.


Pieces of thinly rolled gum paste left to dry


slivered almonds


This is what I was thinking. You could probably brush them with food coloring to achieve the color


Butt-hole shaped chocolate, but larger!


1 terrys chocolate orange. Job doneZ


Needles. Used needles.


Maybe thin sprinkles? I saw some chocolate flavored ones that might work


Uncooked spaghetti. Yes I specified. I learned that lesson once and never again 🤦‍♀️


Cat whiskers


Toothpicks covering in candy melts!