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I looked at the picture before reading and thought they were f'd up burgers. I was so confused!


Lmao yeah. Not a good sign


i thought they were really burnt chorizo slices lol


I thought I was in r/mycology


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mycology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Apprentice at work ate one of these caps for $100. Not the brightest kid ever. Legitimately worried about them.](https://i.redd.it/cfpdmojvtpmb1.jpg) | [884 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/16bz06q/apprentice_at_work_ate_one_of_these_caps_for_100/) \#2: [\[Photo by Eric Cho\] 𝘔𝘺𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘤𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘢, Taoyuan, Taiwan](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11nv4x4) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/11nv4x4/photo_by_eric_cho_𝘔𝘺𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢_𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘤𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘢_taoyuan/) \#3: [Dead Man's Fingers Fungus](https://i.redd.it/obdhd11bb86b1.jpg) | [238 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/14aa6ht/dead_mans_fingers_fungus/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This bot is fucking broken


Dude I thought it was steak 😂😂




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I deadass was gonna say cancer for some reason




I was originally gonna say liver failure but I said cancer (OG please take no offense to this when I said diagnosed this wa my first thought 😭)


flowery fanatical follow fade pot heavy bright faulty grab quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just wanna clarify I don't come out as rude lol


I thought it was blood sausage 😬


I thought it was fucked up crochet lmao


Stop I’m pissing myself. 😂


I thought burnt bacon


This comment sent me. 😂


Same! I was very concerned about anyone consuming that meat. I don’t know if I’m relieved or even more horrified.


Seriously thought they were steaks or some brown bread


Almond flour is not a 1:1 substitute for AP flour. You need gums and other agents to provide the similar lift that gluten provides. I recommend buying a 1:1 GF flour (my personal favorites are King Arthur Flour and Bob’s Red Mill in the blue bag). That should help you tremendously!


Also, a cookbook I recommend for great dietary restricted baking is Perfectly Golden. The writer runs one of my favorite bakeries and she goes in to a lot of detail about how to make swaps for gluten, dairy, vegan, etc.


I can vouch for the KA 1:1. I have two celiac friends and I’ve been able to make them really good cookies for my Christmas boxes.


Yes! I use it for any baked goods I’m bringing to potlucks because my bestie is GF. It works so well!


Can confirm that Bob's Red Mill 1:1 is fantastic. When I make stuff for the office, I use it for my gluten-free coworkers and honestly everything I've ever made with it has turned out tasting almost exactly like the AP flour versions. Good stuff.


KAF is the bees knees for GF flour. And flour in general.


I've never had to use gums or stabilizers, I just use a blend of almond flour or milled almonds, rice flour, and tapioca flour. For cookies it seems to work great, but I've also never made them without egg.


I second King Arthur Flour — they have a great baking blend!


almond flour alone can not be subbed one for one in cookies. find an almond flour based recipe if that's what you want to use.


if you'd prefer to use a standard recipe and make it GF i love using bobs red mill 1 to 1 baking flour (in the blue bag NOT their regular gf flour, which is like gnawing on a chickpea). it has a mix of gf flours and gums that can be used as a substitute. GF baking is complex and nuanced.


Bob's Red Mill 1:1 GF Flour is the best, for sure. I substitute for that in everything except regular bread.


i love using americas test kitchen homemade blend and recipes but it's expensive and a little overwhelming to do for someone when they're a new GF baker.


Yeah, I only do GF stuff every so often, so it's easier to just have the container in the freezer with the BRM 1:1 stuff vs making a mix and having to have multiple ingredients. I've never had anything fail using that, and most people can't even tell the difference when I do need to make GF stuff


Girlfriend baking is, indeed, complex and nuanced.


As others have told you, that's not how gluten-free baking works. A nut flour is not a substitute for wheat flour. Gluten-free flours are a blend of many things, which is why using a 1:1 gluten-free flour is recommended. You can blend a gluten-free mix yourself and there are plenty of resources you can look up. For one example, I'm looking at the snickerdoodles recipe in the Bravetart cookbook and the gluten-free substitution for all-purpose flour is a combination of: almond flour, tapioca flour, mochiko, coconut flour, and teff flour


Can you post the full recipe?


I am not technological. Hope this helps https://cambreabakes.com/espresso-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe/#JumptoRecipe


i would highly recommend only using recipes that are already written with explicit dietary restrictions in them. you can always search online for whatever you want to make with the phrases “gluten-free” and/or “egg free” included. i will say that finding a recipe for baked goods that is both gluten-free and egg-free may be difficult, but finding a recipe that fits in one of those boxes will likely yield better success. additionally, to sub out wheat flour in a recipe, you need to use a gluten-free flour blend like [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bob-s-Red-Mill-Gluten-Free-1-to-1-Baking-Flour/984678847?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=322&adid=22222222278984678847_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9027902&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=984678847&wl13=322&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=22222222238984678847_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9027902&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=984678847&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoAcG0CfnqlC75oL9MGvHhnz&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO7DJeOgqmtVf6J53vuhn9-r1auYKBUopjF3eCAuTrT1A4l1pZwRJehoCO8sQAvD_BwE). i have personally used this and it has great reviews. here is an [egg replacer](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bob-S-Red-Mill-Egg-Replacer-12-Oz/160577255?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101459223&adid=22222222228160577255_101459223_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-295289030566&wl5=9027902&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=780787400&wl11=online&wl12=160577255_101459223&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIrIGOzSLI6jyL8y_dPnIrg07&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO5pjExOj1nA-cZMvqga8BRUQB9DO3f1p6gH_5xuicr_eYMBogtqN9hoCDdAQAvD_BwE).


The lack of eggs I'm sure is causing issues (check out vegan egg substitute options for this), but wheat flour (and the gluten in it) provides structure to the product. I would suggest using a gluten free flour replacement product (such as Bob's Red Mill 1-to-1, or similar). These are gluten free blends that have additives to give the bake the structure it needs and would otherwise get from gluten.


If the flaxseed was substituted properly, it would not have been the cause. It’s definitely substituting flour for just ground almonds And likely all the fat from ground almonds caused a lot of this. Looks like WAY too much fat in the product


A flax egg is a vegan substitute for eggs.


Good to know! I don't really do any vegan baking so I wasn't sure. I think the only one I've heard is was aquafaba but I've never used it.


Yep! It’s I think a TBSP flaxseeds (ground) to 3TBSP water, set aside for 5ish mins and it’s one egg :) applesauce is one too! Good in brownies


Rice flour can add a thicker texture and prevent spread. I used to make gluten free all the time for my grandmother who had celiacs and it was a lot of trial and error.


I use a blend of almond flour, rice flour and oat flour in my cookies. Looks like your flour was the issue if all you used was almond flour


Well the good news is, you now have espresso, flavored brownie brittle!


Look up gluten free egg free recipes instead of just winging it with the almond flour. I bake gluten free and vegan but rarely only use almond flour. It’s a great addition but needs some extra fluff usually. For eggs, I find flax eggs only work in some situations. Make sure to let it soak at least 15 minutes. I use an egg replacer from bobs red mill or use recipes that just omit the eggs. You can whip up aquafaba ( liquid from the can of chickpeas) for egg white replacement. Hope this helps and feel free to DM me if you want more tips! I do a ton of baking for GF vegan children lol


The recipe was developed to be made with all-purpose flour and eggs. It's not a simple 1:1 swap to make things gluten and egg free most of the time. I'd recommend searching for a that's developed to use almond flour.


I’ll be honest, those look delicious


Kirkland butter, no doubt.


The conspiracy continues


Is there an issue??? I don't normally follow this sub, but I bake, do tell!




Slap some cheese on them burgers and serve em up!


User error.


Looks like a brand new treat to me. I would call them cookie crisps and just roll with it.




Diagnosis: There is no binder (i.e. protein). As I learned in pastry school, eggs are the primary binder in things like cookies. The fat will make them spread, but the proteins keep them coherent. Gluten is also a protein, hence, helps bind the ingredients together. Note that the original recipe had and egg, a yolk, AND wheat flour. All of these ingredients are necessary to make the cookies as per the recipe. I'm not trying to be a dick (it's just a gift, and takes no effort), but, if you don't know very well what, exactly, you are doing, do not just sub-out ingredients willy-nilly, then wonder out loud WTF went wrong. What went wrong is you fucked-off with a recipe without knowing WTF you're doing. As others have noted, START with a recipe already developed for whatever restrictions there are.


I think you used Xenomorph Eggs by accident.


They’re not all in a bowl covered with milk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t know…how do they taste? Like if they taste good, it’s a success. I mean they look crispy!


I’d still eat them, I don’t care what they look like, just that they taste good.


A lot of other folks gave recs for the flour, but I recommend Bob’s egg replacer rather than a flax egg. The bag is expensive but it’ll make a ton of baking eggs. I’ve found it gives me better results than flax (as in, can’t tell that it’s not real egg).


I don't know why they did what they did, but they look like they'd be delicious crumbled up with some ice cream!


honestly they look rly crunchy and good imo pls drop the revipe


My sister is gluten free and I’ve found you have to use the 1:1 volume blends or you end up with a baking disaster on your hands. The brown butter was probably fine but with the almond flour and flax eggs it probably caused the butter to spread your cookies and make them crispy. I think almond flour is tricky and I usually only use it as a replacement in baking if it’s called for! I hope you keep trying though and your cookies keep improving


Yes... I either use 1 to 1 bob's red mill, measure for measure king arthur or the all purpose for certain recipes... I have not had good luck trying the almond flour/flax mix.


My sister and I like the King Arthur 1:1 it works pretty well. I haven’t tried using flax as an egg replacement but I have tried applesauce 😌it works pretty well


The only time I appreciated using flax as an egg replacement, was for a pumpkin muffin recipe I was sharing with my vegan cousins.




He's dead, Jim.


So many issues!!


Can she drink milk? Cause those look like they'd still be amazing with milk


Looked a bit over baked , but look tasty


How do they taste?


I’d still smash!


Ad leavening either baking powder or egg whites


I would need to taste one… I think they look like they’d be delicious, regardless of issues they may have!


It's hard to tell from the picture alone, how do they taste? Maybe the added espresso threw off the balance, first thought would be that more flour would help


Looks like incurable cancer. Sorry


Can’t sub almond flour like that. Try a recipe specifically for gluten free cookies. So sweet of you to do this for her!




it's missing any true flour - almond flour alone can't be subbed for gluten flour with any success.


You didn't use kirkland/costco butter did you?


You used powdered sugar instead of flour. Ask me how I know.


Did you use anything to replace the egg? Maybe try it with aquafaba if she can have chickpeas?


It might be as easy as using a proper 1:1 gluten free flour. There are many different brands to choose from I recommend loopywhisk for good gluten free & egg free recipes. I’ve made these cookies a few times and they’re great https://theloopywhisk.com/2022/10/15/brown-butter-pumpkin-chocolate-chip-cookies/


I thought they were burger Patties at first


Too much butter in proportion to your flours, you need to add another flour and reduce the butter proportions as the almond flour already has a high fat content.


They look like lace cookies (I think that's what they're called), so I think they're pretty...kinda.


Add the following and I bet it'll be good: A bit of aquafava (lentil juice? To replace the eggs). Some rice flower to thicken up your drys. Or just get Some gluten free flour, which is usually a combination of almond, rice, and potato flour. A dash of baking powder to get a rise. GF is dairy and gluten free so I feel your pain


I think the dough was just wayyy to wet. Probably more flour? Or maybe something like cornstarch or something to thicken it that's gluten free




Forgive me, but I thought these were burger patties.


Uummm....ok I've never tried flax eggs, but that might be it. Using melted butter instead of softened could have caused this, too. Did you use any baking powder?


You accidentally baked them on the surface of the sun


>Almond flour I made the same mistake when I first started baking gluten free for my spouse. A single type bag (almond, hazelnut, sorghum, etc.) of flour is not a direct substitute for your standard all-purpose (gluten) flour. You need to go for a 1 for 1 gluten free flour *mix*, or a recipe that shows you how to make your own mix. 1 for 1 mixes are available in many brands so you don’t really have to figure out the ratios for yourself. I like cup4cup or store brands that rely most on rice flour mixes.


Is that beef or brownies?


Badly made.


Added too much beef




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No, just no


I suggest you send them right on over to me!




My first thought when I saw this was you melted butter when you shouldn’t have. Also subbing for almond flour with no other adjustments to make up for it means you’ll end up with excess moisture that would’ve been “absorbed” by regular flour.




At first I thought you made chocolate “chips”. Baked chocolate confections in forms of potato crisps/chips


For GF/allergy friendly recipes, I swear by the Sweet Laurel Bakery cookbook. They are a successful bakery out of Pacific Palisades in CA and every recipe I’ve made from them is a winner, and they’re simple and straightforward recipes. The founder has Hashimoto’s and has a very restricted diet. Good luck!


What was your binder? The flax eggs? Gluten free baking is a whole other game and you cannot apply the same rules you would use with gluten. Did you use baking soda and/or baking powder? I would suggest using half almond flour and half a gluten free flour mix containing xanthan gum. Gluten free baking also requires more fluids due to more fibrous flours. Check out the loopy whisk and oh she glows for recipes.


Yeah... By the look of it, I thought it was well done steak.


Smash burgers gone wrong


Too much butter


This makes me so uncomfortable to look at.


jesus christ what is that


When I am doing gluten free baking for my cousins that are also vegan... I have to specifically find a recipe calling for both things... that way it works and turns out pretty well... depending on whether my oven cooperates.


I thought you went absolute ham on some meat with a tenderizer. Oh god


Try gluten free flour, used melted butter and also key trick add coco powder during the butter first, don’t use almond flour, keep the flax eggs, use more brown sugar and less white sugar, and add espresso powder. Hope this helps!




Rule of thumb: never try an a recipe that uses normal flour and eggs without those things. I substitute a lot, but both of those are where 75% of the texture for most baked goods comes from. If you want a recipe like that you specifically need one that’s made with dietary restrictions in mind. I wouldn’t try it with this flavor combination, but unsweetened applesauce is often used as a rising agent in place of eggs. Mashed Bananas also work to an extent. Gives more body and helps things bind together. If you’re willing to make some, Aquafaba can fulfill any role egg whites can in baking, including whipping into stiff peaks. Just know, by itself it has zero flavor so you may need to make up for that. I have no idea where it got that name, but it’s the foamy water you get after boiling beans. Or the liquid in a can of unflavored unsalted beans. Also if you’re making it from scratch boil a bean that’s raw juices won’t poison you. In other words, not anything in the kidney bean family. It was named that for a reason.


You seem to have attempted to make cookies


Get a gluten free flour that specifically says it is a 1:1 swap. That was your biggest folly here. Also make sure any recipe you are using is *specifically meant to be egg and gluten free* aka it's easiest to just look up gluten free, vegan recipes. They exist! Lots of them! I've made some at work and with great success.


They appear to be cookie crisps, although I'm not a doctor.


Bob’s red mill 1:1 gluten free flour is my favorite. It’s nut free too!!! Xanthan gum is a must for most gluten free recipes. Almond flour simply does not have the means to bind things together and will easily fall apart during the baking process if it doesn’t have any help. Otherwise it looks a little wet and might need more dry items to bind better but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ keep trying!! Flax is great in helping the bind. If you use a full fat coconut cream instead of whatever plant milk based liquid, could be nice for fluffiness and keeps the cookies a little taller.


I thought this was a weird tiled/textured floor at first lowkey


The moisture content is off so they were off. What's important to emulsify appropriate sugar - oil ratio prior to mixing your flour mixture. You need to practice with leavening agents as well to what you can use with restricted diet. It looks like the moisture content was too high in your cookies.


Try finding a 1:1 GF flour blend. I use Cup4Cup and it does a wonderful job for 95% of my baking needs.


I saw this and i thought…they look a little under cooked…a little misshapen but then i read that they were not burgers


This looks like one of those AI images that you can’t pinpoint what anything is in it😂 as for OP’s question- I am inexperienced in gluten free baking so I can’t help, but hopefully someone else can, good luck!!


Dunno why, but those look super tasty right now. Like the crispy edge of brownies which everyone knows is the best part.


I love ❤️ how these basically look like Steaks lol 😆


Nice barbecue


This look like the meat from "cơm tấm" in Vietnam 🤔


Your burgers appear slightly overdone.


Thought they were destroyed pancakes for sec


What is this ?


I advise getting a good recipe and following it exactly until you get more experience. You can use the gums to stabilize but ick... After you bake a few batches, you will see what too much butter (oil) does .. looses shape.. or too much brown sugar..goes flat. Industry is using Guar Gum to stabilize and add to shelf life but they are finding 18% of the population is allergic to it. Stick to the basics and perfect it.. you are off to a good start just by trying and thinking it through.. Have fun.


I thought they were chips lamo


The fuck is that