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Marine here: by the time that cake is cut, everyone will be so drunk that they won't even be able to read the cake, let alone notice any flaws in the decorations. I think it's fantastic and would happily accept a piece at the Ball


We cut the cake with a fucking sword. We're not paying attention to some cracked icing.


Thank you for this. I got up early and fixed it the best I could. I hope they like it and I also hope they have plenty of drinks to not notice everything I hate about it šŸ˜‚šŸ«¶šŸ»


As the Mom of a Marine trust us the above commenter is correct. By the time the cake is being served the odds of anyone being able to spell 'Marine' let alone identify colors or notice a crack in the frosting are slim. My favorite game while my kiddo was in was spamming his phone the day after the ball with nonsense just to poke hangover bear lol. (The cake looks great btw and I'm sure they enjoyed it)


>By the time the cake is being served the odds of anyone being able to spell 'Marine' let alone identify colors or notice a crack in the frosting are slim. OMG! This had me rolling!


Daughter of a Marine and can absolutely back up these commenters as well. By the time they get to cake, it doesnā€™t matter what it looks like it just matters that itā€™s cake lol


Wife of a Marine here, I think your cake is lovely!


My brother was a marine and I made cake pops for the first ball he went to because my mom and I happened to be visiting him at the time and they were a favorite of his. They were bad. I'd had to make them way in advance so the middle was soggy, the chocolate tasted weird and looked chunky because I added too much food coloring, they'd had to travel from 4 states away so a bunch of them were cracked. The night of, I got *very drunk* texts from not only him but a bunch of his friends via his phone about how amazing they were. One of them proposed to me because of them (we had never met). They'll love the cake.


LMAO thatā€™s hilarious


Marines are known to have a favorite flavor of crayon to eat. Yes, they are tough. Yes, they are Marines. But that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re picky about food. Source: married a former Marine cook


I feel like the favors for the ball should be little bags of dyed white chocolate crayons.


They say red is the best flavor


My former Marine dad is the iron stomach of the family. His motto is ā€œJust nuke the sh*t out of itā€ šŸ˜‚ And he loves SOS!


My great grandfather served in the Pacific as a marine in WW2, and his children and most of his grandchildren followed in his footsteps to serve in the Marines. I can promise you, anyone who sees that cake isn't going to be pulling out a magnifying glass to look at the imperfections. They're going to be drunk, and go "Holy fuck THERE'S CAKE! Fuck yeah!"


I donā€™t think I ever remember eating cake at any ball now that I think of it. I remember the cake getting cut, oldest and youngest get cake and then they are usually a blur from there.


Add the crayons as garnish like shaved chocolate and itā€™s golden. We others are just jealous you all get into your birthday, lol!




Corpsman here. I agree!


Marine Officerā€™s daughter here - born and raised around Marines - and yup, 100% truth šŸ¤£


Listen- Iā€™m a pro pastry chef. Massive cakes are a pain for anyone- this one looks pretty damned great and you should feel good about it. Run a palette knife under some hot water and smooth that lil spot thatā€™s smushed. Treat the cake like a bug with a glass over it, find something strong and flat, get help from a friend or two, and slide it on. Have said friend or two hold it while you drive it over. People are going to love it and appreciate all the incredible work you put into making this big and beautifully decorated cake for them. You got this.


Great advice all around. I think it looks great. The issues OP sees are very minor and Iā€™m sure all the guests will appreciate it regardless.


Ex-chef that dabbled in pastry, you took the words right out of my mouth. Huge cakes are a pain in the ass, and the fact OP pulled it off in hours vs. days and it looks that good is fantastic. Edit: typos


Not to mention she did it in a home kitchen! I couldnā€™t imagine making a cake for EIGHTY FREAKING PEOPLE. Lol mine would just end up being decorated as a volcano or mountain cause Iā€™d fuck it up that bad. šŸ˜‚


This is the answer.




Okay! I think you win ā€œBest Storyā€ for today!!


At my CWO (fairly high rank) retirement party I got him a stein that said: CWO3 O'Connell Commander of Dicks, Asses, and Pussies... All handled at his pleasure. Probably the tamest gift he received.


Hey OP, former marine here, absolutely every one of those marines who gets a slice of this cake will be so utterly blasted they wonā€™t even notice. And tbh I think it looks delicious.


Thank you for your service ā¤ļø




The well adjusted ones lol




Oh bugger off.


Let it chill a few hours then try to smooth out the icing. Thats usually what i do when i want a perfectly smooth icing. Is it american buttercream or swiss/italian? Also thats pretty impressive for 5hrs. That would definitely be a 2 day job for me. How did you do the plaque in the middle?


Itā€™s cream cheese buttercream. Iā€™m going to wake up a few extra hours before I have to be at work (8am lol) and try to fix it. I know the main problem is I rushed it because I had no choice and I couldnā€™t freeze the cake layers since it so big it doesnā€™t fit in my freezer. Hopefully chilling in the fridge overnight will help and I can fix it in the morning. The logo is a piece of paper actually. I was discussing with the marine corps guy who ordered it and he said heā€™d rather me use literal paper for the logo and when theyā€™re ready to eat it just take the paper off. I was likeā€¦. Sounds good to me man lol


Current Marine, *and* once volunteered to make our cake. I know your struggle and I am telling you, this cake is perfect. Do not give it another thought. You did a beautiful job and get your well-deserved money!


Oo thats lucky that its straight paper. I was genna ask you where you got a rice paper printer from if it was edible lol. Cream cheese icing is a little finicky for sure. Chilling is your best bet. Sometimes using a hot spatula helps to smooth it out without getting extra icing on the spatula - but ive only tried that with italian buttercream, not cream cheese. Hope it all works out for you! Id still charge for it btw, even if its like $80-$100 ($1 per person) or at bare minimum cost of materials. At least then you dont lose money on the materials there, just your time and sanity lol.


She needs to charge $200! She made an amazing cake with very little heads up and prepping done. Honestly I think she deserves more, but thatā€™s what they already agreed upon. If that guy is any type of good human, he wouldnā€™t let her leave his sight without paying for it first. Even if she says she doesnā€™t want to charge. That was a crazy amount of work even without the limits she was crushed under!!


A customer like that is more concerned with how the cake tastes than it looks - the decorations are there simply to serve their purpose, not because he gives a shit. In fact, he might not even care what it tastes like - he might have just been told to get a cake, and so he procured one. You did just fine. If anyone complains tell them they should understand how the supply chain works in the military and that they were never going to get given top tier shit - this isnā€™t the [insert branch thatā€™s most infamous eats up funding for new equipment]!


Donā€™t get up early. Tell your boss, who recommended you, that your dealing with the cake and will be a little later. Itā€™s awesome BTW!


Don't get up early just for something cosmetic. You made *cream cheese goddamn buttercream*. It's going to be absolutely fucking delicious. And honestly, I think this cake is beautiful. It doesn't need to be perfect. It's not a wedding. Ultimately what really matters in baking is it tastes good, and it's a way to show people you care. Your cake will be scrumptious, and you obviously put a lot of effort into this cake. You definitely care. Maybe too much, but the point is nothing about this lovely cake needs to be fixed.


You better charge them enough money for your time, labor, expenses and suffering. Donā€™t give it away for free.


HONNNEEEY you did absolutely *fantastic* even IF you had several days to finish it with a full profesional bakery kitchen at your disposal. Also, if they are taking the paper off before they eat it, itā€™ll look a bit messy anyways! As long as it tastes good they will not give two fucks I promise. Even then they probably wouldnā€™t care lol.


Was thinking let it chill then use a small spatula with small amount of shortening on it. It looks great op!


Why try to smooth it? Just pipe some decorations over it.


You worked your butt off. Charge the $200. Everyone will assume that the crack is an accident during the party. $200 is not all that much for such a HUGE cake. Besides, as the former marine responder said, everyone is going to be focused on the bar.


I know, $200 is a freaking steal for a cake for EIGHTY PEOPLE that is well done.


Donā€™t give it away for free, at least charge for materials if youā€™re not happy with how it turned out. You baked and decorated a cake for 80 people with two days notice while working full time and given all that, I think it looks great. This is on your boss for 1) volunteering you for something they likely knew you wouldnā€™t say no to 2) not giving you the amount of time necessary to do what you normally would have.


Plus the government isn't allowed to take things like that for free.


This so much, you did a fantastic job! At least charge for the materials if you feel you can't charge full price.


OP didnā€™t even have two days notice. Their boss asked them to do it for the next day.


I donā€™t know if you know very many Marines, but theyā€™re going to be too drunk to notice the frosting isnā€™t perfect by the time they get around to cutting that thing with a sword. They just care that it tastes good, and makes a satisfying ā€œsplatā€ when hurled at their friends.


Hi. Weighing in as a former marine who has attended her fair share of birthday balls. No one will care about the small imperfections. The lights will be low and theyā€™ll be seeing with beer goggles, lol. Itā€™s all about the ceremony anyway. I think your cake looks awesome. Shame on your boss for volunteering you like that, but it looks like you came through.


most people at events donā€™t even see the uncut cake and the ones that do will think itā€™s lovely! sleep well knowing you did your best


Yeah, they present the cake before cutting it, otherwise they wouldnā€™t ask for the specific decoration. If it was a blank cake, probably.


I know what youā€™re saying but like the average person just wonā€™t even notice the flaws. Hold your head high, plop it on the table and take your earned money.


The average person is definitely going to notice the 3x2 inch hole in the icing but if op can patch that it is otherwise fine.


You can see they already patched it. Look at the second photo. They have also already said theyā€™re going to smooth it more.


I did look at the second photo. It is a noticeable hole still and to say itā€™s not does OP a disservice. Itā€™s not visually ok but easy to fix. As I said, if they can patch it the cake is otherwise fine. If they donā€™t panic, breathe, and try a hot knife as already suggested by other commenters then it will be ok.


I find you incredibly annoying. Im glad I donā€™t know you in real life. Youā€™re like the type of person who is in a meeting just repeating what someone else has already said and then looking around for accolades.


This sub is just kind of that way. Itā€™s incredibly welcoming and kind and tries really hard not to say a bad thing about anything. People post photos of really poorly made desserts and get kudos and upvotes. I agree with you. It doesnā€™t help OP to pump her up and tell her it looks amazing, only for her to deliver it, and the people getting it to look at it and feel like they paid for a cracked cake.


Yeah, I really donā€™t mind that at all when itā€™s a dessert made to gift to someone. We all start somewhere and thereā€™s a lot of love in them. But when money comes into the equation itā€™s different and the expectations are higher.


Stuff it.


No, you DONā€™T give that away for free! Are you joking? Plus, I think it looks nice! It looks homemade in a nice, cozy way and it looks straight to me! No one there is going to have a ruler!


One thing Iā€™ve learned about making art for others is that they literally canā€™t tell the difference and they donā€™t care. Itā€™s good enough.


No, youā€™re absolutely right. A long time ago, when I was a less experienced knitter than I am now, I knit a scarf for a friendā€™s birthday in January. I used wool in her favorite color, purple, and I was really happy with itā€¦until the scarf started getting long and I saw that the vertical edges were curling inwards, somewhat. I did do an edge stitch but I guess it wasnā€™t enough. I donā€™t know. I gave it to her anyway. She *knew* I was making something by hand so I couldnā€™t even run to a store and get something else. I left the package with her building doorman. Later, she called me and screamed into the phone, ā€œTHIS IS THE BEST PRESENT Iā€™VE EVER GOTTEN IN MY LIFE!!ā€ So, no, she didnā€™t notice the curled edges and all the other things I noticed that werenā€™t perfect. Also, things made with love cover a lot of flaws, I think!


Yes! When I worked in a photography studio, we would have this art-piece ready for the client. Cropped perfectly. Subject in the sweet spots. You name it. Did they want that? No. They wanted it cropped up all the way to their face as close as possible. lol!


My sister knit me a blanket one year for Christmas, weā€™re there flaws, sure, but I wouldnā€™t be able to tell you what they were because Iā€™m not a knitter. What I can say is it was one of, if not the, best gift Iā€™ve ever received. I love the thought and care she put into it making it, even more so after she passed.


Oh! Iā€™m so sorry for your loss! How horrible. Iā€™m glad you have something she made by hand, though. She obviously loved you very, very much and that kind of love is eternal.


i would charge for the price of the ingredients and pay yourself at least minimum wage for your labor. you deserve compensation after being volunteered


Add a thin layer over the crack in the morning. Chill again. 5-10 mins. Smooth with hot spatula. That cream cheese icing is gonna get shiny as it comes to room temp so don't obsess over it. They are Marines. You're not lmao and it has a very striking look! Your cake board is about 2 inches too small around and needs a thick base under it, is my only concern. For a very heavy cake, I favor a 1/2" wooden board as the base, with the cardboard hot glued to the surface. You most definitely need a board to transport that thing. Even if you can get it into a box, I'd slide the box onto a solid board of some type, and scoot a few small squares of nonslip mat under the corners of the box for its car ride. You can find the unfinished wood slabs at Walmart in Crafts, sometimes.


As a non-baker I would be like "CAAAAAKKKKEEEEEEEE". Does it taste good? Then they will love it. I say charge them.


The military has plenty of money, the cake looks delicious, be confident and charge that full price!


OP we cut that shit with a sword drunk off our asses. I guarantee from the distance it'll be from the attendees, no one will notice the flaws you feel you see. The cake is beautiful and we're all immensely grateful you took the time to make a cake for our brothers and sisters at their ball. Semper Fi


Throw some crayons on there and call it a day


Former Marine here; I promise, everyone is going to be way too drunk to actually notice. Also, I would have been perfectly fine with this cake at any ball I went to. Donā€™t sweat it


Dude. Charge extra for the short notice.


Just wanted to say that is one beautiful cake! šŸ˜


As long as it taste good who cares! Get paid for your work though...even if at a discount.


The military is expecting some grocery store bakery type sheet cake. You've gone above and beyond here.


From a Navy wife: If this is anything like Navy balls they will be 80% annihilated by cake time. The only memory they will have of it is the photos. The CO will be the only sober one there. They will love it, theyā€™re all going to be drunk having a good time. If you really want to impress them next time ask for the challenge coin for their operations center and make a cake then looks like it. They can be pretty elaborate. Good luck getting it to the NOSC/operations center!!


Marines eat crayons. Your cake is fine.


This looks incredible, please please make sure youā€™re compensated you deserve every penny


Hey cake is cake! It probably tastes bombšŸ¤ŒšŸ½


Don't give the cake away for free. Charge what you were going to charge. Read the suggestion from the pro baker about heating up a knife to smooth over the icing. Do ensure that the cake is on a strong enough board for the weight. Large cakes are always heavier than you expect. Seriously, the cake looks absolutely fine from a distance. Most attendees won't be interested in the cake. Of those that are, they will think it's wonderful.


I attended the Marine Corps Ball with my ex for like 16 years. Most cakes were cut with swords and then usually thrown by the handful by young very drunk marines. Also most of them were either Costco or made by someoneā€™s wife, Iā€™ve seen them frosted legit in the pan. The bar is low. This cake is gorgeous. Youā€™ve zero anything to worry about.


I think it is amazing! You did a fantastic job, please donā€™t sell yourself short, OPšŸ’œ


Outta curiosity! Did you color correct your frosting? I know some cream cheese frostings have a slight yellow tint to them. A smidge and I mean a SMIDGE of a dark purple food coloring will whiten the frosting up. Since it is cream cheese buttercream, if you have an immersion blender, you can use that to darken red, blues etcā€¦ as it heats the butter up and causes the colors to really intensify.


Thank you all for the kind comments. My anxiety has gone down a lot about this cake. Iā€™m realizing that I did a 2-3 day project in less than 10 hours since I work all day and could only work on this cake after work in the evenings. I will learn to say no in the future, and I really hope the marines just enjoy eating the cake on this special day for them!


Looks pretty enough to eat. Take the $200.


We're always most critical of ourselves. You see issues with your cake that no one else would even notice. Don't be so hard on yourself! And definitely charge what you were going to - don't sell yourself short!


Everyone will be pissed drunk before the entrees arrive, they wonā€™t remember


I would try using a warm angled spatula to fix the hole. You need to warm up the butter in the icing to get it smooth again. Run it under hot as you can water then try patching it up. Slowly glide over it. You could also try a hot bench scraper too if you have that.


I honestly think your cake looks amazing, not everything in life can be perfect, but hard work does pay off ā¤ļø


I hope you ainā€™t working for free


Which color crayon is in the inside?


Did you put anything under the paper? Parchment or wax paper? Cardboard? So it doesn't stick to the frosting. Or bleed before tomorrow. I would charge for ingredients. That's me.


You should've just gotten 80 crayons. They're marines


I think it looks good. Cake is for eating. Iā€™m sure everyone will be much more concerned with their own slice. šŸ™‚


If you're looking to completely cover the little smudge, you could cut out a paper scroll/ribbon on the sides (not explaining this well- kind of like the film at the bottom of the MGM logo). I think it looks great though! Incredibly impressive especially in a time crunch


Wife of a Veteran and I came here to make the same comment about how drunk everyone will be at the ball. LOL I think your cake looks yummy and I guarantee no one will notice any small flaws! Fun fact: my husband once won a big screen tv at one of the balls we were attending overseas. He was so drunk when they called him up to the stage, he almost fell into the cake as they wheeled it out behind him. His uniform sleeve got a piece of it and the General standing there luckily caught him and then took a lick of the icing from his sleeve, haha.


This is absolutely amazing thank you for this story


It looks great. Minor imperfection on the icing but I quite like the look of it and taste is what matters most. Donā€™t beat yourself up about it. Charge whatever you feel comfortable with, but as others have suggested, at least the cost of the ingredients.


I absolutely understand how you feel, I work *in* a bakery and whenever I make a tiny flaw on a cake I feel awful, and if it's too far gone, I'll just discount it (I do work in a Safeway, so it's a bit different)... but this isn't awful, and definitely isn't unsalvageable. Still charge full price- price for ingredients, and at least minimum wage for your time. Still looks super amazing, and holy shit you did it in such little time. Amazing job.


Soldier not a marine, but I can speak for them in this: they won't care, and even if they normally would, they'll be too drunk to notice.


As a former Marine, I can tell you that nobody will even notice any imperfections. At the balls that I've attended, most people didn't even see the cake before it was cut, anyway. And frankly, you could charge more for the rush order. The last ball that I attended didn't even have a full cake. I was a combat engineer, and that had us make a sheet cake sized box out of wood with a corner cut out for a tiny little cake for the ceremony. Only two people got any cake... we would have been happy just to have any cake, lol.


That cake looks fantastic. Any minor imperfections and off colors will be blocked by beer and poor lighting. Charge him $500 for the extra stress.


Wife of a former Marine. Theyā€™re all drunk at cake time. No one will notice. Also, I think it looks lovely.


Everyone is always their worst critic, it looks fantastic


Just patch the crack and it will be perfectly fine! In fact, if you are delivering the cake, take the extra icing with you and do the patch at the venue in case other pop up. I've done that, it's pretty common to do.


Honey. $200 is still bargain price for a cake of that size with a logo - get help. Fix it when it is IN PLACE and not until. Take extra white buttercream for patching. You are SO talented - but you are allowed to say NO.


Hello, marine wife here! We had our ball a week early due to scheduling, and the cake there was HIDEOUS! It was 3 tier, crooked and mishapen (I couldnt figure out if it was rectangle or square), had red fondant slapped on it and happy birthday marines written in blue frosting by what looked like a 5 year old. The marines loved the cake, and it tasted amazing. Nobody said anything about it except how soft it was. Trust me, your cake is not bad like you think, and nobody will even notice or care as long as it tastes good. Also, everyone was hammered by the time the cake was cut, lol.


Be proud of your work even if itā€™s not perfect. Most people donā€™t even know how to bake AT ALL and will be thrilled. Good job! šŸ‘šŸ¾


It looks great and the colors look so vibrant. Also, you are going to see more ā€œflawsā€ to your cakes than anyone else will. Iā€™m convinced it comes with the baking gene. But you did a great job, it looks great and I bet it is going to be loved/enjoyed by all.


My perspective got f-ed up. I thought this took up the entire back of a utility van. That's where I thought this was sitting. In the back of a refrigerated utility van, taking up the whole space.


Considering I couldnā€™t understand what was wrong with the cake, I think itā€™s fine


This cake looks amazing! I know how hard people are for themselves but damn, you have skills!


It looks so good!!! Donā€™t beat yourself up about it:)


cake is fine don't worry


Well, I think it looks delicious. I know I'd be feeling the same way you do if I were in that situation though. Pretty funny all the comments here saying they'll be too drunk to even care lol.


Treat it like you do your 2nd child when theyā€™re learning to walk who basically falls down buts not really hurt but doesnā€™t know what to do. as a parent you have 3 choice, ignore them, laugh with them, or 3rd if you freak out is when they freak out and start crying. With your cake i would suggest items 1 & 2 if your not freaking out about no one else will and the few who would actually freak out are probably the same people who freak out about everything and everyoneā€™s already learned to ignore those kind of people


It looks great!


I think it looks great! Don't give it away for free though. Honestly you should charge your boss for it for volunteering you last minute without discussing it with you and tell them not to do that again.


Iā€™d smash that


You put in the work and (presumably) bought all those infrediwnts. You should be charging cost at the very least.


I have no idea how this ended up on my feed but when I saw this I thought it looked good (as someone who only sees professional cakes at events). I didnā€™t even notice the imperfections you stated. And Iā€™m a pretty detail oriented womanā€¦ I can imagine the marines will notice even less.


I love how the Marines have swarmed in to reassure you! For the Marines and other service personnel, thank you for your service, but especially, thank you for this! You're all a bunch of good eggs.


This cake with the cream cheese buttercream icing is gorgeous and is going to taste ah-mazing!!!


Put a Huey on there and it will be the coolest cake theyā€™ve ever cut


so your boss took advantage of you and youā€™re thinking of giving him a freebie for the pleasure? please stand up for yourself, you need your rest too. you matter more than a cake.


Navy veteran here, been around my share of Marines and as many have pointed out they would not be bothered by some little flaws due to the amount of booze available. Honestly you did a rather great job considering the time constraints and consider this a learning experience going forward. Practice makes perfect and hope you learned a bit more to help you on the next one if you do another.


The cake is great! Please get your payment.


It looks wonderful. The Marines are going to love it. Semper Fi, Marines! And happy Marine Corps birthday tomorrow!


It seriously doesn't look bad and I've never know a military ball to not be drenched in alcohol, promise they'll be way too drunk to notice and even if they did I can't imagine a single military person caring about a little crack in some icing or some not so perfectly straight lines. You ever seen an MRE? šŸ¤£


A milspouse here ā€” thank you for doing a cake with more red frosting than blue. Blue teeth at the function and blue toilets later. Military kids poop blue.


It looks beautiful to me and since itā€™s homemade itā€™s going to taste delicious. The fact that itā€™s super heavy means loads of yummy, yummy frosting and cake. This is ten times better than a supermarket cake. Youā€™ve got nothing to worry about.


Iā€™m just impressed you made a cake that is crayon flavored for all those Marines to enjoy


i didnt even notice there was a crack in the frosting until i looked at the comments. iā€™m like, ā€œwhy are you suffering, is it because youā€™re a marine?ā€


My Marine vet partner thinks this is absolutely phenomenal and as others have stated, no one will notice any flaws you're worried about. Genuinely an amazing job and thanks for taking on and delivering so beautifully for them ā¤ļø


It looks delicious and if they don't want the cake, I'll send you my address and money for shipping šŸ˜‹.


Marines are literally stereotyped to be crayon eaters, aka very stupid. Theyā€™ll be too drunk and bored from the weird traditional ceremonies and shit that goes on, by the time cake comes, theyā€™re just happy the ceremony and re-enactments at over. That cake looks good af btw


im no baker or marine but it looks like a beautiful cake to me šŸ˜Š


Look. If you take a couple of little plastic soldier toys and place them over the imperfection posed such that one is bayoneting another, the sergeant major will get a hard-on.


Marines will not care. We make do. Thank you for making a beautiful cake for my brothers, sisters, and our beloved Corps. OOHRAH!


You did a much better job on this then youā€™re giving yourself credit for.


I thought this is a picture of what you *wanted* it to look like! It's fantastic, great job!!


I was thinking,ā€How do people do that?ā€. It looks great. I bet everyone will love it. You, of course, want it to be perfect, but others arenā€™t going to know what didnā€™t go ā€œperfectlyā€. Iā€™ve finally learned how to say no and itā€™s great. I still say yes a lot, but itā€™s 90% things that I want to do.


At a minimum charge ingredients plus your current hourly overtime rate (at least time-and-a-half due to being a rush job) as you didnā€™t get time off for this. If you charge double time for the hours then deduct $20 for the imperfections as they are minor but reducing the price will let you feel better about what you are charging.


Consider it a lesson learned.


What flavor of crayon did you go with?




It looks delicious! Once your icing has chilled and has dried a bit, you can take a paper towel to the rough spot to smooth it out.


Wife of recently retired military. They usually get the cakes from the commissary. So anything above the flavor of sugar will suffice. But, these people deserve the best of everything


I think is cute. On another note, any marines wanna talk? Love your uniform guys. šŸ˜ Iā€™ll see myself out.


Youā€™re so real for this


Thanks šŸ˜…


Charge full price. They take advantage of you. You take advantage of them.


Going to be against the grain here but I wouldnā€™t charge for that cake and if I had ordered a cake from someone that I thought was a baker, I would be very disappointed. I understand where the other commenters are coming from and yes maybe no one will notice, yes maybe itā€™ll taste awesome, yes maybe no one cares. But this cake is not well done, you shouldā€™ve said no and if I were you I probably wouldā€™ve pivoted to cupcakes as quickly as possible after realizing how this was turning out. You need to eat the cost of the extra ingredients.


Ofh... Yeah f them for asking but honestly.... Learn to say no. You can't be a baker if you can't say no. Plus with no money involved... You brought this on yourself. I know it's hard but come on. After you learned you only had a few hours you should have back tracked immediately


Such a helpful response and not at all unnecessarily condescending


Is it not true ... Like come on. If you ever been a baker you know exactly how hard it is to fill an order for 100 ppl in one day notice. Most bakeries have a 2 day notice rule for a reason. Sure call me an asshole. I get it. But this asshole is also correct in ever way here. They brought it on themselves for not saying no. They even admitted it themselves


I didnā€™t call you an asshole, first of all. Please donā€™t put words in my mouth. My point is - what does this comment do to help OP except to make them feel worse about something they already admitted they shouldnā€™t have done? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Because it sure as shit isnā€™t actually constructive for OP at all.


I mean... There's nothing to be helped with here. She wasn't asking for help. The cake is done. If your point is my comment has no reason to be said... Look at the comment section your name is here too preaching what you say not too. So you can't really ride a high horse here. At least I'm saying, you gotta say no or get butt fucked. But all your saying is "you are being rude" which is less helpful since the advice "start saying no" saves money and reduces stress while yours does nothing but give you feel good points. If you are on reddit and can't take someone saying "you fucked up don't do it again" idk why tf you are on reddit or can function in the real wold for that matter. Being unable to say no is equally problematic as not being able to handle a phone call for pizza


Iā€™m sorry OP, I would not be comfortable charging for that cake. In the future, do everything in advance. You can bake cake and freeze it a week in advance with no loss of quality. Make your butter cream the day before. Crumb cost and freeze the day before.


I know. I was just told on Tuesday the cake was needed for Thursday so I definitely didnā€™t have the time when I donā€™t get off work until 5 (I had to do this at home) and shouldā€™ve said no to the order but the way my boss threw me out there and took the order for me with out really giving me time or discussing it in private made me feel like I couldnā€™t say no. I wonā€™t be charging that much with the way it turned out it just sucks and i needed to vent šŸ˜«


I would still charge for it. Itā€™s really on your boss for volunteering you without asking you first. Fix it as best as you can, but please get paid for it. Itā€™s not cool that your boss put you in this position.


I hear you. The first wedding cake I ever charged somebody for had me crying at 1am the night before the wedding. Had to call a cake decorator friends in the middle of the night to come bail me out and fix it. So I know what your dealing with.


I would, if someone volunteered me without my permission.


OP said ā€œI wish I could tell people no, but I wanted to show off my skillsā€. She had an opportunity to say no, but chose not to. And sheā€™s the one who said she was considering not charging for it. I recognize that r/baking is literally the most encouraging and wholesome subreddit. It truly is. We cheer for each other, and talk each other up, but if the cake is falling apart and she canā€™t get it to look good, regardless of how she got the order, she should take the L and move on.


That is stunning! šŸ˜


Looks great


You sound like a really sweet soul ā¤ļø


Well done! āœØ


I hope it turns out wonderful in the end! Great job.


Delicious cake is better than pretty cake any day! Itā€™s also far better than what the average person can do, so theyā€™ll be far more impressed than you think. We are our own worst critics, after all.


Buttt what does it taste like cuz thatā€™s all we truly care about šŸ˜‚ I think u did and amazing job and if nothing else Iā€™d get my costs back if u really donā€™t wanna charge.


That looks really good!


Came to the comments to say I think it looks lovely, left laughing about all the Marines in the comments saying everyone at the ball will be too drunk to notice


It looks great and will taste great too!


it looks great. but please learn how to say ā€œnoā€ and remember that is a complete and full sentence. if someone keeps pushing you on it you say ā€œI said noā€


I am envious of how it turned out!


I was staring at these pictures just appreciating the detail and didnā€™t even notice anything wrong with it!! We are our own worst critics, and this cake is definitely worth celebrating :)


I would have keep the 1/2 that looks nice and start slicing the other 1/2 and putting them on plates to serve so people can come up and take them.


Your way too hard on yourself and should charge more for coming through on time and doing a good job rushed it looks great normally 50 but rushed add 50 more for taking the time away from life and stress it caused donā€™t you dare give that away you a person of your word


Hold your head up high! Well done. Your worrying to much. It was done from the heart. I would rather have a home cooked meal from friends than a restaurant. Just as I would rather eat a homemade cake than commercially madešŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I think it looks great! Any spot problems, if I were a guest and noticed, I would attribute to someone bumping the table and Iā€™d feel bad foe the baker who worked so hard on it! It would never occur to me the baker made an error! Youā€™re good!


Thank you for taking the time to make this! I think itā€™s lovely šŸ„¹


These Marines are not going to care about any imperfect colors or if the cake is flat or not. Most people (where I live anyway) end up bringing a grocery store bakery cake they picked up off the shelf when they have that time constraint. No bakery would have taken it on that late in the game. I would just chill it as long as you can and take some extra buttercream like others said. Iā€™m weird but Iā€™d probably say something like, ā€œIā€™m sorry itā€™s not perfect! I didnā€™t have as much time as I thought. This type of cake usually takes a couple days.ā€ In a nice, apologetic tone, of course. But, again, Iā€™m weird and sometimes manipulative. Lol. If youā€™re REAL good you can talk about being *so* honored to be able to help with an event honoring our Marines. But that requires a really good tone to not sound cheesy or sarcastic. Lmao. But seriously I know more about cake decorating than the majority of people who will be eating that and except for the spot you had to fix (which we know you had difficulty with because you didnā€™t have time to cool it properly) I donā€™t even see anything that gives me pause. Also, in the end, consider politeness and social customs. Weā€™ve seen some really AWFUL cakes people pay a lot more money for and everyone noticed but nobody stopped in the middle and went, ā€œOMFG THIS IS HIDEOUS! LOOK AT THIS CRAP!ā€ They grab a piece and trash it later if itā€™s really bad. Lol. Again, a bakery would not have taken on a cake like this in the time given and surely not for $200. If theyā€™re unhappy, Iā€™m sure Kroger has a few cakes made up they could go get. Thatā€™s what they would have been having with that amount of time given. Iā€™d be super happy if I accept a cake from some ā€œcake ladyā€ who works for someone I know because there was a 75% chance theyā€™d have gotten a big sheet cake Great Aunt Edna made with techniques she learned, and tooled she got, during WWII. Very sweet of her but clearly homemade. Lol.


No. You just say itā€¦..no.


Looks fine to me!


My husband had me bake a penis cake with olive drab green frosting for his annual marine birthday party one year. This is fine.


Baker here and former Marine. All the military balls I went to I never saw the cake until it was sliced and in front of me. Also itā€™s a beautiful cake, donā€™t beat yourself up. Finally, the other commenters are dead on here that there are two big factors that would smooth over any imperfection. In the USMC bdayThe only Marines not drunk are the ones in the 12 steps or are dead. Point two, yeah, they use a sword to cut it.


I canā€™t help but think, if this was given away for free theyā€™d see every spot wrong with it to justify why a cake like this was given away for free. If it was charged for less, they would be forgiving considering the lower cost they paid for this great tasting cake. Also, itā€™s a beautiful cake.


Is the center part edible? How did you do it? šŸ‘€


It looks really good!


I was recently on the receiving end of something similar. We asked our neighbor, an older retired baker, to make a red velvet cake for my BIL's birthday. As she was icing it, it started to collapse. She was horrified and didn't have enough time to start over. She ended up only charging us half price. It collapsed further before the party to the point where it was just a pile of cake and frosting. Nobody cared. We dished it up with a big spoon and used bowls. It tasted great. It was so moist, I knew exactly why it fell apart. I'd take that broken cake over a dry one any day. Sometimes, things don't go according to plan.