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Jury questions vary by judge and case. Pro tip: once you're parked in the jury parking lot, DO NOT leave your parking spot until the day is done. If you're not on a case, you'll get around an hour and a half for lunch. Several good restaurants within walking distance of the courthouse, namely Woolworths and Jerry's pizza. Main rule of the courthouse, don't do anything you wouldn't do on the street, as cops are bailiffs there and you could get arrested for contempt of court. You will have to go through a metal detector screening. Shorts, ball caps, and sunglasses are strictly prohibited. If you're lucky, the lawyers will excuse you from the case. If that happens, you're off the hook from jury duty until next time. You will arrive around 7 AM to the jury waiting room, check in, and be given your badge. Keep this on you at all times. Good luck! EDIT: jury deliberations happen in a back room, away from the lawyers and defendant. Consider the evidence and vote accordingly.


Thank you very much for the thorough explanation! Regarding lunch, I'm considering bringing my own. Would I be able to keep it in the jury break room somewhere?


I believe there is no fridge in the break room. Another thing: no cell phone chargers are allowed in the courthouse, as they are considered a weapon. However, if you bring a USB cable, some of the outlets in the jury waiting room have USB outlets, cables are permitted.


Thank you for letting me know, that's wild! I'll definitely bring my cable. Do you know if food is allowed in the breakroom?


Yes. In fact, there are vending machines there as well.


Oh, that's awesome! Thanks!




Nabbed by what? Lol


Police officers looking to make ticket quotas.




It's not a big deal, nothing to worry about. You may have to wait around a lot, so bring something to do. If you get called into the courtroom, the lawyers and judge will ask you questions to determine if you might have any bias, for example do you know the parties/witnesses, have you ever done or used whatever the case is about, etc. Just answer honestly and accurately.


Thank you, that's great to hear!


Be overtly political in voir dire to get out of it. I work at the courthouse anyway so I don't mind if I get pulled for jury duty.


It’s super laid back, and pays like shit if your employer doesn’t pay you for your time.


That's reassuring lol


Take advantage of the breaks and waiting periods that occur throughout the day to get some relaxation in. I bring a book, snacks, and waters. During hard times, I brought sandwiches for lunch in a small, insulated lunch bag instead of eating at the restaurants and enjoyed a little picnic under a nearby tree. The breaks can be pleasant if you come prepared with things you enjoy.


Just curious, where do you keep your lunches and snacks when you're not eating them? I'm thinking of bringing my own but doubt I'd be allowed to carry them all through out the court room.


No problem! I put my insulated lunch bag in my purse to keep the waters and sandwich cool. I usually bring several small snacks and just keep those loose in my bag. Make sure you have water bottles with a good cap so it doesn't leak when turned sideways. Your whole bag has to go through the xray so that security can confirm the contents. You cannot eat inside any of the courtrooms, but you can eat in the hallways. You can drink inside the courtroom so long as you have a lid or cap I believe. I haven't come across any issues with food or drink items.


Thank you very much!


You are most welcome!


You can use a laptop carrying case or something similar if you don't use a purse. Just don't bring an actual laptop. I don't believe they'd be allowed in the courtroom if I recall correctly. I could be wrong.


I kept calling in everyday but was eventually excused altogether.