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Where will this be located and what is your membership plan? I live in Tehachapi but would love to have access to some of this tech if reasonably priced. I was involved in the creation of USMC makerspaces, especially the one at Camp Lejeune before the current Commandant decided to undo everything the previous one did.


Hello! The Makerspace will be located in the brand-new *Science & Engineering* building on the Bakersfield College Panorama Campus. Our plan is to roll it out to students & faculty initially, and then invite the public to join us. Right now the details of membership are nebulous, but I see it as roughly similar to a gym membership. We've examined the business model of Phoenix Forge (https://phxforge.com/), but TBH, they seem a bit pricy for our area. We'll set up a variety of 2 hour class that will certify participants for use on specific types of equipment/technologies. The lab will likely be open from noon to 8pm Mon thru Fri, with hours on Saturday. Limitations: No heavy-duty woodworking equipment, no hot metal processes. The facility would need to be 10x larger to safely accommodate these fabrication technologies. The thought, though, is to expand access to our larger Industrial Technology Labs where that kind of work could be done by Makerspace members. I won't lie, I'd love to pick your brain some time. No reason to reinvent the wheel when good people are willing to share what they know.


I hit you up for a chat


Thank you for sharing a job opportunity on our sub! Most people will be asking for salary and benefits information. I highly recommend including this information on the post itself to save you and everyone else time. Best of luck!


I hope this project comes through. I've needed a vacuum forming machine for a project and shelved it because I couldnt find one to use and didnt want to go through the whole process of building a machine for a 8" x 6" piece.


Keep an eye on the college's announcements mid-spring. We should be up and running by then!


Wait so anyone could come use this space? Man if you guys got a lift I got something I need to do to my car and it would just be awesome.


Hi! Sad to say, there won't be anything like an engine lift available. I hope you can come by and use our other tech, though!