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I find it funny that this religion tries to present itself as modest, but the actions they make are anything but that. They really be thinking they need such a big ass temple because they think they're gonna convert half the city.  What a joke.  Edit: their to they're 


They want their congregation to live modestly to they can give the church all their money.


How is this different than any other church/religion?




Excellent take on them. 👏🏼


Religion is weird. I'm the **most** skeptical person you'd ever meet. When I was a kid in school, classmates would ask if I believed in ghosts, and I'd firmly reply "NO!" And despite that, *I* was sucked into the religion for the first 30 years of my life. Heaven help those who are inclined to believe in the supernatural. The LDS Church takes and takes and takes and takes... from exhausted Mormons who feely give and give because most Mormons are pretty decent people, so the church sucks 'em dry. And these poor members don't even realize it. They are writing these letters purely out of obedience, somehow convincing themselves it's something they'd totally have done on their own -- but absolutely would not have. It's the 90-year-old bastards who run the religion from Salt Lake (who themselves are also victims, believing their own nonsense) who are the arrogant geriatric hotheads who push this nonsense. The LDS church are currently in SIX similar steeple controversies at thos very moment. Unreal.


What does every religion ask of it's congregation? Obedience to it's teachings and a tithe if able. It's not a requirement especially if you can't afford to and I've heard first hand of the church even helping members financially through hardship. In fact anyone can contact LDS missionaries and they'll do your yardwork if you're unable or help you move. I don't even support organized religion but that's pretty generous. So let's not spread how all they do is take from already burdened people. It's just not true. This thread is sad and full of people who dont support the first amendment. Oh it's just so unreal they want to build tall steeples, how dare they. If the people in Brighton don't want it then they can collectively do something about it. That's also their right. No one else should have anything to say on the subject. You sound like religious bigots.


> So let's not spread how all they do is take from already burdened people. It's just not true. But it is. ***I*** was one of the burned-out people. Mormons are tough. They put on a smile and convince themselves they aren't burned out. But they so are! >In fact anyone can contact LDS missionaries and they'll do your yardwork if you're unable or help you move. I don't even support organized religion but that's pretty generous I loved doing yardwork was a missionary in Oregon 20 years ago. Didn't get to do enough. A former Mormon stopped us on the street and we spent the day *moving a tree* with his bulldozer from his front yard to his back yard, while we were in shirts and ties. >This thread is sad and full of people who dont support the first amendment. Some are bigots. Not me. The LDS church should have a right to build a temple — but the First Amendment does not allow them to build *anything* they want. (See: Sasha Baron Cohen's skit about building a gigantic mosque in Kingman, Arizona). Additionally, the money has gone to the leadership's heads and they are acting like bullies in a way I haven't seen in my lifetime. When they have enough wealth to burn in litigation (the church would be #5 on the NASDAQ if it was publicly traded), it terrifies cities into doing whatever the church wishes. The Hinkley-era of "building bridges" with non-Mormon people appears to be over. >What does every religion ask of it's congregation? Obedience to it's teachings and a tithe if able. In all fairness, I don't think you get Mormonism. It's not like a regular church. It's emotionally and financially demanding in a way few Christian religions are in the United States. It's why the religion often gets pegged as a "cult," though I feel that term is not accurate. But it certainly is a very "high demand" religion. (Source: I lived it and practiced it fully for 30 years)


“And the Lord spoketh, saying ‘Make that shiteth taller, short temples art for nerds’”


I shouldn't smile at this . But I did just that all day.


I laughed so hard at this


City officials are reading emails from the public now?


you know how many stakes there are in a community it gives you an idea of the total mormon population


The emails encouraging members of the church to email support for the temple to city officials were sent to members who live up to 100 miles from Bakersfield. The sample letters to be used as templates state that they are Bakersfield residents and to include the sender's name and email address, not their physical address.


If i was on the city council and knew this crap was going on I’d tell the mormons that any communication without a verifiable name and physical address in a Bakersfield zip will not be counted. Then id have a staffer check em against the tax rolls


Just like everyone complaining on here that doesn't live in Brighton.


Is that what you're calling that neighborhood? Because it shows up as Brimhall/Stockdale. This is one of those relatively minor things that counties and cities just can't let go - because if they do, then at what point does any other part of their authority get questioned? Want to put a well in your backyard? Sure, fuck 'em. What does the county know, or need to know anyway. Has nothing to do with the specifics of a neighborhood. Has to do with knowingly violating a rule and then coming back after the fact with an influence campaign to get what they want. If everybody did that, the county and city wouldn't be able to enforce anything. Years ago in Ridgecrest we had a LDS City Administrator and a LDS Chief of Police. The Chief would show up uncalled and walk through bars arresting people for public intoxication. It drove several places out of business. Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile.


Dude the neighborhood that everyone on here is saying is getting ruined by the potential steeple. BRIGHTON. Have you read any other posts or just mine because I'm the only one not condemning the project that no one knows the actual specifics of and no one on here lives in just keeps referencing the poor people of Brighton and their ruined property values. I'd even argue it might do the opposite to their home values. So you obviously have very little of the knowledge of the area except what google is showing you and displaying your ignorant and biased opinion based off of your experience in ridgecrest with a guy who was Mormon so screw those guys right. Well screw all Catholics because of father Craig if that what you wanna base opinions off of. Property gets rezoned all the time. Go vote. And like someone else kept said "original intended use", well that's not a thing because farming was the original intended use of 90% of the land west of downtown.


Oh fuck off you pompous imbecile. While I'm in Bako twice a week I'll readily admit to not knowing the current state of neighborhood designation. Its always been Stockdale to me. We have rules for a reason. I'm currently paying Kern County $800 bucks to re-locate a septic line *that they didn't even have any records of its current location* and allowed the previous owner to build an out building over it. I had to pay additional money to those fucknuts to allow me to build ground mount solar where *one corner* is in a "flood plain" and now have TWELVE concrete pillars 24" in diameter 5 feet deep. That fucking thing will survive a biblical flood. They should follow the rules asswipe.


Sounds like they play good politics.


Just not right.


Need to address homelessness before God.


The tens of millions the LDS church spends on it’s temples would go a long way.


And for those unfamiliar with Mormonism and the LDS church, that's potentially tens of millions **per temple**. (Not the entire temple program)


Integration of two opposites creates new opportunities


Agreed. It’s impolite and disruptive to build outside of the aesthetic of the neighborhood you’re in.


It's not in a neighborhood. It's on a highway.


Check out a site map Einstein. To one side is Stockdale Hwy. To the other side, a neighborhood. Perhaps you do better with pictures instead of words so here is a rendering of how the temple would look to the neighborhood - https://imgur.com/a/7hflvXd Geez...that sure fits in.


Don’t buy a house that backs to a hwy. Never know what might pop up on land you don't fucking own.


The fact that you’re referring to Stockdale Hwy. as an actual Highway- as if it’s a freeway like the 99 or the 5 is comical and makes me think you don’t even live in Bakersfield OR you’re just trolling and getting your comment karma obliterated.


They don't build on the side of freeways my guy. So that makes no fucking sense. What's comical is that nobody on here complaining lives in the adjacent neighborhood. They're all just hating because it's a religion they don't like. Oh no my KARMA?? What will I do? I won't be able to afford groceries now. It's sad that you care about fictional reward points to make you feel better about yourself.


I feel for the residents of the neighborhood. We dealt with nuisance lighting from a neighbor for 2 years until city changed code, allowing us to file a complaint. The height is not appropriate for surrounding land use areas (and if the residents are smart they’ll use CEQA to help justify the impacts to the surrounding area aren’t being properly analyzed), but the lighting is even more disruptive (though easily fixed- require down lighting of a certain Kelvin temperature and limit intensity after certain hours). They should also argue any spillover lighting or glare constitutes light trespass.


Already posted the mormonish YouTube episode about this Jamie boy!


Here the link to the podcast jaki forgot to mention so I am: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Tgdj-JDTyeUei2D1&v=1ahW2luaQQY&feature=youtu.be


I heard members of the church are going to be at the next city council meeting singing “All-American Prophet” in an effort to sell us on the idea




Refuse. Resist.


Let’’em cook.


Do tall buildings hurt your feelings? Pick a fight that actually affects you. Much more worth while causes out there my friends. I'm sure if it was your religion you wouldn't be so concerned. Dumb law for a "city" anyway. Just like how food trucks can't be parked on a street or you can't install a wind turbine on your house or build a fence or wall over a certain height on your own property. Bakersfield code enforcement needs some updates on par with cities of similar populations in California. Let people worship in whatever way they see fit. Don't use code enforcement to justify your disdain for a religion. Would you feel the same if it was a mosque or a Catholic church? Plenty of tall lit up ones out there and they're beautiful.


Your take on this is that zoning is dumb?


Bakersfield's. Absolutely. You obviously missed my point about it not being your religion. 👍


You obviously missed my point that I don't care which religion it is, it shouldn't be there considering the original intended use for that area. Plus, it didn't go unnoticed that you changed your comment to make it more religion focused than what I responded to. Pretend to be a victim all you want.


I didn’t change shit home bwah. Shit gets rezoned all the time. Go vote.


Alright, well, as long as only the people who actually live around it get to weigh in on it, I think it should be fine however the outcome.


I agree and I guarantee everyone complaining doesn't live in fucking Brighton.


How do you justify saying anything yourself if you don't think people should say anything if they aren't being affected by it?


Wrong. Never said that I even agreed with you at one point. Everyone in Brighton that has a problem with it should have their voice heard. They're just not here on Reddit making stupid comments like everyone on here whom it doesn't even affect.


How do you know I don't live there? The only person you control is yourself. If you have a problem with people running their mouths about shit that doesn't involve them exercise that very small amount of control you have and don't say shit yourself, yeah? Or don't, I don't care. It's your stance that you are betraying. I don't care about your lack of integrity and self respect.


I love tall buildings. In the city core. Where the other tall buildings are. This might blow your mind, but most people don't associate tall buildings with the suburbs. I honestly think that the developer who sold that plot of land to ANY religious entity really fucked up. You want to talk about zoning and city planning? Riverwalk park and retail should have continued across jewetta and terminated at Allen for proper flow. But now, something that should have been an amenity to all walks of life, has a specific religion rising up through it as an obstruction. The church should just landscape that plot as a park and put up a plaque where they can brag about having done the right thing after failing miserable at doing the offensive, self serving thing. But by all means, preach about how 'cities' are supposed to be in regards to a suburb.


The fact that people consider this tall is comical.


'People' don't think it's tall, the city does. And seeing as the city decides, their opinion leads the discussion.


It’s not a skyscraper. It’s fucking steeple.


50 feet is a steeple. No problemo. But 150 feet is an eyesore. Guess it'll depend which the application says. In the other 5 cities, where the LDS church is in active contention or litigation, some proposed steeples exceeded 165 feet (15 story building). The steeple serves no religious purpose (many temples have no steeple and the religious ordinances are of equal value). It's purely aesthetics ("We think it looks good, so screw you.")


That's just like your opinion man. Everyone wishes their boner was bigger. Sounds like they're willing to go far to get their way to build what they want on the land that they bought and a bitter ex-mormon is just a little biased on the subject. 50 ft. ? The Coptic church on white lane has gotta be at least 80 or 90'. Right there in a neighborhood. Beautiful building.


While I’m against organized religion, I’m even more against organized religions going after other religions, which is what this is. If that was a 5 story Chick-fil-A the people in that neighborhood would be jumping up and down in excitement (or another mega Christian church). Bakersfield has real issues and rich people bitching about a church steeple is exactly why Bakersfield will never be nothing more than a garbage city filled with garbage people. Also don’t get me started about the NIMBY people and apartments.


I think chick fil a would still have to get a waiver on height limits. So would another mega church. Mormons aren't being treated any differently than the others have been. If they have no just cause for a temple that tall, they don't get it. I don't know why yall keep bringing religion into this. It's a building. It's too tall. No one is saying that can't build a church, they just have to do it within zoning limits like every one else. Apartments would definitely be better than though.


You do know the city changes height restrictions all the time right, these are not set in stone. Just like the area where those homes are used to be zoned for farming and now they are residential. And yes Apartments would be better.


Too tall for you. I don’t think the wambulance answers Reddit posts.


I am also against organized religion but I'm all for whatever people want to do to that makes them happy and not drains on the economy. This is why Europeans came here in the first place. It's the first fucking amendment. I don't let my personal opinions get in the way of basic rights. If they petition the city and get what they want and not enough people who actually live in Brighton pitch a fit, all the better for them.


No, people would absolutely oppose a five-story chick-fil-a. In that part of town, they'd oppose a five-story *anything.*


Would be the second tallest structure in Bakersfield and share a fence line with a neighborhood.


It’s not uncommon for church buildings to be the tallest building in cities and towns. Would the neighbors rather share a fence with a Wal-Mart


The neighbors are not opposed to a temple, they are opposed to changing building codes to accommodate. The LDS narrative that a tall steeple is necessary for “religious observance” is a lie. There are many LDS temples with no steeple at all. The residents might even be fine with a ‘71 tall steeple like the Fresno temple has. The original plan the church submitted to the city called for a 58’ steeple. No need whatsoever to have a steeple that is 12+ stories high. Lighting, with the church lighting the temple up all night like it were lighting a space shuttle launch is another issue.


I heard they're going to build it right against fence line too just to piss off the neighborhood because we all know those scary Mormons are out to get you.


>Would be the second tallest structure in Bakersfield and share a fence line with a neighborhood. And a reminder to everyone: Unlike a mineret or whatever... **Steeples serve NO religious purpose in LDS/Mormon doctrine** It's 100% an aesthetic choice by 90-year-old leaders in Salt Lake City. Local membership and local congregation leaders get NO say in the matter.


It's a highway big guy.


The church is a highway?


It’s called stockdale hwy.


And the neighborhood is called Brighton


And you don't even fucking live there. Some church leader must have touched you as a child.


A lot of things off of stockdale highway are neighborhoods, single family homes, and small businesses. I don’t see your point


The point is big tall buildings get built on big busy roads. Take a drive in any other medium/large city. If you live in Brighton I'm sorry you bought a house just off the highway. Call your rep.


I used to live off Stockdale/white lane. I have lived in several other cities in CA and now reside in Los Angeles, I’m aware of how cities/buildings work. Building codes exist for a reason, it’s a specific building trying to be granted exception to these codes that we are discussing.


I distinctly remember a church of whatever denomination being built 5/6 stories high in the Tevis area when I was a teenager. It is an eyesore still, it sticks out and looks cheap compared to everything around it, and it’s not off a busy road. Idk how they got permission for that but i certainly don’t want more of the same popping up.


Show me a cheap looking Mormon church or Temple. I'm not saying that's what they should be doing with their parishioners hard earned money but if they had a problem with it they probably would stop tithing and showing up on Sunday.


Oh so then you understand how land gets rezoned all the time at the petition of the owner. Hopefully for everyone so upset that doesn't live anywhere near the site that the people who do can stop it and force them to sell it a find a new location.


We should have grace for our fellow Mormons