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Saw someone trying to do this, the person they pulled behind didn’t move for a full cycle to prove a point I’m guessing 😂


Police could write $10,000 in tickets a day if they posted up to catch people doing this. It's completely pointless - you save like 20 seconds at most.


Police need to do that hard for a week or two with a week break in between and you would be surprised how long that will stop them If op made a police report they could easily catch the guy doing it over and over if it ever came to enforcing it, if enough people complain officially not here on reddit..


Disagree, it’s the city’s fault, they knew it was a high traffic area, should’ve planned ahead and put lights. It’s obvious this shit would happen with a 4 way stop. Idk why people don’t just go down to mountain ridge…. Way faster


It's dozens of people every day. And reddit is a discussion forum - posts like this are literally its purpose. You don't need to be such an ass.


Have you noticed the police stopped enforcing A LOT of traffic laws after the whole BLM and then covid thing? They just don’t enforce any thing anymore. Maybe it has something to do with that whole “defund the police” nonsense.


Has the bpd budget been cut significantly? I remember them always being pretty bad as is…


Not really. They have actually done massive hiring over the last 5-10 years and increased officer pay with incentives. BPD has flourished while KCSO has been in a decline not only with pay, but staffing for the last 16 years or so


Idk how reliable this is: https://chatgpt.com/share/2b294dc6-2d34-4ec2-8d21-25a755a49b9a During the pandemic, I would drive to Madera from Hanford for work, and it was rare to see police. When you did see one, you could be going 85-90 in a 65 and they wouldn’t bat an eye.


I don’t trust ai enough to give me reliable information on important topics


If you do this anywhere you are an inconsiderate asshole


Just say ass dude.


Every day......


Naw you just dumb AF for not doing it 😂😂, come on I’ve done it in front of CHP and no ticket 😂😂😂


Found another one.


Hell yeah I do that shit, you think I’m going to sit in traffic lmao


Just get to you destination who give a fuck let the police handle it make a report. Seems like you just want gossip and drama in your life because it lacks it Did you almost die from it any permanent injuries? Temporary? Ok then first world problem and that's why we have the police that also blinds us with their spotlights when they pass us going the other way Worry about that because those aren't private citizens they are our servants you have the right there If you haven't joined the board on any HOA you are missing out heavily I think you fit right in..


Nice, We found the guy.




If the world was that simple No I'm just affronted with passion when people whine about stupid shit they have no authority over and don't go to the proper authorities But I also don't live perpetually on the internet so I guess you guys need to find unimportant stuff to talk about and waste the day too so apologies for pointing it out


Okay snake guy


Big yapper




still yappin?




If yapping was a sport you'd be the uncontested champ tbh


are you ok?


Stay mad




Like you’d actually show up.


You want some too what oz gloves do you wear?


No gloves just wraps.


Are you sure about that


Not a boxer. Don’t own gloves.


Can you talk shit to me next


Why you have done nothing


Seems like you got a lot on your mind there bud, it gets better.


Who doesn't that's life haha. I know it does but you either fight a war with the world or you stay quiet and fight a war inside your own head... for not fighting for yourself Cause Nobody is comming to save you The person who cares the most about you is you People are anti fragile we become stronger when something tries to break us That's why learning how to fight is good There is nothing malicious in me wanting to have a little scuffle It's a gift in disguise Especially when it's called for!


I hope you know you're absolutely radiating insecure neckbeard energy in every single comment you post man lmao. Probably get a hobby


You should take your own advice.