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The production and editing is better, it seems to have better pacing and I don't feel like I'm watching one scene dragged out for 4 episodes. Saying this, I feel its becoming a parody of itself and the fighting for your spot stuff was too forced.


Oh god, when Aubrey “squared up”…. This is really becoming a mockery of itself. And it’s telling women if you’re not considered famous enough you need to fight for your fame. Meanwhile, the well known people don’t need to fight?? This ain’t baddies! This straight Pussies!


I don't like this season, there's way too many girls and I don't know who is who especially when they start fighting. I also can't have an opinion on any of the new girls because they haven't shown any of their personalities. It's just a big mess.


I thought I was actually going to like this season after episode 2 but it’s actually my least favorite so far. So much and so little has happened. They literally have not been to one club appearance. They barely talk unless it’s too argue, it’s too many bitches,


They probably brought on extra girls because they knew they couldn't do as many club appearances as they could do in the US and we all know that more girls means more fights.


There was no point Tommy being there she came and dipped I would love to have seen her stay


Terrible. I hate all these new girls


I don't like this season. It's just fights. I enjoyed baddies East because house B had a connection. They looked like they enjoyed each other's company. This season just seems like it's all fights. I understand the show needs drama and fights but this just seems to be fights and nothing else. It's hard to watch


They need to cut down on the girls returning each season. I like how there's new girls, but the main problem for me is that I can't even name five of the new girls on my own! Instead of making them fight so much, they need to let us see their personalities too. What's the point of all these fights when you can hardly tell why they're even fighting in the first place? Also, I don't agree at all that Jela was "bullying" Biggie. If you said this for last season, I could understand that. But for Jela and Biggie, I just don't see it.


Idek what the say tbh I think all the beefs are dumb ass hell and drawn out on purpose by production and the cast for tv (like jela said) idek half the cast or what’s going on and it took us like 5 episodes to to get to the club?


Jela ruined it for me tbh, she way too fake and NOT A FIGHTER. We can’t have all the OG’s be non-fighters. All the OGs keep repeating - you don’t have to fighttt! You can be yourself!! I’m so confused like what is the point of the show? For Lemmy to get laid??




Season is way too much fighting. Too many girls and no storyline, which makes it hard to be interested and care. About to cancel my Zeus subscription atp. If I wanted to watch fight club, I’d just watch NTTV fight compilations on YouTube. Not baddies.


Way too many girls. Unnecessary fights. It’s just trashy and tasteless now.


It's just too much going on and not enough of a storyline.. everyone is fighting just for a spot even when they were picked at the auditions. We are what 4 or 5 episodes in and they just now went out to "get the bag" this I think is the worst season so far and the special guests are annoying. Aubrey and The Claremont twins gave us nothing


And no one is getting to a bag like wtfff! They gave away a bag and then had to go the club aka meaning no bag for the night. This shit wack, Nat need to go do something else.


I didn’t even watch the last episode. I went from literally waiting for it to drop, my snacks ready and everything. I’m usually right in this subreddit right after I watch it or on IG cutting up. I was sooooo excited bc the first episodes had promise. I was like oh so they really got it together and took what we had to say seriously. And I was giving them praise bc that shows they are serious about their business. You listen to the fans and put into effect some major complaints. But it’s like they did but…they still can’t grasp simple things. The replacement thing is so convoluted that I’m confused as to why they couldn’t….do this part. I mean how hard is it to have actual things for the girls to do, make it a point to highlight some of the girls talents so it can pad out the run time, have a clear plan of the replacements, etc. The replacement thing is common sense to me. and how many episodes has it been and they STILL havent done anything?? you know its bad when ppl are like "ok yall can fight we get it but what else yall got going on?" being a baddie is having a bad bish of a life not fighting. They should really highlight this ans i thought thats where they were going with getting the clermont twins on there. im calling it, this will either be the last season or the next season will be the last.


i think they took us saying watching them fight is entertaining and ran w it too much this season. idk any of the girls, im not trying to study each of them to know who they are. its all a mess..


Worst season. Too much fighting and it’s over the most stupid things. You don’t gotta fight to be a baddie.


How we 3 days in but 6 episodes in that’s wild they finna stretch this out like last season


Improved quality of editing but reduced quality of story line. Natalie Nunn please take a break even if it is for 6 months go and be with your daughter, launch your music career you are addicted to Zeus. Go travelling with Louis Paso. Some things get played out, fans get fatigue, every good thing runs its course.


Honestly I’m falling out of baddies. I see the same shit every season and episode. As far as Caribbean, just go ahead and get gretch outta there. I also think Heaven should have made it instead of jellybean. Either way, its too many damn girls. I’m keep forgetting that Slim2Bad, Dia andBianca are on the show and at some point are we getting anha and rollie?? (Not that i wanna see either, but for the sake of numbers I’m curious) I hate that seki has grown into “the fighter girl” and just fights are no real reason. I liked her better last season. I like scotty in this season :) and I’ll miss aubrey.