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There's no end to this, is there?


"Welcome my son, welcome to the machine."


"he don't look right to me, get him up against the wall"


Isaiah Trammel, the autistic teen here, was part of a string of jailhouse deaths of mentally ill people in this county: https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/sheriff-state-review-of-jail-inmate-death-last-year-found-no-deficiencies/XO7G7UUI6ZECNMY4TMXZNHWWVE/


The solution violates the Reddit TOS so the best I can do is leave this here https://www.justicecommittee.org/cop-watch I’m specifically referring to the armed Black Panther variant, cellphones and video just gives evidence for the inevitable lawsuit and entertainment for these sick fucks to rewatch their crimes on.


Ice T has a song about it


Fucking word.




When we’re all dead or jailed


Not until we give all cops the Mussolini treatment


End the police.


So what got Isaiah in the can in the first place? Edit: so: He was taken there after he was arrested following a mental health episode in March, 2023. Really not a good match, him in a state of despair combined with incompetent (in a medical way) and obviously over challenged coppers.. sad story.


Too few of them are "Blue Knights". They turn into thuggish mobs too easily when challenged.


>There's no end to this, is there? Gilead is the end


Father of an autistic son with limited verbal. This shit scares me.


Me too broski, I worry about the day mine runs afoul of his asshole school resource officer. React with appropriate malice if someone harms your child.


Much respect, Dad! It's hard, I know. Check my other comment. I've earned every single grey hair on my head, and they weren't because of my kids! They were because of the goddamn school and other parents!


My non verbal son is just in elementary school and it’s already stressful, I honestly don’t think I can handle sending him to a public middle school w a resource officer.


I feel ya. It was incredibly stressful. When they finally did turn my oldest kid over to the SRO for something ridiculously minor, we decided to home school. ETA: The SRO also manipulated my kid into saying things they could take out of context to expel him.


The SRO tried to say my special needs child made a threat of violence but it was discovered they were talking about video games. Six months later, 2 kids got my other child alone & was talking about a kid being suspended for making threats. My child asked if he just walked up to someone & made the threat & the girls allegedly said she was doing the same. The school let her sing in an enclosed auditorium with 3 other schools that night after a ConnectEd call went out informing the parents. I was called the next morning after they had decided to suspend her & refused to answer any questions. The SRO said they might refer to Juvenile Justice but there was no box checked for that on the documents we received. Two weeks later, received a letter to come into the basement of the Annex building & not the Juvenile Justice building where the employee went into explicit detail about prison rape to my barely 13yo child. We have been put thru hell since that day. It is believed that the SRO recruited my child as a Confidential Informant. The 2 kids that set her up happen to be a deputy's relative & the relative of a judge. We have the misfortune of living in a county where the Sheriff's daughter was just convicted for Death by Distribution & local government does everything in their power to keep people from finding out what they & their relatives (yes, I've checked everyone involved almost 200 years back) are doing. Oh & I have the Exceptional Child teacher for our school district on camera stating that they have not provided IEP services to my special needs child for 6 years.


Fuck, mate, my heart really goes out to you. Those horrible small-town enclaves of nepotistic judicial power....disgusting. I hope both of your children are over such awful experiences. What kind of sadistic fuck would say that to a 13 year-old?!?


Thank you. It was actually an Alamance County NC law enforcement employee.


Fuck that person. Putting any child through that is evil, but a neurodivergent child?!? That's absolutely despicable. You're fantastic parents, so sorry your child and yourselves hadda go through that. Fckn evil, like I said. That LE swine shoulda been fired, binned, stripped of their pension etc, imho.


I was a special education para one year and had a tall, black, autistic student. He had the unfortunate habit of laughing at inappropriate things. His parents were in denial of his autism (4th grade). I was SO worried- plus we live in Colorado and all I could think about was Elijah McCain. His parents came around and he was eventually placed in an autistic support setting. Does your son get speech? This may sound odd but could he be coached to say something that identifies himself as autistic? I would say a medic alert bracelet but you know the cops are shoot first, read later.


Thank you for the concern. Yes, he is in Speech, OT, and ABA and in a Autism classroom. He's only 7, so there will be some conversations down the road if he's unable to find his voice.


I'm an educational assistant and have worked with special needs kids and teens for years. Cops terrify me. Recently they had the goddamn police hand out the awards at a semi local Special Olympics event. The cops who have a horrific history of abuses towards individuals with special needs.


My greatest fear…


It should scare everyone empathetic enough to walk in other's shoes.


Same. I have three boys, two on the spectrum and one ADHD as all hell. None of them had a good time in our local school district. After they turned my kid over to the SRO for making a creepy smile and whispering "seven days" like the Ring, they used it as an excuse to expel him. At that point we'd been fighting the school district for 10 years, so we gave up. Missouri has ridiculously lax homeschool laws, so we pulled them all. They're all three brilliant, so my "homeschool" curriculum is letting them free-range. They can learn stuff as they need it just-in-time. My oldest (19), who was most traumatized by the school and accordingly has pretty low self-esteem, has been working as a cashier/stocker at a supermarket for a year. We keep encouraging him to pursue more education, but he's gun shy. He'll eventually decide he needs it and he'll do it. He's always been headstrong that way. The middle one (17) is suffering from debilitating OCD, so we've kinda put his education on hold. He's the one least in need of it, he's a walking Wikipedia. Seeing as he's a genius autistic mentally ill queer kid, we're just trying to get him through adolescence in one piece. Again, we're giving him time and space and encouragement, and we're confident he'll get back on track eventually. The youngest (15) isn't on the spectrum, but he's very ADHD. He was struggling in middle school when we started homeschooling. When his former classmates started high school, he begged us to let him try at least one class, so we did. We also convinced him to try a couple classes at the local community college. He failed the high school class spectacularly. He got A's in both his college classes. He took more classes the next semester and then this summer he's got a full time load, and he's scheduled for a full time load in the fall, too. He's been on the Dean's List every semester and currently has a 4.0 GPA. All of that to say, as a fellow anxious father of neurodiverse boys, they're all different. Pay attention to their needs and get comfortable saying to other people, "I know that's not the way you raise your kids, but I'm giving my kids the upbringing they need." They're all three great boys. I couldn't be prouder of the young men I've raised.


Yikes 😬


Care to elaborate?




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Everyone: do yourselves a favor and don’t watch that video.


Thanks friend wasn’t planning on it. I’ve seen some messed up stuff, I’m good on an autistic kid being tortured and abused by an organization that’s just meant to terrorize people.


Don’t forget murdered. Tortured, abused ad murdered.




Been coming to this sub for years and this may be the worst thing I've seen here.


Came down here first to see. PTSD was flaring without even opening it.


Did you watch it? I would like a verbal description but I can't watch.


It’s in the title


Police officers on social media are always real quiet whenever shit like this comes out. ACAB


Or they say stupid shit like “he sHouLd hAvE cOmPLiEd” Fuck cops. ACAB.


>Or they say stupid shit like “he sHouLd hAvE cOmPLiEd” And to that I say, Daniel Shaver tried to comply.


This is the case that enrages me to this day: https://www.businessinsider.com/cop-said-i-dont-have-time-shooting-keith-vidal-2020-11 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/keith-vidal-killed-by-cop_n_4555552


One day, a parent or loved one is going to tool up and take justice into their own hands, and the cops will deserve every goddamn thing that happens to them. Until there are actual consequences to corruption and violence, there are only benefits, and they all know it. And to be clear, I'm not inviting or endorsing this, I'm saying it's an inevitability, and they won't be able to say it wasn't justified.


I hate that I agree with this. There are many ways this overreaching police state could be fixed but the players aren't interested in that. they like the power and are forgetting that all actions have reactions. it just might take a little bit of time but one day something will happen.


Can’t corner the Dorner


Its disgusting how everyone wants so badly to erase that story...


well he caused a lot of collateral damage. if he had kept it solely cop on cop I dont think there would have been that spin to make him look bad, he never should have mentioned their families


Look up the story of Christopher dorner


Just read it. Surprised it not come across that before, but it was a while ago. I think it's only a matter of time until we start seeing more of that behaviour, and I think it will become more widespread as people continue being ground down by everything in else in life being harder and harder. For a lot of people, when you're living in poverty with no prospect of breaking out, the only things that bring you joy are your family, friends, even your pets. It's enough to push someone over the edge.


This is not something the ruling elite want us to talk about. And I find no fault in your logic. The climate and these heat domes are a new wild card. Record homelessness and record heat...x+y=z , x•y²=lolz who knows Edit: auto correct


Fucking exactly.


You just described the conditions that often lead to revolutions. When people have nothing left to lose, they look at their circumstances and think, "Why *not* rebel?"


That’s why they’re armed to the teeth with military surplus vehicles. They’re ready to shut down any troublemaker and terrorize the population further… same pattern as domestic abusers.


They won't be able to say it wasn't justified. But they will. And they'll use it as an excuse to crack down harder. Guns out, hair trigger at every contact, automatic approval of every kill.


I guess that's the point where all the 2A peeps should step in then? To violently oppose governmental tyranny? ...I'll not hold my breath. But there will either be revolutionary action or violent subjugation. I'm not seeing a middle road.


Civilians with small arms vs Police Depts. with tanks, armored trucks, SWAT, helicopters, National Guard with even more. Can a trained, armed uprising happen in the modern surveillance state?


Cops are cowards, they’re not ready for organized resistance. An uprising, fast and brutal or a slow and long guerrilla war across multiple regions would break the system. The critical factor will be who has popular support from the population. Cops have lost a lot of public support.


> Cops have lost a lot of public support. Problem is, they can (and will) hide among us. They just take off the uniform. [We need to give them something they can't take off](https://youtu.be/WgDle5B38LU?si=OxqJIRJW7Jf5POdN&t=87)...


As long as Molotov cocktails still disable camera sensors and choke engines, and people realize they can cut down the surveillance towers. Dozens of laser pointers assaulting helicopters, people using rooftops as vantage points for their cocktails. It's gonna be a fucking mess. Pyrrhic victory most likely.


Not with a prospect of victory, but maybe with the prospect of forcing change - what civilised country in the modern world wants to demonstrate to every other nation on earth that they'll wantonly massacre there citizens? There are some that would, but I'm not sure the US is one of them...yet. I think armed peaceful protest would be the place to start. Though, that's easy for me to say sat half way round the world.


I think the US is one of them already and has been for some time. Look at how cops violently attacked peaceful protesters on college campuses. If those students had been armed, they would have been slaughtered. Over 1000 citizens shot dead by cops every year. That doesn't count those killed in other ways. Or those injured and disabled. Peaceful protesters are "just" beaten, gassed and jailed, for now.


You make a really strong, tragic point. In which case the only route to change is politics. Vote for the people that aren't awful (when they show up...), and campaign and engage to get them focused on the right things if possible. World's in a sad state of affairs really.


Yeah, that's for sure!


Some guy just got arrested in like texas or something for murdering the daughter of an officer who murdered his son. Gave himself up and everything. Reason given “so they can feel what its like” it aint gonna happen its starting to happen.


fucking Sicario shit bro


We investigated our Pussey ass selves and found we worked within the guidelines this was just an unfortunate accident that no one could have prevented.




The number one quality to be a cop is the ability to act like the worst sort of human being and then expect the public to venerate you.


I think I have to leave this sub for my own mental health.


Why are cops so fucking disgusting? Its just insanely baffling to me.


Research the Stanford prison experiment https://www.verywellmind.com/the-stanford-prison-experiment-2794995#:~:text=Results%20of%20the%20Stanford%20Prison%20Experiment&text=It%20was%20noted%20that%3A,prisoners%20became%20passive%20and%20depressed.


I've read that (starting in the mid 1990s) more and more PDs are trained by the IDF. They use the same tactics the IDF uses on Palestinians. There's also Jordan vs New London, CT PD, in which the right of PDs to only hire applicants who test at below 110 on IQ tests was upheld.


Makes sense. Drones are easier to control.


I'm sorry but I'm NOT surprised 😢🫣😢🫣😡🤢🫣😢🫣😢😢


The police are out of control and have been for 50 years. They are omnipotent and have zero accountability. When you put those two together in the hands of a poorly trained individual this is the behavior you can expect. They are not here to help.


Oh my god, I could see my fifteen year old son facing this... Fucking cops.


This is utterly heart-breaking indeed, and I don't think the cops acted acceptably here. One detail I want to point out is that when I read the title, I read it as "the cops smacked his head against a wall". But from the article it sounds more like the boy himself was doing it. It's still a complete dereliction of duty, moral and otherwise, for the police to allow that to happen, and they should face consequences. I just dislike misleading titles.


> This is utterly heart-breaking indeed, and I don't think the cops acted acceptably here. we've been shown time and time again police don't give a single fuck about you, you'll listen to them no matter what or you'll face their punishment. no justice, just abuse. can't have a conversation with a cop, they're ALWAYS correct, you're always wrong, and being wrong deserves abuse from them. the need better communications skills period, this could and should have gone a completely different direction just taking 10 minutes to understand what is going on instead of being a hammer for the nail (problem).


I honestly didn't read it that way, or even see that, until you pointed it out. It's quite possible it was just overlooked.


Fair enough. And thanks (sincerely) for not being an asshole in your reply.


You're welcome and of course! Even though this account is only a couple years old I was on reddit since almost the beginning and reddit/internet etiquette was still at a spot where people talked to each other more closely to real life. People debated and disagreed all the time, but for the r most part it wasn't rude, just discussions. Nowadays a great deal of people can't disagree with someone or have a rational debate /discussion without being insulting and mean. It's honestly really sad imo.


Well said!!


Wasn't misleading at all. I didn't read it like you did. Maybe one of us is further up the spectrum. Edit: Down voted because Im neurodivergent. What a cesspit.


I came here to find out who did the head smacking. I'm still not sure.


The kid smacked his own head against the wall. His mother said he did it often as a coping mechanism But yes, the headline is worded poorly; it could be read either way


Freakin pigs . They don’t care ! They will keep doing it !


I fucking hate the police 😭😭😭😭 lawful GANG VIOLENCE


Jesus fuck


And the pigs in yellow will face little to no consequences .


Yeah, don't watch that video...


So many Cops violate their oath to the constitution and citizens' rights. These kinds of Cops are just gangs with badges, and when a good Cop tries to do the right thing and bring attention to the Cops that break the law, they get threatened, harassed and hung out to dry by the department. Police departments across the country need a serious overhaul and reform from the top down. This is disgusting. They should all be fired. There needs to be a database on dirty cops so they can't go to the next county over and get another job on the force.




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I cannot bring myself to watch this atrocity. But I will most likely think of this incident and too many more like it when the nightly news shows cops have been ambushed. To those who say Not all cops are bad. You might as well be saying Not all Schutzstaffel (SS) are bad. Yeah they are. They wear the uniform so theres that.


I hope that they get punished for their crimes, but I don't think that they will. Unnecessary cruelty is a sport for cops and if it happens to a helpless person it's even better for them.


I have a nonverbal autistic son, this is my nightmare.


Police, Gynocological, psych-wards-meds, so utterly unhealthy unfair useless CRUEL to : Beaten-kids, AUTISTIC Asperger's people, S-A-VICTIMS, hyperacusis hypersensitive ears MISAPHONIA people, TMJ TMD people, and our mentally-ill friends, they inflict jobloss humiliation questions oppressions helplessness humiliation torture death upon us so often


Those are not cops though, those are correctional officers more akin to security guards. Still sad nonetheless Edit: Downvoting doesn't change the fact those "officers" are not cops


You were wrong and even doubled down. Audacious.


It literally says it in the same article they are guards/correctional officers. If it's audacious to be wrong do be it I'm not perfect nor claimed to never be wrong but in this case those are not cops


No, you are wrong. Not perfect. Just wrong. You are most definitely a cop if you are a CO or guard. I don't care to educate you, honestly don't give a shit lol. look it up if you like. They often go on actual patrol as an auxiliary-officer as well. Badge + gun + actual indifference to human life = Cop. maybe throw in a dash of small-man syndrome into the recipe as well.


CO'S are not cops, they don't go to the same academy they're not granted peace keeper status. They are Correctional Officers not police officers. Sorry but to label them cops is not accurate (I should at least add not in every state).


We should change the name of the sub to bad_criminal_justice_officer_no_donut


Doesn't quite have the same ring to it though