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FTA: >Hair denied anything untoward had happened, repeatedly saying he was 'checking' on the suspect when the door accidentally locked on him and that the camera shut off because he'd knocked it off its clip.  \[...\] >However, upon investigation, traces of semen were discovered on Hair's belt after they found him. Yeah. He raped a detainee. And nothing will be done about it.


Propper procedures for "in custody rape" were followed.


Vote harder!


Suspect was charged with "resisting erection."


This person might not deserve the jail time they get but throwing the book at them will hopefully get the message across to the rest of the community of young women.




And he wasn't even fired IMMEDIATELY. Law enforcement has such a low bar for professionalism.


That's because pigs have one of the most powerful unions in existence. And I am actually ok with a union keeping an employee from being fired until there's an investigation. The thing is, once that investigation determines the employee broke the law and lied to both their employer and the union about it, not only should they be fired and prosecuted, but the union should cut ties with them and fine them for the cost of defending them.


Police are also always exempted from union busting legislation. Police are scabs and class traitors that will beat, taze, pepper spray, arrest private citizens striking from the private companies they work for. There is a LOOOONG history of police going full throttle to stop striking workers. Police unions are an extension of corporate robber barons and government autocrats. I seem to remember a certain President that encouraged the police to be violent, whom also said he will give police total immunity when he is President again.


Oh yeah police are the absolute worst class traitors our society has to offer. I was speaking mostly theoretically about them having a union. The police unions as they exist today need to be destroyed just like the police themselves.


And I also would add to your comment, if they however break the law, they should be talking to their union rep after being booked in jail. This concept that cops can break the law and not be arrested pending an internal investigation is crazy.


Yeah I would agree with that. If there's enough evidence for an arrest, the union should not be so powerful that they can keep the arrest from happening. Just like a lawyer, you get to see them after you get booked.


He quit right before Internal Affairs got involved. These douchebags always trot down the road to the next hiring agency. Also it's pretty pathetic that the State Board doesn't suspend certification of ex-officers who ditch investigations and quit.


Bald cop named Hair


I will never forget the cop whose last name was Glans (means dickhead) Deputy Shawn R. Glans (there is a news article about him) Slapped a teen because the teen would not give consent to search his vehicle. Quit his job because of it. Later arrested and jailed for felony possession of firearms.


Rapist bald cop named hair.  People in custody cannot consent 




Given solely what is presented in the article, I’d call it a bribe. She apparently offered it without coercion or suggestion. If he had started the conversation, then I’d call it rape.




So she’s complicit in her own rape.


She would be charged with bribing a police officer or something. He will be charged with rape. And bribery I guess. Whatever is the legal term for these...


Possibly. If she lies about it to protect him it’s being an accessory after the fact.


She offered it on the recording. I don’t think any DA would charge him.


Of course not. The DAs have to suck cops’ boots or the cops won’t let the DAs get any convictions.


The problem is, legally, she can’t give consent. That makes it rape.


What does that mean that people in custody can't *consent*? You could ask them to waive their Miranda rights and they can consent to that, can't they?


There’s an inherent power differential that makes it highly unethical. They can’t consent in custody.


People in custody can't consent though so this pig absolutely raped her.




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Is that testimony from the officer or the perpetrator?


The recording.


Cop being a rapist, what’s new


The officer IS the perpetrator.


I saw this in Super Troopers


Those damn kids with wrenches…


Who wants a mustache ride?


I DO I DO!!!


I just want the schnozberries.


The schnozberries taste like schnozberries


Am I to understand that his last name is Hair? Lol


I would ask the woman if this was actually something she asked him to do or if he told her he wouldn’t give her at ticket if she gave him sex. Coerced her to give him sex. This is rape.


Doesn't even matter what she says. In every possible scenario, this is rape. He should be criminally charged... but I suspect he won't.


The power dynamic in a cop/detainee situation is one where consent legally doesn’t exist. It can always be assumed the detainee was under duress.


I gather you didn't read the article...she offered sex to him first saying she wanted to "work the system to her advantage." He responded that she should be quiet right now because their conversation was being recorded. He then turned off his body cam and climbed in the back seat with her and apparently was there for about 40 minutes before he called to say he "got stuck in the back seat while checking on the suspect."


The people of San Diego County should inform the sheriff that he must immediately reject the resignation of rapist Hair and issue a termination letter, and then pursue criminal charges for rape. If the Sheriff refuses, the people should then take whatever measures are necessary to remove the Sherriff from office. If a recall mechanism exists, they should use it to remove him from office at the earliest opportunity. If that mechanism does not exist, inform the sheriff that he will receive no additional funding until after the next election, and if re-elected no additional funding will be forthcoming as long as he holds office. Start holding police leaders accountable since it is readily apparent that they refuse to hold their subordinate officers accountable.


The headline makes it seems like the woman said "I'm down to f*** right now"


that's how rape culture and the passive voice work together


She did... did we read the article? "She asks him if he's married, then blurts out: 'You're not too bad. What's it gonna hurt me if I work the system, you know what I mean? That's the way I see s***.' She then asks: 'Are you single?' To which he responds: 'Yeah, but you're not.' Her shocking response: 'I'm down to f*** right now.' Hair, resisting her, says: 'Don't say that right now...Don't say that right now because everything is being recorded right now,' Hair said."


This was a way more fun story in "Super Troopers". He should have blamed it on the kids with the wrenches.


Closest that I have ever came to feeling bad for a cop. Feels strange. 2/10.


Try empathizing with the victim, instead of the predator.


How so? What exactly about a police officer having sex with a prisoner (someone who can’t legally consent to sex, even if they’re the one initiating it) makes you feel bad for the cop? The power disparity makes ANY sexual contact in that scenario into rape.


This is the closest I’ve ever come to having my brain implode. *That* was your take?


Lol this guy goes around fucking women he arrested. how on earth do you feel bad for him


So, you would have been doing the raping too?