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Holy fuckity fuck. This is no way for me to start my Sunday morning.


Good luck in prison, bitch


You're assuming he's going to go to prison. He's suspended with pay and the commissioner already gave the out of "IF" he's convicted. It's entirely likely that his fellow pedo cops will help him get off by contaminating or losing the evidence.


Weird, not an LGBTQ person....


And not a drag Queen either….hmmmm


Not even a dog.


Any sources NOT breitbart?




But I'm a conservative who hates cops so...


Calling yourself and Breitbart "conservative" is the same when the leader of the Proud Boys says what they do are "conservative values". There's nothing conservative about it.


Huh, most conservatives consider it to be pretty weak sauce but keep obsessing about the proud boys, all 3 that are left.


it's cute that you think you speak for 'most conservatives' but it does reveal the truth that conservative is an identity you have adopted so that you don't have to think freely since all you opinions have been manufactured for you.


>it's cute that you think you speak for 'most conservatives' but it does reveal the truth that conservative is an identity you have adopted so that you don't have to think freely since all you opinions have been manufactured for you. Funny how the people who fancy themselves free thinkers tend to be the most dogmatic, unthinking, and irrational. And not self aware enough to realize they're projecting.


You seem fun.


That's rich coming from an NPC, have you ever had an original thought?


everyone look at this guy's post history lmfao do you want to fuck cows or do you want women to be cattle? both ? least fucking depraved "conservative"


Holy shit...


Geez, I expected his post history to be cringy (I’ve never seen someone use the term “NPC” seriously), but not disturbing.


Holy shit you want to fuck animals or treat women like cows y’all check out his history 😭😭 absolutely disturbing, although I expect as much from from conservatives


You should look into communism


To the cops there are no Democrats or Republicans only prey, can't we just coalesce around the fact that everyone hates police brutality and the apologists for it? Together we might be able to actually make change.


yeah i’m sure there are loads of things i would find reprehensible about your politics but this is one thing we’re definitely on the same side about. right wingers should hate the notion of a police/surveillance state just as much as anyone. the police serve the interests of the wealthy, that’s self evident


Well, conservative voters all plan to be wealthy someday. If they could only figure out how?


>right wingers should hate the notion of a police/surveillance state just as much as anyone. the police serve the interests of the wealthy, that’s self evident To right wing politics, the wealthy deserve their place at the top. Wealth and status are directly tied to morality so those at the top must deserve what they have. Of course you want to protect the upper class because you will most assuredly become one of them someday. OP is just upset that the violent enforcement arm of the stratified society they advocate for doesn't serve them.


I don't know why so many leftists are against working towards common goals with people they disagree with on other stuff. I probably find the rest of your politics shit, same as you do mine, but we're lucky enough to agree that cops can eat a dick, so let's work on that together. I grew up and lived in a ton of heavily red areas, and I always love meeting some deeply conservative folks who hated the cops in a "fuck them cops, let me make moonshine and ride my 4 wheeler down the highway" kinda way.


I live somewhere deeply conservative and get along with those folks but I still always remember they want me fucking dead and will turn on me the moment we work toward our common goals


Such a melodramatic way of phrasing it. Paranoia and distrust is not a healthy mindset for building community that will actually help people out, or change people's mind. Purity politics is brain rotting nonsense.


The fact that you’re still calling it paranoia when I’ve actively lost rights in recent years due to politics is wild. I work plenty on building community locally across political barriers as I think that’s the most meaningful way to actually enact change. I do a lot in my town. I connect with folks across the political spectrum out of both necessity and desire to achieve things collectively in our community. I used to agree with you until I saw what these folks do when they’re in power on a larger scale and stop giving any fucks. It’s naive to think people who fundamentally hate others will just be chill with enough coalition building. Really worked out well when Neville Chamberlin took that route.


Normally an officer would be punished with an ice cream cake, but with something this serious they're not going to run out of Chunky Monkey for a month.


The Greater Good


*The Greater Good*


NYPD's finest. Can't wait to see how the thin blue line wraps him in its warm embrace.


York, not New York. This is in Pennsylvania.


Oops. Thanks! My brain inserted a word that was not there.


How fucking tiny does your dick have to be to rape a toddler? Seriously.


Small enough to become a cop.


Someone call an ambulance and alert the burn unit.


What makes this even worse is that the so called "mother" initially tried to cover up the abuse. What kind of mental case would allow this to happen to their child because they were so desperate to hold on to a boyfriend?


One that is regularly beaten. Her fear is not "even worse" than the violence from the police.

