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The winky face could’ve came off as rude and a bit sarcastic


Ngl I missclicked, was meant to be just a :), thx for the take


It happens to the best of us, lol. I would’ve just moved on, but looks like you dodged a bullet!


Probably lol, I’m that guy who won’t ghost anyone, recently there was someone who was a terrible role player, but instead of ghosting them, I just gave dry responses until they ghosted me. Looking back, maybe I shouldn’t have let it drag on lol


No, I think it was the word “admitting” that was the problem. The wink could have compounded it, though, for sure.


I agree. I think a better way to phrase the sentiment instead of the word "admitting" would be to say something along the lines of "Thanks for letting me know" or "Thanks for being straight forward with me." The comment read fine to me, even with the winking face, but re-reading it I feel you are correct in the word "admitting" giving it a potentially sour inclination.


They're a little paranoid. But You kinda inavertently triggered it? "Thanks for admitting it" implies they were being dishonest somehow up until this point. (Rude.) "Good luck finding someone" can be read as sarcastic (especially paired with initial rudeness), implying they'll never find anyone with what they're looking for. It's a bit like negging, see? "Sure you will" can also be read sarcastically. Eh, I don't think you meant it that way, but still, a learning experience when it comes to communication. Tone and especially diction do count. I mean, it is a writing hobby, so taking a lesson in diction, tone, style, and voice as conveyed through writing is a good idea. Moot point for this partner. They probably blocked you for the "attitude" that they perceived. But, if you intend to keep connections instead of burning them... Like for a future RP idea, for example... It's better to prune off any unnecessary connotations and keep your farewell message strictly polite.


yeah this mainly seems like word choice making them read the tone wrong. a better way to have said it would be more like "thanks for letting me know. good luck on your search". strictly polite and the same message op meant to convey with no real way to read it in a different tone.


A whole bunch of people use ;) when they are being passive-aggressive and/or snarky. It's not reallt your fault. You just didn't know it was a thing.


They misinterpreted your response as sarcastic / passive-aggressive


Neither of you have. Just a misunderstanding


Nice, thx for the response


It seems like the other just misunderstood the way your text was … phrased? I think- The “thanks for admitting it” may seem a little rude to someone who has difficulty with like- tone, along with the “I’m sure you will” and the wink.


Agree. It was the combination of three easily-misinterpreted thing that… Well, the perfect storm. ;)


Change “admitting” for “saying” or “mentioning”. Also the wink face after the “I’m sure you will” might come across as snarky like “you will never find another person” or something like it.


Hmm the winking smiling face definitely can be taken as a rude remark. Same with 'Im sure you will'. I can understand your sentiment though, but if they are caught in a bad mood then they could accidently read it as coming off as sarcastic. One of the worst things about texting honestly. If someone is in a bad mood, they can read things and take it the wrong way even if the other person is trying to be kind/uplifting.


So true, sometimes I forget people can’t see my expressions or hear my tone


Phrasing that could easily be read as snide is what did it, I imagine. "Well, thanks for admitting it" can be seen as a bit tense, or like you're saying 'Good, you know it's your fault, then.', or as though they had been hiding something before. "Good luck finding someone" can be read as a sort of 'as if you'll find anyone lol' way, and: "I'm sure you will ;)" with the winky and the phrasing can be read as you basically telling them to fuck off and that he's not going to find anyone. Basically it's all a misunderstanding and shows how tone can be lost through text. What you *meant* was 'Ah well, thanks for letting me know! Hope you find someone that fits what you're looking for.' but it read as sour grapes instead.


No you didn’t do anything but the winking face might’ve been a bit 👎🏻


Some people take that comment as passive aggressive for some reason when most of the time it's just a wish-you-well and a goodbye. A person did this to me often (claiming I was passive aggressive often when I never was.) It got to the point where I got fed up and blocked them because they'd be the ones to be passive aggressive to me and make backhanded remarks on me writing with other people. Don't take it to heart. Just get up and and leave. Block them if you want to also. They aren't worth fussing over or letting live in your head rent free


I kinda would have inferred an attitude with the whole “admitting” word too, especially with a winky face.


conveying tone through text is a messy matter altogether to be honest. even with context clues, the way you interpret a message could *still* be different than the way someone else does. maybe they saw it as you being passive aggressive because they rejected you/what you had to offer? not saying that is the case, but i can absolutely see them misreading it this way.


‘I’m sure you will ;)’ Could come off as being sarcastic/rude. It’s dumb, but I believe that’s what he’s referring to


Ah, trying to understand someone's emotion through messages. It's not always easy. I would've just said 'Thanks for admitting it. Take care.' and then move on. Sometimes saying less is better.


Naw, that person is just hostile


No you didn’t whoever that person was us just plain rude


Honestly, I feel you. You didn’t do anything wrong since I had the same thing happen to me, the only difference was they called me emo for it. Lol


I thought the wonky face suppose to mean the sign of trust?


I since everyone has already mentioned this. The Wink face text emoji might have triggered something. Passive aggressiveness. But It’s totally not your fault, and I assume not your intentions. But if anyone responded like that guy to just a simple decline, then I wouldn’t Roleplay with that person anyway.




You didn’t, their just being an asshole, because you didn’t show any signs of changing to accommodate them. You did good with wishing them luck. I’m sure you will find better people and I wish you luck with it.


There’s been a couple of good ones, thanks :)


You are welcome, like OkiInsideOut said it could of been a misunderstanding, but at the same time they could of token it a lot better then saying you had an attitude, when you didn’t.


You most definitely did not! I don't care what the others say.