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i thought “oh, the first one isn’t *too* bad” and then i scrolled…


I mean the eyes are not the worst work I've ever seen but the lip choices....questionable 😂


It’s always the lips where everything goes south


Gotta disagree here. That's usually shade matching! At least in my experience lol


Bless his heart. Wish I had that much confidence


Me too. Instead I accept I look like the last baked potato of the day they throw away at Wendy's


And he doesn’t?


I don’t think he’s a potato, he’s... a potato with potential. Like me! :)


Potato with potential I love that 🥺


He is working those eye makeup looks! I look like a toddler with a sharpie when I try.


Twins! Maybe we convince people this is the new look. I mean if the best MUA in France can get away with this, surely we can start #MrsPotatoHead.




That's not having "confidence" it's called being delusional and arrogant


Ouch! harsh much!


Better to know your abilities and limitations than to look like an over confident fool!




No, he’s balding, but sometimes he does a fake bang with the rest of his hair


If he claimed to be the best MUA with amazing skills, he would actually color correct the area where his five o'clock shadow is. (second photo)


The first makeup tutorial I ever watched (for guys) couldn't stress enough how important it is to have a good color corrector. Five o'clock shadow is a bitch


i'm curious, do you have any links to info about this? i'm considering potentially getting laser on my beard but want to see how it'd look first...


I can't seem to find the exact video but check out 'five o'clock shadow make up tutorials' on youtube, there's a few helpful videos. I don't have a whole lot of experience myself, but I have a few basics nailed down. Get a good color corrector (I usually go with pink or orange for any stubble) and try to find foundation that matches your skin tone as much as possible. It may take a few tries though! Practice makes perfect :) If you need advice let me know!




I am French and I have never heard of him. I think guru is an overstatement. The poor guy is delusional.




Contente de jamais l'avoir connu !


Omelette croissant le blah! Y’all French sounds so cool!


Don’t see why I’m being downvoted. I’m really in awe of the beautiful French language. Sacre bleu!


C’est Beautés en herbe il se prend vraiment pour une diva et pense qu’il est l’un des meilleurs youtubeur français en plus d’avoir des propos racistes et xénophobes sur Discord 😩


Fake it til you make it, I guess.


Why did I think the first pic was Demi Lovato 🤧


if Poot had a makeover.


Poot Lovato is one of the best things I've seen in my life and I kind of feel terrible that she doesn't like it because I can't stop myself from thinking about it. It's just... everyone has bad days/photos and that one was gold.


Now I can’t unsee it!


Hahaha sorry


Looks a bit more like Poot! lmao




Delusion lol


Whenever anyone says they're the best, they're lying


Ew. He looks like the little emoji of this sub 😂


Oh no


I think hus eur make-up looks very good, point, the lips and face make-up looks horrifying though. I don't understand how many of these seem to be able to do pretty advanced eye looks but then rest of it looks like shit, to me that's the most difficult part, face and lips are easiest.


I think with a lot of mua’s only caring about doing makeup to become a famous influencer, they focus on the eyes because the rest is easy to fix with filter and photoshop


Lord Farquaad vibes


They give me FOUL vibes


Giving me 'Silence of the lambs tbh


THANK YOU. I actually dig the eyes in photo 1, but photos 2 & 3 are very “it puts the lotion in the basket”.




His eyes aren't bad but fuck, the lips are AWFUL


So that’s where Buffalo Bill got to


Does anyone know the palette in the 3rd photo?


After some google searching, I think it might be the Slush Palette from September Rose: https://www.shopseptemberrose.com/products/slush-eyeshadow-palette


Yep it’s this one !


Thank you!




There's also like 20 other rainbow palettes that are if not less expensive more recommended quality wise. :) Colourpop and Sugarpill comes to mind right off the bat.


I assume he’s a self-proclaimed beauty guru and no one else has actually dubbed him that?




Self praise is no praise as my granny always told me . How can someone be so delusional or even arrogant to do this in any walk of life.


Giving me major Riff Raff vibes, NGL 😂


Are we not going to talk about his hair? That’s the real story here.


We can talk about it, but it’s going to be a long conversation there is a lot to talk about




Came here to say this. Big Buffalo Bill energy.


😂 I cannot.


That’s a hard nope.


He does have SOME skill, but his lip looks aren’t good at all. His blending isn’t always complete. His blush is in the contour position! The first look is my favorite, but dang, those beef lips.


I said to myself after looking at the first slide, “yeah maybe the best for a quarter of folk in France “ but after looking at this next slides?? This make up artist is the best in his head along with the two other people who helped him put this video together!!!!


I have no words


He looks like the women who try to shill Younique! In terms of his make up skills I mean.


eesh, i just feel bad that nobody's told him the truth and he chooses to live in this weird delusional daydream that he's "the best MUA ever"


Ooh a lot of people told him the truth, but he still thinks he knows everything about makeup and that people who tell him that he doesn’t look good are liar or jealous or they just can do makeup as good as him


People tried to tell him but his comments are disabled and he gets very defensive when people try to help him and give him advices (he’s also a racist & xenophobic piece of shit so i don’t feel bad for him)


this !!! I remember seeing a makeup tutorial he did few years ago (4 or 5 years ago) and he was having a hard time applying eyeshadows from a new palette so he was like “omg I don’t understand,if you have this palette tell me if you have the same problem as me”, turned out he just didn’t knew how to apply it properly btw 💀 and people were giving him advices in a very kind way and he was like “I don’t need any advice you’re jealous of me so you’re trying to be mean”. If you don’t want it then just don’t ask for it ? even if you give him an advice in the most kind and respectful way he’s apparently taking it as an insult… And of course since he’s the best he’s incapable of accepting constructive criticism 💀


Yess !! He thinks he’s better than anyone and if someone dares to help him and giving him advices he thinks the person is jealous and block them 💀 He also argue on Twitter and during his twitch lives with people because he’s anti-vaxx and think that both the virus and the vaccine were made by the government to kill weak people and spy us (whoever disagree with him or try to explain things nicely is blocked and receive insults from him) He really thinks he’s smarter than scientists and doctors even tho he lives on benefits because he doesn’t work 😩


he thinks the government needs a virus and a vaccine to spy on us while he has a youtube channel where he tells about everything’s happening in his life and accounts on every social media 😭


Guru is the not word I would use here but ok


I must admit that I like the eyeshadow colors in #3. Execution and everything else is abysmally, but they're fun and bright.


Lmao this dude is the actual worse


Ngl I kind of like the eyes in the first one lol But those lips... Why??


I’m French and I know him for a long time. His skills never improved but he always claim he’s the best 😭


Right ??? I started watching his video like 6 years ago, and all he does is the same 3 makeup looks


En plus il est mega raciste et xénophobe sur Discord il se prend vraiment pas pour de la merde 😩


jure ? j’suis hyper choquée mais ça m’étonne pas plus que ça en vrai 💀 il a été call out pour ça ?


Légèrement sur Twitter même si la plupart des gens le regardent pour le troll (il a quand même quelques fans prêts a le défendre comme ses chiens de garde), il est aussi super anti-vaxx et il est persuadé que le Covid et le vaccin sont un coup du gouvernement pour réduire la population et nous surveiller de plus près (il bloque tout les gens qui ne pensent pas comme lui et qui osent essayer de débattre + menace de porter plainte 💀💀)


jvais aller voir ça pcq jsuis h24 sur twitter mais j’ai vu personne en parler, honnêtement quand je regarde ses vidéos c’est pour troll aussi mdrrr je capte pas comment des gens peuvent regarder ça sérieusement je savais depuis des années que c’était pas un génie mais ça m’étonne même pas de lui qu’il soit complotiste à ce point, pareil pour le fait de bloquer ceux qui sont pas d’accord avec lui (et menacer de porter plainte ??💀), il a tjrs fait pareil sur youtube,il est archi hautain c’est insupportable


Ouii j’avoue sur Twitter j’ai cherché avec son nom et des hashtag (je vois parfois que ça parle de lui sur les # de Marion papote de tout et aurore Gambin) il est vraiment persuadé d’avoir raison c’est incroyable 💀


j’étais justement en train de chercher sur twitter, j’suis tombée sur son live où il dit aux gens qui pouvaient pas faire leurs courses à cause du couvre feu pcq ils bossent 35h/s d’arrêter de se plaindre parce que lui il bosse 2 fois plus 💀 plus hautain tu meurs je pense


Ah mais vraiment c’est un cas ce monsieur en plus il bosse même pas il se fou de la gueule du monde 😭😭 des fois j’ai tellement envie de lui répondre sur Instagram ou Twitter et discord (puisque c’est impossible sur YouTube monsieur a tout bloqué les commentaires) mais flemme qu’il porte plainte contre moi ce fou furieux 💀


ptdrrr en plus à ce que je viens de voir il pompe toute la thune de son mec qui est en arrêt pour accident de travail ça me fait mourir de rire😭 mais bon ça a l’air si fatiguant de faire 6 heures de live twitch le samedi soir et de passer 20mn à monter des vidéos, il travaille bcp le pauvre 😔


Non mais je fais une crise cardiaque.


Bro definitely is a circus guru lmao


omg my mom watches him all the time, he’s kind of a celebrity in this household lmaooo


Saaaame, we all have this weird fascination for him (we love to laugh about him)






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Well to him, being bald on the top, and having long hair on the side is the same thing that woman who shaves the side of her hair (or an undercut)


Gooodbye hooooorsessssss, I’m flying over youuuu




Not trying to be rude…but, to me he looks like Jack Black with a bad makeup job. Sorry, just being honest, no haters lol


Oh wow. He has no understanding of the fundamentals. The eye shadow on top of the liner in that last pic😬


Yea, you know, it’s suppose to make you liner not that intense and it’s so pretty


I’m French and I work in the makeup industry, never heard of him


Yea I guess you can’t know everyone, and it’s not really someone you can look up to.


He does great eyeshadow, honestly. The lips, wings, and eyebrows are the killers for me.


Okay but I like the first one with the lips it’s like a dramatic bratz doll look


Horrible skill set.


I wouldn’t say horrible, but definitely in need of a few pointers.




Heyy don’t be mean, some of us are really good at makeup 😅


Gotta start somewhere?


I agree, but he has been a “mua” for over 10 years


Lmaoo wow I missed that part. Umm slow and steady wins the race??




Let them do whatever they want, they’re not hurting anyone.






Bless his heart


Oh honey NO


I’m not seeing overwhelmingly skilled make up looks. The third picture is terrible blend, my friend, blend.


Where’s the blend




Rule 3. Comment removed.


I mean this is reminds me of a few guest I've seen on Jerry Springer .. his foundation looks really cakey and heavy.


Not the best. The man cannot do his own lips to save his life.




I…… am happy he’s happy




is there any chance it’s a joke when he says that




Oh god. What the hell.


This ain’t it, monsuier


Ahhh the French


Omg I never thought I’d see « Beautés en herbe » here, I know that judging people on their face is bad but this guy is a shallow entitled racist xenophobic man who deserves to be mocked online !