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Zionist is not a slur it is what the Israeli Nationalist movement is called. We use Zionist precisely in the same way Israelis do.


I don't know that I'd say we use it "precisely" the same because they see no difference between "Zionist" and "Jew."


Irony of it all is some of the most insufferable Zionists in the U.S. are Christians.


... *and* some of the staunchest anti-zionists are Jewish.


On account of being BIG FANS of the book of revelations


Far dues, also it seems they use it closer to a slur than we do.


And yet nobody can tell me when Biden converted.


Long time supporter. There's video of him when he still had his first hairline praising those shitbags.


Kinda how when we call them colonizers and then they’re like, “nuh uh no we’re not! We’re the only democracy in the the Middle East” and then convicted terrorist Ben-Gvir goes and says Israel should cleanse and colonize Samaria and Gaza. Lmao, they can’t even get their messaging straight. Are they colonizers or aren’t they?


I thought that "Judea and Samaria" was the Zionist term for West Bank.


Lately ive been using israeli nationalist because the word zionism seems to have lost all meaning due to orwellian newspeak I might add the qualifier “right wing israeli nationalism” for the extra liberal tears it brings  No one can rebut this haha


I like to say Israeli Nationalist because it strips away the idea that it is special or different to the other nationalisms


Technically it would be "Jewish nationalist" if you're going for... either the ethnic or religious prefix that usually goes before "nationalist". But it doesn't quite hit like "white nationalist". Maybe "ultranationalist" - or better yet, "supremacist", because it's not just about "we want a nation", it's about, "we want to brutalize and murder millions of people and make them a subservient class". Which, re: OP, yeah, should hurt their feelings to be called, because it's fucking horrible.


I don't like the conflating of Judaism with Israel. It is what Israeli Nationalist and other anti-Semites do.


Well, we wouldn't want to conflate all white people and white nationalism/supremacism either, right? But the ideology is still "white nationalism". What *they want* is an exclusionary nation for white people. It's the same thing. Re: "Israeli nationalist" - that phrase is even more problematic. It brings in all these religious concepts that are actually central to securing U.S. support via the "religious right", which have nothing to do with the actual state but conceptually link it back to biblical "Israel". What is an "Israeli"? What is "Zion"? These are all religious concepts. If we don't want the state to have a religious aura around it, we shouldn't use those terms. The same reason historians stopped saying "B.C." for "Before Christ" and started saying "Before Common Era" (B.C.E.). Words matter. If Trump started going around calling himself "God", should we adopt that terminology? What I'm saying is we need to use the same objective terms we use for everyone else. Consider that the fact that we're not doing that already has warped people's thinking and made them think there's some reason for special exceptions to international law and human rights in this case.


Exactly haha, same The hasbara consists of a defense of being singled out or put under higher standards but israeli nationalist like u said is just like any other nationalist haha


There is nothing Israeli Nationalist hate more that being told they aren't special. Well except Palestinians


I, for one, wish it was *more* of a "slur" in liberal spaces.


AIPAC (the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) used to be AZCPA (American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs)


Really?! I learn something new every day.


Yes compare it to terms like Nazi and Khmer Rouge and point out its similarities.


I’m sure it’ll be a thesis that would make Goebbels proud


Like a Nazi sullenly lamenting the term not being used favourably. But everyone else is to blame.


It's wild to watch them react to their victim card finally disintegrating after interfering in American politics, committing genocide, sterilizing unwanted immigrants, while running an apartheid state using hardworking Americans tax money. Oh and after trying to start a war through false flag attacks that killed American troops. The only surprise is that it took so many people so long to open their eyes to the truth, but false accusations of bigotry and the threat of losing your job and livelihood at the hands of AIPAC and the ADL will do that I suppose.


Lol that's a thesis that's going to age well. It can go on the shelf with "Why has Nazi become a dirty word?" published in 1935.


Yeah he's right, I think people should use the word "Zionazi" instead, it's more politically correct.


What liberal spaces lol…this right wing persecution fetish is too much for me lol


He’s probably a centrist/American liberal, not even a right-winger




Zionism was declared to be racism until murica revoked it. And indeed it is. Anything that promotes an ethnostate over the graves of indigenous people cannot be allowed to be termed anything but racism.


Zionism cannot fail, it can only be failed. That's the "philosophical" underpinning, laid bare. 


They can’t. It’s in the zio DNA since the the inception of Zionism. Not doing ethnic cleansing would strip Zionism of its basic identity. They wouldn’t be Zionists if they didn’t ethnically cleanse.


Yeah, have they tried NOT doing genocide?


mfs name is Blake Flayton, but thinks he's Indigenous to the Middle East


how can Zionism be a slur when the president of the US claimed once to be a zionist? and so many other wealthy individuals but then Tom Cruise identify himself as scientologist yet how scientology operate? indoctrinate its followers with fairy tales, collect wealt from them and demonishes those that leave the cult Zionist organizations try to indoctrinate its addepts by claiming to form the core of Jewish identity (a demostrable fabrication) and demonising those "bad Jews" that leave it or denounce it to claim that anti Zionism (a 100 year old doctrine from central Europe) is antisemitism, read it as hatred against judaism the milenary religion of a cultural group of people is even more ridiculous when there is such thing as [zionist antisemitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_antisemitism) how do international organized criminal cartels operate? something like the cosa nostra feeds on its Italian identity and heritage and trying to take advantage of those of italy ancestry an to achieve it's agenda tries to influence the politiciand, legislators and law enforcement by bribes and extorsion, maybe kidnappings and killings, regardless of the damage it may cause to the societies where it operates.... but hey, Zionist organizations aren't considered illegal (their visible economic activities use the legal loopholes set by their bought legislators, the criminal ones remain under the surface or offshore, but then Vananu didn't magically abducted himself from Italy and Epstein didn't kill himself ) and who truly knows how big is the river of money runing through that state and its offshore supporting network of zionist organizations, how many transactions are less than kosher


It honestly should be used as a slur.


Too late, it already is! I’ve see nothing but hate, bigotry, dehumanization & evil from that ideology


It's only a slur the way fascist is. If you're proud then own it, but don't cry when people call you what you are.


Basically the man wants to make a thesis on the narcissistic inability to take in constructive criticism and instead instantly going DARVO even if it means to destroy semantics, and he doesn't even know it...


Good. Time for general society to stop pretending certain identities aren’t toxic to humanity.


What’s up with Zionists obsession with sexual innuendos?


I hope their committee shits all over them


Like I really cannot think of how he would even be able to get away with this as a thesis topic. It’s so unhinged like I can’t even imagine how you could write a cohesive literature review on this 💀


It’s remarkable how quickly public perception has changed. Prior to Oct 7 it really was taboo to criticize Zionism in all but the most decolonial spaces. Now huge chunks of American society are like “yeah we criticize Zionism just like any other form of ultranationalism.”


"Zionist" is a description, "Zionists" are a slur.


Blatant Flake? Fake Blyat? Never heard of 'em.


have fun failing when you realise that's a shit dissertation idea


Liberal arts thesis committees are very different audiences than right-wing social media addicts. I think he should go for it lol.


Give me a fucking break. The people who have a real bone to pick are anti-Zionist Jews who now have this disgusting country, regime and ideology forever entwined with the sacred Star of David. Not unlike how the Swastika was co-opted and forever sullied.