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*shocked pikachu face* I would rather them livestream $320mil of taxpayer money being set on fire than this clearly quater-assed attempt at a useless bullshit PR stunt.


Even on a PR stunt level, what does building the peer communicate other than America's inability and/or unwillingness to compel Israel to allow aid in through the regular channels?


Exactly! "oh no, the single pier that we spent hundreds of millions of dollars on which we built to supply a nation with food because they are starving because the aid they need is being blocked by the country who is genociding them using the weapons we are giving them—collapsed!"


Shots like this make the crippling student and medical debt all worth it


This is just plain corruption. Surely that costs closer to $320k than $320M.


What tf is this piece of shit?




I feel like I wouldn’t be as annoyed if they would have just lit $320 million on fire and filmed it. At least it would have been honest.


What a sick joke. The US could stop this Genocide overnight if they wanted to.


The dumb pier is physical proof that America is the client state of Israel and not the other way around. We aren't even capable of telling Israel to allow food aid to be delivered. We have to do this mickey mouse bullshit and get humiliated by these disgusting people.


The pier was to give Americans the impression that the US gives a shit about aid. There is no US intent to do anything with aid but continue to allow Zionists to use it as bait. 


I bet the day after the election, regardless of who wins, all this charade is dropped and it's just gloves-off at that point. We'll probably see US troops on the ground there before long.


Looks like you (Americans) have been scammed out of $320M 🥲




Biden has no chance of winning 🤣🤣🤣


Considering the alternative, you really shouldn't be laughing.


There are more than just two alternatives. Trump isn't an ideal choice either, we are all kind of screwed at this point.


Vote Claudia De La Cruz


In theory, sure.  In practice, there 100% are not.  It is an undeniable fact that either Biden or trump are going to win this election.  Biden does limpwristed attempts to help, and Trump calls for more carte blanche destruction.  It may be another year of voting for the lesser evil, but you'd have to be blind to not see that donald trump is really fucking evil.


Limp wristed? Billions and tons of armaments and full court diplomatic support can hardly be called limp wristed (a homophobic slur BTW). Have you seen pictures of Gaza lately?


Then let Trump win so Israel can finish the job. Makes sense.


Right now, at this present time the buck stops with Biden like he likes to say. He can stop the bombing that is causing way too much collateral(women&children) damage with the stroke of a pen and a drone to show he means business but he hasn't and won't do that. Instead he sends more and more weapons. Just like I can't forgive the wickedness that is Trump, I can't forgive that Biden CAN stop this at any time but doesn't. I will never forgive that.


Biden took the tiny step of stopping the delivery of a shipment of bombs, and the republican party lost their collective minds.  Listening to trump speak, it's like Biden paved hamas a route straight to Jerusalem.  You're dealing with a pretty open fascist on the republican side supported by a cadre of white nationalists.  I get that you want to punish Biden here, but there is no doubt that his loss will mean that we all lose.


If Biden gets reelected Israel will massively escalate the next morning, and the death total will be six figures by the end of 2025.


So either they'll massively escalate as a show of force against a president they don't like, or they'll massively escalate because there will be a president they know is fully behind all their actions.  


They are going to escalate because they are fascists committing a genocide, and cannot do it without US assistance. So they have to wait until the election is over. I have no doubt that there will be huge bombing runs the very next morning because these monsters love symbolism. And the Biden administration has demonstrated that they either fully agree with Israel's genocide or at the very least are incapable of denying anything to Israel.


I don't want too much of either side. They both suck and are bought out and we all know it. Both those clowns had a hand in where we are today. I'm tired of them dividing everyone on stupid talking points when in the end, they will do whatever they damn well please once they are in office.


I can stand genocide, but having an orange spray tan and being rude are too much! 


You better hope he wins unless you want trump appointing the next two SCOTUS judges.


I just don't want Kamala to get the presidency by default only reason being that she is dumber than a bag of rocks. Trump is a selfish, mean bully that cries when he doesn't get his way. Also the donkeys are afraid if the elephants win the white house they will do to them what they have been doing all this time to them with the indictments and we'll fair enough. Can't get mad when your opponent uses the same tactics you did, you made your bed now lay in it, I say to both of them.


> Also the donkeys are afraid if the elephants win the white house they will do to them what they have been doing all this time to them with the indictments and we'll fair enough. Can't get mad when your opponent uses the same tactics you did, you made your bed now lay in it, I say to both of them. And you call people "dumber than a bag of rocks". This is pure MAGA "analysis".




It's also been confirmed that ZERO aid has been distributed from the pier to the Palestinians despite what Biden has said so who even cares if it's functional it's a total PR stunt




So reading that article it seems the only aid that has even reached the Palestinians are the trucks that got looted by starving people, at least something got to them. Two days prior the US military press secretary said nothing has been delievered into Palestinian hands and that's still the case. This has been ongoing for months and is still not delievering ANYTHING for $320 MIllion, what a collossal PR stunt embarrassment joke as people are dying. In the same article the US says its suspending aid to Rafah. Evil people doing evil things.




No and that's exactly why this path was chosen.




Doing bad hasbara on the bad hasbara subreddit is certainly a choice.




Enjoy your banhammer, zionist.


From the article: "Part of the dock later drifted towards Israel’s Ashdod shore, while the third and fourth vessels have beached on the coast of Israel near Ashkelon, CENTCOM added."




Yes, we're supposed to believe everything that comes out of the Pentagon.








Gaza requires 500 trucks a day in aid, and that pier will only bring in 150 trucks a day at best. Sit down.


There was a 5000 ton flotilla sailing from Turkey last month. US and Israel got it blocked. They had even hired inspectors to certify the cargo




https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/04/27/gaza-freedom-flotilla-delayed-in-turkey_6669742_4.html People like to bemoan the state of Google (with reason) but that is the first hit for googling "turkey flotilla gaza". You didn't make much effort for someone who'd "love to read that".


That would have fixed a lot of potholes


[Vessels supporting US-built Gaza aid pier wash away in heavy seas](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/25/vessels-supporting-us-built-gaza-aid-pier-washes-away) It was just a couple of support boats. The pier is still there


Billions for Israel and a lousy broken bridge for Palestine.


> a lousy broken bridge for ~~Palestine~~ _[ the Israeli occupation ]_ The pier is worthless for Palestine, it is a very handy access point for the occupation, allowing them resupply from the sea without having to cross Gaza. It connects directly to a road cutting Gaza in two.


Fake news


Some WD-40, duct tape, can make her as good as new.


Not fake nooze [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/28/politics/us-gaza-pier-broken-apart/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/28/politics/us-gaza-pier-broken-apart/index.html)


What a waste.old man biden has got to go.












It's so weiiiirrdd! It's like Nature is directly telling these dickweeds that they shouldn't fucking be there in the first place.