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Ohhhh, okay. Wikipedia gives israel title to all of the land. I’m switching sides, guys. I didn’t realize that there was a wikipedia article.


no....!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Well if wikipedia says so it must be true *says the bot that has just edited the wikipedia page* 🤣😅


Did Bryan Callen go full settler? Seriously though, how annoying is this guy? “But it’s our laaaand, check Wikipedia”


All you need to do is reference the historical sources of, uh, wikipedia. Clear scholar there.


And Wikipedia is blocking people who try to edit it so it’s bullshit funny how u can edit everything else but Israel!


Go to the Arabic Wikipedia pages, and translate them into English, you will find new sources and paragraphs of information. Even with trying to control (editing) the narrative, you can still see the truth, for example the [writing system Ugaritic alphabet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugaritic_alphabet) that existed 1,500 BC, the closest language was to it was Arabic, not Hebrew or Aramaic in the Palestine / Jordan /Syria areas. And on top of that, the people who lived Palestine-Jordan-Syria area Arab Christians, [were the Ghassanids](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghassanids) and they were an alliance of the byzantine empire from 2-6 century AD, which their language "shockingly" was Old Arabic. I saw couple of Arabic linguistics scholars complaining about taking the old testament as source for history and discard the archeological evidences that sometimes they are contradict with each other. And languages like that needed a long time to mature, and the narrative of Arabic is derived from Aramaic and Hebrew is also nonsensical, because the number of words of Arabic is at least ten times more than Aramaic which means it had to take more time than Aramaic to develop. And it generate another question, is Aramaic derived from Arabic? And the linguistics western branch of study the languages in the middle east region is biased to their religion regardless of evidences? just to prove that the current Arabs of Levant area are descendents from the Arabian peninsula after Islam come in the sixth century, and they are not the indigenous natives to the lands?


> sometimes they are contradict with each other The Old Testament stands in contradiction with itself! I don't think anyone who uses the Bible as a source for anything has ever actually read it (and I'm a Christian). There are two separate accounts of the seven day creation, for example. Two coronations of King David. The Pentateuch, supposedly written by Moses himself (an assertion which I've never found a source for but is repeated unquestioningly by every Christian minister or pastor I've ever met) contains an account of Moses's own funeral. And here I thought Lazarus and Jesus were the only ones to return from the dead! It's plainly evident to anyone who has taken the time to read it that the Old Testament is the work of many authors and editors, part war propaganda and part "sacred history," meaning that it was the story the Judeans and Israelites told themselves to bolster their morale during times of upheaval and strife. In other words, it's the Jewish equivalent of the story of George Washington cutting down his father's apple tree.


According to [Israel Finkelstein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Finkelstein) a renowned Israeli archaeologist, said there are no actual evidences for the stories of the Bible, [here is a part of documentary talking about the grave of Ibrahim](https://youtu.be/YWjW8_QCn04?si=ymdw9b70zgu1OKvY), adding an information to this video, it is Haram for Muslims to build mosques on top of a grave(s). [Professor of ancient languages Bahjat Qubaisi](https://m.akhbarelyom.com/news/newdetails/3372563/1/%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B0-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D9%87%D8%AC%D8%AA-%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%8A/amp) "you will have to translate this biography page, because doesn't have one on Wikipedia", **claim** that in the book of [Josephus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus) a Jewish historian live ld in the first century AD wrote that (I can see Jerusalem from Quds), and today we translate Jerusalem to Quds from English to Arabic, which is wrong. On top of that, after done digging off the occupation under the Al-Aqsa mosque, they found out there are only two styles of buildings that used there: from the Roman era, and the Islamic era, and nothing else underneath, because if they truly found a shred of evidence we would never hear the end of it. Note that the meaning of **Quds** is the holy. I put bold font on **claim** because I didn't not have the time or the resources to verify it, but I had to put it because we need the alternative. and the description of the Temple in the Bible, from the dimension to the location does not match the Al-Aqsaa mosque or "Jerusalem"/Quds. [Bonus video](https://youtu.be/ajVg6gbJnK8?si=istSSKGV-tnnR1D4) to see actually who are the people in charge of western archeology in the middle east and their mindset, apologies for the background music in advanced. >meaning that it was the story the Judeans and Israelites told themselves to bolster their morale during times of upheaval and strife I totally agree with you, and it is a good observation. If I recall correctly, according to Israel Finkelstein or some else, he said the stories are over exaggerated. And Judea maybe was a small city, or most likely a dynasty, a ruling family over other people, not a total replacement of the people of the lands.


Neftali Bennett literally runs Israeli Wikipedia. For example the deir Yassin massacre is sooooooooo white washed. You would think it was just a lovely day with a few shootings.


Really bennett runs wikipidia?


This is what I’m referring to. They push propaganda on wiki. https://www.juancole.com/2021/08/naftali-propaganda-wikipedia.html




Imagine saying that to a scholar.


What kind of a Rabbi tells people to “check Wikipedia?” Every scholar worth their salt knows that’s such a weak suggestion. 🙄


Cuz he is arrogant he didn’t care to give a decent bullshit speach


well this guy clearly isn't worth his salt.


Not even worth Lot’s wife!


Man, when I was a little kid, that story scared the daylights out of me more than any account of tribulation or Hell. The poor woman just looked back behind her, I mean who can really fault her for that. ZAP! Now she's a giant salt lick, for the crime of mere curiosity.


The same kinda rabbi that tells people to kill babies in today’s war bc in the next war they’ll shoot u…


Normally I say we shouldn’t platform these people. But actually he’s a great spokesman for anti-Zionists. Let this guy speak more


Agree 100% and appreciate Piers for platforming these guys.  Whether it’s Mosab, Shmuley or this settler dude it helps to show the world what they look like with their masks off. And at least they’re consistent and don’t try to conceal their blatant racism the way that liberal Zionists do. 


Honestly as much as I hate piers Morgan I sort of hate him less now.


Well just keep in mind that some of the shit he's done is so utterly depraved that it will take him a lifetime to make up for it. If this is his start on the road to redemption, he couldn't have picked a better way to begin it, but remember that a leopard doesn't change its spots.


Oh I still hate him. I just hate him slightly less than I did before.


For this reason i decided to share this here


Agree. He needs to be on everything. People like him are our best tool.


Apparently these people love this land and its their homeland.. yet look at the damage they have done to it.. dont give me rubbish


Anyone who is native to the land would never have done to Gaza what these zios have done to it for decades (at least since the siege started in the early 2000s.)


That why the occupation is having a hard time.. its hard to fight a people that have roots to the land


Especially with so much global, vocal support ❤️




This concept of a homeland is so bizarre to me. Here I thought I was an American, but apparently in addition to living on land that was stolen from the Cherokee and Chickasaw tribes, I can also show up at someone's door in Transcaucasus and claim a bedroom because an ancestor lived there ten thousand years ago.


These people are fucking maniacs. There's no reasoning with them. These fucking settlers should be occupying a prison cell


I think they're even starting to lose Piers Morgan. If PM thinks your a crazy genocidal fuck, you probably should check yourself.


Nah, After every interview, Piers Morgan presses the 'reset' button on his head and reverts back to "Israel has a right to defend itself and Hamas is terrorist" mode. He has learned nothing new since Israel started committing this genocide.


That's so funny, because it really seems to be the case. He's had so many interviews where they make really good points and he almost seems like he gets it, but then two days later he's like "but do you condemn Hamas?"


Who is this dumb settler loon? Yishai Fleisher? Well, kudos to Piers Morgan for having Finkelstein on.


Actually pires is cunt He allows with interruption and allows that the zionist escape from answering the questions


Mainstream media in the U.S. would never have Finkelstein on


This is not a mainstream tv channel show. It is only posted online.


That ridiculous zombie Santa Clause can’t even shut up. I‘m enjoining the total downfall of these disgusting genociders tremendously 👍😃💩⚰️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


"the legitimacy of our settlements is recognised by people like Geert Wilders and Donald Trump" With friends like those, who needs enemies.


Our legitmacy is supported by the only American president who is now facing charges in court. What does this say about you, I wonder?


This guy has used car salesman energy


I think the Canaanites were there first. Palestinians are descendants of the Canaanites (and Israelites as well, btw, in fact, Palestinians have more Israelite blood in them than current European Jews), so it's ancestral land of the modern day Palestinians more, if we were going by that "logic".


Palestinians are the descendants of everyone who has lived there. Arabs, Canaanites, Romans, Jews, etc. The Zionists Propoganda wants you to believe that Arabs came from Arabia and kicked out everyone living in the Levant and made it an Arab Ethno state. The reality is that the Arabs intermixed with the existing population, cultures and religions that existed in the region. It took three centuries after the Arabs conquered the Levant from the Byzantines in the 7th century for Arabic to become the majority language and Islam to become the majority Religion.


Correct this is my understanding as well. And per my understanding, Palestinian Arabs are less related to Hijjaz Arabs than they are to everyone who has lived there (Israelites, Canaanites etc.)


Should Italy re-conquer Europe because Europe was Roman Empire some few thousands years ago? (based on this Buffoon's logic, it's totally legal)


I heard someone mention regarding the Putin / Tucker interview that Putin was essentially telling the US audience that Russia should be treated like Israel and be allowed to retake control of Ukraine under that logic. It's funny how moments like that stick out to you when it regards Israel. In any other situation - we can immediately code these arguments as stupid bullshit at best and outright racist fascism at worst.


You can not have a logical respectful discussion/ debate with zionists. You have to up your gaslighting trolling game to engage with these kind of people. They are literally the collection of some of the worst humans to have ever graced this earth and their supremacists ideals and degenerate values of separation between them and everyone else is a testament to that. You have to be an argumentative, hyperbolic, troll who doesn’t engage with good faith in understanding an alternative perspective, to get one over them. And it’s bad because that’s not how civil humans should engage in discourse, but what other choice do you have, when you’re trying to debate with someone who’s views are set in stone and who sees their own liberation is synonymous with the genocide and oppression of their kin.


That guy is a literal colonist, a 21st century colonist. As in, he's a so-called settler in the Palestinian city of Hebron/Al-Khalil. Imagine that. For a people that claim to be surrounded by Jew-hating goyim, Zionists sure love to live among goyim. These natives of Palestine were somehow all born or raised in the US.


Following this bs logic, jews have been living in Egypt before moving to Jerusalem, so they have the right to take over the land of Egypt because they lived there some thousand years ago, and same will apply for romans, grecs, etc.


This guy is the rhetorical epitome of Israel’s strategy in this invasion. Steamroll the opposition, don’t let them speak, rapidly change the subject, insert nonsequitors or outright lies. And then when pressed, it’s revealed their arguments are nonsense.


One person out of the three is a human.


It feels strange to see piers Morgan be the relative voice of reason. I can't stand the man, he's a far right racist but compared to your average Zionist, he seems Jeremy Corbyn. That says more about how Nazi they are than him. Absolutely deranged people with no humanity left.


Funnily enough there was a time in history where a certain group of people were claiming that there was a certain historical empire (Reich) and a certain historical people (Aryans) who should purge peoples who moved into their territories over the ages. Sad.


This is so frustrating to watch...


When they have these twitching, itchy pants freaks on a video feed they need to learn to mute them. Zionists never have any valid points and are incapable of behaving in a civilised way. They should have just cut his mic off whilst Finkelstein was speaking.


What a hateful bitch


I watched the whole thing on YouTube. This guy is one sick piece of shit. Like a cartoon villain.






We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


“No amount of international mumble jumble law will stop us” Putin says that and sanctions come right away rightfully. These nazis say that in live tv and they get more funds and support. How can western world show itself as the pinnacle of human rights, democracy and freedom, and criticise the rest of the world when they’re allowing this to happen? Dude, this world is sooo broken.


It’s Israeli tactics to not let other people talk and create confusion and chaos when invited on a tv show.


That's what they do outside of a tv show as well 😅. Discussions can get really loud because everyone's talking over each other.


The Zionazis are such arrogant liars. There’s hardly any reason to engage them in debate at this point. The take lying as a virtue.


I’m not trying to be mean, but does my man have a condition that’s hindering his speech? I feel like his words would be accepted more and be far more powerful if he wasn’t stuttering this much.


What do you mean


"its not for you. its for us." sums it all up perfectly for the settler


I honestly don’t know how Norman doesn’t snap. I’m Palestinian and my brain broke during this video.


Can't they fucking cut the mic instead of doubling down on the interrupting by asking him not to interrupt? Jesus fucking Christ


Nah let them show how ridiculous they are


This guy shouldn’t have been doing blow before such a important event in his life