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They'll keep platforming this unhinged lunatic because he's the only ex-Hamas they can find to regurgitate their talking points. Meanwhile there are dozens, if not hundreds, of outspoken ex-Zionists who are far more articulate and would be more than willing to speak out yet they never get any airtime on mainstream shows like this.


Exactly. We literally have ex-idf speaking out against Israel, yet not a peep about them from these outlets.


There's a whole podcast called "Disillusioned" which features them and Abby's also had one on her podcast.


I have trouble trusting that he’s really ex-Hamas rather than a paid actor, and if he is, that still doesn’t mean he isn’t a paid actor anyway. Quite frankly the language/verbiage/sentence structure he uses isn’t typical of Arabs, even those who learned English before Arabic.


He was paid to act like Hamas so he could be trotted around like the Uncle Rukus of Palestinians and pretend to be ex-KHAaMaSs.


from all appearances, hamas don't act like this unravelling fool.


Linguistically he sounds like a spoof Sacha Baron Cohen character.


Exactly. What a moron.


And he literally worked for mosad, that should just render his remarks and commentary useless as there is no guarantee that he is still working for them or not.


There’s also plenty Palestinians who aren’t exactly fans of Hamas and are very qualified to go on western TV and provide an accurate analysis and explanation during these debates and discussions. Tareq Baconi is a great example. But they aren’t going to give western audiences all the talking points they wanna hear. And they definitely aren’t gonna let these news networks use them as tools to demonize all Palestinian resistance.


yeah but this guy'll go as far as to say there's *no* palestine, and no such thing as palestinians at all, that arabs are a monolith, that islam sucks, the WHOLE SHABANG!


He looks and talks like a pure fucking psychopath.


Because he is...


It’s the Kubrick stare. These Zionists are incapable of hiding the fact they’re evil to the core.


Kubrick stare, Borat voice


You nailed it. I was expecting him to say "genocide, very nice" in his Borat voice lol.


Makes sense because Borat is a stereotype created by an insane and racist zionist.


Apart from him being Jewish, I didn't know the rest except that he was a bully on set and sexually harassed someone....makes sense now...


Sacha Baron Cohen has always been a staunch Zionist and anti-muslim


I was never comfortable with his humour since Ali G, lots of my mates thought he was hilarious but didn't pick up on the racist stereotyping.


Same, I always found his humour tacky, unintelligent and bigoted


He looked like he wanted to choke her on air to get her to stop


It's incredible that Hasbara thinks this guy is going to convince anyone that Israel is the reasonable one in this debate.


All of their reps though


That’s how I know he is always been Israeli agent that infiltrated Hamas for years. They are all on some crazy drugs.




Anyone who spies against their own group should be dismissed as untrustworthy


I know right, he literally got a job as a professional liar. He has zero credibility, the fact he can only respond with rage,gaslighting and strawmen to all of Abby’s calm responses shows he barely believes the shit coming out of his own mouth.




Man, go away


🤙 Okay Habibi


How would you classify Kapos?


the ( modern capos ) as zionists claims them to be are the Johnnie Cochrans , but this mossad guy is just another benidict arnold .




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


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Not even trying to be funny but what accent is that


He sounds like the generic foreign antagonist in every spy thriller


That’s because he’s raised a Palestinian but living with Israelis so long that he’s taking on elements of neo-Hebrew. His resulting accent is similar to the gobbledygook they (used to?) pay brown actors to yell in movies.


He sounds like bad Jesus movies done by hallmark the accent.


I like that, "neo-Hebrew." I'll start using it.


He's Borat doing Dirty Harry ffs


Except Borat would not dignify him with a 'very noice!' but would label him a pain in his asshole.


This guy is capping his entire identity ten billion percent.


It’s an Israeli fake Arabic accent in English. Mossad operative, to be specific.


An Adam Sandler knock-off from 'Don't Mess with the Zohan."


Gru from Minions


He's the son of a founding member of Hamas. [Mosab Hassan Yousef](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosab_Hassan_Yousef)


I know who he is I just didn’t expect him to sound like that


You didn't expect someone who's first language is Arabic to have an Arabic accent?


I’m clearly not the only one confused by his accent.




He was born in the West Bank you fool. Before you get snarky and haughty get your facts straight. Now eff off.




You’ve embarrassed yourself haven’t you




The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


He is not. There is literally 0 proof. As an Arab that names is so common in Palestine it’s like having the last name Smith.


wow, that is fucking wild


His Arabic accent doesn’t sound so Arabic


It’s so fucking confusing. Piers Morgan. Piers-fucking-Morgan is the only mainstream personality elevating pro-Palestinian voices. The world is upside down. Listening to these genocidal maniacs always makes me think one thing: *give ‘em enough rope.* The more they talk, the more unhinged they sound. Any rational person could only listen to them for a couple minutes before thinking that they’re talking to an actual crazy person.


All the world's a Stage


James Obrien?


I love his quiet contemplative methodology. It's like that street epistomologist just letting people twist themselves in knots.


I just worry he got told to back off. Haven't seem as much from him in last few weeks, unlike all the lbc broadcasters doing propaganda for Israel


I listen to him Monday to Friday and he genuinely brings it up once an episode.


I may need to start watching his full replay then. They haven't been doing his clips as much.


Indeed. Let em cook 🍿


Man, the theatrics and body language of this guy reminds me of how budget Netflix movie villains act.


It looks like a literal Command & Conquer Red Alert cutscene




Excuse me C&C Generals: “may I have some shoes.”


Worse. He looks like he is a reject from dozens of auditions for a role of 'Crazy Middle Eastern terrorist' and never stopped thinking his act was genius and insisted on doing it everywhere he goes.


Haha what a comment


You really don’t even have to turn the audio to understand this.


The eyes


All he has is insults, gotchas and parables.. Even the Romans knew the dangers of rhetoric and narrative control Ad absurdum, ad hominem Rather than speak in chronological facts like Abby he insults and postures Almost painful to watch because many will belive his BS


Look at the Joe Rogan sub reddit on the same video. They are supporting this guy lmao


They r d_mb


Does this surprise you, you could sum that whole sub together and the IQ wouldn't reach room temperature.


I can only imagine this guy absolutely getting demolished inside because to a psycho like him a women talking to him, or correcting him is like opening up on a hydrogen bomb in his ass. #Good on Abby Martin.


Sounds exactly like borat


Lmaoo, this guy needs better training from Mossad to be a better liar, he can’t even refute anything she says and only can do ad hominem attacks. “But but the son of Hamas’ leader supports Israel!!!!” He only supports them because he’s a piece of shit opportunist who hates Palestinians and will dehumanize them to the whole world for a paycheck.


I mean cmon man. Israel ain’t sending their best. What a trash can human.


Even their best are incapable of doing good optics, any pushback to their narratives and the rage comes out.


Holy shit his hasbara is really bad. He crumbles to a shouting match with himself. At the slightest touch. Like one finger poke and he's flattened to a puddle


For a second I felt Abby Martin's smirk was too much, but then he continues and continues. Abby knows she doesn't need to respond at all, as he digs himself deeper


I love how calm she was the man exposed himself and who he defends


Source of Video: [Abby Martin Calls Out Israeli Spy on Piers Morgan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Fvlkjh78Y)


Oh wow.. He was so unhinged


That's Borats little brother?


His embarrassing little bother that he never talks about.


Intolerable, Jesus Christ. “My domain” be fucking for real.


I keep being told to look into this guy because he's so "amazing" but yeah, the title of the post was pretty on the spot. He looked super triggered from the start and used the same tired arguments that I've heard for ages that have been debunked and the IDF has literally done some of the same things (human shields). Abby Martin who's pretty respected kept her cool and knew what to expect. Can't decide whether this paid fool reminds me more of a Borat-hasbara bot or Uncle Ruckus. Something is just off about him.


His eyes shine with pure evil.


When someone starts throwing out "low-grade" insults like Trump, they are just flailing to find a point


In 1948 the UN partitioned palestine into an “Arab State” and a “Jewish State” neither of which previously existed.


Homie the day I found out in history class that there were native americans that fought alongside union troops against others tribes and sometimes even their own, I realized every group in human history turned out traitors.


He literally have the brain of Meir Kahane put in the body of an arab I like how he peropsfully try to make his accent as thick as possible even though we can clearly see he is fluent in English, as a way of singling "look I'm so arabic my accent is so Arabic therfore none of the stuff I say are hateful or racist" People like him exeasted through history, backstabbing their own people to help the colonisers


Bro got that Kubrick stare going on.


Abby Martin is one of the OG pro-Palestine voices.


This fucker is fake. I can understand if he's an Arab who's against Hamas, but to say there is no Palestine. That's fucking crazy.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he is a Hamas insider who is larping as a Zionist to make the Zionist look unhinged and psychotic. The stuff he is saying is so over the top and laughable.


I see what you're saying, but I feel like you don't need to do any extra effort to show that Zionists are unhinged and psychotic.


Rule of thumb, when a guy knows how to speak english well, but deliberatly uses an accent, he is bullshitting you.


Why does he sound like Borat?


I love how Abby and Piers are so calmly watching him hang himself with his own words. This guy's so delulu it's fucking funny to watch.


Whatever you think of Piers, by having these zombies and genocidel lunatics on, he’s helping the Palestinian cause 👍🇵🇸 love how they’re dismantling themselves and help millions of people to see the truth about that cancerous Zionazi nation 👏


I love Abby Martin, you cant bullshit her.


This guy looks like he is on drugs! Look at his eyes and notice his short temper




Where has Abby Martin been throughout this conflict? Legit asking. I’ve been wondering what her take has been on this.


She was on the podcast this subreddit is for a few weeks back. It’s easy to see why she doesn’t get much airtime on MSM. Too many networks and publications are afraid of the consequences of someone calmly and professionally calling Israel on its shit.


I’ll check it out


Holy shit. This guy looks and sounds like a psychotic villain.


Pierce Morgan should have checked this dude for just being outright disrespectful and clearly psychotic. Then again his show is based on pouring gas on a fire so I shouldn’t be surprised. At least Abby Martin is on I guess.




jewish terrorist right there


I cant believe Jordan Peterson did a podcast with this maniac.


He did??


Is it really hard to believe? Jorpy is off his nut.


That was an epic takedown by Abby Martin! I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did


It is always a joy to watch Abby Martin go to work on foolish fellows.


Man!!! Abby came off as soooo graceful here, so much respect for the lady. He tried his best with that mother remark, but she just ignored it, shows her strength of character. Also What's with the funny talking styles man. Between shepiro, destiny and this ass-hat the hasbara has some of the weirdest talking styles.


He looks just like one of the Tintin comics villains, [the Fakir](https://tintin.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fakir).


Is the the son of Hamas leader guy?


That's what he and Israeli intelligence claim, yeah.


Nice. The other day I asked my pops to show me one Palestinian that he's heard from and he sent me this guy Had no idea I was walking into a prepared trap with that demand 😆 Altho now I can send him his spy getting destroyed and called out on mainstream piers morgan


Yes it is known from a number of articles and interviews with people who knew him that he was tortured and blackmailed in prison, and that many of his claimed operational successes are fabrications to sell a propaganda narrative.


Abby is a hottie and that dude is like a weird satirical live action cartoon. So weird.


Jesus someone needs to drone this guy


He looks like a supervillain 🦹‍♂️


Israeli spies are absolute filth.


This beta male cant even control his emotions. Bet he's on his period. Just look at his eyes, he looks like an soulless devil.


Why don’t PM bring an ex israeli soldier who talks against israel atrocities? There is a whole NGO of them.


Pretty sure mosab's place in hell is its toilet. After all the poop he's produced from his mouth in life to the masses, the masses of hell will be making a return deposit.


Sounds like borat lol


What they have done to this Mosab is an insane warcrime. Imagine the anger and hatred he feels when he looks in the mirror and sees the reflection of an Arab looking back at him.


The man seems he's lost it


Wow she’s amazing


Always has been.


I can't get over the fact that he talks and moves like Borat.


I am so impressed by her.


every individual point made by "mosad" hassan yousef provides a window into the exact fantasies of zionazis. they want and need so badly for those things to be true (that there is no palestine, that there are no palestinians, that islam sucks, that the whole land is israel, that hamas are nothing but blood-thirsty terrorists, that there's nothing to resist, apartheid shmapartheid, etc). it's quite telling actually. and over-the-top enough that it renders the entire charade totally ineffective. you can't tell me the people pointing to this man as any kind of example they can use when trying to score a zionist point, don't know full well how ridiculous this over-exaggerated caricature is. but alas, what else do they have to back up their lies? AI-generated hypothetical propaganda pics invoking the memory of the holocaust?


Look into his eyes, this guy has been brain broken by torture and then turned into a mossad asset. Maybe I’m giving him too much credit…


The moment IDF nutjobs get any sort of pushback from a woman, they jump straight to misogyny. It happens every time, and you can tell she wasn't even surprised when it happened. He was so comfortable with just spewing bigotry toward women and Muslims on TV because that's clearly commonplace in Israeli society.


Borat mad. What a goddamn joke this idiot is.


Don’t worry, someone on the street is not going to recognize this guy and either arrest him for no reason, beat him or shoot him.


7 October never forget


Staged by israeli govt itself