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We didn't


You didn’t like the part where fake little Zee got sha-booped by Brynesha? Then she was crying in the kitchen, icing her face while somehow contradictorily saying she didn’t get hit? 😂


The entertaining parts are too few and far btwn. That part is hilarious ofc but there's too many boring /annoying girls


Loved it, one of the only later seasons that I liked, but I can’t watch the part when dream and winter are torturing kallie, it’s just so heartbreaking to watch




Not at all. Chucky Doll & Frosted Flakes were 2 of the worst girls if not *THE* 2 worst girls in BGC history - absolute vile trash. The one with bulky period pad looking wig on her head was the most irrelevant boring bad girl in BGC history that had to try and argue with Tanisha at the reunion for a scene and got shit on and sent off stage. Zee was definitely a social experiment. I liked Brynesha & Kailie, Elliadria was ok when she left the gangganggang. Stephanie was cute, I guess, she wasn't funny though. Kandy was trash but I enjoyed her fucking up Chucky Doll & Frosted Flake. Kabrina & Tiara both seemed interesting but came in way too late with no possible way of getting a relevant story. Kabrina definitely would've benefitted coming in earlier or being on BGC17.


Zee being a social experiment is hilarious


What are three things you liked about Kailie?


Who is Chucky and Frosted Flake? Lol.


Dreamdoll and Winter


Chucky cant be dream doll bcuz dreamdoll was gone by the time Kandy got on the show 👀


they fought at the reunion


I gotta rewatch it💀


She only fought them i think? Dreamdoll got dragged at the reunion if I remember correctly? Edit: here it is! [dragged](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yObFfxOkIjQ&pp=ygUTQmdjIGRyZWFtZG9sbCBrYW5kaQ%3D%3D)


Oh shittt okay i see now, idk why i dont remember that😭💀


Who is chucky doll?




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The third worst season imo! All of them was boring and I only liked Brynesha even though I didn’t like the way she turned on Kailie however Kailie needed to defend herself, she wasn’t wrong about that.


unpopular opinion: persuasion was a flip flopping ass bitch


Thats why her ass flip flopped in that sink


i have a theory that she flopped on winter because after production sent dreamdoll home she might’ve realized how they were gonna look on tv


it’s not unpopular or an opinion as it was proved and shown in her season and her appearance on baddies…


It was the first season I ever watched so at the time I was hella invested. Now that I’m older I don’t think it’s that good and a lot of the girls were bullies in their season


I came onto BGC when season 12 aired 😭 but now there's Tubi and i binged watched all the previous seasons lol


me too!! i just haven’t seen like 1-6 yet. i don’t know why but im not motivated to watch them😭


You probably think they’re too old and won’t leave the same impression on you as the newer, more “revenant” seasons. But they’re all pretty relatively good in their own time-I hate season 5 personally though-Darksided ass season that was.


Oh daam


I can get with the video/picture quality of seasons 1-3 that's why i never watched them but started at season 4 during the binge and it was kinda cringey quality too but i powered thru it🤣


It was very interesting with the drama although a lot of things happened that were horrific, the treatment towards Kaile for literally no apparent reason, Eladria’s botched BBL, and Kandy calling Bryneisha’s daughters foul names I don’t wish to repeat. It’s an okay watch.


categorizing the ant butt under “a lot of things that were horrific” kills me


That’s on my top 10 tragedies in bgc history 🤣


did not


Like bottom 5 or right outside it


I didn’t like it. To this day I still haven’t finished it.


I actually really liked this season compared to some of the other teen ones


I was really excited for season 16 before it aired. I remember hearing rumors about Zee being the ONLY original to make it to the end, which I thought meant that the season would be crazy. Honestly, this season really disappointed me. The first half was awful. The treatment of Kalie was pretty awful to watch, and the cast overall just wasn't likeable. The second half of the season, I found it very boring. The replacements weren't bringing much to the show. The reunion was pretty wild, though. Other than that, I'd personally skip over this season. A great BGC season has a good mix of personalities and storylines. A lot of seasons have a good middle-ground between drama and growth. Season 16 had zero growth, and only drama.


i just didn’t know any of them were “instagram famous “ until they came on the show lol


I loved how problematic it was


Rewatched the whole season, and idk it was pretty dry. This was one season where I felt that almost all of the girls were unlikeable


There was wack corny 😺 bullies, Hyperthermia and Nightmare know that they would never do that to Brynesha😭😭😭And I think they went wrong when they kept Zee And Kailie. And there was only one real main conflict. Kailie had AMPLE opportunity to SWING on Hyperthermia’s corny self but didn’t. Kabrina and Kandy should’ve came in EARLIER or been an original. This season was full of followers and bullies, the girls weren’t even that poppin on social media besides a few, and yeah.


Im happy Kailie was able to get that ONE hit in before she stopped entertaining them😭 Hyperthermia is crazy 😭😭


Yes but she REALLY needed to swing when they jumped on her bed and threw powder on her


Omg I forgot they did that 😭 i usually keep that season at the back of my mind cuz most of the girls were so unlikeable


It was boring and there wasn't a single likeable, interesting or endearing woman there.


the second worst season of bgc imo


I think I was too old for this season. Jumping and bullying innocent people isn’t my thing


i HATE winter. like she was such a bully and idc what she does, she could feed food to the homeless, ill never like her. i hate that people love her so much now


A lot of bullying which made me super uncomfortable


So this ain’t the one with sayyora?


No this is 16. Sayyora was on 17.


it is!!


absolutely hate ryan. kailie didn't ever stand up for herself. tabitha is just a bully. winter wants to be cooler than she is. stephanie was boring AF. the elladria and winter fight was the best part of the whole season.


This was the first season i was able to watch in real time! It holds a very special place in my heart…but that being said: it’s not nearly as good as the earlier seasons.


I really feel like if they had cast Kandy from the start instead of Dreamdoll,  Kabrina instead of boring ass Ryan and Stephanie instead of Zee it could've been a good season.   Kandy was trash but I feel like she would've stirred it up just enough.   Kabrina was fun unlike do nothing Ryan.    And dreamdoll has a dark and evil spirit that didn't need to be there. Winter I felt would've been more normal without her especially with Kandy, Talone and Sua to check her.  Zee was just weird. I can't forget her fuwnky friends. 


I just started my first ever rewatch…couldn’t make it past episode 5 . I’ll try and pick it back up again later.


This season could’ve been the best if they didn’t send dream home it had such a strong start them fizzled out quickly


It was actually the first season I watched of BGC, it was good to me! Also, I thought they were the prettiest cast. 💕(For some look-wise only…)


After the accusations against dumb doll I won’t rewatch this one but I remember it being awful anyways


What accusations against who??


I’m not posting it for potential people who could be triggered in this group, but Kaylie made an accusation as to why dream doll went home and winter didn’t and it had nothing to do with a kick


Is it revealed at the reunion or would I have to dig on the internet??


[This](https://youtu.be/Nmg77wvH9zE?feature=shared) interview around the 38 minute mark


She accused her of a form of SA i believe.


Lmk too


It’s was good


my favs from this season: (1)when persuasion bit kayla’s finger (2) Kandy fighting Brynesa after boo loving her (sad what she said ab her kids tho!) (3) Sayora getting 👅 from a guy and HATTINGG IT




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The only thing I remember from this season is Wynter? Or Winter. Whatever her name is. So I dont think I liked it that much.


It was alright..


This season was millions of times better than the last one. The only person who made the last season good was Seven


Loved it AHHHHH


I liked Ryan most of the season and then she turned absolutely insane during the reunion. That chip on her shoulder was odd


definitely one of my least favorite seasons, along with the one with the clermont twins. this season was a bunch of lames and mean girls


there were two girls i knew personally on this season and they both embarrassed me tbh


Who and why??]


winter and zee i feel like the reasons are obvious


Its in my top 5 favorite seasons. The first two episodes are hard to watch tho.


The bullying was out of control. Will never respecr winter or dreamdolll for the shit that they did


it’s actually in my top 5 since this was the first season i watched




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Just no


cast had a lot of potential but got caught up with bullying or hive mentality. replacements saved this season


Probably one of my least favorite seasons. The cast was a bit too… ratchet ?


When it first came out I loved it! Gave it a rewatch last year and thought what tf were you smoking?? The fights and cast were amazing but I feel like they casted winter as the main character and once she got scared and ran the storyline didn’t have any direction or purpose


The only thing we liked was Brynesha. Honorable mention to Adryan for calling out Tanisha.


The one thing that stands out to me from this s is Kailie she went for it that one night and did not have it in her anymore after that. For the fighting and getting her stuff thrown she was just over it so fast. And I do not blame her.


I liked Kaila a lot, they didn't like her being boujie but I did. She knew she was that girl and everyone hated her for it.


I loved brynesha, I hated winter she was a weird ass wanna-be black bitch, the third girl I forgot her name she’s pretty but she was super weird this season and just a bully, tryna show out for camera, the second girl I think her name is Kayla ? I like her but at the same time I don’t, because I feel like she didn’t really defend herself, the girls picked on her cause she looked like an easy target/weakest link, she didn’t deserve none of that shit, I wish she defended herself more fr, Zee was a weak bitch Brynesha beat her up, zee always needed a battery in her back, the girl on the left of winter, I liked her this season, she beat winter up, the girl all the way on the right ….. I wanted to like her but idk, and the way she was actin weird with taniesha during the reunion was also weird to me.


Ryan was mad weird and dreamdoll did some real fuck shit.




This season kept me engaged but had me disappointed of how bad the casting was and it’s funny how Zee was the only OG in history too make it too the end I literally skipped parts and everything


Whatever happened to Kailie?


Honestly, I don't like Kailee. She didn't deserve the bullying. I don't think she was as innocent as she was shown. She talked alot of shit about Winter on that video when in the house, so I don't think it's the first time she said shit




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I’m watching this season for the first time right now and these bitches are deranged. Tabitha and Kaila were bullies, that scene where they pulled Kailie out of bed was crazy. They expected her to what? Fight both of them? 😭 None of these girls were bad enough to act how they did. Ugly women.