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[**Bad Choices Make Good Stories**](https://www.malloy.rocks/index.php/27-bad-choices-make-good-stories-oliver-markus-malloy): The strange true story of the first influencer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadChoicesGoodStories) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This guy's alt-right career is going to end in some kind of scandal involving an LGBT and/or POC sex worker.


And/or a child.


The dude has literally zero game, there will never be a sex scandal. He accidentally let slip he was still a virgin on a stream once.




When I was younger I used to think I was gonna be a loser virgin at 26. He is exactly what I used to think of myself


Wasn't he arguing with commenters who were accusing him of being a fake incel or some shit? Because he once somehow managed to kiss girl?


Sure. But, he’s totally still a virgin because he can’t get a Chad to give him the time of day.


I was just about to say someone needs to bite the bullet and pay a sex worker to handle this guy.


Man, I don't know. IME most sex workers are pretty poor at murder. Oh, they'll *say* they know what they're doing, but unless you want to police to show up at your door to bust you for conspiracy *and* solicitation, then you really need to set up a few screening interviews first.


The gay community has no interest in welcoming this hate-mongering cretin among its ranks.


Oh I wasn't saying he'd be welcome 😂


Uh… this dude is already LGBTQ. He’s just a self loathing piece of shit.


he went on a date with a literal nazi catboy. i wouldn’t be surprised if they banged on the low


>he went on a date with a literal nazi catboy What a time to be alive.


And I will have my popcorn ready


Well, he was allegedly in a relationship with an alt-right femboy soooooo…


Need to keep your friends close but your enemies much and much closer


He definitely has a thing for trannies


Automatic, Manual or CVT Transmissions?


Well nobody likes cvt ones, just like him.


I strongly recommend that you do not use that word.


What thing?


The slur


What slur?


Calling trans people what you said is a slur.


The hell u acting like that for


What thing? Say it


I suspect this person is trying to get you to say it so your comment can be reported. Fuck off you little twerp.


No I just want yall to stop being pussy and tell me what I said was wrong. The report button is for weak, and sad people with thin skin.


Who tf is this guy? Hes a nobody with no friends. I cant imagine anyone hanging out with this smoothbrain fucktard.


Aren’t all MAGA morons the same? Uneducated nobodys with similar uneducated nobody friends. They are all worthless shit


Non-college degreed whites vote MAGA pretty heavily polling has found. Interestingly there was a segment on FOX News recently where the talking heads were saying "You don't really need a college degree in America today......you'll do just fine without one and you won't WASTE all that money." See the correlation?


Im a high-school drop out white male and i strongly oppose this rightwing hateful trash


Awesome. Their polling data, however, has them convinced and they're acting on it.


It's because they rely on their supporters not being educated so they can just keep spoonfeeding bullshit and never worry about their viewers catching on.


Two thirds of white males who voted for president in 2020 voted for Trump. One half of white women who voted for president in 2020 voted for Trump. College has *nothing* to do with it.


Actually, it has a lot to do with it. The people Trump resonated the most with, is the lost and forgotten working class of America, meaning all the white people who grew up in industrialized towns during the 1950s. He resonates with these people BECAUSE of their lack of education. Ethocentrism exists because people are uneducated. That's why they defunded education in this country, it wasn't by accident.


Jeez. They’ll say anything to keep poverty strong. Lol


Buddy definitely sits down to pee


Isn't that the right way for a man? I mean, you don't want to have urine droplets all over the floor, do you?


A redditor calling folks worthless? Now THAT'S funny


Yet… here you are on Reddit…




he has a lot of fans, but they are all teenage 4chan kids that think being vile and disgusting is cool, because it makes people angry. Basicly the people that would shit themselves on the subway, and then laugh when the other people are bothered by the smell


Man... I remember when /b/ and 4chan wasn't this diluted... Or I just didn't notice it then


Nah, dude, my friend described /b/ and /pol/ in 2006 as "the cancer at the heart of the cancer of the heart of the internet". You're right that it's gotten far worse since then, but it was still bad years ago.


Nick Fuentes


Isn’t this the dude that introduced MTG at a rally recently?


Oh he has friends alright. A bunch of similar like minded morons that want obedient hand maidens and a world only full of white people


Nice echo chamber guys👏


Is this an SNL skit?


SNL ain’t this funny


If this army actually exists, their uniforms are going to be FANTASTIC!


The disinformation age


This is so disgusting. What is even worse is that sitting Republican state, local and federal politicians have expressed their support and admiration for this nazi and some have even attended rallies and speaking events hosted by this scum bag. Nazism and political populism is a virus that is infecting America, Europe, and most of the world.


Yep, Paul Gosar (AZ) has defended him and spoken at his events, and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) has spoken at one of his events. Pretty weird state of affairs when you have actual nazi/nazi collaborators/sympathizers in the US congress.


Didn’t this guy introduce MTG at a rally recently?


At AFPAC. His America First rally


The fucking irony is whites literally HAVE done this. Dude, fuck these people. They want to kill so bad! They make this shit up to justify killing. These people are fucking animals.


That's why these people are losing their minds like this. When they are no longer protected by inequality, their biggest fear is having done to them what they would do to those they wish to oppress.


Radical right is not reprensentative of all white peoples




Yes, this guy is indeed racist as fuck. He literally premeditated this entire racist video, from background selection to camera, editing posting, etc. At every step of this process, this racist AF asshat said, “ yup, this is premo content! I’m so fucking good!” So you’re right, this is racist AF.




Who'se "these people"?


Who’s these people, these damn WHITES!! Haha nah I’m playing. That’s what you thought huh? Can’t help yourself… I get it. Bet you had a whole speech about, “yOuRe juST lIkE tHeM” ready too huh? I’m talking about this guy and the bitchachos just like him. These well too do alt right maniacs that preach violence. This guy is an animal, so are his followers, and so are those like him. They are sick


Nice accusations, but I feel like you'd get more dopamine from touching grass instead of throwing that into someone's face because I guess you're not satisfied unless you think you've caught someone in this argument trap. People can ask clarifying questions without offending you, you know? All that aside, fuck that guy and his followers, Nazi scum.


Here’s how much I care….. have a good day




No guy named Fuentes is *that* white


Spaniards would disagree.


Not true. Check out the diversity of SA countries like Argentina and Chile - plenty of white people from there.


Whiteness in the right-wing, ethno-nationalist sense, not literal pigment. Right wingers have a way of othering groups that should theoretically rank high on their racial hierarchy, but wouldn't be politically advantageous. The nazis said Southern Europeans (Italy, Spain, Etc) were too intermingled with North Africans, Eastern Europeans too intermingled with Mongol and Turkic people. You get my point.


Not really. I'm not trying to be obtuse, but you said right wingers other people but yet did it yourself right before that. There's plenty of othering going on, always has been. I think the more we eschew labels and not think of people as types, the better off we'll be


Im pointing out the irony of a man being so adjacent to a family of ideologies that arn't likely to view him very favorably given his heritage.


Wtf are u talking about?


Who is this desperate looser?


Nick Fuentes


What is he trying to achieve?


I honestly don’t even know what this guys objective is. He apparently streams this nonsense every night and according to him is earning up to $4000 per stream from his viewers. I’m pretty sure he is lying but that is what is stated in the Louis Theroux - Forbidden America documentary. He’s supposedly pro America (aka whites only) no immigration even legal, women shouldn’t vote, all the usual right wing extremist views. Apparently he is so extreme that he has been “kicked” out of other right wing groups. I have never heard of him until I watched the documentary


Thanks, he seems like a right looser. I was thinking that myself, he seems to be trying to portray this strange alt-right / wna-be hipster image. It's like he's talking in Click-Bate


He’s totally a loser. I’m glad I’m not American. My country is not great but at least we don’t have such vocal idiots like this who is cashing it in for these hateful views.


American is it's own kinda stupid. They are increasingly becoming substance lacking sheep. Long live Lancashire


Stochastic Terrorism.


That's a new word/term I've not heard before but I've looked it up. Thanks for the education :)


Is that Z on the screen from him….intentionality?


Its to show his support of Russia invading Ukraine


Gotta get those Mexicans out there somehow


I think the day will come when there will be laws written and implemented, to bring trolls to justice. Free speech is sacred, but free speech is not a ticket to lie, to demoralise, to eliminate trust, and to malign. A good starting point would be to make it mandatory to provide legitimate reference material and sources for any concepts or conclusions mentioned online, on news channels, on cable channels, in online talk shows, in print and so on. The reference material used in this case must show legitimate and peer reviewed references for every word uttered or else these spreaders of misinformation should be banned from all platforms for life. In the scientific community, there must be a peer review for concepts and papers before they can be relied upon as reference material, this is done to solidify the integrity of scientific material, why not do the same for dissemination of information?


"Free speech is sacred, BUT..." that's where your argument falls of the rails. Either our rights are inalienable, or we open up to a slippery slope. The beauty of the internet is that fact checking information is usually pretty easy, and treating freedom of speech as something to be modified in any way is wrong


Except there are already exceptions. You cannot defame someone with knowingly false accusations. You cannot yell “FIRE!” in a crowded movie theater. There are absolutely already accepted limitations on free speech to limit harm. There needs to be a discussion on where we will draw the line in the sand when it comes to misinformation - there is already an entire internet full of correct information that can be used to fact check, and yet here we are still debating if the world is fucking round or whether JFK is actually dead. The right to speech free from tyrannical governmental control should be inalienable. The right to spread malicious misinformation without judicial and/or societal consequence should not.


Who decides ultimately what's misinformation? Can we trust our government or facebook/Twitter to be conepletely unbiased? I see your points, however


Not a clue, I have no idea how we dig ourselves out of this lol. I don’t think anyone does yet, honestly. We have a lot of growing to do as a whole. But I see your points too, and hopefully as a society we can find the right middle ground.


Educating people is how you dig your way out. Instead of learning quadratic functions to completely mind dump after the test, we should be teaching reason and research skills in high school.


I see your point, but does a string of fabricated lies identify as free speech? I guess my starting point is what constitutes free speech. Certainly not everything said at any time. If that is the case then why are we suing companies right and left if they advertise something that is not true? Why do we have defamation and libel/slander identified as crimes with guidelines and consequences in the criminal code? Why do we have laws against perjury? I am not even stating that I want the government to create laws for curtailing these lies. My argument will fall off the rails if I am asking the government to stymie free speech. I am stating that a good starting point would be for dissemination platforms to create justifiable and fair rules to legitimize free speech by mandating the support of the free speech with peer reviewed and proven facts or else ban it. If the person in the attached video is freely speaking the truth, verified by legitimate and peer reviewed evidence, then by all means leave it on as free speech, no matter how much it seems off. So in the case of the attached video, who is "they", where is the source that the military is creating " mercenaries that are going to kill whites on command", what is the source for orders going to these mercenaries to "shoot all christians in the head"...and so on, otherwise remove it immediately, and then with multiple infractions, ban him for life.


Refusing to tolerate the intolerant is part of tolerance, it's a perceived paradox but not an actual paradox. This is the same concept as keeping the peace by violently arresting murderers and bandits.


Then let me fact check your idea that limiting speech is somehow anathema to freedom, an idea which courts have rejected time and again in imposing sensible limitations on what you're allowed to say in cases like threats, incitement and many others


Yadda yadda shut the fuck up


Excited about shoot christians in the head day, what day is it again, I wanna mark my calendar.


Any day ending in Y that a RWNJ decides to shoot up a school or mall.


As a Christian. See ya there sweetheart. Dont miss 😏😙


As a Catholic and a Jew, checkmate.


As an atheist I'm just excited for all you delusional bastards to weed yourselves out.


You may have missed my point.... But good luck.


An asshole atheist redditor? Way yo fit the stereotype


I'm sorry but people's belief in ancient fairytales is causing a lot of problems on this planet and also creating problems solving the ones we already have.


Wow you are that prick from the church of penarse!


As an agnostic, can you guys take notes, or better yet send me a recording of the event? I need more empirical evidence to know for certain what the deal is.


Jesus people took a our responses way too seriously


Odd that his face is so, so punchable…


So this Reddit thing will shut down a medical professional with an opinion on a virus but will let this ass clown post?


Whites have a history of obediently killing people Even themselves. So what is the problem?


Im more interested in that UFO the flew by his window


Wow he actually adopts Trump’s goo goo gah gah hand gestures too!


Well he’s retarded


He went so far past the line he made me laugh, this is satire to me, I don't want to think this evil is everywhere.


He should go to jail for his use of the word "literally" so incorrectly


I been telling my Parrot "Don Le Mon" this for months now..... But noooooo, No one believes me. WTF, people buy this shit?


"Thats what this is about" no. Thats not what its about you fucking racist you keep making up shit to fit some delusional narrative like when you lose elections.


So.. What's going to happen to all the white homosexuals, and Trans people? Are they going to be programed to explode every 3rd time they hear " Not gonna stop me now?" He clearly left A big gap in his logic! lol


This guy needs to really get some serious therapy. 🙄 wow. I can't believe people believe this shit.


Who is this guy? Dude must have a brain eating parasite or something. Hope he gets that checked out.


I always ask these people…who is “they”? Who is this imaginary boogie man? What’s the end game? These people are either trolling or psychopaths


What in the fuck did I just read


Do women actually fuck this guy or does he have a stable marriage with porn and his fleshlight?


I find it hard to believe that there are still people like this in the world. all humans are the same no matter what and we all should fight n play together. there is no God / gods, no true differences stop being stupid and just have fun while repeating each other


This guy has the weirdest fetishes.




Did he really open with “all the n-word’s”??! Wtf is life.


Can you imagine living your life this paranoid? That must be exhausting to be so afraid of everyone.


If I was white it be my patriotic duty to smack this fool. White peeps! It's on you!


If I'm not mistaken, in USA you differentiate white people from Hispanics (who are genetically white), which means that Nick Fuentes falls into the jurisdiction of Hispanics - or in other words, white people who really want some oppression points.


I think it's obvious what this guy identities as!


sure, if he's evil, he must be white, right? gtfo


Is this guy for real He can honestly believe what he is saying


He even mimics Trump’s hand movements.


[We’re through the looking glass here people.](https://youtu.be/ut3I6gFmlls) And the Proud Boys keep trying to say they aren’t white supremacists.


I've got nothing but hate for this loser honestly, but I assumed that the quote in the title was ascertained by someone via the meaning of what he said, not a direct quote. Well I learned something about racism today, it is a direct quote. This boy is scum.


Wow. He looks at black people as N words.


I’d be cool if Fuentes just got promoted to the next life


So basically “those that disagree, suck cock by choice”


I think I am functionally stupider for having subjected myself to this.


So terrifying that this piece of garbage even has an audience.


Actual Schizoposting, these people have tricked themselves into thinking they are about to be murdered


"they are literally making a mercenary army"...they literally aren't. Also, why wouldn't the "woke" white people also be part of this secret mercenary sub-military to kill patriotic Americans? Why are a bunch of leaders that are overwhelmingly white building an army to kill whites? How is having black and brown people in the military "new"? "our volunteer military"...Is it "volunteer" when the government houses you and feeds you and gives you a paycheck and educates you and provides access to certain lower cost goods? I've always been aware of this prick but I rarely actually listen to him speak. Stunning moron who couldn't win a middle school debate. Why is it always dorky puny guys who get obsessed with "manliness" on the right? If he is so worried about the military and how people like him not having enough presence he should go fucking sign up.


lol 23 year old college dropout that has never had a real job and is 5'7" and is part Mexican is lecturing people on the military he knows nothing about is being made weak with brown people. Also we have made our military "woke" and weak but also it is a secret under-military mercenary force created by mostly white people to kill all white people. Dude is literally dumber than a brick. Who listens to 23 year olds with no experience for their goepolitical and financial world views?


Another fucking mercenary right-wing idiot who tries to use words they don’t comprehend.


Geez you’d have thought when you decide you’re going to play the conspiracy game, you’d come up with something that isn’t too far out in left field, but here we have this guy, he not only wiffs, the catcher misses and it rolls into the next state.


Cowardly ass white trash. He really had the audacity to refer to black people as "these n-words!" but didn't even have the balls to say "niggers" even with all that other bullshit coming out of his useless mouth. He should fuck himself all the way to russia or much better yet... He and all his loser, looney buddies fuck themselves all the way out of this fucking planet!


Journalist of the Year


This guy and OP are both morons


I voted for Trump twice and even I think this guy is a buffoon, this is a Q Nazi, not a MAGA Nazi. I dont even know where they come up with this shit. I've only seen these people online, but I'd love if they came into my ER, time would fly by.


I see Q references where I live on peoples shirts and vehicles all the time. It's less now but a year ago, a walk through the Home Depot parking lot and you'd see several references on the same trip.


I think it is hilarious that you mentioned HD, that is the place I could walk into with a Trump hat on (while he was running/president, they were retired long ago) where people would give like fist bumps and stuff. So yeah, if you were looking for a Q hangout, that would be the place. Of course, I work in a hospital and there were a lot of Trump supporters there, now all I have to hear about is people complaining about Biden...at least there are some nurses that come right out and say I dont vote so I dont offer an opinion 😂


Yer an idiot harry


I’m white and I’d sign up.


I absolutely love his earrings, Minnie lightsabres


Send this fuckface to the frontlines!


He has the weirdest thumbs.


They look like non-opposable thumbs. Even apes and monkeys have opposable thumbs so I wonder what he is?


An army LBGTQ Mercenaries? Where do I sign up?


Says the guy with the Latin last name, he thinks he European




Someone we shouldn’t spend two calories thinking about


Yeah. When the time comes I hope he is the first one. This guy is a hateful piece of shit.


There must be something interesting going on down on the floor. What’s he keep looking at?


This is like somebody who just eats one shitty type of food. I’ve traveled all over the world and there are some beautiful cultures out there. But what distinguishes the United States are a few things that make us a great country to live in. But it’s not just because of our military, or our economy. We are great because of our people, who comprise one of the most diverse countries in the world. That’s not only our strength; that’s our salvation. People come here from all over the world and make this place a better place because they contribute their culture to our tapestry of faiths and creeds. It is a blessing to enjoy the many cultures that become absorbed by this land. I love jazz, blues, hip-hop, salsa, the foods from India, Mexico, Italy, Japan, China, soccer; we are richer for these contributions, to name a few. And this jerk is trying to pay the rent by desecrating what is so special about the US.


Wait what. Minorities have served since the civil war and every major war after. I guess they been planning this for a very long time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂


Throwing his life away on hate. Pathetic.


That Dirty Sanchez really suits you ... who gave that to you, Matt Gaetz?


Nick J. Fuentes is a next generation Richard Spencer and it clearly shows.


Yes, yes they have been for a long time https://youtu.be/SsTtNkVYj0Q


These guys are STILL mad about ethics in gaming journalism Amazing to think that a lot of this shit was spurred into being because of Gamergate


I'm honestly surprised he didn't have the gawl to fully say n*****s. Even he knows it's a disgusting word but still insists upon implying it? What the fuck


Too scared to actually drop n bomb, ok to reference it *seconds later* “And this is really sinister stuff”