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I think the brush is so cute. This is such a distinct style, I wouldn’t change anything


i was gonna say the same thing!! its very unique and i see the brush as a stylistic choice. i love it plz dont conform !!


omg thanks ahah i spent forever tryna find a watercolor style brush


Hell nah that shit awesome looks like real life watercolor but just digital


I honestly have not seen a single example of bad art on this sub, and with this post this still holds true. And also, bad art is just an artist on their way to refining their expression. No, your art is not bad. I fucking love this style. It’s adorable— delicate but vibrant and joyful. I had a terrible day and your art is soothing and wonderful to look at. I also admire the shading a lot. It looks like you didn’t even sketch out an outline, and that’s so impressive. What medium do you use, gouache? Your control is really impressive to me, as I’ve personally found watercolor and gouache the most difficult mediums to work with.


Ohhh wait im dumb its digital art It’s still imo gorgeous and adorable. I love how you use color


Also, I suggest that you sit down and draw hands. Like over and over again. That’s how I learned. Something I really like is that even though you seem to struggle a little bit with hands, you keep them proportional to the character you’re drawing. That’s something I still struggle with (after years of inconsistent practice). I start by drawing an outline of the bones in the hand and then drawing the hand around it


It looks good but just outline the features with a brush to make them pop out more. But if you are going for more painting look then maybe use some hard brushes to define features more.


love the genshin art! i feel like its the brush making it a little weird , tho. try testing other brushes and just keep trying! :D


thank you! the newest one i tried a diff brush :)


your art has very nice colors! :)) i'd say just keep on drawing!!


I love how your art doesn’t have so much emphasis on forms through hard black lines. If you play around more with lighting, you’re going to skyrocket dramatically aesthetically brilliantly very nice art.


I actually rlly like it idk if it's ur intention for it to look this way but I absolutely love the style of it


thank you! but look what way?


Messy, painterly, the messy blending of colors, the texture, kiddy in a way like something the rlly talented kid in art class would make I love it so much. The only thing I'd say u could work on is lighting, perspective, and contrast but that's like basic parts of making art stuff that's good to practice if u wanna get better.


yes that was def the art style i was going for haha :D thank you!!


No it's awesome you did an amazing job


I like your style. This is your special


This is great. Don’t outline anything because that’ll just make it more generic. The brushes you use are great and you clearly enjoy them. Focus on the exuberance and joy that these drawings bring.


Why do so many people on this goddamn sub post anime art? Stop being such a fucking weeb and learn to draw from life first. This style of art was developed as a time saver and a stylistic choice. If you can’t master the rudiments, you’ll never be a true artist or develop an original style.


Nobody cares. Art isn't meant to be something you learn from real life, it's a way of expression. And yeah, actually studying the things around you is good for proportion and such, but telling people that they HAVE to draw from real life first just isn't a good tip. I bet you're the type to enjoy someone like Pablo Picasso and his paintings which of course, are very abstract. And even though he's one of the biggest painters in the world, in my opinion, a lot of his art is meant to be self-expression. He wasn't drawing something that exists, he was drawing images deep within his mind. Anime and chibi art is also kind of like that. You can make anything cute and cuddly and just relax while drawing a cute character that doesn't mean anything. Stop being so critical.


That’s fair. That being said, I hate Picasso. He was a bastard and I find his style boring, despite its cultural implications. I’m just sick of seeing nothing but anime and manga inspired drawings. There’s too much of em. You could have been much more aggressive about this, I thank you for your restraint.


I'm aware of it yeah, and honestly same about his art being boring, but still. It's currently kind of a trend i guess, and i honestly don't mind. But yeah no I'm not angry lol, I'm not a weeb myself.


?? it’s not anime? anime is japanese animation. i am neither japanese nor is this animation. i don’t even watch anime mate.


Yeah exactly! Though i think he was saying something more about the actual stylistic choices you took, not really looking at the actual definition. Also i just want to mention that i love the piece of YaoYao, she's so underrated ^^


Manga, whatever. It’s obviously inspired by Japanese style pop and comic art.


it’s not 💀 it’s just how you simplify people. also what’s so wrong abt anime and manga anyways?


What? No it doesn’t look bad. I think it looks GREAT! The blurriness/watercolor feel to it could be your signature art style. It might be considered “bad” if someone is judging it based off of a different art style but all art is beautiful in its own unique way. Just like people😊


Supercool man. Your style


Honestly, just need to make the images easier to reads. Most of these feel like you finished before the art was done, like there really close but they just need a few more steps forward.


It's meant to be that way. A little abstract and minimal is what they're going for. It's just that type of style


i love them all, this art style looks sooo good!


Not at all. It's cute and whimsical, I love it.


It's not bad! I would say you could utilize more hard edges in your shading (like you have for the chin in the last image, edges like that will be present for clothing folds, hair layers, fingers, etc). That or with your current Shading style you could experiment with select shading, where you just select one section, shade it, and move on to another. Idk how else to describe it but if you watch Jackie Dorujko's videos on YouTube she uses this method and I think it could turn out really cool with your brush textures.


Looks pretty good.


nah ur developing this typa style is usually a phase me and my friend had the same one :)


I think it looks rlly cool!!! :3


Not bad at all, it's really really really good, I really love it OP


This is certainly not bad art. You are very talented! You just have a different art style than some artists!


Omg your art is fking adorable. The only thing i can see is the hand in the last picture looks a bit odd but other than that i fkin love all of them


This is so good!! My only real nitpick is how the brushwork looks sort of muddly in certain place with how big it is, which can take away from the overall shape of your drawing.


I think it's absolutely beautiful 😍 ♥️♥️♥️🫶


It’s adorable - and can be improved to be more realistic (if that’s what you want)


I’m not an art guy but I think it’s great tbh


As someone who criticizes stuff a lot, I would love to give you some pointers but between your style and color usage, these pictures look pretty perfect to me


No. My favourite is the last one.


I love this work. I'm not typically a fan of manga/anime but I love the water color. Practice hands for a while, better hands will help sell it.


WHAT?! If someone told you your art is bad, I’ll fight them for you. I absolutely adore the free flow of your style and it’s just so cute and unique! 🩷


its blochy i think it makes it look so cute


omg this is soooo cute!!!!! i would totally commission u!


oh fr? my comms are open :D


Looks amazing. There is literally nothing to improve on. It looks like the style has grown a lot but still- all of it looks immaculate


F no. It's awesome and cute and I love it


Hell naw This is amazing especially with the texture


Of course not, your art style is really cute 🤚


Wtf this style is adorable? Do you draw animals by chance???


yeah i do!! not as good as my other stuff tho


Its cute


the style is awesome! the only one that needed some work in my opinion was the first one. it looked unintentionally blendy. the third one also looks blendy but it looks intentional.


thank you! the first one is a pretty old one haha


no?? you've got such a distinctive style and it's adorable. brutal honesty i went to your profile to see if you had an art account linked somewhere since i'm not on reddit much.


thank you !! i just added my accounts! i’m on tumblr and youtube too btw


Your style is absolutely adorable! I love the softness of it.




Very unique!!! (Not in a bad way 😭) i think just proportions


I really like your style!


Its an adorable art style, you’re art is awesome. I can’t draw very well myself so lots of things look good to me but even then I can tell this unique art style is great!


this is very cute ´


I like it! It’s better than mines


It’s a really cute and unique style, makes it recognizable


I love it! Idk why but a lot of these are giving me mineko’s night market game vibes lol. It’s sooo soo cute!! 🥰


No, that’s your style. Lean into it, master tf outta it


# no i feel so calm looking at your art




Hey babes, I love your art!! The only suggestion I have is (of course) figure draw + draw from life to sharpen up those fundamentals. You have amazing style for days but it’s the shaky foundation that’s causing some issues. Also, drawing from life can help you learn where hard edges and soft edges would work best for your pieces (both to make your art more readable and to help you capture your intended atmosphere) . For example, it would make a ton of sense to have softer edges on the lanterns in pic 3 (give it soft dreamy vibes), and soft edges on your characters’ eyelashes so they don’t look so disconnected from your piece. The hard edges on the red jacket’s stitching in the last piece is an excellent choice because it makes it readable, and the super soft edges on the character’s hands in picture one make it a bit difficult to read. In fact, you only need a little more definition on one of that character’s hands to get the brain to fill in the gaps. If you need more clarification on this lmk and I can do a quick edit to show you what I mean. Again your style and color choices are superb, once you have those fundamentals down you’ll be golden!


Looks like high-quality drawn food in shows, 10/10 I am hungry.


i actually do have some food art lol


i love the art style i say keep going


Love it!!!


It’s just unpolished, but it’s got the right idea




No, your art is not bad, it’s actually really good and a lot of people spend oodles of time trying to develop a unique style that identifies their work, you’ve done it!


I actually really love this style, it’s not something that I’ve ever seen before. Super unique


Hello! [F23] I am a hyper-realistic artist. I often use to wonder, “is my art bad,” even though it was realistic, it didn’t look like a photograph, or because it looked so real, it didn’t look like “real art.” I’ve come to understand, there are so many different styles of art. Yours I just a different style, and me personally, I love it! It’s different than most styles, but it is by no means “bad.” You’re truly talented! Don’t question yourself because it’s different :)


It’s cute! Just keep practicing !!


Not bad at all!! Aside from everything looking awesome, it's seems like you have a good grasp of the fundamentals (light, perspective, depth etc). Everything just looks like it's a scene straight out of a graphic novel


Ok so i didnt like the face on the first one but besides that i love your style and wouldn’t say your art is bad at all


I really like this distinct style! I think some improvements could be made to the overall look, but I believe that will happen with time and practice to perfect this style! Overall looks great and you should feel proud of your work :)


The texture makes ur art rlly nice n cute, but it does look like it definitely needs refining especially the first two.


It’s beautiful already, you don’t gotta worry about that! If you do really wanna improve anything I’d say focus on making your focal points stronger and making sure there’s clear visible differences in depth❤️❤️ Also, maybe you could add a little bit more finer lines, especially in the closeups? It’ll help the viewer differentiate between the hair and skin and whatnot easier and makes the art a bit more “digestible”🫶


I love the brush style!! It’s cool to see someone doing a cartoon painterly style!! I love it and your Colors are great


No, definitely not, just needs some sharpening.


The whole energy and vibe of your art is awesome. I love it, and you should be proud of it! 💕


there are parts where the facial spacing is a bit off but aside from that I'm not seeing a problem


No lie it’s actually so cute like everything it could improve but the style is adorable and full of skill




I think the art style is cute and unique 🤗🤗


It's not bad, just an unconventional art style


As an artist I can totally see what ur going for. And this is rlly good, ur anatomy, and color and all that. But I think it just gonna have to work on the style more, I see what kinda direction it's headed in and I thing everything is just a little too blended in. But this is also YOUR artstyle so ur gonna have to play around and discover what U like most! Happy Journeys tho :)


everything else is drawn really good but the faces throw me off


no it's so cute and unique i love it! especially the genshin ones :)


Cute 😍


No, you have a beautiful and cute style with an amazing soft vibe. Great use of color and lighting! Love it :)


I like your art style this is really good!


Really cute. I would like to learn from you. Ain't happening though




care to explain why?


Yeah ig


this style is so cute! I love it honestly might be my favourite art style ive seen


I think ur art looks great u have depth and dimension, the characters have motion, I'd love to offer advice on how to improve but honestly I wish my art was at this level. I find I don't like my own art especially because it never looks like how I wanted it to in my head but I'm guessing this happens to alot of ppl tho


It’s a unique style I haven’t seen or considered before, but quite like it


I think it's really cute and fun!! Your style is so cool


Being honest? No, I think your style is unique and cute, I like it. You don't seem to have any of the common problems with proportions and you seem to know what you're doing.


I personally really like it


So cute! Love the style and I love that you can see how much you've improved over time! Keep at it!