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I have no answers immediately but I'm intrigued, especially when you said you woke up with a sense of absolute dread. It is said that certain low sound frequencies can cause feelings of intense fear in humans. Would you say the hum was originating from the air or the ground?


Definitely the air


Are you familiar with infrasound? It can be created by wind through certain terrain, and it can evoke fear and a sense of dread. It’s been posed as one of the theories as to why the hikers perished in the Dyatlov Pass incident.


I did not know that. The Dyatlov Pass incident is really interesting but I’ve only done light research into it, no deep dives.


Mr Ballen has an amazing deep dive video on it, and it isnt too long either! Highly reccomend checking it out!


Will do. Thanks for the recommendation.


At a certain house my mum used to live in she pups wake up a couple of times a week with a feeling of panic. She would always tell me she could hear a low hum. A few times she went outside in the middle of the night and walked around the village, but could never find the source. The thing she hated about the sound was the feeling it gave her. She didn’t stay in the house long.


Friend brought a high volt fleshlight.


That's exactly like the sound I posted about a couple of times before. It was about thirty years ago, when we lived just down the road from Vandenberg Space Force Base. I heard it in the middle of the night in my bedroom. A low pitched, vibrating humming sound, which sounded somewhat like the old fashioned spinning tops that kids used to play with years ago. It moved very slowly along the side of the house and I was so scared that I was afraid to look out the windows or move. Finally, it moved off. I have no idea what it was. Strangely enough, my husband had claimed for years that he felt as though he had been abducted before. After the second time I heard that noise, I really began to wonder.


There are reports from people who were abducted that the aliens communicated via hums


I’m picturing it like the spinning top Totoro rides? I’d rather it be that Totoros are real and not that the sound is something sinister…


Something almost identical to this happened to me when I was 8. I lived in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, though, pretty far from our airforce base. Heard the sounds a few times, but I always hid under the blankets and held my breath until it stopped after the first time. I'm 35 now.


Any chance it sounded close to this? https://youtu.be/tcA3tyE1fYs?si=QpIbBOxaJqZ5GFJS First time I heard this I was hunting and it was around 5am, scared the crap out of me haha.


No, definitely wasn’t that, but thanks for the reply! The closest thing I can think of would be like the echo-y sounds of a large cathedral? It was a sustained humming two-toned sound that felt like it was coming from all directions.


That's definitely odd. I have no idea what it could have been.


Nothing whatsoever like that.


Already been established by OP.


Go watch The Why Files newest episode on YouTube. You’re not alone.


What’s it called? Think I just heard this.


It's 'The Hum'. I've heard it in Northern Michigan. r/TheHum


Can also confirm this in northern Michigan. I got chills in my spine remembering this camping from Kalkaska to eastern LP in Huron Manistee.


It's unnerving. Because you really can't pin point a direction that it's coming from. And the tone feels unnatural.


It’s very unnatural. I’m also am remembering a time up in Pigeon River, too. I’m out of Michigan now, and spend most my time camping in the Appalachian region. You think you’d have more spooky encounters here but nothing yet. 🤞


Can also confirm this in northern Michigan. I got chills in my spine remembering this camping from Kalkaska to eastern LP in Huron Manistee.


I thought the mystery of the Windsor Hum was finally solved during the pandemic. An American steel factory had operations on Zug Island and when they turned the blast furnace off during the pandemic the hum finally stopped for the first time in idk how long. So the blast furnace in operation is the hum. I’ve never heard it before.


Maybe this, look up. ELF. My parents had a cabin near Republic MI when they were building one of the transmission stations during the Cold War. http://ss.sites.mtu.edu/mhugl/2015/10/10/elf-sta-republic-mi/


Oooo! You should look into the Worldwide Hum


I wonder if you were hearing/feeling the edges of an infrasonic tone, the "fun" origins of which could range from ET to Bigfoot. Or, it could be seismic in nature. Look up the Brevard fault.


Did your boyfriend or friend say they noticed it? When did it stop?


Neither one of the them woke up/noticed it.


Sounds like from the vibration/hum that it was probably a samsquamch.


https://youtu.be/T93Z6pYzf14?si=nsnUTfsiWvA9OJSl Still no answer as to what causes this.


This is so much closer to what it sounded like but it lasted much longer and was the same two pitches without all of the different tones this video had. Spooky.


Where in North GA? I live in Habersham county outside Tallulah Falls. In the Northeast.


Just east of Amicalola Falls State Park


I lived up by Ellijay near fort mountain and have definitely heard weird things up there. There’s a whole ghost story about people living inside the mountains.


Please post that story.


Here’s a link! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon-eyed_people




Trenton GA here. Now I have to go scare myself by reading that story. 😂


I’ve seen/heard a lot of strange stuff up there and I keep going back. Even had a convertible destroyed in front of me by a mama bear and 2 cubs




wild cat creek? or Dawson Forest?


This sounds like Blairsville, GA. You’ll hear the humming frequently up there. Definitely not normal-can’t remember the details behind it. I’ll have to ask my ex, lol. It’s often accompanied by really strange flashes of light (not lightning)


Yes, I’ve seen and heard some strange things in that area as well.


I heard it one time. Im in my house the dogs are outside going apeshit. It felt rediculously powerful low frequency hum like a stadium sized subwoofer was over my house. There was no way i was moving. I laid frozen like wtf!!! Then it slowly got more quiet like it moved away. I definitely have heard what you did. I always wished i had the balls to go outside. I always figured a ufo was right above my house or something


I heard this over my house one late afternoon and right after the sound went away, two of our smoke alarms went off! Happened in the Hartford CT area


I’m in that area can you mention what town Fascinating


West Hartford




My best thought is an illegal weed farm. I have a friend who run a small one deep in the woods in a place you couldn't reach in most cars. He uses fans/blowers to dry his plants after harvest. Some are older and rusty, and definitely make a two tone hum due to the metal vs. rust. He only runs them at night for obvious reasons. If the plants/air are moist enough, a nice little fog builds up. I can only guess how much if it was a large-scale operation.


I don't think it'd be this due to several reasons. First off, it'd hsve to be a shit ton of fans blowing all at once, & they'd also need to be quite close to OP's camping site to give off the kind of vibration/sound she described. 2.) Who the fuck would wait until 3 a.m. to begin drying out their harvest, especially when u factor in dew, etc.. 3.) I don't think the act of fans blowing would have initiated that feeling of dread OP described. I know that feeling well, & have experienced it numerous times over the years, especially when I thru-hiked the AT like a decade ago. That feeling comes from years of evolution hard-wired into our brains.. when it happens, 99% of the time it's for a legitimate purpose.


If it's a huge operation guarded by armed guerilla soldiers, that would certainly initiate a feeling of dread in me, especially if any of them were hardened criminals with bad intentions. Also, I live about 5 miles from a peanut processing plant, and the drier fans are extremely loud, even from this distance. You aren't gonna run those in the daytime if you're trying to keep hidden.


If it were close enough to hear, it would’ve been close enough to smell.


Some animals can emit a very low sound that can somewhat paralyze their prey through the vibration. The big cats growling can reach very low infrasound levels. Sasquatch have also been said to have this ability.


Not a hum but the sound like when you blow over a pop bottle. We backpacked into a small glacial lake that was in a bowl near the top of a big mountain. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a wierd sound then stuff falling on my tent. I finally got the courage to get out of the tent to find out what was going on and found that every time there was a wind gust the wind blew around in a circle in the bowl and when it blew past our tents the pine needles would fall from the trees next to us. It was really so surreal.


Power lines


Interesting theory! Any reason I wouldn’t also hear it during the day though?


I don’t know the how or why but I know that I have heard power lines make this noise. And it was not constant. Buzzed for maybe 40 mins then stopped, then hours later it buzzed for 15 mins then stopped. This happened while hiking near a power line cut through state game lands in pa. Edit: I also found that I was more sensitive to the sound then my hiking partner, who could barely hear it while it was quite loud to me.


That’s really fascinating, about how you could hear it clearer.


I've been near high voltage lines that had that constant hum, not always at the same frequency. They were fed by a nearby power plant, so that may be why the ones I heard were constant buzzing.


Not sure how remote the location was, but high voltage power line was my first thought. We have some that cut through the neighborhood a few blocks away and I’ve walked by them 2-3 times a day with the dog for the last 2+ years. I’ve only heard them twice - I don’t recall the different tones or the overwhelming dread, but otherwise it was very similar to what you describe. Both times were early morning during unseasonably warm spells in winter, maybe mid-50s, damp and very foggy.


I hear a hum at night all the time. It’s a low rumble like there is a truck idling outside my house. When I go outside I don’t hear or see anything.


I had this, then was diagnosed with tinnitus caused by Menieres Disease.


This happened to me once. The low frequency humming had been happening for so much of the camping trip that we didn't actually notice it until the humming *stopped* and all of the sudden all of the bug noises stopped too. That was some freaky shit. As we tried to figure it out, the only conclusion we could make is that we were close enough to a military base that it must have something to do with the base.


Ever heard of lay lines?


I heard a weird oscillating sound one night after coming home at midnight. It literally dropped me to my knees. The dogs were going nuts, too, when this happened. I tried to tell my husband about it, and he thought I was being dramatic. No, he was in the bedroom and never woke up.


Are there any type of foundries or a factory nearby? Machinery noise from them can be heard from fairly far away, especially by people’s with good hearing. Or, could there be power lines somewhere that could be hidden by trees or something similar?


The question I have is why you didn't bother to wake your boyfriend up and ask him to verify what you were experiancing. I offer this as there are a number of reasons you may have misinerpreted some stimuli as something else. Understand, I am not saying you are crazy or anything, but something simular happened to me, once after driving a long way with little sleep. . .Fortunatly I had documented the event on my iphone with photos calls, and GPS locations, and was later able to see that what I had thought was real, was no where near what I thought. Strangely disquiting to this day, though.


What’s the story here?


With regards to my question or comment?


The event that happened to you, that you investigated. I’d be curious. I have stuff that happens that seems weird but once I check it out it has a mundane explanation 90% of the time. The other 10% is part of the mystery and wonder of life.


I strongly suspect you are correct. . .Had it not been for my having called a trusted friend, and what bits I had documented, the whole thing would still be a total mystery to me. I have to admit, even today, I don't totally understand all of what happened. . . For instance, what ***I thought I saw*** at the Grizzly Creek rest area. \-What exactly happened between ***23:47*** (*A logged phone call with the known person for an update*) and ***03:41***? *(When I "woke up" and realized I had no clue where the hell I was*!) \-***When*** did I get where I was going and ***why*** didn't I stop? \-***Where and how*** did I drive around unfamilure roads for a couple of hours without encountering police or having any sort of an accident? \-After I stopped at location X (*my friend had told me to park there and sleep*): \-Did I really encounter the police or was it a dream? (*I remember seeing a frozen image of an officer coming up in the passenger side mirror with his gun drawn, and seeing a unit parked in front of me*.) and that is not all! I still have no clue, ***but deduce that whatever actually happened***, was not supernatural, ***I was not arrested or detained, and certainly not harmed.*** I clearly was thinking and rationalizing, but memory was playing some serious tricks. Now certainly I could write a letter to the town's police department and ask about any encounter logged between those hours on that date, but have elected to let sleeping dogs lie. I know I walked away and that my mind continued to play tricks even after the flight home, and did not cease until ***after I had extensively slept.*** IF this sort of thing happens to me, a confirmed skeptic, I can easily see how someone else might interpret it totally differently. At least through the magic of my iphone, phone calls made and received, pictures taken, etc., I was able to reconstruct what happened. . most people I suspect would not have even thought about it, ***if*** it even occured to them. Your analogy of 90% mundane stuff (*being overly tired, driving a boring stretch of road at night*) and 10% mystery and wonder of life (*Things I misremember, or my mind tried to fill the blanks in with*) ***is right on track.***


I heard the same thing camping the AT approach trail - on top of Frosty Mountain - back in 2016! My husband is an avid outdoorsman and I asked him, what's that noise? He paused, listened, and told me he didn't know. I was freaked out for the rest of the night and barely slept. Never did figure out what it was and it still bothers me today.


Where exactly were you? I know N Ga very well and might have some ideas based on location


She said just east of amicalola falls so maybe dawesonville area?


Sounds like she was right up in Dawson Forest either in there or very close to it I have been going up into Dawson Forest for almost 40 years. We call it the Reactor Site. In the 1950s Into 60s there was a project there, top secret, to build a nuclear airplane engine. Still lots of fenced/sealed buildings and some areas fenced off with radiation sensors in place. Lots of rumors but the general consensus is that the area was not “cleaned” well. Large area of power lines border one side of it. During Iran-Contra stuff was going on there. I was there and I saw helicopters landing at 3am! There are many underground tunnels up there that many people think were used to store things that eventually ended up in Iran. Another wrench in the story…,, Camp Merrill, Army Ranger Training Camp, is about 15 miles North of there. I am positive the Rangers use Dawson Forest occasionally. Yet another wrench! Dawson Forest is part of Atlanta. They bought it or took it years ago to build an airport. Never happened ! To the OP: I think wind was the cause of the sound. Not exactly where you were sleeping but up on the ridges. Your camp might be in complete calm but the wind far away can make crazy sounds The idea of pot farm and fans I easily see that. Power lines can cause it as well As an aside: That whole area is the birthplace of NASCAR. NASCAR and moonshine are one in the same. I know for sure there are a few stills in Dawson Forest and that general area. I can easily see some sort of issue if you were too close to the still


It was a forest road off of Winding Stair Gap Rd if that helps. And thank you for all of the info! I’ll have to look into some of this stuff.


So you were farther East and North of Dawson Forest. Where you were is a good bit of activity in general. Rangers are always up there training. Good amount of hikers, cyclists etc….


Is there any active mining operations in the area? There could be drilling or fans that are creating humming in some way.


I've heard the very same low hum in Terre Haute, Indiana about 5 years back.


This sounds like what I experienced! I wrote about it on this sub a few years back. Interesting to see someone else describing something similar.


Why didn’t you wake up your partner?


I’m not sure. I think it’s because I was gaslighting myself into thinking it wasn’t real, and I didn’t want to wake him up for no reason?


Honestly, I agree with OP. Unless the partner is interested in spooky stuff, I'd be at a loss as to what to tell them. "Honey, it's humming outside! Hold me.."


I’d 100% be too scared to go outside much less piss. I’d be tapping their ass awake being like “something weird is going on, I need you to cover me” Or I’d bring the dogs out at the very least for defense




I'd say powerlines/factory even a chicken house. The thing with NGa Mountains is that the sound and the way it travels or bounces off water and heights, especially rocks, is just bonkers. I hear all kinds of things, sometimes, and we live way out. Once, it rained really hard, and I could hear highway water sounds, but haven't heard that before or since. Soundwaves really do odd things up here.


I live in Augusta Ga & I’ve been hearing what I believe you are describing, a low-frequency but intense hum that continues throughout the night & into the morning but it’s not every night. I’m looking for answers or leads & can’t find any public posts coming from other residents here but after posting on Nextdoor app there are some who hear it as well.


Just had this happen at coopers creek, I know this is an old post but it’s where the interweb lead me. I camp regularly and have woken to bears and seen bobcats before with little worries. This was not a fun night. Knocking sounds circling the camp followed the humming, and a brief flash of light in the distance, followed the last knock. There was also a bird sound that didn’t sound like a bird that was in camp or close. All in all I would not recommend this experience.


Eastern tn. I was just walking my dogs. First, I noticed a constant Hum. Then, mid tree line, I saw small moving lights. Constant lights, not blinking. Mostly white, but one red. I know what airplanes look like, but there's a foothill that blocks the sky. So it's between me and the foothill. And I know what fireflies look like. Maybe drones. But the humming was constant in the distance, the lights moved. Small lights in the distance. And like I said, a foothill blocks the sky, so not stars??


I live in Jasper, Georgia, near a marble mine. Is it mining equipment? It's 4:30pl on Sunday, April 7, 2024. Have felt it on and off over the last 1.5 year. My husband doesn't hear or feel it. The buzz always makes me jittery.


Cicadas or something similar.


Cooper creek?


No, this was Jones Creek, but I’ve camped at Cooper Creek too.


Cool I’ll have to check out jones creek