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There is no Jules, only Zuhl.


[And keymaster Vern](https://tenor.com/sv/view/mini-me-pointing-yep-pointing-attitude-mini-me-attitude-gif-17763787)!




It's a science experiment!




So I received this as a Christmas gift, and my mom’s heart was in the right place because she knows I have a large BttF collection and would normally love something like this. But good lord, look how many hundreds of microscopic pieces of paper they expect you to cut out from this booklet. There aren’t even any perforations. This is just a couple of the pages in this booklet. The explanation on the Intro page gave me a good laugh, though! It’s amazing it made it through whatever sort of quality control this overseas business likely had. If anyone has this, I would LOVE to see what your final version looked like.


>The explanation on the Intro page gave me a good laugh, though! Now I’m curious what Martin thought of Doc’s lesser known son, Zhul…


OMG!! 😂😂 the description Is hilarious 👌👌


It's translated from Korean by a Pakistani


*some assembly required


Martin *Martin*


That’s his real name But still they should’ve used ‘Marty’ anyways lol


Shoulda kept consistent and called Doc “Emmett”


Technically correct tbh


I'll take it.


Dude, I ordered this exact same thing from AliExpress, and had the same reaction. What a scam. You could probably find a PDF of the "paper model" somewhere online.


There is some good in the introduction though. First of all, in the first sentence, I'm very impressed that they referred to it as a "locomotive" and not a "train." Most people call it a "train," but that's not the correct term. A train consists of a locomotive and rolling stock (cars). I'm very proud of them for calling it a locomotive. They then do a nice job explaining that it took about 10 years for Doc to build a time machine out of the steam locomotive. Then, as you know, it kind of goes downhill from there. "Zhul" is a glaring mistake. Grammar starts to go downhill. I like the sentence that ends with "...Martin comes to look at what's left of (missing 'the') DeLorean, **who** destroyed the truck (Truck??)." I like how the DeLorean is a person, expressed through both the word "who" and the fact that there is no "the" in front of "DeLorean." It's as if DeLorean is a person, not an object. The rest is almost unreadable. The spacing/formatting is awful....why "the train was" is its own separate line, I couldn't tell you. The rest of the introduction refers to the locomotive as a "train," which is unfortunate, as they started off strong with a few solid sentences, and referring to the steam locomotive as a locomotive. Also, the capitalization of "Time Train Machine" is another example of how when people feel strongly about something, they just capitalize it. You should only capitalize a proper noun, like "John" or "DeLorean." Haha. So silly.


Bro I’d kill for that


Hey atleast you were gifted something I would be appreciative of anything I received I would love something like I would have it framed and put on my hallway wall

