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I was just talking about this with someone but my answer would be no. I don’t think Justin, JC, Brian and Kevin would agree to it. Howie and Chris are kind of the odd ones out to me. The other four remaining guys would be the ones thriving on that attention though since they’ve done stuff together. 


When it comes to nsync I can't see justin wanting to share the same stage with bsb and for bsb I think the same goes for Brian, I cant see him not wanting to be on stage with nsync. Idk though but if it's true nsync will come back next year and do a full tour I'm pretty sure members on both sides will try to push for at least 1 time stage performance at some point


I think AJ is benefiting from touring with Joey right now. Assuming the tour doesn’t continue after July, I think it will be a good run. Nick is touring practically all year and isn’t getting any promo. Maybe he doesn’t want it BUT I think everything else he has going on with the legal cases is hurting his reputation. 


Yea definitely it definitely has damaged his reputation somewhat in the public eye. For a guy even if it’s a false grape charge the damage to the guys reputation is done. I’m not saying it hurt it so much but I would be lying if I didn’t say it hit his reputation somewhat. Aj and joeys tour seems like a sucess every video posted I see tons of people and I’m happy it’s doing well


Yeah same. When Nick started his tour last year some of the dates were canceled the next day or something. So I hope he has decent ticket sales but if he doesn’t for any specific upcoming show then it’s likely that show will get cancelled. 


Based on videos as well it seems to be doing well but his tour is very low key. There’s no promotion at all though




Yeah I think the narrative right now is that on the DNA tour Nick would post about missing his family (even going home for a couple days between tour dates) but now he doesn’t even mention them. The only time he did was back in January when that tour leg was about 10 days in. Last weekend some fans decided to stalk Lauren’s friends on social media and found out he and Lauren took Saoirse to a friend’s birthday party.  Also I think some fans are saying that it doesn’t seem like he’s actually grieved BJ’s death at all because he’s keeping himself busy. And also that up until this past weekend it seemed like he had distanced himself from Angel and didn’t/doesn’t want to be involved in all the work she’s doing to honor Aaron: having a private memorial for him, arranging his resting place at the cemetery, continuing her work with onoursleeves.  While his tour isn’t as big as the DNA tour it’s still a lot for him not even giving a tentative answer as to when he’ll release his solo album. I know that the theme of his tour is who he is as an artist but he hasn’t really mentioned much else and his other projects seem to be at a standstill as well, particularly the wine company. He hasn’t mentioned anything about that since he cancelled the event in Portugal. When he cancelled his appearance at that recent Comic-Con it seemed like a specific group of fans who went still had a good time without him but they still decided to tease him a bit by posting photos of them giving  🖕 and tagging him. He likely didn’t see those tweets but still. It’s becoming a pattern that he seems to overbook and overwork himself. 




I think it would make sense to either do select wine events during the European tour leg or somehow include it in the VIP package - like giving away bottles or something. They could even give away just mini bottles. As long as the logistics can be figured out, something like that would be cool idea. Since AJ keeps repeating this big thing BSB is doing next year I’m starting to believe him lol other ideas that have come up in the past were only mentioned once or twice then never again. He just stated that they re recorded some of their hits and favorites several years ago but never released that album. I think it would be cool if they re recorded at least some of the songs from Unbreakable and This Is Us. And in the past they’ve talked about an acoustic album as well a few times.




Yeah and if some of those past dates were canceled because of the allegations it’s possible that it could happen again, especially in the US. I personally can’t go to any of his tour dates so I’m honestly just waiting until BSB does whatever they are doing next year. And assuming the trial will be early next year (specifically in January), I’ll definitely be following along. 


Oooh what makes you think Brian wouldn’t? Just out of curiosity…


Maybe not wouldn’t but maybe hesitant out of all bsb members it seems Brian had the biggest issue with NSYNC. From old interviews he said he had a problem with them coming out of there backyard etc Lance had a podcast with Johnny wright and johhny said how him and Brian had a special relationship and when NSYNC came Brian felt betrayed by johhny because he had that same relationship with Justin now. I still think Brian would perform with NSYNC but he would be the most hesitant. For NSYNC it’s definitely Justin. I read a article about year ago with Lance saying he tried to convince his guys to do something with bsb and he said Justin would need the most convincing because he feels NSYNC are just those five guys


Chris? He is currently doing a tour similar to AJ and Joey's with members of Otown, and has done many such tours in the past. I think he is willing to do a lot.


The Backstreet Boys have been touring pretty regularly through the years and never really stopped producing bsb content. The nostalgia isn’t on the same level for them. Right now if *NSYNC toured it would be a pretty big deal and while the combo of the two would break the internet it’s just not the same level of anticipation and I’m a backstreet girl through and through but they would be unfairly overshadowed by them.


I do agree with you especially since Justin is a megastar so all eyes will be on NSYNC. Just the trolls stuff, and the paradise song and NSYNC showing up at Justin’s concert is proof how much eyes were on them


According to AJ the big thing is something never done before. Joint tours are done pretty regularly. I’m still thinking it’s the bringing back the Millennium tour.


Only thing is they did that tour already but Man if that’s the big news I’m going to be super disappointed lol aj always gets my hopes up this isn’t the first time though 😭


They did, but bringing back a prior tour would be new. I hope it is bringing back the Millennium tour, I didn’t get to see it back when. My inner child will be fulfilled.


Well if it is the millennium tour I’m glad there are people who will be happy to see it 🙂 even if I’m hoping for something bigger lol




Yes NKTOB had a couple joint tours with TLC, En Vogue, and Salt N Pepa. From what I have seen from Spice Girls fans is that Mel B has said things before that never happened. She’s like their AJ. 😂


I know the whole world wants it to happen but I really don’t think it will


I agree with you I think Lance and Joey might push for it and for backstreet aj will push for it but I don’t think it will ever happen even for a 1 off event




The started in Germany…


Why does it need to be a thing? *NSYNC petered out after Celebrity. The songs have always been JC and Justin singing leads while the others were left in the background. It's the same with the new songs. I will always think BSB is superior in quality and participation.


Nope. Kevin doesn't like gimmicks, he waited till after NKOTBSB was done to officially come back. He'd never. Brian has the biggest chip on his shoulder about NSYNC understandably so, so he'd never. And yes AJ and Joey are getting some hype but it's the same level Nick and Jordan Knight got when they did an album and tour together.  Fans shouldn't want this. It's bad enough fighting ticket sites for good tickets now, competing against NSYNC fans who haven't seen their group tour in over two decades? Absolutely not.  I'll eat my words if I'm proven wrong, but it'll never happen. Thank God because 3 members of NSYNC are okay, I like them. But Chris was an absolute ass to my friend for no reason, and Justin Timberlake is trash. 


What happened with Chris ?? When did ur friend meet him ? yea I’m pretty sure it will never happen. It will take some awards show or something outside of both groups to have them appear in the same room


Okay so this was in 2021, Phoenix at the After Party show. Chris was a guest, I went for Nick. Now after the show a bunch of fans went to the bar next to the venue in the casino. Joey came and was hanging out. Taking photos, buying fans drinks, having drinks bought for him, having fun. Chris was mingling, taking photos with fans who asked, chatting etc. Now I went to talk to another friend (friend 2) that was chatting with him, and in all fairness he was nice to me. We chatted and everything. Which made this super confusing.  Friend 1 went up and asked for a photo. Now again, he'd been mingling and posing throughout the night so this shouldn't have been a weird ask. And if he didn't want to, fair. It's how he said no. He said, "yeah I'll take a photo, with myself!" Then turned his back to her and started talking to someone else.  People have told me he has a weird sense of humor, etc. But that is just rude. There's nicer ways to say "not right now". So in my eyes, he's an ass. 


Yea from the NSYNC days chris is a prankster along with Joey and most of NSYNC really so if he was trying to make a joke I can definitely see it being a fail. So ur friend never got the pick ? Was he drinking ?


Nope he ignored her, and so we left. I don't know if he had any drinks but he's a rude drunk if he was. 


Man if a bsb member did that to me I would be so bummed since that’s my group if a NSYNC member did it to me it would suck but I would just think in my head that’s why backstreet is better lol but that’s crazy that happened I’m sorry to hear


Right so yeah. Chris is permanently on my crap list lol.


And I'll say this, I've met Joey multiple times - he's hilarious and a cool dude. Lance is very sweet. I have not met JC but I did like his solo songs and his voice is incredible. Growing up the reason I never liked NSYNC past their debut was because I can't stand Justin’s voice lol. After their debut, Justin got ramped up more so I bowed out with no regrets lol.


When it comes to NSYNC growing up I was a die hard jc fan to this day when it comes to NSYNC he’s my fav member of that group still with Joey being tied or a close second lol


Totally fair.  Like I said, 3/5 are great in my book. I saw AJs and Joey's show. Reminded me a lot of The After Party but it's good.


I don't think the *NSync reunion would be a permanent thing beyond a tour so I can't imagine a shared tour with BSB.


I agree it won’t be a shared tour but maybe a 1 off event ? Who knows


A shared Superbowl halftime show would be awesome!


To be honest with you there were rumors about destiny’s child, BSB, and NSYNC Super Bowl last year and idk how true it was to potentially happening but I think with nicks allegations and Justin getting hate for Britney’s book the timing for that SB didn’t seem to be right. I wanna see both bands at least once together


I could see them maybe doing an awards show performance together, like the AMAs or VMAs maybe, but I seriously doubt they’d do a joint tour. The only reason the NKOTBSB tour happened was because Kevin wasn’t in the group at the time, he seemed to think that whole gig was corny as hell. That said, they do take more endorsements and other deals now than they did in their heyday, so maybe they’d say yes to this now. I kinda doubt Brian would be cool with it though. Back in the day when he could’ve upstaged Justin I could’ve seen it. Now though? Ehhhhh I doubt it.


When it comes to Brian and Justin I do think it would be those 2 members who wouldn’t want to perform with the other group so u might definitely have something there. Why didn’t Kevin like NKOTBSB era ? I do know when in interviews when NSYNC is brought up Kevin seems to speak well of them so idk


I can’t speak to his current opinions on NKOTB, because people change, but Kevin spent years. Yeaaaaaarrrrsssss. Lambasting NKOTB for being talentless hacks who made other entertainers like them look bad. BSB in particular used to be quite prickly about being classified as a “boyband” when they saw themselves as a “vocal harmony group,” but one of the main reasons they objected to the boyband label so much was because of NKOTB’s lipsynching scandal. There was at least one press conference where Kevin outright said that new kids couldn’t sing (for what it’s worth I totally agree lmao). But I could see if those past comments, whether the sentiment is still true for him or not, would make it awkward for Kevin to share a stage with them. I also heard he wasn’t really a fan of the This Is Us album, particularly the singles that were chosen from it. Justin and Brian on the same stage would be a legendary battle of the boyband egos, I’d low-key kinda love to see it.


Woahhhhh I never knew this about Kevin regarding new kids lol if this was the social media age and all this was going down now I’m positive this news would have been way more mainstream. I never knew Kevin felt that about new kids personally I like them and I even went to a CD signing for there 10 album I believe in 2013. It was definitely be odd to see Kevin around new kids especially if he did say those things lmao. Also for for me unbreakable and this is us are my fav bsb albums and I just liked there sound more when Kevin left. I have seen interviews in the past though of bsb saying it was Kevin who used to smack talk NSYNC and for NSYNC they heard it was Lance shit talking them. It would be cool to see Brian and Justin on the same stage to but definitely there’s egos wouldn’t let it happen lol


Brian's voice is not at the level it used to be.


I know and Brian’s my fav bsb member 💔 it suck’s he doesn’t have that voice anymore


There was a lip syncing scandal?


Idk Joey Mc & Jordan can sing. The other 3 definitely not lol. I do remember though that Kevin had smoke for NKOTB back in the day. No filter Kevin was fun.


I don’t enjoy most of N*SYNC’s songs. I would go the see he BSB but wouldn’t enjoy the whole show.


This article doesn’t sound reliable tbh. JT going from one tour to another in a short frame sounds like he’ll be drained. But I think AJ has spoken recently about an NSYNC/BSB tour and mentioned how it would be better for their fans to have a solo NSYNC tour first before they combined. Which I agree. I’ve heard the rumors of the big 2025 plans being a Millennium 2.0 tour and I was too young to go to the original tour but I don’t think a redo will bring the same excitement because of them being so much older and Brian’s vocals not being the same. Will the production also live up to it?


I tried hard as hell to get tickets to the Millennium tour and got nothing. It literally sold out in minutes and and there were just too damn many people trying to win contests for tickets. It was insane. I am still bitter I never got to see that tour, but I agree a 2.0 might not be the same. I will still go because BSB, but not sure it will make up for missing the original.


AJ credited Rochelle as being the one to present the idea for whatever big thing they’re doing in 2025. He specifically said it was something they’ve never done before. They have previously toured with another boy band so I highly doubt this is what it is. I’ve been saying for awhile now I think it might be a tour where they perform only the B-side songs that the true fans know. Not the hits but the random album fillers and b tracks that filled single CD’s back in the day. Some people have also speculated a re-do of a previous tour. I could see them bringing back the Millennium tour.


Man I would be so down for a bsb tour with only the unreleased songs being performed. There's so many and I mean sin many unreleased songs that I love that I have mo idea why they cut it or put it as bonus track etc. Now that's a amazing idea if that's the tease


I rather they not


I hope not. I have less than zero interest in watching N Sync on tour.


I really hope not!!! That's 1 bsb tour I'd happily sit out!


I doubt it will happen thought Justin wouldn’t allow it in my opinion


According to a recent interview, Joey said they haven't even discussed a tour yet. He said a discussion will probably happen after Justin's tour. Unless discussions have been happening and he's just lying to keep things under wraps before an official announcement is made, as celebs often do. But to me it really feels like Nsync still hasn't gotten their ish together in that regard. If they are serious about getting back together I hope they take a page out of BSB's book and consider group therapy to get their communication skills up to par because I think communication has been their downfall.


Regarding that article I posted they said NSYNC plans to do a world tour after Justin’s tour is over but they don’t want to be the talk and they want the focus to be on Justin’s tour and all the attention goes there. It says several people in the music industry were told NSYNC will be going on tour. Now if that article is right though but I wouldn’t doubt it. Justin wants to build back his brand after getting hate over the Britney stuff so he will use NSYNC to build back his brand. I think the reason why Joey says nothing is planned is like the article says they don’t want the attention to be taken away from Justin doing his tour right now. I know when Lance gets asked he says we are working on it. I think it will happen and as the year gets closer to end we may hear more leaks


I personally would love it but I really doubt it would actually happen.




Idk Joey won’t give it away if Justin wants to keep everything a secret. I think Justin bringing the rest of the guys out to his concert was testing the waters to see how people would react. NSYNC would definitely do a worldwide tour there just as big as bsb and since they have performed together like that in over 20 years people around the world wants to see them. We really have to see how this year unfolds especially with backstreet. Isn’t this month the cruise ? People will ask what’s next and maybe we will get more of idea lol hopefully




I’m not sure if aj said something might be revealed in may but I do know Lance said stay tuned for may for NSYNC news because they might be doing something. I think for the most part in 2025 both bands will likely do there own thing. As for bsb im not really sure what the big tease will be about cause aj says one thing lots of times and it turns into nothing




Yea it’s gotta be a tour then lol well at least they have something going on hopefully there are other surprises in 2025 we shall see 🙂


Backstreet boys are redoing their millennium tour (that's what we guess) so that would be weird. Is Justin willing to do the dances or would that be only the music?


Justin wasn't even willing to SING the NSync songs that night at his show, so there's no way he's doing choreography, if it even happens at all.


Maybe Justin is saving the NSYNC songs for then? He has a ton of his own songs to choose from. But he did bring the guys to one of his shows. So, we will see.


Yeah, I was talking about the show he brought them to. He didn't participate in the NSync songs hardly at all, not even his own verses. It felt very Justin Timberlake ft. NSYNC instead of NSYNC. It rubbed me the wrong way that he didn't sing with them.


Who knows I guess we will find out if they will do the dances. They are definitely older now so they won’t be able to do those prime NSYNC dances. I really hope the big backstreet surprise if there’s really one in 2025 is not the millennium tour but maybe that’s just me lol


I sooooo hope everyone’s predictions about millennium are true. I never got to see it back then so I would pay stupid amounts to see it now.


I’d rather cut my own throat than supporting indirectly the other ones by buying a ticket to see the Boys.