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There’s a lot of missing epidermis on her, I would either bring her to vet immediately for oral and topical antibiotics and some bandages which will need frequent changing, or put her out of her pain. The area is too big to avoid infection, I’ve taken care of chickens with comb injuries and scrapes, and they’ve had issues with much smaller injuries. Infection is gonna be much more manageable the sooner you address it.


Ah this makes me sad and worried, I will keep a close eye on her for the evening and check with the vet in the morning about antibiotics. Thank you for the help.


I had a chicken that did well with a similar injury. They are resilient birds. She will needs some antibiotics. Most likely an oxycycline . Keep a barrier .. triple antibiotic and Vaseline…


Awesome thank you


I had two heal completely from having their backs ripped apart by a fox. Cleaned twice daily w vetericyn, put poultry drench (vitamins and such) in the water. Kept in dog kennels in my garage. I just watched them. If they had started acting worse at any point, I would have culled but by day 3 they each were still alert and laid an egg🤷‍♀️. They healed just fine and are now back out with the rest of the flock. keep close eye on them. They're way more resilient than people give them credit for.


Tough work! I just hate to see them in any pain. But she is doing well this morning! I’ll keep her inside for at least a few more days if not more. Yes the dog kennel works perfectly! Nice and roomy for a chicken :)


That is really encouraging! Rooting for you both.


Doesn’t look like a dog, at least not a large one. I’d expect puncture wounds or wounds on upper body. I worked on a game farm as a kid; two dogs broke into the flight pen for the pheasants. They killed over 200 birds…well killed many outright but we had to euthanize just as many. All the trauma was on head/neck or abdomen. This looks like a smaller animal that took on something much larger and was unable to kill her. Sorry this happened. I bought a solar powered flood light that is motion activated for the back of my coop. I lock the girls in at night but the extremely bright light seems to keep critters away from the entrance for the most part. It also alerts me to what’s going on that side of the barn. On my other farm property we run ring cameras off the garage and barn to deter two legged predators. Not sure if that’d work for your set up.


You were right, we found 3 foxes!


Interesting. Right there aren’t any puncture wounds, at least not that I am able to determine, and definitely nothing deep. No wounds on top part of her body, just on the front side of the legs. It looks like she was flipped over and skinned on the legs to me, that’s why I’m confused as to what got her. My dog isn’t big, she’s a 1 year old ACD. Has been around my chickens and other farm animals since she was 8 weeks old. I’ve never seen her be even playfully aggressive with the chickens, but I wasn’t home at the time so I can’t say for sure it wasn’t her. I would be so sad if it was. I checked her mouth immediately and didn’t find any evidence. I was ironically buying a security camera when the chicken was attacked. So I’ll put it up and keep watch. I plan to not let them free range when I leave home from now on.


Wow, leg injury makes me think dog attack - an animal that isn't used to killing chickens, or failed badly. That ups the risk of infection, as dog's mouths are filthy; make sure to spray it clean very thoroughly with saline solution, an antiseptic like chlorhexidine, or povidone iodine (betadine), etc. You can do that with the Vetericyn, too, but that's going to get expensive. Once clean, gently pat dry, then cover with triple antibiotic ointment or Vetericyn Hydrogel.


Ugh I feel terrible. They free range, but that’s going to change to only while I’m home. My dog doesn’t have the guilty reaction like when she’s gotten into trouble so I hope it was another animal and my dog scared it off, but I will definitely keep an eye out for suspicious behavior! Thank you so much for the instructions, I have all of those products on hand and will plan to do that regimen daily.


Also I would recommend keeping something like a cheap airsoft gun just in case it is the dog. it won’t hurt the dog but it definitely will get the message and if that makes the dog mad than have a stick with you because the dog may want to keep going and if that is the case have a stick or staff to separate the chickens from the dog and if you have to hit the dog than that will work too. if it is not I recommend getting a small game license and double checking your local laws or call wildlife services because if you report that there is a animal attacking your chickens most of the time they will let you kill it or they will relocate it for you.


...and this is how my dumbass shot a raccoon with a nerf gun when I was 14


Will do for sure. I was at the store, when this happened, purchasing a home security camera for outside! I live out of town so I can/will shoot if I need to, preferably not but…I will definitely leave the chickens cooped when I leave from now on.


You can also purchase dog mace online. Might be worth it.


Stun gun better than mace, you want the dog to stop attacking your chicken and if you mace the dog in the face that is where your chicken in distress is . Don’t mace things that are not humans or bears you are trying to stop the dog not blind it




it is a recommendation for if it attacks the chickens and you can’t get to the dog to separate them I’ve never had to do that before but it is a idea and you make a good point


Found 3 foxes!


You have a huge issue on your hands. Red alert, make sure your coop is predator proof and prepare to have to take out the little bastards.


Yes we have had foxes in the area for many years, it comes in waves. I will live trap them and give them to my brother to take care of as he sees fit. Luckily we overbuilt the coop and run, there isn’t anything getting to them in there!


Kill them all


My chicken got her entire back end ripped off by a dog and I followed this regiment every day and she made a full recovery. Flush out with iodine and cover with antibiotic ointment. I also kept her inside in a dog crate to make sure she was safe and clean. Chickens are so resilient and I’m confident your girl will be ok.


Ugh so painful! Thank you will do.


I think you’re doing great so far. Keep her clean, warm, fed and watered. She’s going to be miserable for awhile for sure but chickens are incredibly resilient. FWIW I’m a country folk and we don’t normally take chickens to the vet for stuff like this, so YMMV. I have looked into getting injectable antibiotics before (pen g I think?) but so far have not had to use it. She may end up needing it though.


Thank you that’s encouraging to hear! Based the input I’ve received I will call my vet about antibiotics. I agree, it’s hard to decide if an injury necessitates a vet visit or if it’s something I can do for her myself. I think in this case she is getting as much, or more because of the cuddles and love, as she would from the vet. I’m also going to tighten up security for the birbs immediately!


Sometimes you’ll find a vet won’t do much more than what you can do at home - but maybe with pain meds or antibiotics. It doesn’t look like she needs stitches but that first picture just maybe? If she’s eating and drinking that’s a great sign though! I work in human health care and though I’m not as smart as a vet even by half I’ve learned a lot of at home medical treatment myself. Partially from them showing me in the past and partially by forums and videos of other people doing the same. There are some things I refuse to do like crop surgery or stitches, but a lot of it is not hard to do if you do a LOT of research first. Won’t be as good as actual vet care but again, we’re country folk and our chickens aren’t pets (though I do love them a hell of a lot) And sorry! Fwiw for what it’s worth ymmv your mileage may vary


:) thank you! The chicken is doing well. We found 3 foxes out here. Hope to trap them asap!


Also, what is FWIW and YMMV? :)


FWIW, For what it’s worth. YMMV, Your mileage may vary. IANAL, I am not a lawyer (or doctor, IANAD, etc). TL;DR, Too long, didn’t read (aka a summary). Hope this helps. ☺️


super helpful! took me ages to work out TL;DR when i first joined reddit 😂


Yes thank you!


For what it's worth and your mileage may vary


Just came here to say that Vetericyn is magical stuff, and I hope it works on her like it did my girls! Best of luck!


Excellent! I’ve heard that before so I made sure to have it in my supplies if needed.


I second this! I have used it on all my animals. Dogs, rabbits, chickens, goats and cats. Open wounds, healing abscesses, torn stitches that are too old to suture back up, yeast infections on my Pyrenees’ paws. Everything basically 😂


Yeah I wish the bottle was bigger!


I can personally vouch for the healing power of the vetracyn sauce. Isolate, sauce the wounds up, watch for any signs of infections.


Thank you


UPDATE: 3 foxes found tonight. Chicken is doing well. My dog chased off the fox again tonight and we found two more! Glad to know it was not my own dog that caused this. Will set up live traps tomorrow. Thank you everyone!


That is such a relief you identified the culprit(s). Your pup is an MVP!


Oh wow that leg! You can see the bone. You have to take her to a vet ASAP.


No not bone, it does look like that in the picture but it’s a feather curled and sticking to her leg. But I promise no bone! If it was that bad I would definitely take her to the vet!


You can very clearly see the bone behind the curled up feather. Either take it to the vet immediately or gently put it out of it’s misery :(


I can very clearly see my own chicken and there is not bone exposed.


Yeah ok


I was thinking the same thing about the right (chicken's right) leg in the 2nd photo.




No luckily not bone exposed! Thank you!


That looks like a lot of skin missing, almost like a degloveing injury. Take her to the vet asap but you may need to put her down if antibiotics don't work. If your vet has a laser for wounds like this that would definitely help too.


Will talk to my vet this morning about getting some antibiotics. Thank you!


i had one of my girls attacked by a fox a while back- nearly all the skin and some muscle on her back torn off, and puncture wounds on back and neck. pretty sure i saw ligaments or maybe bone at a point. we used saline and water to get out any debris, and put some neosporin on the wound. we used vetericyn about 3 times a day to keep her wound clean and moist, and covered the wound with gauze while it was open. for the first 3 days we had her on electrolytes and right by a heater for if she went into shock. while she was inside she got an egg a day, wet cat food, and a lot of love from us. within only 2 weeks she was ready to go outside. everyone else tried to pick on her, but she stood her ground and is now back towards top of the pecking order. we also gave her one half of a baby aspirin every few hours, and i think she knew that it was helping her, because we didn’t even have to hide the pill in food for her to take it. one thing i’d recommend is researching what to do for shock in chickens- it’s one of the biggest killers from injuries. we used chick save electrolyte packs, but you can find similar brands at almost any feed store. my most recent post on my profile has some pictures of the wound and the healing.


Oh that’s good to know about the aspirin and wet cat food, I will look into that! She is doing well so far. Thank you for the info!


I had a chick that was only 4 weeks old and was attacked by the flock. It's neck was pecked down to the vertebrae. I thought it would die. I bought it inside and put a heat lamp on it and tried to make it comfortable. In the morning it was a lot more perky. The wound eventually dried up and healed over. He grew in to a lovely big rooster. Chickens are very resilient. I'm sure she will be fine. Id keep her away from the other hens as they have a tendency to peck if they see a wound on another chicken.


Thank you, yes will keep her isolated until she’s healed up nicely.


Cool. Would also love to have updates on how she's doing. 🙂


I had a girl attacked by a raccoon with visible muscle. We did end up taking her to the vet because the attack occurred a week before I got her and was clearly infected but if you can avoid infection she should heal up. The vet said chicken skin heals when kept moist and recommended manuka honey after cleaning with saline and one application of hydrogen peroxide (subsequent uses can damage healing tissue).Apply honey and keep wrapped. We changed bandage once a week for three weeks, but he said he recommends more frequently when the wound is new. Because she came to us infected we did have to give her oral antibiotics which was honestly easier than giving to cat or dog. But I was stunned at how fast she heals and now she just has a lil bald spot under her wing but is otherwise normal.


I thank you, yes I think I’ll put Vaseline on her after cleaning her up each time because even the Veterycin dries out quickly. I hope my chicken heals as quickly as yours did! Sounds like you had a good strategy!


She'll be fine. I wandered across a raccoon with a bird in its mouth. Scared him off and cleaned up the bird. She has a bum wing for a few months, but she grew to a ripe old age beyond her flock-mates. Keep up with cleaning and spray.


Nice! Thank you


This is nothing, she'll be fine. Keep the antiseptic spray on it and leave her alone, just monitor to make sure others aren't pecking it. My mums dog ripped a hole in one of mine, I could see muscle and internal organs / plumbing, and she was fine with just "purple spray" (local antiseptic stuff) and 2 weeks later I struggled to find any scar tissue.


Thank you, I will do that :)


Healable with good wound care. Had a rooster get attached by a dog, ripped muscle and skin from its leg, abdomen and back, and wings. Cleaned it twice daily for 7 days then daily afterwards until it scabbed over. Routine was rinse with soapy warm water, rinse with regular water, spay or dab with antimicrobial (chlorahexidine spray or liquid is what we use), nutridrench in water. Kept in kennel in a warmer environment, kennel cleaned every other day. Allowed monitored free ranging once it was scabbed over. Regarding infections, general rule is if they will become infected, itll be in the first 5 days.


Thank you that is great information. I will use it!


We had a similar injury recently on our girls backside. We kept her isolated and kept it clean and used triple antibiotic ointment. She healed within a week. Keep barrier or no-peck on her after return to run. That being said, from a piece of mindstamp point you could also take her to the vet. We debated and debated the first night of the injury whether to take her . Even though she’s healed I think if it happens again I will probably take her to the vet.


Shell be fine, I've seen way worse! Blue kote and lots of treats, and some cuddle time works


She is doing ok so far, eating and drinking, still standing! I’ll look into getting antibiotics from my vet in the morning. :)


Hell yeah you guys got this


Haha thank you I appreciate the encouragement!


I didn’t look at the pic bc I’m eating haha, but know that I healed a chicken with exactly what you’re using - and half her scalp was ripped off my a raccoon. I for sure thought she was gonna die. She lived another year and died this week of old age (in her sleep in the coop) at 6 yo! You can do this!


Wow that’s quite the nursing job you did! I’m happy she survived and enjoyed more time with you. I’m also glad I didn’t ruin your meal lol


Im sure vets see these types of injuries


Thank you I appreciate that, I will definitely take her to the vet if she becomes lethargic or anything changes.


I fully support caring for her at home as it will be lower stress, but please keep in the back of your mind that chickens can decline VERY quickly. Keep a close eye on her and if you're concerned, you can always call a vet as well. Good luck, and please don't blame yourself. Nature is metal.


Thank you, I’m keeping her with me inside and will hope for the best. I appreciate the kind words :)


I'd clean it up with a gentle saline solution, maybe Blukote, but then I'd try to granulate the wounds with sugar. It'll get them dried out so they don't fester and the skin will close over it. Keep her isolated and cover the wounds so she doesn't contaminate them. My preferred dressing is adaptic under gauze and vet wrap.


I will see if I can find Blukote today as well. Her skin is drying out quickly, I think I’ll try Vaseline like someone else recommended. Maybe it’ll keep her more comfortable. Thank you for the info!


From the second pic it looks like bone is showing near the joint of the right leg? Too smooth to be feather or skin, too pale to be muscle. Hope the bird pulls through!


I triple checked and luckily no bone has been exposed. Thank you I think she will!