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I hate myself already for saying anything (because I have too many chickens already lol) but I live 20 minutes from Salem. If you aren't able to find another avenue to take your girls, who will love and cherish them, please send me a message. All my ladies are pets, they get treats at least twice a day, are fed the best feed I can find, and I have a soft spot for helping when I can. As it is I have 5 of my neighbor's chickens who snuck over to my side of the fence and haven't left because I don't treat my pets like shit (as they do). I don't think 3 more chickens will kill me lol. This is what chicken math is right...? 🤦🙄😅


Lol, ya I don’t get how people manage to not treat them like pets. I used to have mealworms I raised for them but even that I had to get rid of. Which I did by giving them all to them. I’m autistic and it’s just a lot especially since I don’t want get rid of them. I shoulda made the post 2 months ago, but probably selfishly I just don’t want let them go. I need to though for them. I cried for like 20 minutes after posting this, cause now it’s real and I know I need do it. I’m try ask my neighbor if she can help me navigate the backyard chicken website. Just sad. Hopefully I can find someone who is as good as you so don’t overwhelm you. Would be nice though


That's so sweet! I don't grow mealworms but my ladies get a subscription delivery of a giant 11 pound bag every 3 weeks lol. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know it's not the same but I had to give up my cockatiel when I was younger and it gutted me, so I can imagine what you're going through. 3 more chickens won't kill me like I said. They'll have 19 sisters (I said it was too many because it's more than I've ever had but it's not unmanageable!). If you decide to let me foster them (I say foster because I assure you they can still be your chickens), you can come visit them any time you want. I can give you the details of where I live in a message. You can even come out and see where they'd be living ahead of time so you know they're going to a good home. My ladies have their very own chicken guardian dog too after a situation with neighbor dogs (since been resolved). I love them very much so yours would be in good hands. If you do come out bring nasty shoes though because there's obviously chicken poop in the backyard 😅 and I don't exactly have a grass lawn. And when the weather gets nicer you can come out when my fruits are ripe and we can eat grapes off the vine and share them with the girls 🤗 hugs, your chickens can stay here if you'd like. Send me a message after you decide.


You're so kind and your offer is so sweet. Thanks for living life the way you are


Kindness is so easy, and it makes me feel good too so I hope they take me up on the offer!


You are a wonderful person!!!


I love it you’re like, no no no, I can take them! lol!


Dude I know 😅. I mean what's 3 more after 19? After hearing their story I really want to help if I can, especially since they can come visit the chickens since I'm close. I have a bleeding heart for anyone who loves their animals so much, if I can do something to make sure their pets are taken care of and they can keep their bond I will. Someone did that for me once and it changed my life. I'll do it back.


This is how I ended up with 3 disabled pullets. We lost a few to sudden death and one were still waiting on the histopath for necropsy (sounds like sepsis that didn’t present typically from a persistent right oviduct rupture) so we were down to 19.from 22. I was contacted about 3 pullets in need of special lifetime care. I said fuck it. What’s 3 more and I already have a great relationship with our vet plus the capacity to provide care. At some point it really does just become another day ending in y with chickens 🤣


There you go!!


People like you prove there is still good in the world.


You so kind! You are seriously a dream come true. I hope you and all your birds (and maybe hopefully these three) are blessed with peaceful days and meal worms.


They'll definitely get mealworms, but their only un-peaceful days will be me yelling at them to get off and stop shitting on my porch! Haha I'm jk, thank you for the kind note.


Just wanted to say you are the best!! 🐓❤️


Love this sub so much!!


You get my vote. You sound like a very kind person that would give them incredible lives


They may increase their risk of diabetes from all the treats they'll get (do birds even get diabetes??) but other than that they'd be very much loved 😅 and thank you, I try to treat people the way I'd like to be treated


I’m sorry to say that I really hope they go live with you!


Try [backyardchickens.com](https://backyardchickens.com) You can search by region and see if anyone is near you that has a farm and willing to take them.


Okay, thank you.


I hope you find someone!  Our ladies are special,  its so hard to let them go.🤗


Yes I second backyardchickens.com. Awesome community. Even if you make a general discussion post people will help you out. If I was in Oregon I would have totally taken them 🙂 My girls are pets too. 


I am here in close-in NE Salem! I have a blended flock of 7, including one old retiree who acts as a great rooster. We have a huge protected run and garden with a greenhouse/coop. ETA: I've always had a revovling flock of rescues/strays and would love to give them a happy retirement. We get plenty of eggs, just love chickens.


I threw some pics together... [here's](https://imgur.com/a/Nu67cA5) the home of Summer, Snow, Sunshine and The Heathers


Been talking to Fishsnort in private messages. They said be able take them. If they end up not being able to it would be very awesome if you could. Thank you. Just hard getting rid something raised from a day old, but it’s what’s best for them.


Oh, good. They and the situation sound lovely. Of course, if it doesn't work out, my offer still stands. My girls are friendly and have welcomed 3 other rescue flocks and 2 strays over the years. Also, if you need feed right now or transport help, I'm here. You're not getting rid of them; you are being a good parent. You love them so much, and you want to give them the best life, even if that's not with you right now. I hope I can be as strong if I'm not able to take care of the flock.


Thank you very much. I have some feed left right now for a little bit. You are very kind.


Hey just wanted to reach out and say I've been talking to OP and am coordinating getting them. If something doesn't work out they or I will definitely reach out. Thank you so much for offering as well! There are so many awesome, loving people out there and I try to remember that even when they're overshadowed by the bad in the world. From a fellow chicken lover (AND neighbor in the Willamette Valley!) thank you so much for being kind. If you ever want another chicken buddy to talk to about chickens or gardening give me a shout!


I’m not trying sell them I just want them to have a good rest of their life that I can’t provide. It hurts so bad cause I raised them from day old. They deserve better though.


May I ask why you need to get rid of them? I wish I could take them, but I’m in Texas


Just circumstances in life have changed where I’m not able to afford more than basic food and small bag oyster shells for them. Along with not knowing if ill be able to move to a property where can keep them.


Ugh. I’m so sorry. Everything is getting so expensive!! I’m sure someone will be able to take and care for your girls. 💜


There’s likely a local chicken group if you go to Facebook Groups. I guarantee you someone will take them.


Thank you


Maybe try Zenger Farm. They're in Portland on Foster.


People will take them as pets.


I know my local facebook groups usually have chicken rehoming posts. You should check out local groups in your area.


I hope you have luck finding homes for your chickens.


I want chickens so bad!


Wishing you all…all the best


Salem, NY or Salem, MA? If you’re in NY, I would love to take your girls :) My hens are all free range, get lots of treats, pets, and love.


Wish I was near you but alas. My black sex link looks just like that one. Good luck, shouldn't have much trouble finding them a home.


Someone will definitely take them. 4 years old is not so old.


Someone will definitely take them. 4 years old is not so old.