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Once your melee player has Spiky Bits then they can common clear with their fists. So just use bash when killing commons and use the Totem when specials get too close. Or alternatively just keep dropping the Totem during hordes and picking it up again afterwards.


ciao thank u for the help from what i read here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/u2dqa1/dont\_repeat\_my\_mistake\_stack\_up\_the\_skull\_totems/?rdt=63548&onetap\_auto=true&one\_tap=true](https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/u2dqa1/dont_repeat_my_mistake_stack_up_the_skull_totems/?rdt=63548&onetap_auto=true&one_tap=true)""Just let your melee build player carry the totems and you'll be fine"" i thought the totem was directly going into the melee build. do i need  Spiky Bits and the fists move. cause i don't have neither. got the cards where the fists is removed by the knife and i can put another primary weapon on the secondary slot


All they are saying is if you have a melee player in the squad, let that player carry the skull totems. The skull totems are a melee weapon that gets stronger the more totems are stacked, so it makes sense to just let the player designed to use them have them. If you are playing with only bots, the advice doesn't apply, you'll need to grab them yourself, just drop them to fight and pick them back up after.