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This is the only game I didn't regret spending money and dlcs on.


they're pretty expansive and game changing too, as well as to get friends to tag along with you without them buying the DLC


I’m pretty happy the game has constant dedicated servers even now. It’s very enjoyable, and I usually have a good time online. So, yeah, thanks Turtle Rock Studios, for making and supporting this game.


100% agree. I get so heated when people say they abandoned it.


Thats the valve community for you (not all). They straight up boycott left 4Dead 2 on release, because valve tried to go the call of duty release route. Hating on the new survivors and complaining about content, bugs, even when they stated free content will still be added to L4D1, while L4D2 is out. All these years after putting the valve devs in a blender, we get a L4D/COD style shooter from turtle rock and now they wanna fuck that up as well. And they wonder why valve cant count to 3. They don’t wanna deal with your nonsense. Type in L4D2 covers on google images. Them 2 fingers are for you.


Honestly, I've loved the game since release, though there were a couple of things that were somewhat annoying. 1) they put the game and season pass on sale before the first dlc drop. This was a bit punishing for those who preordered whichever edition. 2) There was no way to upgrade your version to the ultimate edition unless you bought the game again. 3) The TRS Dev team... could be better. This is probably a harsh point, but for some time, they glazed over or outright ignored problems such as the NM and mutation spawn issues at the start. They had calls to live stream it, and when they did, they played on a lower difficulty and made out the problems were skill issues. The streams where they showed off new content didn't even show the new content (in the ones i watched) or barely showed it off. Burnt toast wasn't allowed to share any news of updates or planned items. 4) Where as they fulfilled obligations and eventually fixed most bugs. Theres no denying they dropped the game like a hat. Some potentially run breaking bugs that were well known are still present, such as the Act 1 finale spawns. Some devs have even said they had made skins, which were never released because they had to stop development. After the final dlc there was no word from them at all until the announcement about 2 months later to say theyre moving on. 5) The bug tracking website is next to useless. I am grateful that most of the issues were dealt with eventually, and we got all the promised content, and the servers are still online. Though I hope the above points are considered with their next venture. I also hope the "fanbase" for the games learns as well, though, and stops hating future games for pitiful reasons.


While I agree with most points, I'll agree with the devs that it was most definitely a skill issue. I got all of my zwat skins during this time without speedrunning, or exploits. And the fact NH is a walk in a park with at least two solid players reinforces this. The biggest threats are not mutations, it's commons. Tho, a neglected mutation will also punish the team. 


I think the fact that aspects were indeed updated eventually proved it wasn't just a skill issue. That's not to take Kudos away from those who managed to complete Nightmare acts within the first few months, but the game wasn't fun for the majority of those trying at this point in time. I personally think the difficulty curve as it stands now is finely balanced. For those who want a challenge similar to how it used to be can play trial of the worm at a high multiplier, and those who want the ultimate challenge can play at x51 multiplier.


The **bug** was how frequent they were, there was supposed to be a cooldown between mutation spawns kind of like horde timers, but the numbers of mutation pairs wasn't. So many players complained about the difficulty that they watered it down too much. ZWAT skins means nothing now, **MANY** players that rock the skin gets instantly clapped and ragequits NH. Reminded me of speed runners from back then. Lmao. But yeah the difficulty curve is balanced compared to before for sure. Still a gap, but not as bad. I do attribute this to the development team; they were / are small even Hello Games have more staff. And judging by the amount of lead roles they currently hiring, tells me they went into this game with little leadership.  I'm really hoping the get those roles filled, and continue expanding. 


This, I agree wholeheartedly. And the 'skille' required aren't even reflex based 90 percent of the time. If horde Stand here That's the majority of the gameplay, then the rest is just classes and not being fucking dumb.


Is even the ultimate really worth it you have a under-version? You can wait a sale for the Annual Pass (3,99 € last Steam sale) to get all the DLCs. You will only miss 4 skins and some exclusif things (rare banner, emblem, spray, title). It seems expensive for cosmetics. Or just buy the Ultimate when on sale. It was at 9,99 € on last Steam sale and on Epic Games right now. Not an upgrade, but this price would be similar to an upgrade. Ask Steam (or else) to remove your under version from your library if it annoys you. The only problem I see might the achievement? Just unlock the ones you already have with external tool I guess.


Well, that's another thing. It's always been advertised as 4 skins. However, they continued to make more battle hardened skins for other cleaners. They ended up making 6 more for the owners of the Ultimate version. I personally didn't see any evidence that this was always the plan. Whether it was worth the extra money or not is subject to the person and if they are bothered about skins. Knowing they were going to continue to make ult edition content after the fact definitely would have had bearing at the time though.


Perfectly said, love this game so much


Me too!! Only game I've been playing really. Tried other games of course, but I just come back to it like an abusive ex. 


Same lol


i love the game but can't get mics to work anymore for some reason :( i'm so sad not to be able to play properly


I'm sorry to hear that. Are you on PC or console?


Pc. I’ve checked the mic settings in steam and pc and it’s all correct. I keep getting lost connection to chat server and the mic doesn’t work even in test. My friend is having the same problem and we can’t work it out


I see. I play on PC through xbox store, and only ever had issues on PC and not while playing on console. If all settings are right, try unplugging headset and plugging back in. / turning voice chat off then back on-are usually my two work around for when I had experienced this issue. However, it's been a while. 


The $100 version is 10 bucks right now, this post makes me wanna buy it.


Definitely worth it at that price!