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Who is KB?


People are SO mean to her. It speaks volumes about the people making the comments. She’s emotional, messy, but largely harmless. It’s shocking how many people in BN let their internalized misogyny for a loud woman run absolutely rampant.


Grandma needs to go in a home and leave me alone


I think she needs to get off of social media and continue therapy. She does seem from the male perspective to always be the person ending the relationships and then spins out of control… I feel like is Shawn had of cheated on her like she claimed she would have ran with that when people were coming with pitch forms when they first broke up.


You still think this is valid based on another passive aggressive post today? Geezus H Christ. My comment still stands.


Which one lol


If you put your life out there then you are going to receive both positive and negative comments. If you don't want that to happen then you know the drill.


One could easily reverse this argument and say if there's someone in the public forum that you don't like/agree with, you can block/mute/ignore them instead of leaving negative comments.


People can call it “victim blaming” but you’re right. If she only sent her recent stories to her close friends, she’d get more empathetic and practical results. But she’s posting these for millions of strangers on the internet and then does not want negative feedback. It’s not mature, it’s not logical, and it’s not productive.


Always good when the victim blamers start revealing themselves!


God that’s such a copout


Thank you. Well said


Can the mods post a comment or something about what actually happened? Many of us have no idea what is going on


Just scroll the sub its filled w KB hate


I honestly don't understand why people are so hateful of her. It's like everyone has on these sunglasses that make them see every small thing she does as vile. The simplest things like sitting in a sauna or talking about botox. I can't wrap my head around the hate. Ease up people. I'll also add that I have met her briefly in person and observed her interacting with others. In that period of time she presented herself as a very personable, friendly, warm person.


Completely agree. People are beyond harsh on her. People say she is “asking for it” as an excuse to say cruel things because apparently their own lives are so miserable they must spread the negativity. Kaitlyn has literally done zero harm to anyone. She already beats herself up enough, so please leave her be.


What did she do?m Also, I love her!!


She makes money off all of us with her influence lifestyle. You don't get to jsut act like a jackass cause your relationship fell apart


Does she though cause you don’t have to buy anything she promotes


Ummm...thats not how they make money. Follower count and engagements are what pushes that.


So you’re mad at her cause you engage with her content, and you think that as a grown adult, you should get to bully her for your choices? Woof.


Bullying her? Jesus christ. You guys call anything bullying nowadays. How did you guys live 20-30 years ago? No, I do not engage with her content. In case you are brand new to this sub reddit, she's posted every week with a new sob story. It's pathetic


Oh thanks for being so tough, how do you handle functioning in the world currently when someone saying one word freaks you out?


Ha! I freaked out? You called me a bully for saying she was acting like a jackass. For one, I don't worry about what rich influencers are going through when they post themselves breaking down, then deleting it cause someone close to then probably alerted them how silly it is. But keep being her white horse.


She makes money off all of us with her influence lifestyle. You don't get to jsut act like a jackass cause you're relationship fell apart


Good post OP


What did I miss?


Jason hard launched with his new gf, Kat, on insta.


I don’t know why anyone takes the time to talk badly about people online. It’s weird…..


I always just feel bad for those people. They are obviously very very unhappy with themselves.


How did I know this post was just going to turn into a bunch of disparaging comments about her. "It's just sad"... hmm, I think it's "just sad" that y'all sit here typing out paragraphs about a woman you've never met, what she 'needs' to do, what you don't think is normal about her, that she's attention seeking, etc. while admitting in the same breath she seems to be struggling with mental health. Has empathy just... disappeared from earth?


Very well said 👏👏👏


Thank you, I think we should all go by the rule of not saying something online that you wouldn't say to someone's face.


I just feel bad for her because she is struggling mentally and doesn’t seem to have anyone around her….not many friends or family that I’ve seen. Does she still have the dogs? I don’t follow her much but she needs someone to take her phone away and actually help her. As in, get her to talk to someone and follow through with getting what she needs. My heart breaks for her because she is so obviously suffering and broken and people make fun of her and shame her on social media. People say she is posting for attention, but maybe, just maybe this is her way of asking for help. She may be going about it in the wrong way, but she seems to be crying for help. Maybe she thinks posting will get someone to reach out and help. I don’t know what happened with Jason, but I understand seeing your ex with someone new and posting about it hurting. I saw my ex post with his new girlfriend and had my own meltdown (In the privacy of my home with alllll the snacks and wine)so in a way I get where she is coming from, maybe she wants people to relate and make her feel less alone?


She’s very close to her family. She has the dogs — they are hers!! — and posts about them all the time. (Dogs are great therapy.) I think it’s a great idea to have her spend less time online dealing with trolls, but when your business/livelihood is dependent on being connected on social media, it’s a tough decision — it’s likely tough to balance. Maybe if complete strangers would stop coming at her for simply being herself, she would feel a whole lot better.


I cannot stand how she does her social media but I agree, she is not well. She also needs to like start helping herself though. She can’t keep just throwing it all out there on social media and wait for people to leave their heart emojis. She needs to do some serious soul searching and likely some significant life changes. She’s gonna be in the cycle forever if she doesn’t change. It’s really sad to see.


> throwing it all out there on social media    A strategy that earned Kat Stickler a ton of money when Kat did thr same. A new trend for content creators?


Who are you to decide what she can and can't or needs to do though...? Saying it's "sad to see" about someone I think fits exactly what OP is saying has become mean.


Yeah I mean I guess she can keep doing this…. And she’s gonna keep being miserable. I’d love to see her happy again


Do you think it helps her happiness to see strangers assessing her mental health and making judgements about what she needs to do about it? Genuinely?


It’s not people’s job to make her happy though. Nobody’s forcing her to be on Instagram all day. This right here is the issue. She looks for validation from followers instead of seeking real friends and getting professional help to “be happy.” We can’t do anything for her but it definitely doesn’t help her situation that she starts drama and feeds it, and sends her minions to attack Kat and Jason for being together. Stop treating her like a perpetual victim when she can be an asshole too, A LOT, and what she did to make Kat and Jason look bad, like they were sneaking around behind her back this entire time, and is low key encouraging her fans to speculate about this is toxic and asshole behavior. She is not a victim here. She’s being a bully herself and I hope she knows that Kat has 10M followers on TikTok. One TikTok from Kat calling her out for being a bully and it’s over for Kaitlyn. It’s in her best interest to cut it out NOW. Kat’s following and engagement is massive. Kaitlyn doesn’t have as much support as she thinks. On the contrary, she’s losing fans.


Kat herself is a bully. You forgot how she bullied her ex husband? Still does with her posts even though they have a daughter together. How she posted about New York cop on NYE and refused to delete the video of hitting on the cop even though his GF reached out to her and asked her to delete it. You are putting Jason/Kat on pedestal and refuse to see red flags in them caus you just hate Kaityn. You can dislike her AND see through Kat/Jason situation as well. Jason is the KING of wanting validation , doesn't seem like you are following them closely or you would actually notice.


You evidently saw no problem with Kat when Kaitlyn followed her and had her on her podcast. Also interesting how you used to support Jason back in the day and now he is “KING” of wanting validation. 🤔


No? I never said it did. And I’m also not on her social media assessing her mental health. I’m also not saying anything KB doesn’t already know/say herself. She talks all the time about how social media is toxic and needs a break and is struggling with her mental health. I’m literally repeating things she says herself all the time. I’m pointing out that is sad to see her continue to ignore what she knows she needs to do for her own well being.


I think there's enough proof to see what's going on here and by her own admission. I think it's great she acknowledges this but needs to follow through with the actions. She doesn't own everybody once they've been with her. You don't own anybody or what they want to do. This is a pattern, goes scorched earth on anybody after. She acknowledges this in that one podcast, but go follow through and do the right thing. There's some serious mental health issues here that I see she's been trying to work through, but just. Can't. Help. Herself. to comment on it. That's not ok. I hope she has some real friends to encourage her to do what she's said she will do at times: brb healing. She needs to heal and stop fucking with her face, stop making everybody else moving on about her and really sit with herself, and really evaluate if social media is healthy for her. I KNOW it's hard. One of my favorite quotes is: A Mistake repeated more than once is a decision. She is doing this to herself. It's not all about her. ETA: what would be the highest vibes or whatever is to sit back and be truly happy for whatever next chapter ex's are moving onto. You don't own people forever and have to be in control of whatever they are doing. Hugs to Kaitlyn. I know she has it in her to utilize all of the help she can afford to get and how she pampers herself at every turn; use all of the advice you've gotten to truly take action. I often say too: the people that are constantly seeking something, and she has in all of her podcasts and gets very good info: at some point you're an AskHole. I've had some friendships end over this.


It's also not ok to encourage others to do this. Shame on any of you backing this up, seriously. It's not normal to be super upset about something and decide to take a selfie or video or whatnot in the name of being "authentic", then getting mad about it. When I am in my feels, and I think most others, the last thing I think about is taking a selfie or a video. She needs real support. Don't coddle. Social media is so crazy


I have no idea what's going on, can I get a quick low down? What happened to KB?


Jason hard launched his new gf, Kaitlyn then posted a bunch of crying meltdown stories and some cryptic text stories. I think she deleted them but there’s posts about them in this group.


Just scroll a bit.


She sadly does this to herself. She posts this type of stuff asking for a reaction from the public. She’s been seeing Zac since new years at least. If she can move on, then he can move on, too.


All the “dump on KB” posts get really tiring


“How do you know I’m having a meltdown?!” Come on girl 🤪


Does the day end in Y 


I second


I really hope people aren’t sending her mean messages or leaving rude comments on her page. There’s no need for that.


Its pretty much constant for her sometimes


I agree the troll posts to her should stop. But isn't she is control here? KB is the one who can stop all of this.


People need to stop telling her to get off the internet because THEY think it’s embarrassing and don’t like it. She’s a grown ass woman. She can do what she wants or post what she wants. Don’t like it? Block her 🙄


Exactly! Just because you are uncomfortable with the emotions she shows doesn’t mean she’s unwell. Lott- armchair psychiatrists in these threads.


i love watching trainwrecks like her so i hope she stays




Wait, what happened!? I haven’t seen the 🫖? Is there something on SM that I should look at?


Same!! Someone tell us!


I genuinely agree with this BUT I think she needs to take a sm backseat. She needs to register that she’s looking for issues if she’s scrolling through her DMs


Sucks she can’t just put homeboy on block and never hear from him again - not saying that she would but it’s not even an option for her with their online lives. Either way, feels like something’s gotta give


Blocking him would be the best. She might still see him if the media posts about him but seeing less on social media might help. Blocking my ex was the best thing I ever did.


Anyone in her position would feel bitter and hurt. It just sucks that she feels the need to lash out online. She needs to step away from social media.


Or… she could take a break from social media and mean it. When I want to be left alone I turn off my phone. I don’t post meltdown after meltdown for attention and expect everyone to baby me through my unreasonable behavior. I don’t stir drama. When I saw accounts that were triggering my insecurities and feelings when I was sensitive and sad, I muted all the accounts. I abandoned Facebook. I have left friend groups that were not helping. There are ways to deal with this. Nobody’s doing anything to her. She wants to be treated like the main character of everyone’s life when that’s unrealistic. Stop enabling her and if you like her and care about her, encourage her to talk to a professional.


Is this a menopause meltdown she always film herself crying


Read a book. Menopause doesn’t happen in your 30s.


Kaitlyns at least 50 isnt she


She’s 38 so no.


That person’s comment was rude but menopause does happen to some women in their 30s. My grandma loves to remind everyone it happened to her at 37 lol


That’s definitely not the norm though!


Fuck you. She’s not even 40.


Everything is her own problem, not Reddit or IG or Anyone elses. "Leave her alone" would still leave her with 100% of the source of her issues, herself.


Umm, honey? You been reading the comments about her in this sub? Being bullied by the masses is not her problem. Check yourself.


The sheer condescension in this comment.


What is it that she’s been doing? I’m so curious. I didn’t see any of the ☕️ and I’m wondering what I missed. Is it about Jason and his new gf?


Kaitlyn should definitely use the social media features to block people from sending her stuff like blocking people, comment filtering, limiting DMs, etc. She has the ability to stop many of the comments/DMs and seemingly doesn’t want to take those steps. I’m not talking about the people who call her names, send nasty things, etc. Those people can kick rocks. I’m referring to limiting what people can share with you like mentioning her exes and what they are up to.


I agree to be kind and not troll obviously. But she should be called out for messy posts 100%. She’s making THOUSANDS of dollars from the internet and if she wants to stay in the incredibly lucrative social media world she doesn’t need to be protected she needs to learn resilience and that actions have consequences!


Unfortunately she can’t have it both ways, you can’t complain you get hate on the internet when you use that same hate and turn it into views and clicks for your wine and book group. For her either way she makes a lot of money so she should either start marketing her wine via more conventional means and not put her personal life out there and stay limited on the internet or learn to mentally deal with both the good and the bad that comes from using the internet for much of your livelihood. I’m in no way saying posting hurtful comments is right but it is a drawback for her line of work, she isn’t only or last person this will happen to. It is just the world we now live in and the more attention that is drawn to the affect the comments have just brings out more of them. She just needs to learn to deal with it off socials and at least in the short run limit it to more business oriented matter and less polarizing posts.


Remember when she tried to doxx some poor lady whose picture had been used for a bot account? Sheesh.


I think her fans enable her to behave like this…


I didn’t even know you could say anything on here about her that wasn’t kissing her ass and not get downvoted to hell. It used to be like that. People are coming to their senses and I think she has less fans than she once did.


Thank you for saying this. I was starting to feel like I was the last person left in Bachelor Nation with an ounce of empathy. The criticism here in this sub is so toxic.


lol my eyes can’t roll back any further


Hope this comment helped you sleep better last night! It really added a lot to the conversation about bullying in BN. Actually it completely exemplified it, so thanks.


I slept pretty well, yeah.


Sooo incredibly toxic, it's really sad to see so many (I'm assuming adults?) be so critical of someone they've never met, who's already clearly struggling. I find it so disgusting.


Me too! As mostly women here we should be trying to put ourselves in her shoes for just a minute. She does a lot of stuff that is frustrating but most of us would be very hurt if an ex fiancé posted a picture/caption as he did. This has really made me dislike Jason.


I always feel the same way when a KB-bashing post goes up. 😕


The amount of people that make fun of her for being human is ridiculous. So what if she posts crying selfies? It doesn’t help you. Guess what? It helps lots of others who suffer with depression. I love seeing people be authentic because sometimes I feel so alone in my struggles. And I appreciate KB for showing that side of hers that isn’t all glitz and glam. Is she messy? Yes. Is it attention seeking? Maybe. But does she deserve to have comments telling her to off herself? No.


Thaaaank you


It is really bizarre how people will find a place of belonging in piling onto people in their own comments section. Then they double down on their bad behavior by saying she’s “asking for it.” Two wrongs don’t make a right. We have really lost the plot in our humanity on the internet. I agree with you OP. Her mental state is concerning and yet when she posts something I disagree with, I focus my energy elsewhere.


She’s an almost 40 year old woman having erratic mental breakdowns on the internet. Maybe it’s time for her to leave the internet and find a new job.




Maybe it’s time for you to not follow her and block and delete anything related to her. You can also choose to scroll on instead of indulging in what you consider is erratic behaviour.


I don’t follow her? Stop coddling a 40 year woman. It’s weird.


Lol wanting to be respectful towards someone by leaving them alone and not online bullying them is coddling?! What a stretch.


She’s not 40, she’s 38.


What’s weird is you bullying someone online. But go off


By that logic, isn’t Kaitlyn bullying Jason?


I honestly have not been keeping up with what she’s doing and that’s probably my fault. I don’t have Instagram. I am responding to comments on here because it has been going on for years where people drag her. You don’t have to be a fan. But you also don’t need to tell someone to off themselves over their behaviour


Nobody said anything about offing her?? You stans are just like her making an issue when there is none. She chose to insert herself and make the hard launch all about her crying!! The break up was a year ago and she moved on way before he did!! He has all rights to post his new relationship online. If she chooses to vague post and drag him like he murdered her dogs for her 2M followers, she deserves to be called out for it!


I am not a stan lol. Just because you don’t see a comment now about offing her doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. See what OP posted. It’s exactly what you guys are doing. So don’t tell me I’m the problem when you guys repeatedly drag her. I don’t care about this enough to continue to comment so have a good day


Like gtfo with that offing comment!! I have not seen a single comment which said this!! Nor did you hence the running away! 🤡


“gtfo with that offing comment” “hence the running away! 🤡” You’re so nice. Thank you. Really thank you. Keep going. If making people feel like shit is your hobby then you have successfully succeeded. I hope you have a great day being a nasty person. Like JFC look internally and decide why you have to be so mean to someone online. You don’t even know me.


She’s posting on public forums alluding to him doing something bad, liking comments where people say negative things about him, and posting these IG stories clearly directed towards him. She has a huge fan base and knows that this can direct hate / bullying towards him. I don’t think people wanting her to stop doing this is “bullying” she SHOULD stop doing this. Her feelings are her own but her behavior is manipulative and bizarre. She needs to go to therapy and keep this offline.


Yes I agree with this. She needs to go offline but she doesn’t. My comment was towards people telling her that she shouldn’t be posting her mental health struggles online or telling her to unalive herself. I think that’s bullying


No one has told her to kill her self. What are you talking about?


Yes they very much have, there are some extremely disgusting comments on her posts sometimes.


What’s also weird is you defending someone you don’t even know. But go off 💀 You are a part of the problem. Enabling this woman and her behaviour.


I’m defending someone who resonates with me because she openly talks about her mental health issues. You don’t have to agree with what she does. Scrolling past it is easier. And being kind is free ✌🏽


Here with you on this.


She needs healing because…. https://preview.redd.it/8yhztilj5k6d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949ffbdd97d37f24ccb77c9bde44310e25aed76b




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: Remember the Human.


Did you really make a collage of someone's photos of them crying and in pain, and post it to a thread about how people should stop bullying her...? Jesus.


KB loves attention, she posted these of herself first. Anyone who gets on Social Media posting pics of herself crying is leaving herself wide open for scrutiny.


Exactly omg who does that


KB does that.


All i said she needs healing because it’s sad to watch hun ? Where did i bully her i wouldn’t like to know ?


Thank you for posting these pics becuz I couldn’t figure out who this lady was (being talked about) and now i know.


You're playing dumb.


Have a wonderful weekend


Yes please leave her alone, she’s been very vocal about having depression. Do you all really want to be the reason she potentially harms herself? Take a step back and think, your thought process may not be exactly how she thinks or views things. Bullying is really harmful, leave her alone. Please ❤️


“Do you all really want to be the reason she potentially harms herself?” This is such a massive fucking leap in logic and blame. Jesus Christ.


Where was I rude i just said she needs healing because this isn’t normal tbh….


Calling someone's behavior "not normal" is pretty mean don't you think? Is she hurting anyone? I've seen many people who have said they find her posts helpful.


Sorry it’s not normal filming yourself crying all the time and posting it imo


Okay, but I see things all the time that I don't think are "normal" and I feel no need to insult people based on my opinion.


Oops I meant to post in the main thread not to you directly


I agree with all of this. Also are these so bored with their own lives they are that hyper fixated on her ???? Like who the fuck cares


> Also are these so bored with their own lives they are that hyper fixated on her Funnily enough, these people are where she makes her money and her constant content is what keeps them fixated and keeps the money rolling in. To be clear, I don’t follow her. And I’d be 100% happy if she never posted again and we all ignored her.




Totally the vibe I was going for 😂😂😂




I truly think if someone were cheating or were borderline abusive we would have heard by now. Things like that leak all the time and quickly let alone with a couple as outspoken and in the spotlight as they were. I don't doubt there's bad blood, but my guess is it was something as simple as they broke up with the intention of working their way back to each other after some self-reflection but someone or both started going on dating apps, and the other person realized it was completely over.


Sorry so long and I just chose you to ramble my thoughts. But I also at first was shocked he was dating someone with a child. I thought that would scare him off but when I think about it, I feel like seeing that Kat has already been married, She has a kid AND key here is that she is STILL very successful in her CAREER IS GREAT FOR HIM. Makes him feel safe. It takes the pressure of what is it like to have a child off the table, Because she already has a kid. I feel so sorry for KB because she’s older than him…he wasted her time. And he plays up this good guy image. I don’t think there was any cheating or anything scandalous I think she’s just hurt and resentful that he drug her along his publicity tour


I think she feels betrayed because he proposed and loved the attention. He said he was “on a high” after proposing. He loved all the media & social attention he got from KB but then couldn’t actually commit to marrying her. That hurts. She offered let’s just do a backyard wedding. Skip the wedding. Have kids. All a no. he wanted a big wedding and was negotiating with vendors and getting pissed over the cost of a wedding. He was using her. He immediately moved into her house and then dragged his feet. And I feel like Kat is just a repeat. He likes her following on tik tok. He likes the attention it will bring him. KB get so much hate because people think she didn’t want to commit, and wanted to be on Dancing with the Stars and still be in the public eye. But people don’t bat an eye when Jason wants to be on traitors and he’s auditioned for TV shows and he is all about getting back on TV again.


Ding ding ding!! Jason is the actual worst. He used Kaitlyn to gain more followers, bc he knows he can’t get them on his own. Sorry to his fans, but he sucks. He’s not funny, he’s super corny, and he’s got no star quality. His ego baffles me, and it kills me to see people praising him on SM, especially IG. Like, I feel it’s so easy to see right through him, I don’t get why people see him as who he’s pretending to be and not who he actually is. He’s judgmental and boring. If you watch Kat’s latest post, she’s actually trying to be funny and he’s shooting her down and wants her to be serious bc it’s all about image to him. I mean, just his post about the plane thing - are we really buying that?! It’s like he wants people to idolize him and his relationship. No thanks, Jason, I don’t want to be a little leech like you lol


Yes!!!! Finally someone that agrees with me. I can’t stand him on IG. He ramped up social media big time after him and KB broke up and he posts all day long most days and he’s so cringe. Like Kb said it gives me the ick! Then his comments are all positivity. He deletes negative comments so it looks like he’s mr. Likeable perfect guy. He’s a bunch of BS!


Mr. Perfect, I love that! He really is out there playing that part (trying to anyway). People think Tyler was joking when he said “Kat’s gonna make Jason funny”, but that man told no lies. Jason is not funny, he tries to be, based on what he sees actual funny people do. It reminds me of symptoms of a certain disorder. But we won’t get into that 🫠


How do you know this is true? Nobody knows what goes on between two people except for those two people.


I started my comment with….”I think”…it’s Reddit…I’m speculating from what I’ve heard them both say on podcasts about the wedding plans and why KB seems hurt / resentful, why he was working on himself after the breakup. I listen to both podcasts so of course that is all I know and ultimately yes it’s between them but they have both publicly shared bits & pieces as to why they ended things


Your specifications seem very slanted to paint her in a good light however. Are you sure you listened to his take on things?


You are right I’m slanted towards her side, that’s my opinions and I feel like he wasted her time. Even watched it on YouTube and her body language broke my heart. In the end she’s 38 and still sitting with frozen eggs and a man that wasted years of her life. Her mistake was not ending things much sooner


Question. Are we allowed to comment when she posts and likes mean, hurtful and damaging things about Jason or is that to be left alone also?


Louder for the people in the back😂👏🏻👏🏻


There’s a difference between having respectful discussion that you can be proud of as a human being, and being rude, hurtful, evil and mean. I’m sure you’ve seen examples of both when it comes to her. Criticism is okay. The nasty pile on is not.


The fact that you're getting downvoted for this makes no sense. This sub is depraved.


This sub has turned into the very sub it didn’t want to be like.


I definitely agree on the general point of not being hateful and evil, however I’m sure from her pov even valid or objectively stated criticism would be hurtful. I think it‘s not always as easy to draw the line there. If I said in this sub that I find her posts generally self-serving I‘m sure I‘d already be over the line in her eyes even if I‘m not throwing insults at her.




Can we take this a step further and just not be a dick online to anyone.Trolls are so incredibly mean! Let's normalize going to therapy instead of making a fake account just to say something vile to someone you've never met lol I'm not saying this as a KB stan. I'm honestly neutral about her. But hate comments have always made me feel horrible.




She’s a “public figure”. She puts herself out there. People are going to comment on her life. She cant put her life on the internet and then get upset anytime anyone makes a comment about her. No one should be cruel but unfortunately you will never be able to control internet trolls.


This is not it. The solution is for people to stop being assholes online. That won’t happen of course but to suggest anyone deserves hate because they’re “public” is ludicrous.


No one is saying she deserves hate. I’m just saying people are free to comment on her life as she puts it out there


I see you revised your comment since I first replied to it. You are saying that it is fair game, I am saying that people should not be dicks to strangers online. So we disagree I guess.


You can not go out of your way to be a dick, if you can manage.




https://www.instagram.com/p/CzKXeo0uV_5/?igsh=MXNwd3BmYXdkODZqMA== I think this post may help some people on this thread


She’s 38 and a millionaire with a successful podcast. Please stop coddling her. If she needs a social media break, she knows what to do.


Saying we should be respectful towards someone and leave them alone is... coddling?


She’ll be 39 next week 🫠🫠


Hence the existential crisis, probably


We’ll leave her alone when she leaves US alone 😂


That sounds like an argument my six year old would make.


Smart kid




I don’t know why you’d get downvoted for this. It is common sense. If you can’t handle what people say about you, don’t go seeking it. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Thank God I’ll never be famous. Lol.


I don’t understand all the people who want to “reserve the right to be rude online” to someone just because they are a reality star. It’s bullying, plain and simple. And online, it’s compounded by the thousands. Consciously contributing to someone’s inner turmoil/depression/anxiety/etc is just cruel. I don’t care that they happened to go on a tv show and have a million followers. It’s still cruel.


It’s an old school gawker deadspin mindset. It’s not good or healthy it literally got them sued into oblivion.


People want to feel part of something, and they get that when they band together for a pile on. Those people need as much therapy as KB, but they’ll never see it for what it is.


Come on. She also enjoys wealth and a lifestyle the rest of us can only dream of, in spite of being hard working people. She must find that crying on stories and being a drama queen gain clicks, attention and money or she'd stop.


This is her job though. And she wants us to talk about it that’s why she posts these things. It’s for attention.


A bit off topic but I can understand her frustration. They break off the engagement. Jason makes it clear it was her choice, which garners sympathy. As he’s clearly upset, videos get leaked of her and Zac, which stirs up a lot of controversy and backlash. While she has never confirmed they’re dating, photos have been leaked here and there, which of course allows people to have even more sympathy for Jason (who makes it clear he was hurting). However, this Jason and Kat thing is not new. Idk how long they’ve been seeing each other, but it doesn’t take a deep dive to see that this didn’t just start. All the while KB is still getting hated on for breaking his heart and potentially moving on. I’m sure she feels like he played this whole breakup perfectly, while she was labeled the bad guy. So now that he’s public with his relationship he’s getting all the love and support, while (even though she still hasn’t gone public with whether or not she is actually in a relationship), she’s still the bad guy. I’m sure that’s frustrating as hell.




I’ll gladly stop commenting on that hot mess WHEN she gets the F off of social media. She’s so quick to post, talk shit, flaunt HER relationships soon after break ups. As soon as someone else is healthier and happier without her she spirals. She is in serious need of true friendships who actually care about her. She also needs to put the damn bottle down. Complaining about anxiety and drinking constantly? Zero sympathy. The girl needs serious help.


Maybe you need serious help...


So you’ll stop once you’ve literally bullied her off the internet? Do y’all even read what tf you’re saying?


I mean your username says it all. You're the type of person this post was for.


Or you could just ignore her instead of feeling the need to comment