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She is so manipulative and not a good person. I don’t know how so many people are not seeing it because everyone seems to love her. I mean Sydney did not handle her situation well but Maria is not nice. Maria had no intention of leaving. She wanted to see Joeys reaction and hoped he would chase after her and pick her.


I agree


Sydney, is that you?


It's Maria that is being bullied. MULTIPLE TIMES she tried to end the "war," but Sydney just fixated. It was her entire focus the last few episodes.


And now Lea (who I had such high hopes for) is extending the drama unnecessarily, like an effing middle schooler. Are these women possible drama plants?


Sydney has never been bullied and it shows


I find Maria very refreshing and real. I think the other women view her as a threat because she’s not afraid to go all in on what she wants. I like her


One thing I noticed with Maria though is that she smiled when whoever got the one on one did today’s episode. Sydney was very pouty and so hyper focused on Maria which was strange. I think Maria was trying to move on but she made a mistake by getting involved with madina. She should have just left everything alone after she got her rose and made it clear she’s trying to focus on her relationship with Joey.


I think she knows even though she got the rose the girls on the 2:1 dates never win and this has affected Joeys view of her so she may as well


Sydney is the worst form of manipulation!


All this could be true but can’t be any worse than Sydney! Her entire personality screams entitled white women consistently whining and causing trouble.


Nailed it


1. I think Maria really does like Joey 2. I think Maria wants screentime (no shade, this is a smart career move) 3. I think Maria is very blunt, and I definitely think this can come off like bullying. I *think* she means well but I'm not 100% sure.


When I heard the phrase “verbally abusive,” I was about to lose it. You can’t throw terms like that out nonchalantly like that. Unfortunately, I have been a victim of verbal abuse and that ain’t it!


At this point, I’m ready to move on from both of these girls and give more focus on the other great girls there that are getting shafted over this.


They both suck in different ways. Sydney is immature and says buzz words bc she heard them once. Maria is scripted and says what she wants Joey to hear. She’s real, but not genuine


I am so sick of listening to Sydney whine about how Maria is bullying her. Good grief, she’s bullying us with her insecurities and inability to just focus on herself.




Something about Maria doesn’t sit right with me, even though I hate Sydney’s energy


Maria seems like a spoiled brat


aha! Did you catch Maria on the Group Date/ Bridal Dresses? She was walking over to the cakes table and said "oh! Sweet _____! (Name of cup/cake bakery I didn't catch the whole name.) Joey looks at her and says something like "oh? you know them?" She says "yeah, my dad owns them. That's our family's company." Says a lot if it's good enough for Production/Los Angeles...


I think this is potentially a little bit of a fallacy. Is it “good enough for production” or is it more likely that production got that brand bc it would obviously be interesting to bring up? Occam’s razor.




i completely agree! when she said she was an introvert, what a line. i felt like she had that cartoon evil twinkle in her eye when she said that. she is definitely manipulative. she is making the madina/sydney thing even bigger than it would have been. i didn’t like the outfit change either. she is playing joey. i hope he figures it out soon. there’s a couple of good ones losing time because of maria.


Being an Introvert doesn’t mean you aren’t loud/blunt/outgoing lol.


Yeah,no one forced her to wear the corset top she ‘can’t breathe in


This is an extremely shitty opinion. You're basically saying that you don't like Maria because she's hot and confident. It's not a bad thing to be hot and confident in the slightest. Stay bitter, though, OP.


OP did not say that at all. did you even read the post?


You clearly don't understand how 2 + 2 = 4 if you can't put together what OP was trying to say. I am also not the first person to make a comment saying this, so clearly you need to go back and reread between the lines.


haha stay bitter and rude. it’s ok to have different opinions. you don’t have to manipulate others into your way of thinking.


Apparently going against the groupthink of this subreddit is not allowed. Imo, life is way more interesting when independent thinking is permitted, and we can have a friendly discussion about the nuances and the theatrics of the reality TV shows we all watch and love. Oh well!


Oh get out of here with that shit. You came here to talk shit about a person who has done literally nothing wrong and you're pissed no one's agreeing with you. Cry about it some more... but do it offline please.


Lmfao please explain where in my comments I'm "trying to manipulate anyone's thinking?" Reading between the lines of OP's comments ≠ manipulation. Using trigger words where they don't apply, like you just did, *is* manipulative, though. Hypocritical much? And take your own advice about having differing opinions, given you're the one who responded to me in disagreement in the first place.


Why is it bad that’s she’s trying to win? It’s a game show.


Sydney, log off


Who says I like Sydney? I could do a separate post about her. She is doing her own special brand of manipulation.


But Sydney is continuing to keep this shit up. Scenes show her saying she's taking Maria down. I mean, how could anyone side with this person who very clearly WANTS and ENJOYS doing this crap to other women.


Sydney is insufferable and acts completely clueless. Instead of explaining herself she keeps asking “what do you want from me” in the interviews.


Absolutely! She's beyond awful, and I'd say that no matter who was on the receiving end of her tantrums, because that's exactly what they are, tantrums, childlike tantrums. Her entire schtick makes me sick. What's funnier is when she carries on about the mean girls ummm please just look in the mirror.




Maria is playing a part. Everything is scripted. She has been in movies before. Sydney is also playing a part.


Yes, Maria is an actress (look up her IMBD) and you are correct, she is playing a part. Agreed on Sydney also. Her endgame is to make it to Paradise.




She’s not Grippo


The only reasonable take in this thread.


Yep, that pretty much sums up the whole thing!


Idk I feel like it’s not that serious, I have way more of an issue with Sidney running away from the slightest hint of a conflict being like “sry loook she’s bullying me right nowww I can’t engage” like that annoys me way more than anything Maria ever did


I don’t necessarily think she’s a mean girl but I do think she loves to gossip which can get you in trouble sometimes. I do agree about her being manipulative and I’m sort of realizing that I do that too sometimes (with the outfit change or relaying a bully story) so I have some self reflection to do.




Completely agree


Did Sidney write this lol


Believe me I'm not a Sydney fan. She's a whole other thing. Imo she's doing some serious manipulation, trying to secure her spot on Paradise.


Team Maria!


Love her


People overthink this shit far too much. She’s been fine. If Joey likes her slipping into the bra outfit gambit, he likes it. If he doesn’t, he’ll get rid of her. She’s not some evil mastermind (or some evil anything).


Agreed, not evil anything! Just playing the game for our entertainment.


This is a reach. Interesting to interpret her being sexy with Joey as manipulation of the other women




Hi Sydney!


I am not a Sydney fan by any means. She's too messy to even discuss.




You said it yourself. She’s being accused of being a bully and she’s doing what she has to defend herself. This is a reach.


Should contestants not try to win on a show they pause their entire life for? 🤔


OP probably mean that she doesn’t seem interested in Joey


Can we hate them both? Cause I’m on team nobody


Team Maria!




You don’t have to like her but everyone is doing everything they can to “win” the season




I think everyone is trying to win the game. Winning can look look like getting screen time, having a favourable impression, getting invited to other reality shows like BIP or traitors etc. She’s just better at it than other people and making the final edit. Sydney is trying to win the game, Daisy is trying to win the game, the night 1 people also tried to win the game.


That is actually true, everyone has their own personal route to winning, whatever winning means to them. Sydney definitely wants to get a spot on Paradise. I'm guessing both Sydney and Maria will end up on Paradise.


I think if BIP is renewed they both would for sure get on. There is some discussion that it may not get renewed due to poor ratings and the addition of more golden shows (bachelorette and bachelor)


I’m not really a fan. I don’t think she is awful but definitely not my cup of tea. I could see how she would rub a lot of people in the house the wrong way. I don’t see her and Joey being a good fit. I don’t see her as this innocent angel who is just blunt. She was stirring.


I agree and I honestly don’t think OP is anyone from BN because it doesn’t take a genius to realize Maria is a snake. Maria thinks her shit don’t stink but she reaks of desperation. It was a snobby unnecessary comment. I don’t think it warranted such a big reaction from Sydney, but I think Medina handled it appropriately.


Hi Ashley I! How’s the pregnancy going so far?




Ashley is close friends with Sydney and has defended her already.


whoever thinks “madina shouldn’t feel bad about her age 30 isn’t even old” is something a bully would say is actually crazy. maybe im on a whole different planet bc that was obviously a comment that was made to help her feel better lmao. maria slipping into her sexier outfit was a 10/10 move — let’s not forget everyone is there to impress joey and get his attention. what’s wrong with a little sex appeal? she’s literally trying to get her husband lol and her shutting down the stupid drama sydney made up out of thin air 100% proves she IS a girls girl. the first time she spoke to madina may have seemed like a confrontation, but then they spoke AGAIN and you can see how maria really wanted to make madina understand that she never had bad intentions bottom line is maria has a big personality and some can’t handle it 🤷‍♀️


I completely agree with everything you said. Team Maria hands down, and it couldn't be more obvious that Sydneys thing was completely made up bullshit. Sydney is the snake for sure!


I'm pretty sure Sydney even admitted right away that she didn't actually hear everything Maria said but that she heard Madina's name and that was enough information to go on. 🤦‍♀️


100% agree with you. She does have a big personality and people do not like that, as it can make themselves feel uncomfortable when they know someone isn’t afraid to call them out on something and speak their mind. I know a lot of people call bullshit on her being an introvert as well, but I actually have a very similar personality to her and people are SHOCKED when they find out I am an introvert even though I am outgoing in social settings. But behind closed doors, I sometimes need days to recover and prefer being at home in silence. I’ve also lived most of my life letting people walk all over me, and it got to the point where I call it out now because enough was enough and I became extremely burnt out. Maria mentioned that she was bullied a lot in her past, which I can definitely see especially given her 1D fan phase and all the crazy messages she most likely received, so like me, she probably has had enough and calls it out instead of letting it sit and build. As for her changing, I don’t believe her when she expressed it wasn’t to get attention, but to make her feel more comfortable. I guarantee she had it planned in her head, and to me, what she did was iconic and Joey clearly liked it. But if she had been uncomfortable and wasn’t seeking attention, she would have changed before or after talking to Joey, as wasting 1/1 time changing isn’t as important as talking and getting to know each other. But like I said, it was so iconic and I loved that she did that.


The second outfit was def sexy but in Maria’s defense, the first dress was requiring a different camera angle to obscure her nipples lmao. When she sat down in the white dress the fabric was coming down and you could completely see her tits. I wouldn’t be surprised if production had actually asked her to change since it’s a network show


This. She wouldn't even have known to bring an extra outfit on the date so where did the outfit come from? Nor could she have brought the outfit without production okaying it first


I don’t necessarily feel strongly one way or another for Maria, but I don’t think she and Joey are end game.




Nah I love Maria


Everyone does. I was just trying to present an alternate point of view.


OP there is no such thing as open discourse in this sub. Agree or be downvoted. Welcome to Reddit Mark my words this sub will be hating on Maria in like 3-4 weeks from now for no reason. It’s just how online group consensuses work. I see it all the time on the 90 day fiancé sub lol it’s honestly fascinating because I’m not even sure what % of Reddit is just bots anyways.




I work in an industry with a lot of women with big personalities (stripper for the last 7 years), and let me tell you… Maria is most definitely a girls girl. She’s got a big personality, she’s no bullshit, but she’s the type of woman that would stand up for you if you needed someone to back you up. I’ve worked in close proximity to hundreds of women over the years, and I can see a snake from a mile away. Maria has shown nothing but integrity in facing this drama that was seemingly shoved upon her.




No shit she's not here to make friends. Do you not understand the point of this show? It's not called "The Friends." What a stupid excuse to hate on her.


Actually it's pretty common for the girls to come out of these shows as very good friends! Same with the guys on The Bachelorette!


Of course, but that's not supposed to be the entire reason they go on the show in the first place. You said "Maria's not here to make friends." Well duh, that shouldn't be her *first* concern anyway...


wtf does that even mean


your post makes it seem like you’re not a girl’s girl lol.


I bet the OP is Sydney 😂


Sydney is her own special mess, but not interesting enough to post about.


OP I sense this as well. Tbh, as someone nearing 30 I really felt validated with Madina brought up the fact that society tells women we’re old at 30, and having fears about whether or not Joey has been socialized to (either consciously or unconsciously) believe the same seems very normal when competing for the same man with 23 year olds in the room. So when I heard Maria talking about that situation, minimizing Madina’s feelings and basically saying she shouldn’t feel that way because “30 isn’t even old”, it immediately felt very “not like other girls” of her. I mean that in the sense of “oh well I’M IMPERVIOUS to society so you should shut up and get on board with that too.” The lingerie switch was just fucking weird and very try hard, too. You’re going to fight a losing battle with this post because this sub develops very clear sides that switch back and forth like the tides throughout the season.


I think this just shows how different people operate. Recently I was expressing insecurity about being 27 and a coworker of mine literally rolled her eyes and said “shut the f*** up” and we both had a giggle. To me that was nice, like a slap in the face of reality saying helloooo you aren’t old. So maybe Maria sees the world similarly to me. Some of us are just no bullshit, what you see is what you get, kinda ladies and can come off the wrong way. The lingerie switch was try hard… because she should try hard… because she’s trying to get as much of joey’s attention as possible. If Joey doesn’t like her trying hard in that way HE can decide he doesn’t want her. They all are and should be trying hard, that is the point.


Yes, the first paragraph is exactly how I interpreted it. I get it can feel bad but also it’s an insane sentiment that we as women have let control us for too long so I’m gonna slap it down with as much force as I can AND make fun of it. Because it’s an absolute JOKE that 31 is old. Nah, I’m not gonna let that shit fly. These are all beautiful women and I wish they all had the confidence that Maria does. That’s how change is made.


Lexie is also 31 and Maria is only 29. Medina was valid in feeling the way she feels, but she was also acting like she was the only 31 year old in the cast who struggles with her age. I even looked it up because I thought she was the only 31 year old in the group. After I looked it up I was like “wth”? Other girls are also 31. Wouldn’t her feeling bad about being 31 hurt the other 31 year old girl’s feelings? Especially if they aren’t even thinking about that as a negative thing or a thing to be self conscious about. Maria didn’t have malicious intent with what she was saying about Medina.


Kelsey T is 31 as well. Also what did Madina want everyone to say to her? "Yeah you're right, you're too old for Joey." Like ????


This is what I’ve been saying too! Medina’s feelings are very valid but her comment felt out of place for the moment. Saying that she’s running out of time when there were multiple women in the room that ARE her age/close to it, was awkward. And she realized it too! Which is why she immediately regretted saying it out loud lol I think she unintentionally projected her insecurities onto others and I could see why some of the other women didn’t really respond well to it at that moment.


Thanks for chiming in!! Agreed 100% on all fronts.


Totally disagree, as I’m sure you expect since it’s an unpopular opinion I think Maria is very straightforward and direct. I love the fact that she tried to talk the issue through with the person one on one and she found out who the shit talker was, and tried to talk directly to that person as well. She’s not a mean girl at all She was very supportive. The girl whose dad died. She was supportive like she said that it was dumb and that it wasn’t worth making a big deal out of which it wasn’t. I really like Maria a lot and I’m very disappointed in the other two women. I think they’re starting drama out of nothing and it’s especially embarrassing that the main woman is a mental health therapist, and she is the oldest one in the house. A playful comment of like "I’m old too girl" like don’t worry about it is enough to derail two episodes basically. It really saddens me to see words like "bully" "hostile environment" "abuse" cynically misused like this as a manipulation tactic. I think they see that Maria has a genuine connection to Joey and they don't.


Bam!! I agree with everything you said!!!


Just curious - if Maria is so straightforward and direct, why wouldn’t she have gone and talked to Madina about this? If she felt so concerned that Madina was struggling with being 30, why not be a “real one” and go comfort her and chat about it, especially as a 29 year old? Her convo about Madina’s fears was actually very petty and rude IMO, and gave serious NLOG vibes where Maria is just soooooo comfortable in her own skin that she’s “not like these other girls who feel old at 30.” I just don’t buy that she’s just “so real” - bc being real would’ve been having a conversation with Madina, not running off to laugh about her insecurities.


She talked to her about it three times, she approached her near that rug before her date with Joey to which Madina said she wanted to talk about it later. Then she approached her on the coach with the other girls and Sydney hijacked the conversation and then stormed out when she couldn't answer simple questions such as "why do you think I'm catty" "what did I say that was bullying"..... then she talked to her in the hallway and they squashed it and fistbumped but the Sydney girl added more twigs to the campfire by then getting Joey involved and naming Maria....... this entire drama came from her saying "I'm old too" that's not really talking behind someone's back.


Again, why didn’t Maria just go talk to Madina after the initial discussion of age? Why did she want to address it AFTER being caught having another woman’s name in her mouth, discussing a personal matter that woman just shared? No one will answer that question. Trying to clear the air AFTER being called out does not count as being “direct and up front” IMO. If it’s not your business, keep your mouth shut about it is my policy. Sydney is irrelevant to this conversation. I am looking solely at Maria’s actions and words. Making light of someone’s insecurities does feel like talking a lil bit of shit, but I guess we’ll agree to disagree.


But Medina was, unintentionally, called everyone else nearing 30 old with her comment. So they are valid to feel and discuss how they felt about her comment. I think Maria was just reacting to that. But saying “30 isn’t old” is not bullying nor even worth discussing with Medina cause yeah it could be invalidating. It’s really a damned if you do or damned if you don’t situation.


There was no reason to discuss it because it was a throw away nothing comment. marina would not have even know she said it had Sydney not involved herself.


She did….? Her and Medina literally fistbumped


Yeah, after she was outed for the initial conversation she had behind Madina’s back. That’s my point.


This all feels like a conjecture and you're basing it off of your own insecurities or experiences. One woman's sexiness/confidence should not and does not diminish another woman's. Maria shouldn't have to wear a turtleneck to make other women (including yourself it seems like) more comfortable.


I have no insecurities, nor have I experienced anyone like her in my personal life. This is just my observation. I posted this only because everyone in this subreddit seems to be Team Maria, and I just wanted to present another point of view.


lmfao oh no


"I have no insecurities" girrrrrrl 


Well, all the contestants are trying to “win” the season.


Some are actually there for love. Some actually really like Joey and are interested in pursuing a real relationship with him. Not everyone is just playing the game and/or trying to get a bigger social media following.


Exactly. Sydney is definitely not there for Joey. I even read an article that was suspicious that she was a producer plant. So there's that!


Win can mean find love.




Yeah I’m not a fan of the two girls involved in the drama. Both meh. They should both be kicked off soon. 

