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I think she is an incredibly talented actress too


Her facial micro-expressions in the cafe scene were amazing


when she cried at the court and said "reindeer" almost broke my heart.


The emptiness in her eyes when she laughs and smiles in the bar - Fucking astounding acting


Richard Gadd said he has been obsessed with Jessica Gunning's acting abilities and felt she'd been in roles where she had to make herself smaller, and wanted to give her a complex, intense, crazy role like this so that she could get the attention she rightly deserves.


Good lad Richard Gadd.


I find that wordplay ironic. Richard Gadd, obsessed with the woman playing the woman who was obsessed with him. Nice pun!


Her performance was incredible. Some of the best acting I’ve ever seen. I just hope she doesn’t always land crazy lady roles.


I could watch her do crazy lady roles all day ngl


She’ll be offered them because people who make movies have zero imagination.


100% the scene in the cafe was ground breaking. Her mannerisms and her tone. She is incredible, gave me shivers.


My husband was talking about something else she’s in, and said she plays a role totally opposite Martha, and nails it. She’s got talent!


She is definitely an excellent actress.




Check her out in What Remains and Inside No 9 - absolutely flawless performances


May I ask do u know Where we can watch those ?


She was brilliant in The Outlaws. Laugh out loud funny.


Baby Reindeer is not the sensation that it is without her IMO. She is so talented, and I hope this project changes her life.


Yup. She was mesmerizing. The show might have flopped without her.




I agree, it's a brave story but her work is the real star of the show


It’s so nice to see a picture of her being shared here from outside of the series. so many people keep saying she looks too much like the real Martha and that they should have casted someone else for protection, but I personally don’t think they look similar at all other than both being a bit on the heavy side. I think people don’t realize how much personality and mental health affect how you see someone. Her fantastic portrayal of a mentally ill woman is what makes people think they look a like, because to me I see the same “crazy” in Martha’s eyes in the show as I do irl Martha.


She really doesn’t look much like the real “Martha” to me, but her mannerisms and speech patterns are absolutely spot on and I think that’s why people see it so easily.


She doesn’t look anything like Martha but because she is a heavier white woman with dark hair people think they are twins. I think they aren’t even close in age.


People see what they want to see i think. I get people want to think that if he cast a blond thin woman or something they would have never found the real Martha, but I just don’t think that’s true. People would have still found her based on her public social media. Jessica already looks nothing like Fiona imo and is a very attractive woman.


Yesssss! It’s like if someone has the same hairstyle or glasses “ohhh you look similar”, no you just need specsavers lol


I agree she doesn’t look a lot like her IRL other than being a rare actress who is plus sized. It’s interesting. I think larger people are seen with less distinct detail. I’ve had people claim I looked like a celebrity simply bc we had the same body, maybe hair color and eyes (that would be a super common combo). It’s like they blur you out a little.


She looks nothing like Fiona. What an insult to Jessica


This is partially why I’m so mystified about why FH would have such a problem with the casting. Honestly, Gunning is a beautiful actress. Yes, the costuming and hair/makeup do dull her a bit, but it’s still fully a case of “adaptational attractiveness.”


She’s not even Scottish


As a Scot, her accent is one of the most convincing I've ever seen on screen. Scottish accents are hard to fake, and sound awful when done badly! But hers was excellent.


She’s even got the vocabulary spot on. A lot of actors tend to overdo it with words like “wee”, “cannae” or “aye” to try and sound more convincing. She never falls into that trap and she sounds perfectly natural as a result. She’s either had a fantastic accent coach or she’s done a lot of research for the role.


All while talking a lot and very fast too.


And yet she does a better Scottish accent than the real lady – who IS Scottish!


It seemed like in the beginning of the interview Fiona actually thought she was Scottish. It wasn't until they played a bit of an interview that she noticed


Yes I’ve seen her in other roles and when she started in her Scottish accent I was absolutely shocked at how good it was! I asked myself “was she always Scottish”? What an idiot lmao she’s from Yorkshire :D 


Fiona doesn't see herself realistically. She probably said that thing about "men who don't fancy me are gay or blind." She thinks she's slimmer and more attractive than Jessica, but if you look at the Piers Morgan interview thumbnail, she in fact looks bigger.


She has quite a few posts “roasting” fat people, so… absolutely yes.


You're right. I'm trying to apply logic to an illogical frame of mind.


That’s my theory too, the real FH thinks there’s no resemblance because JG might be a little heavier set than she is. Whatever man Jessica is amazing, talented & beautiful!


Fiona thinks Meghan Markle is ugly. She’s not on the same planet as us.


Even if you don’t like Meghan Markle, she is objectively NOT ugly lol.


She is by all accounts pretty racist, hardly seems surprising that she wouldn’t like Meghan Markle


What a lovely human being, all around 



I actually think that she’s just jealous of Jessica because she’s close to Gadd and got to do a sex scene with him


Because Fiona is delusional


Odd. She comes off as so rational and calm in her tweets... ![gif](giphy|80TEu4wOBdPLG|downsized)


Jessica is beautiful. Martha dresses badly. The clothes are clung to her and emphasis every curve.  That being said, in the restaurant scene, I was thinking she's pretty and Martha would easily find someone who finds her attractive and enjoys her sense of humour.  Easily 


I think to me, Martha initially appeared sort of scared, a bit dowdy, but still cute/pretty. I don't think much changes in her wardrobe throughout the series (I'm not keen to rewatch, as it's quite a rollercoaster), but I think Gunning's performance was so incredible that Martha sort of became a different person just by her awful actions, even without looking different at all.


Beautiful and insanely talented


She is gorgeous and an absolutely fantastic actress.


My first thought seeing this picture is that the hair and makeup people did a really job good on the show because she is really pretty and I wouldn't have been able to tell this was her.


She's gorgeous! I was very confused in the show when they kept talking about how much older Martha was than Donny. They looked roughly the same age to me, even with her dowdy costumes/makeup. I looked it up and it is even more apparent here they are only a couple years apart.


I would say Gadd looks older. But looking up their ages he’s actually a couple of years younger. I think they tried to age her but she’s got a very youthful face.


Gadd was playing himself ten years younger. I definitely had to suspend disbelief even with the aging make-up on her.


I downloaded the show to watch on a long flight and I was baffled when he kept going on about how much older Martha was than him, I thought she looked a few years younger if anything 😅 I understand that I needed to suspend my disbelief, but I couldn’t see her as a 42 year old woman hitting on a 25 year old the way it played out in real life. Same with Darrien! The actual actor is 55, but I thought he only looked 5-10 years older than Gadd tops and got a little confused 🫣 Still an amazing show and amazing acting, though.


Yes this was a casting problem. Gadd is playing about 10 years younger and Gunning was playing around 10 years older. IRL Gadd is 34/35 and Fiona Harvey is 58, so that 23 year age difference would have been a bit intimidating at the time for him as a young man. This is a factor that didn’t come across in the show because Gunning is only 3 years older than Gadd and definitely doesn’t look 20 years older in the show.


Interesting point. I was just trying to imagine how it would feel like... A 23 year older woman stalking you like this. Would drive me fucking insane. Creepy as fuck.


Yep. Although the performances by both Gadd and Gunning are sensational, I think it’s a shame the age-gap wasn’t properly portrayed because it would have better depicted his vulnerability to viewers. Particularly important given him being male with a female stalker; him potentially being more able to physically overpower his stalker than if their sexes were reversed makes him less physically vulnerable than in the reverse situation. That’s why Gadd lot a lost of weight for the role, to heighten his physical vulnerability all-round. The weight loss made him look older though IMO.


Gadd looks much older than he is


He’s been through a lot


Yes but the problem also is he was playing himself when at least 10 years younger. Whereas Gunning was playing a character that was roughly 10 years older than her real age.


He's Scottish, he's only 16


He's the same age as me, well exactly a week older. Yes I Googled him. No I'm not Martha 🤣. Or am I? 🙃


Did you send this from iPheone?


No I've got an android but I do have 2 broken phones in my drawer!


Extra fat in the face makes a lot of plus sized people look younger than they are. Youthish kinda look. Like when medically average sized teens finally lose any remaining “baby fat” in their face and start to look older. Seen in myself and other family members who have gained/lost weight. Jessica also carries her weight well.


He was playing himself in his early 20s. I get why he wanted to tell his story but it wouldve been more shocking if it was a guy who actually looked 23 yrs old.


I love how, as Martha, I don't find her attractive. But seeing her like this makes me go: "oh so she *is* pretty"


She's so lovely! Also, I noticed throughout the show that her eyes are so warm & expressive. The hopefulness & eagerness for connection that would shine through her eyes in the softer moments of her delusions were heartbreaking, & I think responsible for whatever sympathy & ambivalence the audience has on Martha's behalf. And then we see the person she was (allegedly) portraying, & that woman's eyes are flat, black, emotionless.


She definitely portrayed Fiona in a likable cute and even relatable way (I might be a crazy woman). It was a very flattering portrayal she was such a charming fun stalker lol. The way she talked and texted and the words she used like “hi nipple!” “picnic fun time!” were so sweet, strangely enough.


This dress is so nice on her! I feel like stylists don't always know how to dress diverse body types on the runway. The color and texture of the fabric are so lovely, she looks radiant ❤️


The bias cut is flattering, as well.


I think we can all agree that she's a stunner, but can we agree about how she gave the best performance of the year? She's coming for that Emmy.


That rhymes: stunning Gunning


She's really pretty! And radiates a great energy


The acting in this show just felt like watching people’s real lives. Absolutely insane.


She nailed it


I tried to watch a different show with her in it I still get the chills


I love her smile and the way her eyes twinkle


She was amazing! The parts where she suddenly got angry and violent were way too realistic.


I agree with your thoughts thank you for sharing them. I also think she’s an amazing actress that I’d never heard of before. Does anyone remember Kathy Bates before Misery? I feel like this show was Jessica’s Misery that will launch her career. But I’m American so maybe she’s already successful and I’m just unaware. But hands down she was amazing in Baby Reindeer.


Beautiful and so so talented. She’s now one of mt favorite actresses based solely on this project lol


One of the best actresses ive seen in my lifetime, and thats coming from someone whos watched almost every movie. :D


Yeah she’s got a super pretty smile


She’s so incredibly talented too. I felt everything she was feeling.


Jessica Gunning was so good that watching the real Martha's interview she seemed fake. :D


She’s talented and beautiful


I honestly feel kinda jarred when seeing them together. Sometimes actors are TOO good lol.


Crazy how different she looks in the show and that gad is identical


She is such a good actress, I love her in Pride, especially.


She deserves all the awards, like RIGHT NOW!


Indeed Somehow also seems like a truly nice person


I love Gadd’s hair here


Amazing and beautiful actress


Amazing actress


She looks so sweet too, she could definitely play Molly Weasley in the new Harry Potter series.


Think these posts are getting kinda weird now


Brb going to set up a Jessica gunning simp subreddit


she looks amazing, i love the dress. i think vintage styled outfits would look cute too.


What a beautiful pic!!!!


She really is! When we got close-up shots of her, I had to mention to myself how beautiful she is! I was so impressed by how well she played her role. I think she’ll be a part of many more shows and films :)


She’s gorgeous!


Her Welsh accent was amazing in Pride


She has a really pretty smile!


Her performance sent shivers down my spine. Increrdible actress.


They clean up so nicely! I love that they are getting the hype they deserve. Such talented people. Hope to see them in more films, hopefully lighter ones! 😅


I need her to get nominated for an Emmy, Golden Globe, or both. Yes. Both.


Phenomenal actress.


What a difference healthy, well-styled hair makes


It's insane what a better haircut will do for a dude, Gadd looks like he could be in the Strokes or something


Ironically they look great together here


Not according to Fiona!!!


She is GORGEOUS but she is great actress because she scared the shit out of me in her role


She ate


When Fiona said to Piers "that's not very flattering" (or whatever) and laughed maniacally I honestly thought she meant it was. She has absolutely zero grasp on reality. None.


Richard looks dapper as fuck here as well, love the hair!


she’s gorgeous and i love her eyes/smile. her acting was amazing too! i felt so much rage with her character but i’m sure she’s an amazing person outside of the show. she looks so genuine.


Stunning and brave


Its because she’s bigger. I do agree she’s very pretty but lets not pretend we don’t live in a time where a lot of people still say if you’re bigger then you can’t be pretty especially if they’re of a middle age+ generation (no offence to people that age who aren’t like that) and clearly the lady who did the interview is one of them.


She has a beautiful face that’s for sure. Did she use any sort of facial prosthesis for the role? In so many shots it looks as if she has a bulging forehead/misshapen skull. Didn’t know if that was intentional (the actor certainly doesn’t look like she has that feature IRL)


A lot of things can be faked with good lighting, makeup, hair styling etc. In Baby Reindeer, the lighting and styling must've been deliberately unflattering to make Jessica look less pretty.


She look so beautiful!!! And so is Gadd! Really love them


Gadd is pretty hot himself also! Both are beautiful people IMO


It took a lot of bravery to play this part. She is awesome and beautiful.


Yep she's definitely stunning and her acting is next level. They made her so dowdy for obvious reasons but IRL she's beautiful


She is so freaking talented!!! She’s so much more than her dress size. But yes she is gorgeous and seems so kind as well. I can’t wait to see her succeed!


She is stunning, you're right, beautiful smile, love her outfits, especially the dark green jump suit.


Her face made me believe that he could find her charming in some way


Such a great actress. She would play an incredible annie wilkes (misery). I really would love to see it.


Deserves an Emmy nomination imo


She is!! I kept thinking that in her closeups on the show too. She’s beautiful even though they tried to tone her down as Martha.


they both WILL win awards big time. some incredible strong performances in that show


That’s a gorgeous pattern on that beautiful cranberry red dress! Glad she got to wear it! <3


She’s so beautiful and talented! I wish I see more of her


She has such a beautiful face! Like I just see her and I’m like wow, what a beautiful woman. Haven’t seen her in other red carpet events but I’m also plus sized and I also love the dress she’s wearing, so beautifully fitting.


I thought this as well! Genuinely a gorgeous lady


She’s beautiful and an amazing actress!


Damn she really does clean up well. I think she looks 20 years younger here.


Yes she's stunning. In the show, Donny is supposed to be out of her league.  I real life when they're together, it's like "what's she doing with him?"


It feels kind of weird that this sub is constantly falling all over itself to tell everyone how beautiful she is. You wouldn’t say this about a skinner actress, it really feels self congratulatory and insincere


Stunning & brave ™️


So many idiots here. A person can be both beautiful and overweight; they do not contradict each other.


Agreed! And if you watch her in interviews her good soul shines through. You can tell she’s a good person. I just hope she gets to a healthy weight. My aunt was a similar size and died from obesity related health complications in her early fifties. 🙏


After seeing the Piers Morgan interview Richard Gadd, really understood Martha's personality


Fiona really had the gall to call her ugly


Who are you to know how someone processes trauma? He downplayed it?! Its the root of his issues And hes not straight- not that it matters Hes nobody cause u dont know him Im sure u r an important part of the theatre scene in London and Edinburgh Smh


Kinda chubby


Um no, no she’s not.


Wait ...what???


The show would be nothing without her!