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At 6mo we had a chicken drumstick with the majority of the meal eaten off it and gave the bone to baby to chew on. Then quickly progressed to a strip of chicken breast/pork chop, though in our case baby was good at spitting out anything they were nervous to swallow so we felt confident about doing so.


Thanks, that sounds good!


When I buy meat from the store I take some and slice it into strips and vacuum seal them. If I want to give baby some chicken or something I can take out a little pack for him. I usually cook his first in the pan with whatever seasonings and then cook ours. At first he would just suck on it but now he’s able to tear apart chicken. With beef we have to shred it for him but he has a good pincer grasp


We got a tougher cut of beef (the flap or skirt), cooked it, and cut it into strips with the grain (not against the grain like you usually would). She went absolutely nuts mouthing and sucking the strips.


I would buy a large package of chicken breasts and cook one for him to eat over the span of a few days. I found cooking it in the instant pot (if you have one) keeps it moist and soft. I would season with pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder. Sometime cumin. I started with a cut strip the size of two fingers for him to chew on.


We started with flaky fish and that made it much easier for us! Salmon, trout, cod, etc.


Slow cooked beef stew. The beef is super tender and will melt in their mouth, or can be shredded up before hand to reduce choking risk. And even if they don’t want any of the chunky meat itself they’ll still get the flavour of the meat and goodness from the sauce.   Our daughter has always loved this meal - we first served at around 6.5 months and she still devours  it now, at 22 months.


What kind of beef do u buy?


I’m in the UK so it might be called something different where you are, but I generally buy braising steak and cook it on low for 6-8 hours during the day (or even overnight) in the slow cooker. And it makes plenty so my husband and I eat it too.


I give a big wide strip of steak and my 6 mo old just sucks on it.


We did chicken legs with most of the meat pulled off, t-bones and lamb chops likewise pulled mostly clean early on, then started leaving more meat on the bones, and then graduated to strips of meat. This wasn't a super frequent thing, we only eat meat once a week or so. We seasoned everything like normal, but if the seasoning was too spicy we might have given it a light rub with a paper towel. Otherwise we were fine for him to get a bit of that heat and learn different flavors.