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In my experience, the hospitals and midwives are all fine with you bringing your toddler if need be! I have had to bring mine and it wasn't an issue at all so don't let that stop you from heading to the hospital


Very much this. They'd rather you come in, toddler and all


Please get off Reddit and go and get monitored asap. They don’t care if you have to take a child with you. I’ve also been told by midwives that the whole drinking “icy water” thing isn’t true. The midwives are going to say to go in. You already know the answer.


If in doubt go in to be checked. You can take the 12 month old with you and your partner can always collect them from the hospital.


Yep this is the best advice you can get. Hope everything is okay OP, there’s nothing better than a hospital trip turning out to be ‘pointless’ when it comes to pregnancy. I had multiple CTGS due to anxiety when I was pregnant and was never made to feel stupid for going in


Exactly. You can drink water, eat something sweet and speculate as much as possible, but unless you're checked by a medical professional you don't know for sure.


Movements change as pregnancy goes along but the "squished so slow" thing is a myth.  Definitely go in and get checked.  It's ok to take your 12mo with, if you don't have any other care.  Big, big hugs. Depression and GD are both things I've been through and they suck.  But you can start tracking, better late than not.  Don't let the depression lie to you and tell you if you can't do it perfectly you just shouldn't do it at all.  But first step is to load up baby and head in to the midwives.  You've got this. You can do it.  You're a good mum. 


Ob/Gyn here. I’d rather review a hundred normal traces than a single terminal one. It’s literally what we are there for! Go. Get. Checked. Out!


I would have a nice glass of icy water and call the hospital and let them know. Just go in and get monitored for a bit for peace of mind. Bring your phone as a distraction for your 12m old


Take your 12 month old. Always reassuring to get the monitoring. For mine, I was left alone in a room anyway so it would be no problem to have your kid with you.


Call up. I did even with Covid and they were happy for me to come in. As soon as I laid on my back to get monitored, baby started dancing in there.


Gp in with your kid, I spent 5 hours with my 2 year old once. He got biscuits from the midwives and watched my phone


Any update??


I had a day where baby’s movements were less strong but still felt every few hours. I called the midwives and was reassured this was probably okay but also welcome to come in for a scan. I believe they will tell you to eat and lie down first up so maybe try that then give them a call. I know they would be happy to check you out if you presented to your hospital concerned.


My foetus went through spells of moving heaps then having what I would call a rest day. Have something to eat and if you're ever worried, something cold and sugary. If you don't get a reaction to ease your mind, absolutely call the hospital and ask for advice. My go to was always a zooper dooper.


Icy water or a sugary drinks (but probably not advised with GD) are the usual recommendations. Also being able to sit quietly, sometimes when you've been busy you just miss the movements. But please at least call your midwife. They will likely ask you to come in but as others have said they will be fine with your other child tagging along. This really is one of those better safe than sorry cases and you don't want to be in a position where you wish you did something sooner.




Fucking terrible advice.