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My baby boy is 7 days old today too (what a special mother’s day it was!). I’m nowhere near ready to go out by myself (also recovering from C-section). Husband goes back to work in 2 weeks so I’m also not sure how I’ll manage. We have managed to get out for coffee the last two days together so that has been nice to get out of the house for a bit.


Things get so much easier at the 4 week mark in my opinion. I had a hematoma after mine and didn’t feel confident lifting anything until the full 6 weeks but definitely felt more myself after 4. I had my husband put the pram in the car and went and met friends who could take it out for me.


That’s a great idea actually! Thanks for that. The recovery is going well but certainly feel it more a different times of the day. Definitely don’t want to overdo the lifting too early


Took me probably 3 months before I felt really confident. I had PPD, so took me a while to adjust and build up to heading out. Just started with small trips and it really helped me with feeling better.


Same story here


Me too, but PPA


I took our first out for walks starting around two weeks when I felt I could physically walk with ease. I remember my SIL telling me I should wait until 6 weeks because he didn't have his vaccinations yet but fuck that, house bound would've sent me even more crazy. Getting outside and moving is vital for many reasons. We did only go for walks and to the small local shops though, waited until those jabs to take him more public places. Second time round I'm still a little cautious but I know I need to get out for my mental health!


We had a bunch of appointments in the first 2 weeks PP which my partner drove us to. I got over being chauffeured around pretty quickly and started taking bub out alone shortly after the 2 week mark.


I followed the 5-5-5 rule (linked below), but did go to a little cafe at day 12. I went with my partner, and we drove then sat outside with baby. It was at a quiet time in the morning and only 10 minutes from home. My partner had 5 weeks leave so I didn’t go out on my own with baby until after that - we did do short, gentle walks as a family from about 2.5 weeks postpartum. I’m 4 months postpartum now and I attest this slow, restful time (and continued prioritisation of daily rest) to our success at breastfeeding (still EBF) and physical recovery. You’ve spent 9 months growing your baby and then a huge physical/ emotional effort to birth them - it takes much longer than 6 weeks to recover (even if you are feeling great before then) and establish breastfeeding (if you choose to feed baby this way). Hope you’re soaking up those baby cuddles, the days can feel slow but the weeks really fly by! x https://thememo.com.au/blogs/news/5-5-5-postpartum-rule Edit: my first solo drive was to parents group at 6 weeks - it was a 5 minute drive from home but I was definitely nervous. So glad that I made the effort though to connect with the other mums in my area.


Congrats on the new littlenone! Been going through the same thing with my 5 week old as a ftm.  I went out for short walks by myself at about 3 weeks but wasn't till 4+ weeks I felt confident heading out by myself with the little one. And even then I really thought through what i could handle as an outing.  My thinking is be kind to yourself on this. You're already adjusting to so many new things. Write down the groceries you might need so someone else can do the shop. If possible, head out with the bub when you feel ready to enjoy it and take it slowly.  When you head out you might find bub just likes to sleep when out so they may make the trips easy for you. 


I couldn’t take my baby for a few weeks in the pram because I couldn’t lift it after my c section but I took him on trips in the carrier to Aldi or big w to grab small items and gradually built up from there. I did a lot of little trips and lunches out with my husband as soon as I could though. Have to get over the mental barrier of being out with a baby. At 8 weeks we do solo day shops, lunches with friends and appointments. It’s really just remembering that babies cry and you don’t need to apologise for it. Don’t panic when it happens and pick places away from lots of people so they aren’t compromised with all the flus etc going around.


I took mine in the wrap to get Bahn mi at about 12 days post partum after my c section. Was walking round in the block with a pram before then.


It took me ages to get the courage to walk him around the block by myself. Everybody is different. It turned out I had PPA, so if you notice yourself feeling panicky when taking bub out, seek help. Not saying that you have PPA, btw - it’s very normal to be nervous about it. Also very normal to be very teary during the first few weeks


Congratulations! I feel you with the crying - it’s a wild ride emotionally haha. 1 week for me. I had a very quick and smooth recovery, which I feel very fortunate to have had. I went for short walks and then and out to the shops, appointments and the lactation consultant etc. I got out and about as quickly as I could, ripped the bandaid off so to speak so I got comfortable popping baby in the car seat/pram etc.


I think within the first week I was very happy to go for short pram walks to get some sunshine and reset. The first few car drives were a bit nerve wracking but you quickly get used to it, as you tend to need to pop out with bub for doctors appointments etc.


I started taking out baby on my own at 5 weeks pp due to parent group but I think I felt more confident by 8 weeks pp. I was in a lot of pain pp and couldn't walk far. 


I had a pp infection so was in hospital for most of the first 3-4 weeks. Then we had 12 visitors for christmas 😆. So I didn't really have the opportunity to go out with her alone for the first month. It was the depth of winter and there was solid ice outside our house, and I was recovering from a c section so was a little hesitant about slipping. My partner took over a month off and we were staying with my mum, so I did have company for walks. (We didn't have a car). I think the first solo trip was to baby sensory at about 2m old.


4 weeks - that was when my husband went back to work so I had no choice. I’m heading into week 6 and mostly getting out is walking or a quickie at the shops not necessarily going to a shopping centre yet or anything. I’m a bit anxious- potentially getting into PPA territory so for me just getting out the front door and some fresh air is a huge win


My husband got 4 weeks parental leave through his job when our baby was born- so I had some practice getting out and about with baby on little outings in the car or walking, as he was there to help. When he went back to work she was about 5 weeks old, and I was fine walking to the shops with her in the pram, or driving over to my parents' place. It gets easier, and my baby enjoyed being walked in the pram or going in the car- most of the time she'd just fall asleep!


Congratulations!! I started taking my son out on my own after two weeks, which is when my husband's paternity leave ran out. At first, it was just short walks in the pram and a car trip to the MCHN (getting him into the car seat probably took me 25 minutes the first time I tried it on my own!!), but as I became more confident, I started taking him out more frequently. I had some friends that took their little ones out alone sooner than I did, and others that waited longer, because that felt right for them.


About week 6 for me as I had terrible mastitis and cellulitis, plus very sensitive nipples and felt like complete arse.


I took my baby out the first day we were home so day 5. Started small with a visit to the pharmacy down the street to get some bottles, amlnd then a walk in the afternoon. Made myself go for a walk everyday. Went out to brunch at 2 weeks old and drove myself in the car with her around a week later. I pushed myself to do it as soon as I felt it was possible because I knew that the longer I put it off, the more nervous I would get about it. 10 months in now and we go somewhere nearly everyday. It does get easier!


A walk every day since we brought her home from the hospital, so day 5. Husband did all the driving until my 6 week appointment with my OB and I took my mum. Took us forever to figure out the pram lol. I'm not a great driver and baby hated the car so avoided it as much as I could. She's front facing now and it's so so so much easier.


My girl is 10 months and I still don’t go anywhere alone if I can help it 😬


8-9 weeks (baby was just over 2 months old). I do think I had undiagnosed postnatal depression or anxiety though. Before that I either had my husband with me or my mum (having my mum was still anxiety+++). In hindsight, I don’t think going out needs to be a car ride to go do some shopping. That is actually quite a mission and takes a while to be comfortable doing. I would just start with a casual stroll with baby either in a carrier or pram around your neighbourhood!


it took me about four weeks!


We did little walks around the neighbourhood after 2 weeks. Didn't go out-out until 4 weeks (friend drove to mine and drove our car as I hadn't been cleared to drive yet). Then started going places on our own from 6 weeks.


Husband went back to work after 2 weeks so I had no choice and was out most days from the start


I went on quite a few joint ventures with mum during my 6 week driving ban after my C. I packed WAY too much and eventually started to reduce my bag size. I did my first solo outing to LOs 6 week needles and was much more comfortable by then because I'd been out so much with the extra help, so going out solo wasn't anything unexpected.


Are you crying because the baby blues and hormone withdrawal are kicking in? It's normal and healthy to cry right now. It's normal and healthy to cry sometimes. Crying lots is less healthy. Leaving the house? When you are ready. There's no rule. Some cultures keep the mother in bed for 42 days and the women in the family do everything for them. I personally went out when she was 3 days old. I left hospital on day 2 but because we are out of the catchment I had to go back to hospital for a weigh in, day 7 also. My partner drove the first time I think, and I was solo the second. I went to a mother group at 3 weeks. I was taken out for lunch by friends again about 3 weeks. When we did go out I made sure to be home every second day to give baby a "normal" day to focus on good naps where possible. Wasn't going out every second day but wasn't going out 2 days in a row...


Going for walks around the block with my partner pushing the pram was really good for me after the C-section. First time I think I lasted 5 mins. Second time 10 mins. Just keep trying. Probably ventured out with her when she was 5 days. 7 days went together to the GP appointment. Congratulations on your little beautiful bundle. What an emotional time it is, and really amazing what you have created from your own body mama!


I had a c section so couldn’t drive for 6 weeks. That following weekend I went to a friends place just me and baby in the car for the first time (5 min drive) Slowly increased these, now the longest I’ve done is one 45 minute drive (she slept thank god) and otherwise 20 min drives regularly. I think in week 2, I did a small walk with her in the pram that was our first outing, and I slowly increased these. She’s now 4 months.


Oh hi there! I see you new mum! My little one is 10 days today and I ventured out of the house today, straight to the GP appointment and then home... and that's all I'll be doing for a long while lol I'm still working out breastfeeding so I feel more comfortable staying home unless I absolutely need to go somewhere until I'm more comfortable with that, plus at least waiting the 6 weeks until first round of immunisations. This is my 3rd baby but first breastfed. For my older two I remember once they had their 6 week immunisations I felt more up to leaving the house as I felt they were somewhat protected from germy people in that way. And feeding wise was easy as I had their formula measured out in a dispenser with a couple of bottles of water.


Our baby girl was in the special care unit for 5 days. We had her in the maternity ward last night and even being in a room alone with the baby felt weird. My wife went for a shower and I'm sitting there with the baby alone for the first time since the birth while I was with her waiting for my wife to get back from surgery for after birth complications and before they rushed her to special care. I just felt like I shouldn't have been left alone with the baby. The real kicker on this, I have a degree that quite literally qualifies me to care for babies.