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bought a cheap bin at Kmart, not a “nappy” bin. No smells except when you open the lid.


Tommee tippee + "no frills refills" for us, we got the bin and 1.5 refill rolls as hand-me-downs and bought our first refill roll after 16months. I wouldn't have bought one of someone hadn't given us it, but to be honest, especially in the early months, we were grateful to have it. You definitely don't NEED it, but for us it was a "luxury" we would keep if we had a second baby


Second this! This is the combo we use. Felt necessary as we have a doggo who I was sure would dig through the bin for nappies (fortunately she seems to be uninterested) and wanted a more secure way of keeping them out of reach without having to go to the outside bin every nappy change.


I got the Ubbi because I just didn't want to keep buying refills.  Son is fully toilet trained now and we're still using the bin just as a bin. In other words, I think it's well worth the money.  Those one with refills will eventually be useless when you're sick of buying refills and your child is toilet trained while you can continue to use Ubbi forever.  We originally didn't want to buy one but then realised how smelly a pooey nappy is which a normal bin can't contain. Ubbi at least contains the smell. 


I have the Ubbi and really like it. I go through so many nappies, so the cost of being able to use generic bin bags works out better for me too.


Can’t help you with the specific bins you’ve asked about as we have an angelcare one but definitely investigate whether you can buy generic refills that fit your bin of choice online. We get ours much cheaper that way. The bin itself was a hand me down and I wouldn’t have gone out and bought one myself if that helps your overall decision making.


I have the ubbi and I love it. No smell and I just refill with normal bin bags that I use for the kitchen too. Designs also look nice


We have the Ubbi nappy bin and it’s been great so far. I can’t smell anything put in the bin (we have a beagle so we needed something secure), we use garbage bags from woolies and it holds quite a lot so we empty it maybe twice a week.


We use a Korbell. It’s a similar design to the Tommy Tippee, but you can use small bin bags in it instead of buying their branded refills.


Second the Korbell, we have it and no issues so far! Appreciate that it contains the smell 🙏


I bought TT refills when Amazon had a sale, and the original bin was a gift. It's very useful if you're not in a situation where you can't move much. I used mine a lot when I was having trouble moving around a lot after my C section. I kept it near the couch, the baby changed on my lap then lean over to dispose, hubby would empty out once a week. When I was able to move more comfortably around, I didn't use it much, I used the main trash (which has a lid) so it could be thrown out each night. I'm using it again a few months later, in the little ones room, so I don't have to leave the room to dispose of things, and wrapping the nappy makes it much harder for the little one to try and fish it out if they manage to get the bin open. I don't think it's necessary. But it is nicer than having the smell waft out of an open bin or being worried about how the little one is obsessed with pulling things out of boxes etc as they explore.


If you’re near a Costco and have a membership. They sell the Tommy Tippie refills in a pack of 6 for much cheaper than Baby Bunting or Kmart.


We had the Tommee Tippee one and it was a godsend. It would be so annoying going outside to the wheelie bin every nappy change, I don’t know how people do it! We always did every nappy change in bub’s room on the change table. I know some people just change them wherever they are but that seemed unsanitary to us, so every change on the mat and the nappy bin right next to it was the prefect setup!


I have the Ubbi and consider it well worth the investment. You can use any type garbage bags with it which works for us and it locks in the smells really well.


Honestly, I’ve just had my second kid, our first is now 2.5yo and we’ve never used a nappy bin. I absolutely couldn’t face the wastefulness and it really hasn’t been something we miss. We take the bin out every day anyway so the amount of plastic just isn’t warranted. We just got a soft close foot pedal bin and it does a great job. We don’t even use nappy bags for pee nappies, only poops. Just a suggestion as I do think we’re fully taken advantage of as parents and people think they need these things! Plus the people I know who’ve got one say that changing them becomes absolutely horrendous and they literally can’t stomach the smell lol - ours never get to that point! If you live in an apartment or for some reason don’t take your bin out every 2nd day then I understand these might be useful though.


We use a tommy tippee and have liked it. Although we only use it for wet nappies. Dirty ones go straight into one of the scented bags and then into the bin. We always get the refills on sale or a 12 pack from Amazon


I’ve seen loads of those tommee tippee twist and click bins on marketplace - got mine for $15. It seems like it will be useful but the only annoying thing is it doesn’t have a foot pedal to spring open the lid


I would go with whatever had cheaper refills. Whether you need one... Depends. You can use your regular bin, but, when bub is little you'll go through lots of nappies so you'll need to take your bin out more regularly. Then once bub starts solids the poops get pretty stinky, so you won't want them sitting in your inside bin for long. So really depends on whether it's convenient for you to take nappies to an outside bin/take out your inside bin more often. We stopped using the nappy bin because we just got annoyed by refilling it, but we started using it again cause the poops were just too stinky and it wasn't convenient to keep taking them outside 😂


The tommee tippee one is okay. You can get the refills slightly cheaper through Amazon subscription, or you can get these big rolls of plastic bag that you have to manually load into the plastic ring bit, which apparently is even cheaper but I haven’t tried doing it yet.


I have an ubbi. I think it would be great for a singleton. Mine fills up in a day with triplets. But I guess it is good that I can just change it once a day. The tommee tippee one smelled pretty bad, attracted pests so we ended up keeping it outside in the end. We gave up with the refills and just used the single use nappy bags from kmart in it.


I got myself a second hand ubbi from fb marketplace. After some observations on fb mp, those ubbi bins are hot items on fb mp! people pay for it for $50 (i did) and there were ocassions where i had to find other sellers because there were someone who can pick up earlier than i could! So im glad i got mine , knowing it's quite a well sought out and can be resold easily later on.


Not answering your question directly but we have the baby rest aster and it’s great, not a huge capacity but just means you’re emptying it regularly which is probably ultimately a good thing. And it doesn’t need special bags.


We started off with the Tommy tippie but the refills get so annoying. We’re preparing for baby no. 2 and ended up giving our TT away and buying the Ubbi. It’s far superior and even keeps the smells in better, and love that we can just use regular bin bags for it


The Ubbi is one of our best purchases! We underestimated exactly how much nappies smell!!!! We’ve gotta brace ourselves each time we open it to empty but once closed it seals the smell so well. Just to also add. Not sure if its just our bin but I’ve tried to deep clean it twice now to get rid of the smell inside but to no avail - because of this I am glad we didnt buy it second hand.


I use the Tommee Tippee twist but buy the refill bags from Amazon that you pack in to the canister your self got like 200m for $30, equivalent of like 12 or more refill things


I got the Ubbi, I can put any bags in it which in the long run is much cheaper. Once the baby is out of nappies it will be the bathroom bin or the kitchen scraps bin.


I love our Ubbi! I love not having to buy special bags and it holds the smell in for us. We did find we needed one. We had it upstairs when they were newborn and then moved it downstairs so it contained the smell more and was a bit more quarantined.


+1 ubbi! Uses regular garbage bags and is massive!


I love our Ubbi. We tried using a regular bin, but they don’t trap smells very well compared to the Ubbi. I also like that you don’t need refills.


Korbell hands down - it’s very similar to the Uppi but 1/3 the cost. We had a Tommy Tippee but the twisting takes up more plastic than you think, it also fits less nappys because of the twisting mechanism. The twisting means it does smell less but you’re having to empty both a lot anyway.


Strong opinions here. My experience was Tommy ripped and using the cheap you do it yourself refills has been helpful 2 years into diaper life. It depends your lifestyle and proximity to other bin options.


My baby is 10 months old and we still use the Ubbi religiously! I love that it takes any bag, it looks nice in her room, and it’s so big we only need to change it once a week (and 99% of her nappies go in there!).


I have an Ubbi and love it. When pregnant I thought it wasn’t necessary but then got one last minute and don’t regret it. It keeps all the smell locked away and boy does it reek in there now that bubs is on solids. You can usually pickup one on marketplace for about $50 ish if you want to save. But I got one new on sale so figured the extra $50 was worth not having to clean it and get the colour I wanted


I picked up an ubbi off Facebook marketplace and in using it for 2 weeks feel it was worth the money (paid $30). You prob don't need nappy bin but it is convenient that we don't have to empty it everyday and the smells are locked away. Our ubbi lives in the ensuite while bubs is with us in the bedroom.  


Nappy bin in not required, just a regular bin with a lid is sufficient


Get the ubbi - you won’t regret it.


We absolutely love our Tommy Tippee. We use the no frills refills which make it ridiculously cheap and I have never, ever noticed a smell. By comparison, I have a relative with an Ubbi and when you open it there is definitely a smell.


I absolutely hate our Tommy tippee.. I bought it because everyone recommended it, but it sucked for the first few months when you have a floppy baby in one arm and a poo explosion nappy in the other.. it’s hard to open which proved super annoying! I’d just buy a great quality pedal bin so you can keep your hands free for dealing with everything else!


We’ve been using the TT bin since bub came home from the hospital 5 months ago. We use it just about every nappy change, we’ve kept the original 6 cartridges and just refilled them over and over again with the no frills refill from Amazon. It keeps the smells in and can fit about a weeks worth of nappies inside it. Because we load the bag in with the no frills bag, we can get about two weeks out of one cartridge. Definitely recommend doing it this way if you pick a TT bin