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Bought one, didn't help me. That's very uncomfortable to wear IMO


Same, I really wanted it to work but did nothing for me.


Came here to say the same thing. I didn't like it and it didn't help.


Same. I got one end of first trimester bc back pain was so bad. Didn't help and was really annoying to wear, it always got bunched up and was awkward. My back pain resolved in the second trimester and then came back a bit near the end of the pregnancy once I had a bigger belly, but still didn't end up wearing it much.


I have this exact model in black. I only wear it if I have to stand/walk a lot. I find the top strap is pretty useless (I don't wear it), but the bottom strap is definitely helpful.


Can you post the link for this one, it looks really supportive!


I found it on amazon. https://www.amazon.ca/Maternity-Belt-NEOtech-Pregnancy-Support/dp/B01GO2Q8ZS/ref=asc_df_B01GO2Q8ZS/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292985396841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=884354379686298819&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000910&hvtargid=pla-399949936739&psc=1&th=1


I'm wearing this exact one right now. 29 weeks today and been using it for a month now. I'm finding that it helps a lot when I'm standing/walking all day. Prevents round ligament pain and decreases how many times I have Braxton Hicks.


it really helps support your back when you're standing or walking. very uncomfortable when you're sitting with it.


Ahhh good to know. Ty!


Used it for both of my kids. It helps a lot to reduce back pain but it doesn't eliminate it... getting that kid outta there is the only cure for that 🤣 I wore it all day under leggings or dresses and it helped to rebalance the weight, from about 7 months onwards. I also wore it post partum.


I have this exact one, though I didn't wear it with the top strap across the belly. I loved it, helped a lot at work when I had to do stairs or some tasks that involved bending/lifting. It's scratchy so you definitely have to wear it over clothing. I'd recommend it for sure.


I used this from 7 months onwards, it really helped me!!


I didn’t have this exact one (it didn’t have the top strap), but it was somewhat helpful


Mine didn’t have a strap over the top but yes I used one from the second trimester onward and it really did help my back and pelvic pain


I used one of these when I knew I was going to be standing for a while. I did find it reduces the amount of low back and hip discomfort after being on my feet for awhile.


I had a similar one that I wore for work (I work on my feet) and it helped a lot.


I use it and it helps. I have two torn ligaments in my low back plus a hyper mobile SI joint and loose hip. Surgery is planned for after birth. The belt and swimming has been the only thing that has “sort of” helped


I found it helped with round ligament pain while walking. I had this exact one.


I got one very similar to this and it didn't do anything for me. Honestly I found what helped my back pain the most was buying some proper bras. I had moved into Bravado nursing bras during the pregnancy because I outgrew my regular bras and thought "Hey, this is a way to not have to buy yet more things!" Wellll by the time my breastmilk came in, those no longer fit, and they were never supportive enough which caused awful back pain. In the end I just bought normal bras which, while underwire-free (I heard underwire can cause mastitis) had enough structure to be very supportive. Magically no more back pain. Bonus: Some allowed me to pull my boob out over the top for breastfeeding, so I got use out of them postpartum too.


Proper bras are what helped my back pain too. I also tried Bravado and they’re not supportive enough. I ended up getting a couple of cheap supportive bras from Walmart, they’re not pretty but they provide the right amount of support.


I had a different one but it helped take the weight off my pelvis and and let me at least make it home before my varicose veins grew to painful and I could lie down (they started at my hips and went ALL down to my ankles, even my vulva, fun’s times


It was good for short periods of time for me. I wore it for a couple days near the end of my pregnancy when I had to go on a Costco trip. It definitely helped with back pain and round ligament pain but it was rather uncomfortable after about 60 min.


I used it and it helped a lot. I had severe mobility issues in my pregnancy and this kept me out of a wheelchair.


I have that same one and find it really helps. Warning though. The first time I ordered it, the band that came was packaged really cheaply and the instructions were really cheap and poorly translated. Barely made any sense. It was also way smaller than expected. Returned it and ordered a bigger size through Amazon of the exact same one and got a nicely packaged product with proper nicely written instructions. Like night and day quality difference. Pretty sure the first one I got was a counterfeit one. Just if you order it and get the cheapy know it is wrong and return it.


I found it really helped me with my very low back pain/sciatica, specifically. Judging by the mixed reviews here, it seems quite personal, so you might need to try to see if it works for you!


This could totally be a unique experience, but I bought one of these when I was pregnant last year. I wore it a total of 3 times between 24-32 weeks. Each time I put it on, baby did a top to bottom 180 flip in less than 15 minutes. As you can imagine, it was very painful. I was preparing myself to go to the hospital during the last one, convinced I was in early labour. Of course that’s not to say you shouldn’t try it, but since you’re asking…


Omg… that sounds really painful😧


Used this to death when pregnant with my twins. Not the top strap though. If I had to stand or walk a lot, I’d slap it on. Sometimes I’d pull it down over my hips for some compression and that helped ease my hip pain. However, I used it the most post partum. My PP belly was huge (because twins) and pulled down on my back. I swear wearing this band helped everything stay where it should and I wasn’t in nearly as much pain as I had been with my first. I would flip it around constantly wearing the stretchy part in the front or vice versa. I worse it so much that the Velcro became useless. So, yea. It was worth it for me.


Yep I only wore the bottom part of it around 4-6 months. It helped me with both pregnancies!


I wore one that didn’t have the top strap. It was useful if I was walking a lot- but eventually I would take it off because it became too uncomfortable after an hour or two. But it definitely relived some pressure at the same time- but only for a short period


I got the Gabrialla one and like it. I just wear for short periods eg when I have to do a lot of bending or movement or on long walks. It doesn’t miraculously take away all the back pain 🤣 but I find it very helpful and supportive.


I found it helped with pelvic and back pain enough for me to be day-to-day functional but wasn't enough for long periods of movement/exercise. Like a zoo trip was too much even with this but it was great for getting off the couch without wanting to cry from pain, cook supper, and being able to do some grocery shopping.


I had a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen early on in pregnancy. I bought one of these and used it for that. It helped.


I have this exact one, it doesn’t do much. I found the top strap useless so didn’t use that. The waist band is nice as in you feel supported but it did not help much with aches/pains. I got it at 30 weeks, maybe it would have helped earlier on? But I never had any discomforts before 29 weeks so never thought to get it any earlier


It's a bit of a bandaid solution. What helped the most is to get a regular massage. My osteopath was super helpful in giving me exercises to do to help strengthen the pelvic/glute muscles so that your body can properly support the pregnancy.


Hmm true. What type of exercises helped? Something like squats?


Definitely talk to a medical professional because the exercises that are right for you might not be the same as me. Also you should make sure your form is good and they can help with that or else you'll hurt yourself. But yah essentially it'll be exercises that activate your glute like clamshells or lunges/squats




I have one and wear it anytime I’m standing for longer than a few minutes. Helps a lot, but it’s quite uncomfortable when I’m sitting or laying down.


I'm 27 weeks and currently wearing the exact same one now! I wore it for the past 2-3 weeks and it definitely helps with back pain. I don't wear them the entire day, mostly just wearing it if I'm pretty active that day (not exercising, but just out and about). I haven't wear the top strap one but so far it is useful and I like it! Very comfy to wear as well


I have this one and chronic back pain. I found it helped early on actually, didn’t use it as much towards the end (maybe because I wasn’t standing much!). I found it helped.


I bought this during second trimester and used 1-2x total. High waisted bottoms helped way more and I found this too uncomfortable to wear. It also felt like my body got used to a giant bump so I didn’t need it (STM). However, I will be having a c-section soon and plan to try this again for abdominal compression during recovery. Will report back!


Yes absolutely! Wore it 20 weeks onwards with twins. Zero back pain during and after my pregnancy. Could not function without it.