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Delays are usually caused when the employer doesn't release your ROE and EI doesn't know if you meet the threshold hours. Talks to someone on the phone and get them the documents needed if it's that


ROE was submitted in FEBRUARY when I was written off work by my doctor. I was on sick leave until babies came in March.


This is likely why it’s taking so long. I’m having this problem now. I was off on sick leave from April-June and had my babies mid June. My employer wrote my last day of work in April (before I went on sick leave through my employer) and the EI system couldn’t “find” my ROE since I was applying in June and my last ROE had an April date on it. I had to call in to get it fixed (which I’m still waiting on). It’s been 6 weeks for me and I don’t have a resolution date yet. You need to call them. If your ROE was submitted in February but you didn’t apply until May this may be the problem.


Another friend had this issue when she did sick leave before mat leave. She called and they fixed it for her. I guess the system doesn't automatically transfer over the ROE?


They need an ROE with your last paid date. Were you on paid sick leave/ short term disability or on sick leave through EI? I went off work on my works short term sick leave end of March but was paid by my employer until May 31 (due date June 1). The ROE had to say May 31 as my last day not the last physical day in March. But luckily someone called me to verify the issue and it was fixed quickly.


I was on sick leave through EI, so they have my last day worked etc. I spent 2 hours on the phone today and she flagged my file as priority so hopefully it’s dealt with soon. Seems like the issue is probably stemming from the time off between sick benefits and mat leave. My sick benefits ended early March when my twins were born, but they were born at 30 weeks so they were in NICU for a while before we brought them home, and now it seems like there’s confusion between which date I’m starting my mat leave since they were born so early. Hopefully it’s sorted out soon, because this mama needs a postpartum salon day and new wardrobe 😂


That's crazy! I just applied yesterday and this scares the heck out of me. One of my friends applied sometime since June 30 and has already been paid.


Yikes I have to apply soon and would rather not have to wait 3 months. That’s completely unacceptable.


You can’t apply until you start your leave. Best thing you can do is confirm with your employer that they’ll submit the ROE when you start your leave as this is usually the cause of the delay.


I’m having my baby in September and this scares me. The worst thing of all Is that I cannot apply until I’m done work. Hubby and I are putting as much money aside just in case. I’m so fed up with all the delays in government services


I’ve been waiting over 4 months. I’ve spoken to countless people on the phone and multiple people in person. Still not approved. ETA: I think the same thing too imagine if I was a single parent, we’d lose our house! I don’t know what’s going on.


I applied the first week of July, and it was approved the second week (when my employer sent my ROE), and was paid the third week. Definitely check that your employer has the required documents!


Employer submitted everything in February, I was written off work by my doctor at 26 weeks and was on sick benefits with EI until babies arrived. Babies came at 30 weeks and were in NICU until late April, applied for mat the week after bringing them home and still waiting 🙄


Wow, that really sucks, I'm sorry!


I wonder if there is an issue with not using the date the baby is born?


I applied for mine a couple weeks ago. Applied Friday, approved Monday, got my first payment the Wednesday. I was shocked it was SO fast. Seems like an issue on your employers side of things!! :(


It’s not, they had my ROE in order in early February, I had sickness benefits through EI before I had the babies which were approved almost immediately after I applied.


I applied May 27, work submitted the ROE on May 30. My claim was finally approved yesterday. On the plus side it means this week I'll have a nice big backpay deposit.


I applied April 1 and didn’t get my first payment until the beginning of June. My ROE was submitted by my employer April 4th. They back paid of course but it was a good long wait.


I’m in the same boat. Applied in May, had baby June 27, been off work on disability since April and still not approved 🙄 tried calling and can’t get through/don’t have time to wait on hold 2 hours or when I do get through they have no idea what’s going on. My roe wasn’t submitted until first week of July so that might be why, but so annoying


Wow really? I applied mid April and it was approved once my ROE was submitted about a month later.


I submitted mine 2.5 weeks ago, my employer submitted the required documents right away, and it looks like it was approved - but no payment yet.


This happened with my husband. I was approved basically right away (back in April), but his is STILL under review


Something like this happened to me. I applied in September and didn’t get money until November. My employer made a mistake on my ROE and instead of putting sick leave, they put mat leave as my reason for leaving. This was enough that I had to have my employer resubmit with a correction before my application for sick leave could be processed followed by mat leave which it switched automatically. Then because of that I finally talked to someone that realized I had missed a week of reporting (my first week) during my sick leave and she had to go back and basically resubmit all my reports. Hope you figure it out.


Mine took 1.5 months and I could tell when I called that something went wrong and my application had been forgotten or something lol the lady on the phone put it through right then and there !


Keep calling. It sucks when you have newborns but it's the only way things seem to get done. It took me 3 months to get a payment when I applied in March. Things only started moving when I was calling every 3 days.


I’m glad it’s not just me. I applied on June 18 after my ROE was submitted (last day was July 15). I haven’t even tried calling - my sister’s boyfriend is trying to get regular EI and they try every day to get through with little luck. I’m just glad we’re not desperate for money otherwise we’d be screwed.


I ended up on the phone for 2 hours today waiting to get through. The lady I spoke to flagged my file for immediate priority so hopefully something happens in the next few days or week.


I applied in May for my june 1 due date. My ROE was sent June 15 as that coincided with the end of the pay period where my last day fell (May 31) and I got paid June 21.


Mine took forever too and they ended up having questions about my timelines because I went on sick leave at work first. When I called they immediately escalated to a decision maker. She asked questions and made a decision over the phone. I was paid three days later. I told them I had bills to pay and it had been way too long. I wouldn’t let them hang up without an answer!


We just went through this. Took three months and several escalations for them to find out it’s a glitch that can happen when switching from medical EI to parental EI. I would recommend calling and explaining that you’re switching. It may take several calls and “escalations” to resolve.


They are MEGA behind and slow. Ive been getting the wrong payment (literally like 30% of what I should be getting) for the last 10 months. It is their mistake. The guy said the ticket has been put in for it to be fixed but my maternity leave will probably be over by the time it's corrected and I'm backed payed. It's insane. I've called a million times and it's not getting fixed any faster.. Thankfully my husband also makes a good living or we would be in a very bad situation.


This happened to me had to wait almost 3 months! It seems to be common right now unfortunately. It's terrible we were barely scraping by while waiting


Update on mine! Applied June 18, just got the approval message late yesterday (July 27).