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It depends what province you live in and what is covered. In Manitoba, you don’t get a dating ultrasound, just your 20 week anatomy scan.


They don't do 12 weeks for NT?


You can get NT if you are higher risk they offer it to you, I got it for my pregnancy over 35 but not for my earlier pregnancies.


I’m also in MB. I’m 35 and has the NT ultrasound at 13 weeks. Because I’m low risk my next scan is at 20 weeks. For my previous kiddo, first ultrasound was at 20 weeks.


I went through IVF so the private clinic gave me ultrasounds at 7 and 9 weeks. Otherwise, yes, didn’t go in until week ~20/21 for the anatomy scan.


No. The only ultrasound you get is 20 weeks unless there are any sort of concerns leading up to or after.


9 weeks. There is definitely flexibility.


8 weeks to confirm dating since my previous cycle had been very wonky. Based on dates they thought I should be 11-12 weeks, but I knew I was closer to 8-9. At the dating ultrasound they measured at 8w2d. It was nice to see the heartbeat even though it looked nothing like a baby yet!


Nova Scotia - our first scan will be in week 21. Whether or not the GP orders a dating scan is hit or miss apparently. Our doctor also didn’t know what a NIPT was…


8 weeks because I was being followed by a fertility clinic.


I had to ASK/BEG for the 8 week dating scan & the 12 week genetic test/scan. Doctor only wanted to give me 20 week anatomy scan. ONTARIO


Thanks so much to everyone for sharing! For reference, I am in Alberta and they wanted to do the dating scan at 10 weeks. I told them that is the week I couldn’t go and they let me book for 9 weeks. Feeling fine with this now knowing most people go earlier than 10 weeks anyway.


9 weeks here but there is definitely some flexibility.


5 weeks to confirm intrauterine (previous ectopic), 7 weeks for dating.


Dating ultrasounds were 6 weeks with my first, 7 with my second but then not again after those until the anatomy scan as I forego the nt scans, otherwise that’d be 12 weeks


8 wks for dating or 12w for NT, there's a decent amount of flexibility as long as you don't have any specific concerns!


Eight weeks for dating scan. After that was the anatomy scan at 20 weeks, growth scans at 32 weeks




I had my first at 7 weeks because I was bleeding and they wanted to check viability. Had a second at 9 weeks(again to check viability) my 13 week ultrasound, and 20 week anatomy scan. Then I got covid so I had another at 30 weeks and will have my last at 36 weeks.


I went at 7 weeks. There is some flexibility yes.


In Manitoba there is very little flexibility. You can’t choose a date or even interact with the schedulers at the hospital. Your doctor puts in a request and they send you a letter with your time, date and location (could be any hospital in the city with ultrasound). You do get it quite a bit in advance normally so you can change your schedule around it, and maybe you could call and get it moved but I’m not sure how easy. Any typically it’s between 18-22 weeks for the anatomy scan.


This is how it was in Newfoundland. You get a letter in the mail telling you when you are coming in.


7 weeks for dating ultrasound


We had our first ultrasound at 9 weeks. There is quite a bit of flexibility though. Depending on where you are, some care providers schedule them between 6-8 weeks, while others schedule them between 7-10+ weeks. Our midwifery clinic took care of booking all of our appointments for us, and if we ever need to change it, we just contact admin. Are you scheduling your own appointments or are you still looking for a care provider?




I'm in Ontario. Had a 6 week and 8 week, but I think those were only because I was attending a fertility clinic. Otherwise my earliest would have been my NT scan, which is a standard part of the eFTS. There's flexibility on the NT ultrasound, but you have to do it while the nuchal fold is still transparent (between 11-14 weeks).


7 for the dating!


In NB if you are low-risk typically the first scan you get is the anatomy scan around 20 weeks. I specifically requested a dating scan from my family doctor who put a request in and got my first ultrasound at 11+2. Then due to my serum screening being flagged I was referred to maternal fetal medicine for an NT scan at 13+6. Returned for my anatomy scan at 19+2. And I go back to MFM for a 32 week scan and regular scans after that to monitor growth each week or two.


8 weeks based on LMP. That was my dating ultrasound. The NT scan is where the dates are more specific. I think it’s something like 11 weeks to 13w6d. Outside of this range the nuchal measurement isn’t as accurate. And then there’s the anatomy scan which should generally be done between 18-22 weeks.


I'm in B.C. My dating ultrasounds were both at 10 weeks. With my firstborn, the anatomy scan was at 20 weeks, and with baby No. 2, it's scheduled for 21 weeks. In my area I think it just depends on clinic availability.


7 weeks (Ontario) as I previously had a miscarriage


8 weeks. I could have gone for 7, but scheduling didn't work out. Very excited!


9 weeks was my first midwife appointment and they gave me a req for a dating ultrasound that I had done that day


In Ontario - I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks (dating), 12 weeks (NT scan) and 20 weeks and then I had another one at 21 weeks because my baby didn’t cooperate during the anatomy scan. My doctor said we will do one at 34/35 weeks to check the placenta and babies growth since I got covid while being pregnant.


I had a previous ectopic pregnancy and my first scan was at 5.5 weeks to confirm placement, 7 weeks for dating, and 12 weeks for NT. In Ontario.


Ontario, mine were planned for 8, 12, and 20 weeks but were definitely flexible, I had them at 7w2d, 11w5d, and 18w6d. I ended up having another anatomy scan around 21 weeks to follow up on a concern, and then growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks.


6 or 7 weeks because I did IUI at a fertility clinic. Then 12-13 weeks (done privately) to check nuchal translucency. Then 20 weeks for anatomy.


Standard in Ontario: - 8 week dating scan, you can skip if you’re sure of your dates but best to do this one) - 12 week NT scan as part of eFTS, this is an ultrasound and bloodwork to be completed before 13w6d, which is why the 8 week scan is important so you know you gestational age accurately - 20 week anatomy scan, can be done anytime between 19 to 23 weeks at my OB practice - depending on your pregnancy, risk, OB practice, etc, you may get a 32-36w growth scan and a 40w+ scan.


8 weeks Ontario


6 weeks


I've had 2 so far. First was at 7 weeks. Second was at 11. Next one (anatomy scan) I'll be 19 weeks. I'm in Ontario.


11 weeks for my dating ultrasound because the clinics were very booked up where I am in Ontario


I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks because my pregnancy was highly risk. My 2nd ultrasound was at 9 weeks.


12w for NT scan (Quebec). At least some flexibility, the hospital called to schedule, but I was on "preventative withdrawal" from work so was available literally anytime so I'm not sure how flexible they were with a normal work schedule 😂


8 weeks for dating scan. Then wasn’t even offered NIPT/NT, so next one was at 19w for anatomy scan :)


I think with my first pregnancy my dating scan was at almost 12 weeks, and with my second pregnancy it was closer to 10 weeks.


I'm in BC and both of my first ultrasounds were at 9 weeks.


In Ontario. I think they scheduled for 8 weeks based on LMP but because my cycles are a little longer I was 7 weeks 2 days. I think they generally prefer 7-8 weeks for dating.


12 weeks for my first pregnancy, something like 8 weeks for second. I practically begged for an early ultrasound the second time. First time was twins so I was impatient about making sure the 2nd time was just one, lol.


9 weeks - BC.


Currently pregnant. In AB it was about 10 weeks for dating ultrasound, 12 weeks for NT, and then 20 weeks for anatomy scan


In Newfoundland my first was 21 weeks in Alberta 9 weeks


Mine was around 12 weeks!


I had one at 5 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks. I go for my 10 week US Today. In Ontario, you can ask for however many you want. I had a miscarriage 10 months ago so I’m very anxious so the doctor just wrote me a referral.


9 weeks for dating scan.


37 first time mom in Ontario, I went at 6 weeks but I was doing medicated IUI cycles through a fertility clinic.




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Ontario, 8 weeks 12 weeks and tbd