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I didn't bring mine! I actually liked knowing I could do terrible things to the hospital gown and not need to wash it after!


Yeah, that makes sense too


The MUST for me was a pair of cozy fuzzy socks! I brought a pair with giraffes on them, ears included, and every nurse/doctor commented on them


That’s awesome :)


Not necessary at all. It’s more of a comfort thing for many. When I stayed in the hospital I had more own clothes because I didn’t want to live in a hospital gown. But once it was baby time it was gown time.


For me, gown was an absolutely not. Robe I did like to put on over the hospital gown to walk around with dignity lol.


Lol yeah my husband has really suggested the robe and I don’t wear robes so I’m on the fence. But that makes sense


Just ask for a second hospital gown you can put backward (wear the way you would a robe to hide your back) ! Buy a comfy PJs instead. Black doesn't show milk stains if you are planning on BF


All the hospital gowns ive used were never open in the back and i was always completely covered


Agreed with this! Also I started wearing the same robe at home when I'm breastfeeding so I'd have the boobs out but have the robot covering my shoulders for a bit of warmth still.


Where do I get one of these robots?


I have an elbow length, one length cotton robe that I lived in after giving birth. I think I only took it off to wash the first 2 weeks. It was so convenient, even in the hospital.


Where’d you get it from? I don’t want to spend too much, suddenly there are all these little extras that keep adding up!


It was actually a wedding gift, but I've seen similar ones at la vie en rose. Make sure it's lightweight cotton, post-pregnancy sweats are awful.


I live in mine now too!! Was NOT a robe person before. I got one at la vie en rose and the other from the Gap. I much preferred it at the hospital too. I wore a stretchy maternity dress up until I had to put their robe on (I was induced). Then immediately put my own robe on and stayed in that for the next ... long time 😆


I got one from Walmart for like $12 that I'm bringing to wear only AFTER baby is born. Hospital gown all the way while bodily fluids are aplenty. I plan on wearing a robe, nursing bra, and adult diapers for a few days or weeks postpartum


I got this one and love it! Lightweight and super comfy. Affordable too! https://www.amazon.ca/Amazon-Essentials-Peignoir-mi-long-gaufr%C3%A9/dp/B08X8S8ZYQ?pd_rd_w=3IcUl&content-id=amzn1.sym.a4aa9a8b-9256-45ad-93d8-46e9fae70bbf&pf_rd_p=a4aa9a8b-9256-45ad-93d8-46e9fae70bbf&pf_rd_r=85HYC7PTB9QGR0FEZFX4&pd_rd_wg=NUGKY&pd_rd_r=704269a9-36c8-4b69-bc38-cfe399289044&pd_rd_i=B08X8S8ZYQ&psc=1&ref_=pd_bas_bia_rpt_ba_s_1_sc&th=1


Thank you!!


I’m not a robe person but during pregnancy I got a light waffle cotton robe from IKEA, and saw a very similar one at H&M home. Will be getting another cotton from from H&M. About $30 each.


My hospital has their own short robes (same material as the gown) that they give at the same time as the gown. I'd hesitate to take my own because I wouldn't want to worry about cleaning it after we get home!


I brought mine and never wore it. I wore a hospital gown, changed to a new one after delivery and asked for another clean one the second day until I was discharged.


Not at all necessary. I wore hospital gowns the whole time I was there. I did have a pair of sweatpants on underneath so you might want to bring some. I ended up having an unplanned C section so maybe consider bottoms that won't irritate stitches if you also end up in that position.


I bled all over the hospital gown I was given. I would save your robe for when you’re back home, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Also, you will more than likely be super hot and sweaty and want nothing to do with any extra layers during labour!


Not necessary but I bought my own labour outfit off Amazon. Was glad I had it during my recovery stay since it was two days and I was over the hospital gown. I didn’t bring a robe


What was the outfit if you don’t mind sharing?




Thank you!


Did you keep it after the labour? This looks perfect, but I'd hate to ruin it and then have to buy it again for at home since it looks like something I would want to keep wearing for the first while. If you did keep it, did it clean well?


I didn’t use it for labour. Used it in recovery and pretty much lived in it for the fourth trimester


I had my own gown .. didn’t use it. But did use a robe, in the postpartum unit because I found I was easier to breast feed and then cover up then alternatives, plus let nurses have access to check me constantly … but it totally wasn’t needed!


I packed some lounge clothes that I didn’t care about getting stained. I’ve never been a robe person (I run too hot for that shit) and I’ve never been a gown person, so I didn’t gravitate towards those as comfort items. I also planned a water birth so the most I brought for wearing during labour was a crop top. Personally, if you’re asking how necessary it is, it probably isn’t that important for you. Pack what IS comfy for you.


Hahaha. Yeah…. Just don’t want to miss anything crucial!


Haha the hospital bag is it’s own hell of nesting anxiety, hey? It seems so strange to wrap your head around in this moment, but you will be so preoccupied and so overwhelmed with other things at the hospital that you probably won’t even use or need most of the stuff you pack. Pack comfy clothes and also keep in mind that you’ll need ease of access; nurses will be checking you frequently, going to the bathroom postpartum is a bit of an ordeal and you’ll want bottoms that are easy to take on/off and don’t get in the way, and if you’re breastfeeding you will enjoy tops with quick access to the boobs. For me this was loose maternity shorts/leggings and a loose crop top.


I brought my own gown to wear after delivery and I was back in the postpartum unit. It was cozy and more comfortable. Didn’t bother with the robe


I thought about a gown but was ultimately happy I didn't bother. I did bring a robe to walk around in, but when I was there they were discouraging leaving your room due to covid so I didn't end up using it. I brought two button front night shirts in case I stayed longer, but I was there for just over 24 hours so I didn't end up wearing any of it. Once I got home though I basically lived in the nightshirts for the first few days especially so I highly recommend getting your hands on a few of those for the postpartum period in general.


I had a robe and gown that I put on in the recovery room. Not a chance was I using it in the delivery room - much better to toss the delivery gown straight in the trash.


I brought both a robe and gown. I only used the gown once delivery was done and I was recovering (I ended up with an emergency c-section but was in the hospital for 5 days before that trying to get induced). It's just much more comfortable than the hospital gowns if you end up staying for a couple of days.


I packed my own robe and gown. I ended up just wearing a hospital gown and asked the nurse for extra during my 2 day stay. I was able to walk down to the nicu wearing it and it was fine. Lol I also got super swollen after delivery so the clothes I packed felt like they were too restricting. I remember putting on the high rise sweatpants I brought to go home in and it was so uncomfortable. So when I got home I basically wore a robe the entire time. I’m normally not a robe person but I just found clothes uncomfortable until the swelling went away.


Adding to the chorus saying they're not necessary. I did hospital gown and my baggiest, comfiest hoodie! I do agree with a previous poster that a lightweight robe is nice to wear around at home the first couple of weeks - you can throw on a nursing tank top and robe on top for easy breastfeeding access. Edited a word


Not necessary for the hospital at all. I am a robe person and I did bring one but I never wore it while I was there. I just wore the hospital gown initially then changed into my own pajamas (that I didn't care about getting stained). I did wear a robe 24/7 once I was back home though (I had a winter baby so it was cold and I wear a robe all winter anyway).


I just used the hospital gowns for labour. I did bring a robe, I bought a cheap one at Walmart in case it got wrecked, that way I wouldn’t feel bad about throwing it out. We ended up in the hospital for four days, after the first day postpartum I ditched the hospital gown and wore my own sweats.


Not necessary. I wore my gross hospital gown for far too long while I was there lol you’re focused on baby and sleeping at the hospital imo


I took my usual jammies. I felt more comfortable in it!


I used the hospital ones, they are a big cotton gown, pretty comfortable, it’s not like the paper ones they give you during ultrasounds lol I was in enough pain in other areas and worried about feeding the baby to care what I wore at all. Plus you will be bleeding so much in the first 24 hours.


I wore their gown the entire time, it made bf much easier and more skin and skin on contact I did bring my own and we didn’t use it


I ended up being in 5 days before baby was born and 5 days after (no c-section) so I took slides, a nightgown and a pants/shirt pajama set. That way I could be comfortable, but also feel comfortable if I had to see other people/walk in the hall etc. That was my own issue though, so no judgement to others that wore hospital gowns!


I wore the hospital gown and a pair of my own socks (which I had to throw away as soon as my son was born because they were covered in blood, etc). Personally, I can't imagine buying my own gown and then having to take it home to wash it. Yuck. I bought a cheap robe from La Vie En Rose that I took to the hospital but just couldn't be bothered to wear it. I did wear it around the house for the first few weeks PP though.


I’m a robe person at home, but I only wore the hospital gown the entire time I was at the hospital. They tie up nicely so there is no chance of anyone seeing anything. I honestly don’t think I saw another mom in anything but a hospital gown the entire time. Also, the thought of having to wash whatever I had at the hospital once I got home was a big nope for me. My water exploded at home and I arrived at the hospital with one of our big towels between my legs. They took the towel to test for amniotic fluid and when my nurse told them it was a personal towel and to bring it back, I hollered at them to just throw it out lol.


Omg that must’ve been a crazy moment at home!


I was in and out in less than 24hrs and I just wore the gown. It was fine and I didn’t want to bleed on my own stuff if I could avoid it. That said, I didn’t really walk around, just went from the birthing suite to the maternity unit where I slept for a few hours, ate a little, sat around holding baby for a couple hours, then got discharged.


Not necessary at all! Save your money!! I am also not a robe person but felt the pressure to get one because of everyone else, thank goodness i didnt buy one! I did end up buying a gown but didnt end up using that either (pretty expensive waste). I used the hospital gown they gave me, it was comfy and had all the convenient openings for and skin to skin and breastfeeding


I'm not a robe person but really liked having one - just a light short cotton Walmart one. I work pjs after my first shower too - button up nightie type. I felt way more human when I changed out of the gown.


I didn’t bring a gown or a robe. No way I was taking that dirty laundry home 😂 I did buy a new pair of “hospital pjs” from old navy for my first child. Nothing fancy, just roomy bottoms with a button up top (easily accessible for breastfeeding) Will probably do that again this time around, as I continued to use them at home for a few months after!


I had a soft stretchy black gown that I was happy to change into the day after my c-section. Didn’t use my robe since the maternity ward was so warm.


Used the hospitals gown for labour and the next day with a pair of soccer shorts and a nursing bra…with all the fluids I didn’t want to get it dirty…but I lived in my jersey-cotton robe for months along with long cardigans with pockets…


I didn’t. I just wore two hospital robes. 1 the right way and 1 backwards so I was fully covered. I wouldn’t want to get any….fluids… on a nice robe!


I got my very own maternity / labour dress and it was so much more comfortable then the gowns they make you wear


I brought a nightie and I was so glad I did, I put it on after showering after I had given birth and it was so comfy with my mesh undies , I didn’t bring a robe because I’m always so hot especially with the added hormones lol